Chapter Six

1281 Words
Addison sighed to herself, she had returned to her room and locked the door. For the moment, she only wanted to be alone. She had grown up with so much admiration for a departed mother that sacrificed herself for others. The absolute shock of what really happened was hard to come to terms with. She wanted to blame her dad for keeping things from her, but she reminded herself that her father rejected his own wife, the pain he put himself through for the sake of his daughter. That was what she admired. There was a knock at her door. She didn’t have to guess at who was at the door. She could smell the both of them. “Addie?” The sound of her name almost made her melt, almost. She threw a pillow towards the door. “Go away!” She replied and turned over in her bed and laid down to look at the ceiling as she let the spiraling thoughts consume her. The next morning, Kaine and Abel walked into their father’s office with determination on their faces. “Sons?” Brennen acknowledged them affectionately. “We want to take our mate on a small vacation for the remainder of her winter break. I think some distance from this place will do her some good.” Abel suggested. “You think a change of pace will change her mind and encourage her to give into the bond and let you mate with her? Is that the only thing you’re thinking about? I thought you were no longer boys, but grown men.” Brennen mocked his sons and let out a long sigh. “I understand your frustration, but this is all completely new for her. You have to understand that she’s just not ready yet. Be patient, understanding and comfort her. She might come around sooner than you think, she’s eighteen now. It’s very likely that her heat cycle will begin soon. Please act responsibly, think about her situation too.” Brennen said with a slight scoff, and led the boys out of his office. “Sound advice, dad.” Kaine said with a sigh. Why are you being mean to our mates? Alari asked, concerned. I’m just not in the mood for mates, boyfriends or emotions right now. I don’t want to feel anything. Addison responded sadly. What’s got you so upset? My mom hated me so much that she wanted to kill me. I was raised with an entirely different story. It hurts, like how could she hate me? Alari paused, the wolf tried to think of an answer. Because she was broken somewhere inside, she was not right. It wasn’t you, it was her. You are perfect, Addison. You are wanted, beautiful, and very loved. Don’t ever think differently. I guess you could be right. I’m always right. Alari said confidently: Addison was lying on the bed, still consumed with her thoughts, when the door opened and Abel entered with Kaine on his heels with a tray of food. Addison looked over at the pair of them and sighed. “Before you start, you need to eat. Taking care of our mate is a top priority. So you’re gonna sit up and let us take care of you, until you feel good enough to do it on your own.” Kaine said, once again annoying her with all that sound logic of his. The three of them grouped on her bed as Abel fed her bites of pancakes and sausages. Abel would take a break here and there, and Kaine would hold the cup of kiwi strawberry juice, for her to drink through the straw. “How did you know that strawberry Kiwi is my favorite flavor?” “We’ve known you forever.” The twins said in unison. It made her laugh. Once her meal was finished, Kaine got up to return the tray to the kitchen, while Abel moved to the bathroom to run her a warm bubble bath. The effort wasn’t wasted on Addison, even if she didn’t speak up on it. She appreciated it, and Alari was over the moon with their display of affection. Addison didn’t have time to protest, as Kaine returned just in time to scoop her up in his arms and carry her into the bathroom, where Abel was waiting for them. “I don’t want to undress in front of you.” Addison said, suddenly shy. “Let us pamper you.” Abel demanded in an irritated voice. Before Addison could really comprehend what was happening, she had already been stripped bare, and sat down in the tub. Her mates were very gentle with her. Treating her like a small treasure, and as if she were as fragile as glass. Abel began applying soap to a bath sponge and began washing her body. While Kaine untied her hair and began washing her long lengths of hair. Addison released a soft sigh as she melted into this intimate moment. Her body felt so relaxed. Abel’s fingertips lightly brushed one of her breasts slightly. An involuntary sigh escaped her lips. Abel paused, as his eyes narrowed with a growing need that he was trying to suppress. Abel began washing her body lower, as his fingers moved across her flesh, she began to feel hotter. A growing desire rising in her. This was a dangerous game, and Addison knew it. “Want to get out now?” Kaine whispered huskily behind her ear. His warm breath on the side of her neck. There was no way that they couldn’t sense her arousal. Addison blushed, and turned her head away. “N-no. Don’t… don’t stop.” Addison almost couldn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth. Abel and Kaine said nothing. Kaine silently removed his clothing and slid into the large tub behind Addison. She was surprised, but she didn’t resist or try to hide away from him. Kaine softly nuzzled his face into her neck and began licking and kissing her there. Abel slipped into the water in front of her. He pulled her legs around him. He leaned in and kissed her lips, slipping his tongue and softly tasting her mouth. Kaine slipped his hands around her chest to softly squeeze and play with her breasts. Addison arched her back a little. A soft whimper escaped her throat. Abel broke their kiss to trail kisses down her neck. Kaine removed his hands to slide one hand between her legs. He found her clit and rubbed softly as Abel captured one of her n*****s in his mouth. Addison groaned. She had no hope of resisting them, her body melted into theirs as she gave into the immense pleasure she was feeling. “You want to move this to the bedroom, this water is getting cold.” Kaine suggested. Addison could do little but give a small nod. The twins dried themselves and Addison off briefly before pulling her into bed. She had forgotten why she had been upset and so resistant to being intimate with her mates. The tender touches she had received, had seemed to melt away all her problems. Abel climbed into bed and drew Addison in. Kaine climbed in on the other side, sandwiching her in between them. They took their turn kissing her lips, her neck, her chest. She was in a melted bliss of intimacy in her small little bubble with her mates. “Some heavy petting. Let’s not worry about hitting all the bases today, Addie. We just want to make you feel adored and loved.” Kaine said softly, sweeping her hair to the side to kiss her neck.
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