Chapter Fifteen

1089 Words
The bell rang, signaling the end of the first period. Addison and Maddie gathered their belongings, ready to head to their next class. The bustling hallways of the school were filled with the usual chatter and laughter of students. Addison navigated through the crowd with ease, Maddie keeping pace beside her. "So, what's next?" Maddie asked, glancing at her new schedule. "History," Addison replied, leading the way. "It's not too bad, and Mr. Thompson is pretty laid-back." As they entered the classroom, Mr. Thompson greeted them with a friendly nod. The two cousins took seats near the middle, where they could easily see the board but also chat without drawing too much attention. The lesson began, and Addison found herself drifting in and out of focus. She couldn't help but glance at Maddie, who seemed genuinely interested in the lecture about ancient civilizations. Addison smiled, appreciating Maddie's curiosity and enthusiasm. During a group activity, Addison and Maddie teamed up, discussing the significance of historical artifacts. Their conversation flowed naturally, punctuated with laughter and shared insights. It was clear that their bond was growing stronger with each passing moment. By lunchtime, Addison felt a sense of relief. The morning had gone smoothly, and she was grateful for Maddie's company. They made their way to the cafeteria, where the aroma of various foods filled the air. Addison and Maddie found a table near the window, enjoying the view of the school courtyard. They chatted about their classes, shared jokes, and even made plans for the weekend. As they were finishing their lunch, Addison noticed two familiar figures entering the cafeteria. Roxie and Rhonda, Abel and Kaine's ex-girlfriends, sauntered in, their presence commanding attention. Addison felt a knot form in her stomach, a mix of anxiety and anger. "Great," she muttered under her breath. "Here come the drama queens." Maddie followed her gaze, her eyes narrowing as she spotted the duo. "Who are they?" "Roxie and Rhonda," Addison replied, keeping her voice low. "They used to date Abel and Kaine. Things ended... badly." Before Maddie could respond, Roxie and Rhonda spotted them and made a beeline for their table. Their expressions were a mix of smugness and hostility. "Well, well, well," Roxie sneered as she stopped in front of them. "If it isn't the new girl and her little cousin." Rhonda crossed her arms, her eyes fixed on Addison's neck. "Still flaunting those marks, I see. How cute." Addison took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "What do you want, Roxie?" "Oh, just to chat," Roxie said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "We were wondering how it feels to be a replacement." Maddie bristled, her protective instincts kicking in. "Back off, Roxie. Addison doesn't need your crap." Roxie turned her gaze to Maddie, her smile cold. "And who are you to tell me what to do, little girl?" Rhonda stepped closer, her voice menacing. "Maybe we should teach you both a lesson." Addison stood up, her eyes blazing with anger. "Leave us alone. We're not looking for trouble." "Too bad," Roxie replied, pushing Addison back into her seat. "Because trouble found you." The cafeteria fell silent as the confrontation escalated. Students watched, their eyes wide with anticipation. Maddie stood up, stepping between Addison and Roxie. "Touch her again, and you'll regret it," Maddie warned, her voice steady and cold. Roxie laughed, but it was cut short as Maddie grabbed her wrist and twisted it, forcing Roxie to her knees. Rhonda lunged at Maddie, but Addison intercepted her, shoving her back with surprising strength.The scene quickly devolved into chaos. Roxie managed to break free from Maddie's grip and swung a fist at her, but Maddie ducked and countered with a punch to Roxie's stomach. Rhonda, meanwhile, clawed at Addison, trying to land a hit. Addison dodged and kicked Rhonda's legs out from under her, sending her sprawling to the floor. Teachers rushed into the cafeteria, shouting for the students to break it up. Mr. Thompson and Coach Harris managed to separate the girls, holding them back as they continued to struggle. "Enough!" Coach Harris bellowed, his voice echoing through the room. "Everyone to the principal's office, now!" Addison and Maddie, breathing heavily and bruised, were escorted out of the cafeteria alongside Roxie and Rhonda. The walk to the principal's office was tense, the silence only broken by their labored breathing. In the office, Principal Carter sat behind his desk, his expression stern. He listened to the teachers' accounts of the fight, then turned his attention to the four girls. "This behavior is unacceptable," he said, his voice cold. "You will all receive detention, and I expect you to resolve whatever issues you have without resorting to violence. Understood?" Addison nodded, her gaze fixed on the floor. Maddie glanced at her, concern etched on her face.Just as the principal was about to dismiss them, the door to the office swung open. Kaine and Abel strode in, their presence immediately commanding attention. They moved with a confidence that came naturally to Alpha's sons. "Principal Carter, Coach Harris," Kaine began, his voice firm but polite, "we need to discuss the situation with Addison and Maddie." Principal Carter looked surprised but nodded. "Very well. Please explain." Abel stepped forward. "As the Alpha's sons, we must remind you that Addison is our future Luna. Coach Harris, you have no authority to punish her." Coach Harris opened his mouth to protest, but Kaine cut him off. "We understand school rules must be followed, but this matter involves pack dynamics and respect. Addison was defending herself and her cousin from an unprovoked attack." The principal hesitated, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "I understand your position, but school rules—" "Will be respected," Abel interjected, "but we must ensure that Addison and Maddie are treated fairly. Detention for defending themselves is not fair." After a moment of tense silence, Principal Carter sighed. "Very well. Addison and Maddie, you are excused from detention this time. But I expect no more incidents." Addison and Maddie nodded, relief washing over them. As they left the office with Kaine and Abel, Maddie couldn't help but grin. "That was impressive," she whispered to Addison. "Having Alpha sons as mates definitely has its perks." Addison smiled, feeling a surge of pride and gratitude. "Yeah, it does." As they walked back to class, Addison felt a renewed sense of determination. With her mates, her pack, and her cousin by her side, she was ready to face whatever challenges came her way. Together, they could handle anything.
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