Chapter Sixteen

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As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Addison and Maddie packed up their belongings with a mix of relief and trepidation. The confrontation in the cafeteria and the subsequent meeting with the principal had left them both on edge. "Ready to go?" Maddie asked, her voice tinged with nervous energy. Addison nodded. "Yeah, let's get out of here." They walked through the crowded hallways, students bustling around them. The usual after-school chatter seemed louder than usual, adding to the tension they both felt. As they exited the building, the summer sun cast long shadows across the school grounds. Waiting for them at the base of the steps were Abel and Kaine. Their expressions were serious, a stark contrast to the carefree demeanor they usually exhibited. Addison felt her heart sink. She could sense the storm brewing. "Hey," she greeted them, trying to keep her voice light. Abel's eyes were sharp as he looked at her. "Addison, why didn't you tell us that Roxie and Rhonda have been giving you trouble?" Addison shifted uncomfortably, glancing at Maddie before meeting Abel's gaze. "I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. I thought I could handle it." "Yeah, but how long have they been giving you trouble? Is it new.. or?" Kaine suddenly asked. Addison sighed. "Since the middle of junior high." Kaine didn't seem to like that response. "Addison, you should have told us. We would have never dated them if we knew they were picking on our favorite girl.." Abel crossed his arms, his jaw clenched. "This is a big deal, Addison. We're your mates. We need to know when something like this is happening." Maddie stepped in, trying to defuse the situation. "Look, she didn't want to worry you guys. She was just trying to deal with it on her own." Abel's irritation was palpable. "That's not the point. We're supposed to protect each other. How can we do that if we don't know what's going on?" Addison felt a lump forming in her throat. She hated disappointing them, especially when they were only trying to look out for her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to keep it from you. I just...didn't want to seem weak." Kaine's expression softened slightly, but his voice remained firm. "You're not weak, Addison. You're our future Luna. You need to trust us." Addison nodded, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. "I do trust you. I promise I'll tell you next time." Abel sighed, running a hand through his hair. " careful, okay? We don't want anything happening to you." The tension eased slightly as Addison stepped closer to her mates, feeling their protective presence surround her. "I will. I promise." Maddie watched the interaction, her eyes thoughtful. "You guys really care about each other, huh?" Kaine gave her a small smile. "Yeah, we do. And that includes you now, too, Maddie." Maddie raised an eyebrow. "Me? Part of the pack protection plan?" "Absolutely," Abel said, his tone softening. "You're family." Maddie grinned. "Well, in that case, I'm glad to be part of the team." They stood there for a moment, the four of them united in their bond. Despite the earlier tension, Addison felt a renewed sense of strength and support. She knew that with Abel, Kaine, and Maddie by her side, she could face whatever challenges lay ahead. "Let's get out of here," Kaine suggested. "How about we go for a run? Clear our heads." Addison smiled, feeling the weight lift from her shoulders. "That sounds perfect." As they headed towards the woods, Addison glanced back at the school one last time. The shadows of the past still lingered, but she was ready to face them with her pack by her side. Together, they could conquer anything. As they headed towards the woods, the four of them walked in comfortable silence, the tension from earlier dissipating with each step. The dense forest was a sanctuary, a place where they could be themselves without fear or judgment. Once they were deep enough into the trees, they stopped and exchanged knowing glances. "Ready?" Abel asked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Addison nodded, feeling the familiar thrill of the shift. She stepped away from the group, giving herself enough space. With a deep breath, she allowed her wolf to come forward. Her bones shifted and lengthened, her skin rippling as fur sprouted. In moments, she stood on four legs, her sleek, white-coated wolf shaking out the transformation. Maddie followed suit, her own shift smooth and fluid. When she finished, her wolf stood next to Addison's, their strikingly similar appearances evident in the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy. Both had the same light colored fur, the same piercing blue eyes, and the same elegant build. It was almost as if they were mirror images. Abel and Kaine completed their shifts, their wolves towering and powerful, with dark fur and eyes that glowed with an inner light. As they took in the sight of Addison and Maddie, they exchanged surprised glances, realizing just how similar the two cousins' wolves looked. Addison's wolf nuzzled Maddie's, a gesture of affection and solidarity. They both looked to Abel and Kaine, who stepped forward, their wolves joining the formation. In unison, they began to run, the forest blurring around them as they picked up speed. The exhilaration of the run, the wind rushing past their fur, and the sense of unity brought a sense of freedom and clarity.They ran for miles, the world a green and brown blur. Addison felt her worries melting away with each powerful stride. She glanced over at Maddie, who looked just as euphoric, her wolf matching Addison's pace effortlessly. After a while, they slowed down, coming to a stop near a crystal-clear stream. The wolves lapped at the cool water, their breaths evening out. Addison shifted back to her human form, sitting on a large rock by the stream. Maddie followed suit, settling next to her. Abel and Kaine shifted as well, their expressions thoughtful. "Your wolves look almost identical," Kaine remarked, his eyes shifting between Addison and Maddie. "It's uncanny," Abel agreed. "I've never seen anything like it." Addison shrugged, a smile playing on her lips. "Maybe it's a family thing." Maddie grinned. "Or maybe we're just that awesome." T he four of them laughed, the tension from earlier completely gone. The forest around them seemed to hum with life, the stream's gentle babble adding to the serene atmosphere. "We should head back," Abel said after a while. "It's getting late." They nodded in agreement, and after one last drink from the stream, they began the journey back to the packhouse. The run had done its job, clearing their minds and strengthening their bond. As they walked, Addison felt a deep sense of contentment. She knew there would be more challenges ahead, but with her mates, her pack, and her cousin by her side, she was ready to face them all.

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