Chapter Nine

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Abel and Kaine got dressed that morning ready to help Addison begin her training. None of them knew what the future might hold. There was a danger in the knowledge of Addison’s mother being alive, especially with the new things they had been told. Abel dressed himself in a basic black tank top and a pair of dark jeans while Kaine had dressed himself in a grey tank top with a pair of acid washed jeans. They had cleared the training area for a private session to get her started. They waited there for a bit until they saw her. Addison had her beautiful long locks tucked into a long French braid that cascaded down her back. She was dressed in a blue cami tank top with a pair of dark leggings and her small feet were tucked into a pair of grey and white converse shoes. Her spiral design tattoo was visible down her right arm and the look on her face made her looked determined and beautiful. The twins breath caught as they noticed the small amount of cleavage poking out from the top of her shirt. She was torturing them by not giving in and letting them take her the way they wanted and because of that bond, they wouldn’t accept any one else. It didn’t matter that much to them, it was torture they would gladly endure for their beautiful mate. “Ready?” Abel and Kaine said in unison. Addie replied with only a small nod. “We’re gonna start easy. We’re going to attach some weights to your arms and legs and go through some basic exercises. We’re gonna do this every day for at least an hour to help build the strength in your arms and legs. Then we’ll work on speed, and finally self defense and frontal assault patterns. Rigorously, every day.” Kaine explained. “I said I’m ready. Don’t go easy on me, just because you’re my mates.” Addie replied. “Careful Princess, we fully planned on wearing you out.” Abel said with a flirtatious smile. Addison held each of her arms out to allow them to fasten the waits around her wrists and held out her ankles one at a time. Once everything was put together, she definitely felt more weighed down. She was surprised that the weights were so compact and form fitting, the black material they wrapped on her, seemed like it would weigh almost nothing, but that wasn’t the case. “Okay, first things first. You’re gonna face against Abel, and all you have to do is stay on your feet. Don’t let him take you down.” Kaine instructed. Addison wasn’t prepared for how fast Abel was. He advanced, moving rapidly to shove her. She put her hands up to block him. They continued this for several minutes. Finally, Abel pulled a cheap shot and swept his leg under hers causing her to fall backward. However, he slid his arm beneath her before she could connect. He wagged his eyebrows at her and she couldn’t help but laugh instead of getting pissed at him. He lifted her back to her feet and they started over. By the end of the exercise she was able to mirror his movements and keep herself just out of his reach for most of the exercise. She was straining to keep up, but she was making it happen. “Alright. Now a race! If you can’t beat at least one of us, you have to remove your top. If you win, we’ll finish training in just our boxers.” Abel said maniacally. “This is serious! Not a game of strip poker.” Addison whined. “Come on! Give me something babes, I’m dying.” Abel pouted. She couldn’t help but laugh. Abel tilted her chin up to look at him. He drank her in and without further hesitation, he captured her lips in a soft kiss. Addison melted. She parted her lips, and Abel slipped his tongue into her mouth, tasting her and softly massaging her tongue with his own. She felt her body heat up from his attention, before he slowly pulled back. She looked up to see Kaine looking down at her with a hungry look as he moved in to capture her lips as well. As he slipped his tongue, he pulled her body hard against him and reached his hands down to grab at her butt. When he finally pulled back, Addison was flushed and breathless. “Now, back to training.” Kaine said with a grin. They went through the rest of training in the same fashion. The two twins were more interested in watching her from behind during the race, and true to their word, they finished training in their boxers. It was a distraction from the slight erection both of them had. When they were done for the day, Addison went back to her room to take a shower. She was wrapped in a towel as she came into the room. She ran directly into a hard chest. She looked up to see Abel standing there. He didn’t ask permission this time, he slipped the towel gently off of her and pulled her to his wet body. Fresh from the shower. He pulled her to the bed. She didn’t resist. He hooked his arms around her thighs and deposited her onto the soft surface and climbed ontop of her. He started with her lips, kissing her and massaging her tongue with his own. Her core moistened and her body heated from his attention. “I want you so much, pretty baby.” Abel cooed as he slipped from her lips down her neck. She bit down on her bottom lip and rolled her head to one side to let him kiss and lick the spot where his mark would go, sending sparkles down her body. She nearly lost it when he captured one of her n*****s in his mouth. A soft moan escaped her lips. “Okay. You win, I give.” “What do I win?” Abel asked as he kissed down her stomach. “Mark me.” “Can’t do that.” Abel said softly. Addison was confused and looked down at him as he laid kisses on her stomach. “In order to have the same amount of power in the bond for each mark. Me and Kaine… we have to mark you at the same time.” “Don’t you have to be having s*x for that?” “You, the one being marked, has to be having s*x yes, but since there is circumstances where a mate is bonded to triplets… two people or three or for that matter quads can all mark a single mate as long as one of them is inside. Most choose to take both holes at the same time, but that part is up to you.” “Okay. Get Kaine, I’m ready to lose my virginity. I’m tired of all your teasing.” Addison said stubbornly. “Don’t have to tell me twice.” Kaine said as he slipped through the door. A towel was hanging around his waist. “But tonight, we’ll focus on the one first time.” “I think I’m ready.” Addie said softly. “Good, because once we do this, there’s no going back.” Kaine said as he dropped the towel and climbed in bed with them. Addison knew one thing for sure, Alari was loving this.
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