Chapter Seven

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Addison laid comfortably in bed wrapped up in the embrace of her two mates. She carefully slid her way out of their grasp to get dressed as the Luna knocked on the door. She sent a mind link that she would be getting dressed shortly and went about getting dressed for their outing that day. Addison pulled a gray tank top over her head and matched it with a pair of dark denim jeans and slipped on her sneakers. She clipped up her long curls and quickly headed out. She didn't know if she had woken the twins, but she had promised the current Luna that she would go shopping with her, and did not plan on turning her down. Luna Rosalyn was dressed well in a cream-colored dress and a pair of matching wedges. It was amazing to Addison, that at her age she still withheld most of her youthful appearance. They had taken a driver and one of the guards down to the local mall and planned to hit some of the more high-end stores. Rosalyn had their driver stop at the front door and got out of the car. Addison followed behind her as the two women entered the store. Addison felt out of place as she walked behind Luna Rosalyn. While she and her father had lived in the Packhouse for most of her life, Addison had never been a child, obsessed herself with material objects. She never needed more than the basic requirements, and thus had never asked for more than the minimum of what she would need to get through her days. Addison never cared if she had the nicest clothes, or the newest phone. She actually didn't even need the car she was gifted from her mates. Nor did she know exactly how to go about that entire situation. She obviously didn't want to reject her mates, Alari would have been devastated, and she had no desire to reject them. They adored her, and she had always liked them, though this relationship was quite different from the friendly environment that they had previously grown accustomed to. She wasn't quite sure about the mating thing, though she knew that she felt a strong attraction towards her mates, and her wolf definitely did as well. Her own emotions and mental state were its own battleground for her to contend with. "Addie?" Addison snapped herself out of her thoughts as Luna Rosalyn shook her arm. "Sorry." Addison said softly. Luna Rosalyn couldn't help but laugh. "I remember when I was first mated to Brennen. Like most wolves, we grew up together here in this pack. It happens, sometimes your mate is someone you've never met. Other times it's someone you've known your entire life. We always want to think that our high school crush will end up being our true mate, but there are times when the Moon Goddess has other plans. Don't think for a moment that it wasn't meant to be, the goddess has made it so. If you are fated now, then it was meant to be from the moment you were born. It's best not to question it. After all, it is rare that the Moon Goddess grants someone a second chance to mate. It's always better to do your best to hold onto the first. What's that saying? Never look a gift horse in the mouth." Addison listened to Luna Rosalyn as they walked to the first dress store. She had expected more people, but there really weren't any that she had seen. "I've already announced the match. Now to get the dress and do the ceremony. I don't want to overwhelm you, so we'll start the process of integrating you into your new role very slowly. Especially since you'll still be attending school. I was thinking about sometime in the summer. Maybe a few days after your high school graduation would be nice. Until then, you'll be expected to attend meetings and events, such as the monthly Alpha Summit. As the Luna to my sons, you'll need to be present to help represent our pack and support your mates. While it might seem like a lot, I have no worries. I'm sure you'll do great things, Addie." Rosalyn took Addison by the hand and pulled her into the shop. They walked towards the back where a short female with thick-rimmed glasses was standing. "I'm Lizzie, i'll be taking your measurements for your dress. We also have some clothing samples the Luna would like you to look at for different events. However, the dress for your Ascension ceremony must, of course, be an original design." Addison was a bit taken aback by that. "How horrible would it be if someone came to your ceremony with a dress just like yours? The Luna dress must be a custom design for this reason. No one may overshadow the Luna on her Ascension day. I won't have it." Addison couldn't help but laugh in response to her comment. Someone wearing a dress like hers had never occurred to her when she had decided to accept Kaine and Abel as her mates. This was a scenario that she hadn't even imagined. "Look, Rox. It's Baddie Addie!" Ronda and Roxie were standing across from her and Rosalyn. Addison avoided eye contact with them. Rosalyn had been picking through a few dress options while they waited for Lizzie to get her supplies ready for taking measurements. "She looks pretty good for a girl that stole our boyfriends out from under us. She's lived in that house with them for so long, she's probably been whoring herself out to them this entire time. I'm not sure if I believe the whole Mate thing myself. I think it's just a ploy to steal them from us!" Roxie said with a scoff, as she reached across to shove Addison. Addie slipped her right foot behind her left and steadied herself. She crossed her arms over her chest. "You knew as well as everyone else did that the second that they got their real mates, whatever girl they were using at the time would be old news. It isn't my fault you got tossed to the side. Isn't that what happens to cheap trash?" Roxie's face contorted into an ugly facial expression as she reared her hand back to slap Addison. It was just then that Rosalyn stepped from behind the clothing rack and her voice sliced through the tension in the air. "That is enough!" No more words were spoken, as Roxie dropped her hand to the side. "I'm sorry Luna! It's just..." "Please tell me that you weren't actually attempting to strike a future Luna? You know as well as everyone else in this pack knows that attempting to harm a Luna, or a future Luna is a death sentence. The mate of the Alpha is their greatest treasure and must always be protected. To say that I am disappointed in you girls, would be an understatement. It's unfortunate that my sons ever saw anything good in you two girls. I will be contacting each of your parents about this matter and I don't expect Bryce or Corbin to go easy on either of you." Rosalyn looked a terrifying sight to see, even to Addison. She watched in slight amusement as the two girls scurried off. She didn't expect them to be any nicer to her in the future, but she had to admit it was refreshing to see them put in their place. "I'm ready to take your measurements!" Lizzie said as she emerged from the back with her measuring tape and notebook. "Perfect!" Rosalyn said, her mood changing like the weather. "Let's say we enjoy the rest of our day, yes?" Luna Rosalyn said with a sweet smile in Addison's direction. "You know what? I'd love to!" Addison said in response as she shot the Luna a bright smile.
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