Chapter Five

1074 Words
"Addison, when you've finished eating. I would like to talk to you privately in my office." Luna Rosalyn said as Addison stuffed another mouthful of pancake into her mouth. She let out a soft sigh and nodded her head. "Of course, my Luna." Addison said and swallowed hard. The rest of breakfast went off without incident. Unfortunately, Kaine and Abel had pack business to attend to, which meant that Addison herself was completely at the Luna's mercy for whatever she had planned for that day. Addison went ahead and got dressed for the day after breakfast. She slipped into a white tanktop and a pair of black leggings and braided her long hair. She checked the mirror one more time to make sure that she looked presentable, before heading to the Luna's personal office. Rosalyn was already sitting behind a desk and going through some files, when Addison approached. "Addie, there is absolutely no need for you to seem so formal or scared. You've lived in the packhouse with my family for most of your life. There is no need for you to be afraid. Come now, sit." Rosalyn said pointing to a chair infront of her desk. Addison made her way over and took a seat slowly. She was nervous. She had never feared Rosalyn, but as her mate's mother and basically one of her landlords' she had no idea what to expect at this moment. "I am very happy that you were chosen as my son's mate. I was so afraid that they would end up paired to some waif that only wanted status and power and the arrogance and status that comes from being a Luna. A Luna cares about her people. She tends to her flock, much like that of a mother, and she protects her people at all cost.I'm not upset at all that you were chosen as their mate. I have loved you much like an aunt would love her niece, since you were very small. Did you know that you used to call me auntie Ross? It was so cute. However, there's a bigger issue I want to discuss here." Rosalyn drummed her perfectly manicured nails against her desk as she thought of how to explain the situation. "You're old enough now that you can understand and come to grip with the situations that we hid from you for so long. Do you remember your mother at all?" Rosalyn asked nervously. "Not really, just her smell and I know what she looks like because of old pictures. Why?" "Your mother isn't dead, Addison. Well, we don't actually know for sure, but she didn't die defending the pack from rogues." "What do you mean?!" "Your mother tried to kill you when you were little. She did get into a fight with some rogues and when she woke from the coma she was different, mentally unstable. It was as if her mind had fractured. She saw everything and everyone as a potential threat. She was convinced that her husband was a demon hell-bent on destroying this pack, and was certain that her daughter was draining the life from her. She called you a bad omen, thinking that if she killed you that she was saving the pack from destruction. We couldn't determine what caused it. We had her locked in a treatment facility, but nine years ago she escaped and tried to kill you. Brennen attacked her, and your father rejected her as his mate. We don't know what became of her, so we have always told you that she had met her end. We decided that when you turned eighteen we could tell you the truth. In case she is out there somewhere and our paths were to ever cross again." Addison's mind was boggled by this total bombshell of news. She took in a deep breath and released a soft sigh. "While I don't like secrets about my own life being kept away from me, I understand that you must have found it necessary to do so. I forgive you, Luna Rosalyn. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?" "Yes. We will be announcing that you will become the twins'mates. I'm sure that will cause complications, but please understand that you are under our protection, and anyone that puts their hands on a future Luna, is signing their own death warrant. You'll be graduating from high school this May, right? The Twins will ascend to Alpha status next month. I think we should wait for your ascension until you graduate and I know this is a bit personal, but I think you should wait a bit before trying for pups. At least until you have graduated and take up official office as Luna of Black Briar." Luna Rosalyn said. A hopeful look on her face. Addison must have turned three shades of red. She looked down at her hands. She was actively fidgeting as they spoke. "We haven't gotten that far yet. I'm still a virgin." Addison said, honestly. "Oh. It'll happen sooner than you think. The mate bond is an irresistible force of nature that can cause you to act on urges you never knew existed. You have two mates, so think about how strong those urges are to them. Not that I don't want to become a grandmother, just that I don't think it should happen while their mother is still focusing on her education. If you're bullied in school for any reason. Call me, Abel or Kaine, and the situation will be rectified immediately." "I'll keep that in mind, Luna Rosalyn." Addison said hopefully and stood to leave. "One more thing. I had the bank draw this up for you. Your VIP black card. All the family has a spending account with this type of credit card. This one has your name on it. You'll be going to a lot more formal events and you'll need to dress the part of a Luna in training. I would like to take you shopping before you go back to school. Or would you prefer Abel and Kaine take you in my place?" "I really don't want to be a bother to anyone, especially if there's a busy schedule already." Addison answered honestly. "I have time tomorrow. Let's go to the mall, alright?" Luna Rosalyn answered. "Of course, Luna." Addison answered and got up to leave the room. She did have a lot to think about.
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