Chapter Eight

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Kaine and Abel had their mate in bed with them almost every night for the first week of winter break. Even so, it still felt as though she was still distancing herself from them. It was barely dawn, when Alpha Brennen linked his sons to meet him in his office. Apparently, it was urgent. “Father.” The two twins said in unison, as they entered their father’s office. Alpha Brennen motioned to the seats in front of his desk. As Kaine and Abel sat, they could tell by the solemn look on their father’s face, that this wasn’t something good. “Addison has learned of her mother. It must be heartbreaking for a young woman to learn that the mother she idolized, had once tried to kill her. As if that isn’t bad enough… my contact in Black Cresent, has notified us of something big.” Kaine looked at Abel with a strange look on his face. “Has Alpha Cecil said something?” Kaine asked, confused. “Yes. Layla has been found, alive.” A heavy atmosphere fell over the room. Kaine and Abel looked extremely uncomfortable. “What did he say, exactly?” Kaine asked. A furrowed look gathering on his face. “You’ve heard about that pack of rogues that have been gathering to the west?” “The one under that exiled Alpha? He calls himself the Rogue King. Made a whole pack out of criminals and rogues. Down where the Amethyst Grove pack used to be before it fell. We’ve all heard the stories. The guy is pure evil, you told us as kids not to stray too far from the allied territories or the Rogue King would drag us off and feed us to his demon pack.” Abel said in a hushed tone. “Yes. Well it seems that Layla is his mate. We don’t know what the actual relationship is. However she’s been seen with Alpha Draken on multiple occasions. She’s been spotted at his side, when Willow Brooke was raided, luckily its members were tipped off and didn’t suffer any large casualties. We are certain of one thing though, Layla is alive. If she still harbors dark intentions towards her daughter… then there is a very real possibility that Addison is in danger. This makes matters very difficult. Addison is a new wolf, she hasn’t had a lot of training and if she can’t defend herself, that duty falls to you.” “My mom is alive?!” Kaine and Abel’s attention snapped towards the open door. The furious look on Addison’s face was unmistakable. Abel was the first to jump up and walk towards her. A deep growl escaped her throat as he closed in. “Don’t you dare.” Her voice was barely above a whisper. She stomped into the Alpha’s office and the fiery look in her eyes, was new for the twins. “I’m so sick of everyone hiding things from me because they don’t think I can handle it. Alpha, is my mom going to try to kill me?!” “I don’t know. She’s with a pack of other rogues, a violent group of wolves that have displayed unusual movement lately. We don’t know where they are headed or even if Black Briar is a target. We can’t ignore the possibility, but we can’t predict when or if it would even happen.” Alpha Brennen said honestly. “How pathetic a Luna would I be if I can’t even defend myself against my mother? Alpha! I will not hide behind my pack and wait for everyone else to defend me. I am a wolf too, and I’m not a hopeless damsel in distress. I’m not a kid, either. I don’t need anyone to protect me, I want to protect myself.” Addison said in a sharp tone. “Spoken like a true Luna. I would expect no less from Jordon’s daughter. I’ll set you up with a training regiment. You can start this afternoon, if you’re willing to let your mates help.” “Of course. But for now on, If it concerns me, I want to know first! No more secrets.” Addison said as she turned to leave. “That went well.” Alpha Brennen said with a chuckle. The twins looked at each other before turning back to their father. “Do you think she’ll be alright?” “Do you know about the pack that Jordon came from? Or were you told about Addison’s Uncle James? Addison’s grandfather was the strongest Alpha the northern packs had ever seen. He had two sons, Jordon and James. Alpha bred, like the two of you. Anyway, when Jordon met Layla here, he gave up his spot as Alpha for his brother, and moved here. I chose Jordon as my beta after a rogue attack and I saw how well he fought. He became my best friend, and when I took the title of Alpha I named him my second in command. Addison will be a strong Luna because she has Alpha fire in her veins. I have no doubt that she’ll take to the training like you did, in fact I expect she’ll be stronger than the two of you.” Brennen said with a dark chuckle. “We love Addison, but stronger than us?” “She is stubborn, hot tempered, with an iron will, just like her grandparents. Before you know it, you’ll be following her more than she follows you. The Moon Goddess and her infinite wisdom has selected for you, a perfect match. Don’t you remember that time when Brody was picking on you? She broke his nose. Had the kid on the ground, shoved his face in the dirt. She was only eleven!” Alpha Brennen roared with laughter at the sheer thought of that memory. “Well, brother. I guess we have our work cut out for us.” Kaine said to his brother with a laugh. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Abel agreed.
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