Chapter Fourteen

1061 Words
As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, Addison stirred. She carefully extricated herself from the embrace of her mates, not wanting to wake them. Slipping out of bed, she tiptoed to the bathroom to freshen up. The cool water on her face helped to clear the remnants of sleep from her mind. After a quick shower, Addison dressed in her school uniform, a simple yet elegant ensemble that highlighted her natural beauty. She glanced at herself in the mirror, noting the marks on her neck, the symbols of her bond with Abel and Kaine. A small smile played on her lips as she touched the marks, feeling a sense of pride and belonging. Returning to the bedroom, she found Abel and Kaine still asleep, their faces relaxed and peaceful. She leaned down and kissed each of them softly on the cheek. "I'm off to school," she whispered. "I'll see you both later." Abel stirred slightly, opening one eye. "Have a good day, Addison," he murmured sleepily. "Be safe," Kaine added, his voice thick with sleep. Addison grabbed her backpack and quietly left the room, heading downstairs. The packhouse was beginning to come alive, with pack members greeting her as she made her way to the door. She waved and exchanged a few pleasantries before stepping outside into the crisp morning air. Addison was about to leave when Maddie met up with her. "Leaving without me?" she asked, hands on her hips, a mock pout on her lips. Addison couldn't help but laugh. "I thought I'd let you sleep in and see how it goes," she replied with an amused chuckle. Maddie rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh please, like I’d miss a chance to ride in your fancy new car. Besides, who else is going to keep you entertained on the drive to school?" The two of them climbed into Addison's new car and headed towards school. "So, tell me how stuff works in this pack?" Maddie asked, her curiosity evident. Addison smiled, thinking about how to best explain the dynamics of her pack. "Well, it's pretty structured but also very close-knit. We have an Alpha, who is the leader, and then there are the Betas, who are second in command. The rest of the pack falls into various roles, like warriors, scouts, and healers. Everyone has a role, and we all look out for each other." Maddie nodded, intrigued. "And you? What's your role? Head cheerleader of the pack?" Addison laughed. "I’m kind of in a unique position. Being mated to the Alpha sons, Abel and Kaine, gives me a bit more influence, but I’m still finding my place. I help out wherever I'm needed." Maddie raised an eyebrow. "And how does the whole mating thing work? Is it like, super official or more casual? Like, do you get matching T-shirts or something?" Addison chuckled. "It's pretty official. The bond is strong, and it's recognized by the entire pack. It means we're committed to each other for life. The marks on my neck signify that bond." Maddie glanced at the marks, her eyes widening slightly. "Wow, that's intense. But it sounds kind of amazing too, having that kind of connection. Also, if those are the marks, I definitely need to invest in some scarves for you. Or, like, permanent turtlenecks." "It is amazing," Addison agreed. "It's like having a constant support system. No matter what happens, I know I have them by my side. And I'll consider the scarf suggestion." Maddie grinned. "Good. I'm not ready to answer questions about your love bites just yet." The rest of the drive was filled with easy conversation, Maddie keeping things light with her humor. They talked about school, friends, and the little adventures they hoped to have. When they finally arrived at school, Addison felt a sense of contentment. She had her mates, her pack, and her friends—all the pieces of her life fitting together perfectly. As they walked into the school, Addison took a deep breath, ready to face the day with confidence and the knowledge that she was never truly alone. "So, any chance your pack does early morning yoga? Because my back is killing me," Maddie said with a smirk. Addison laughed, shaking her head. "Not that I know of, but I'll ask the Alpha for you." "Great, because nothing says ‘ready to face the day’ like downward dog at the crack of dawn," Maddie quipped, making Addison laugh even harder. With a light heart and a bright smile, Addison stepped into the school, ready to embrace whatever the day had in store for her. As Addison and Maddie walked into school. "The Luna said you were staying for a while during the whole figuring out the whole doom and gloom thing right? Then I guess we should go swing by the office and get you a schedule and get you enrolled in classes and all that stuff." Addison suggested. "You would have to make this boring for me wouldn't you?" Maddie said with a cheeky grin and Addison nudged her. It was weird. It was like for the first time Addison kind of had a friend. She knew that they were related and that made the bond closer but she had never had such great connection with another person so quickly before. Addison and Maddie headed to the office to get the schedule figured out for Maddie. It took some time for the ladies in the office to get Maddie's stuff transferred from her previous school. By the time it was sorted, they had missed the first half of the first class. Addison and Maddie walked to Addison's English class. As they stepped in, the usual angry tone of her teacher, Miss Hawthorne, was missing. Addison followed her line of sight to the marks on her neck. In fact she could feel the whole classroom staring at her. "Addison. Who do you have with you?" The teacher asked in a kind voice as Addison handed her the tardy note. "My cousin Maddie, she's going to be with us for the rest of the year." "Take a seat." The teacher directed them. Addison and Maddie both took up seats in the back, noting the stares from the rest of the class. "Well, someone's popular." Maddie said with a laugh. "Looks like it." Addison agreed.
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