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Everlasting darkness, it did not matter how much she ran. Everything was just black, no sounds, only the sound of her own voice. “it’s so cold here,, she said as she hugged herself, an echo followed her words. What her voice bounced off of, she knew not. She had tried to be logical in the beginning, walk in one direction, in hope to find a wall or anything really. In the process, she learned that even the tiniest whisper, would be followed by an echo. She knew this was not real. This was all just her mind, trying to tell her something. At least that was what she believes, but then again. Maybe she had just finally lost it?                       “I need to wake up!,, Solance said as she tried to pinch herself, it hurt. But it didn’t help, she couldn’t wake herself up. A feeling of despair grew in her chest, what was going on. There was nowhere to go, no light, only the darkness and the cold. She found her body shaking, was it from the cold or out of fear? Once more she found that she didn’t have the answer “I’m scared,, a sad whisper left her, has she curled up, her head to her knees. This place didn’t make any sense, a part of her understood that it wasn’t real. But that didn’t make it any less scary, it only meant she couldn’t die here… right?                       Dimitry was walking back and forth in the driveway, the only reason he hadn’t run to his mate, was because of his father. “They are almost here son,, Clyde tried to reassure his boy, but he knew it did little. His son showed remarkable control, a control that not many wolves at his young age had. And yet his son waited, understanding that his mate would arrive soon. Even Clyde was anxious, his mind link with his mate had promptly stopped. It made him worried, but he could feel she was alright. In that way he felt for his son, such a bond, to just know your other half is safe. Would his boy ever have that? Dimitry stopped in his pacing and turned his head towards the road, he heard the car.                       “Son?,, Clyde asked, he couldn’t hear it. “They are close,, the boy simply answered. Clyde watched his son, he had stopped pacing and now stood ready and calm. A sense of proudness grew in the Alpha, his son had grown so much since Solance appeared. His son finally found something that was worth fighting for, which had made him push himself to always be better. Then he heard it too, the car’s engine, the way the tires ripped up the dirt road. And soon enough the blue SUV turned the corner and was speeding down the road, making holes in the road from the sheer force. The car stopped abruptly right beside them, that was when they both smelled it. Worry and fear from all the females. Dimitry ripped the car door open, “She fainted,, Adele quickly said as she moved so Dimitry could get to Solance, tears streaming down her face. “she won’t wake up,, Adele shook her head, fear and the shock of it all raw on her. Dimitry pulled his mate out of the car and into his arms, her skin was ghostly pale. Making her look white, the blue blood veins so clear. She was so cold, her breathing labored. He could see nothing wrong with her, he shook her gently, no response. “Mate,, he called for her, aging there was no sign that she even knew he was there. The adults and the two teens around him were talking but he didn’t hear them. He could only see his mate, he pulled her to his chest. His heart was beating a mile per minute, fear for his mate was so strong. He tried to force himself to relax, to be calm. His mate was here, everything would be okay. Slowly he felt himself relaxing. She is safe, she is home. How long she was curled up, she knew not. It felt like forever, she couldn’t cry. But she felt like it, but no tears would appear. Her hand still held her pendant, she uncurled herself and sat up. She turned the pendant and read the words, To my child Solance, may the stars always guide you home. Love Grandfather. But there are no stars here grandfather, what should I do?                       Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump                       “That sound?,, she whispered as the sound of something steady sounded around her. It was all around her, it didn’t echo. “this, this is a real sound,, she realized. She raised up so she stood on her knees, she knew that sound. She had heard it every day, it was the last thing she heard when she fell asleep, and the first thing she heard when she woke up. A sad smile found its way to her face, and yet she felt relief. “Dimitry?,, she called out. Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump She got no answer, she looked down at her hand. The stars couldn’t help her this time. But her mate was with her even if she can’t reach him, but he is reaching her. She dropped the pendant, as soon as it hit the floor, she suddenly felt warm, the air changed and now it even smelled like Dimitry. She looked around but couldn’t determine which way she needed to go to reach her mate. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she cleared her mind. I need to focus only on Dimitry. They had moved inside, but Solance remained in his embrace. Sarah had run every possible test, but she had found nothing. They had explained to him what had happened, he had felt anger and fear rise in him, but most of all he was frustrated. She had come so far, he feared what effect this episode would have on her.                       Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump                       Time passed slowly, but Solance remained resolute. Only filling her mind with her mate, focusing on his smile, his warmth, and the feelings he gave her. She felt a pull to her left, she turned to that side and slowly opened her eyes. Eyes there unbeknown to her shone a bright white. With confidence she walked in the direction she felt the pull, the sound got louder, the scent stronger and the warmth felt real. “almost there,, she could feel it. A smile found its way to her mouth, she would be out of here soon.                       Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump A light was fade into the path ahead of her, that was the way. That was her way out. As she got closer she reaches out a hand towards the light, and then she meets a wall. Shock hit her like a bucket of cold water, her way out was just on the other side of this barrier. She pushed and hit the barrier, but it did nothing but frustrate her. “no, it can’t be real,, she needed to get out! Once more she felt the confidence leave her, and she shanked to her knees. If only she could cry, this is so painful. “I can’t do this alone,, she whispered, her chest hurting. “Are there nothing you can do for her?,, Lavenda asked, Sarah shook her head. “Is there nothing you can do to wake her up?,, Clyde added not liking the girl being unresponsive. “NO! if I could do something I would have done it!,, Sarah snapped at them, why couldn’t they understand. The alpha was angry at Sarah’s repose but didn’t reprimand the doctor, she was being respectless but given the situation, he would overlook it. It had been widely known that Sarah saw the human as her own, but humans are much frailer than them. Sarah’s distress must be on par with his sons. Clyde’s eyes moved to his boy, he remained silent, holding his mate close to his heart. How his son could remain so calm, he couldn’t phantom. Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump She sat there with her head in her hands, scared and alone. Or though she thought, a soft huff sounded behind her. Then something soft but firm nudged her head, she lifted her head and turned around. Suddenly tears made it down her face, the tears she couldn’t shed before, relief spreading over her body. Before her stood her beloved golden wolf, majestic in the dark background. Its cold snout nuzzled her face, she couldn’t stop herself, she wouldn’t stop herself, even if she could. She flung herself around the wolf’s neck, clutching it to her. He was real, the soft warm fur. The wolf released a soft sound from its throat, “you found me,, she whispered. “Her breathing!,, Sarah pointed out, as she once more checked on the girl. “it’s better,, Dimitry added. Her breathing was no longer labored, her color was slowly returning. Seeing her rosy cheeks and the soft pink undertone in her skin, helped him relax. She would be fine. The twins felt relief too, the air in the room relaxed and the occupants felt themselves relax. The human would be fine, now they just needed her to wake up. Lavenda finally sat down, she felt tired but knew she couldn’t rest yet. Not before Solance had opened her eyes. “I understand, she must have been frightened. But could meeting this man really course her to shut down like this?,,  Clyde asked rubbing his mate’s back. Sarah turned to her alpha but could feel the future alpha's eyes on her as well. “Humans are frailer than us, and the mind itself is, well a puzzle. I feared that she would shut down, that’s why I wouldn’t let Dimitry in, in the first place. That the shock and the memories would be too much for her,, Sarah said taking Solance hand and giving it a soft squeeze. “But she had that episode when they meet,, Lavenda said the memories still haunting her “Yes, and it was exactly that an episode, not too long ago we talked and she revealed to me, that she couldn’t remember what those men did to her,, Sarah added, sharing her conversation with them. “Wait? She couldn’t remember?,, Lavenda asked, “how is that even possible!,, the alpha continued. “Again, the mind is a puzzle, but I think it was a defense mechanism. What she experience was horrendous and scary, so at some point, she subconsciously buried those memories. And  I think meeting this man, the man who was the start of it all. Must have opened up for those memories and… she just wasn’t ready for them,, Sarah finished. “So she became like this?,, Dimitry asked, his voice raw with emotions. Sarah made a positive noise and walked to her desk, they were all in the infirmary. It was better should Solance need help, though they all dearly prayed that she wouldn’t need it. They all sat in silence, counting the minutes. Dimitry had a bitter taste in his mouth, the reasons his mate could smile, heck probably the only reason she had been able to handle him touching her. Was because she had blocked the memories of those men, now that they were out in the open. Would he still be able to be by her side? Are would the memories break them apart? A pain in his heart, made him grip his mate tighter, he needed her closer. He wanted to cry, the fear of her waking up, screaming at his touch. Could he survive a second time of that? Could his wolf? He placed a kiss on her forehead. Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump She touched the wolf again, “you are real right?,, she asked. The fear that this was all just her mind making up things was terrifying. She didn’t wanna be all alone again, the wolf play bite her hand. She felt it, the nib was real, her wolf was real. “are you really Dimitry?,, she then asked, the wolf remained silent and still. “are you Dimity’s wolf side?,, at this the wolf licked her face, she laughed. Having her wolf by her side, having her mate, if only a part of him beside her. It brought her immense strength and confidence, she pulled back and locked eyes with her wolf. “lets get out of here,, she said, they both stood up. Solance turned to look at the see-through wall that kept her from leaving, she bites her lip. Could she get past it? Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Sudden pain in her heart, stopped her. The wolf beside her too let out a yelp and curled in on itself. it was suddenly there and then it was gone. But the wolf was still in pain, Solance kneeled at its side. If the wolf was in pain, does that mean Dimitry was too? “I need to go to you don’t I?,, she asked it wolf, it opened its eyes for a moment. And in that moment she knew, she needed to get out and go to Dimitry, She stood back up and went to the wall. She touched it, it was cold to the touch. Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump She took a deep breath, she was getting out. She cared not how much her mind wanted to keep her there. Her mate needed her, he was in pain. She would get out, She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. She let the air leave her again and opened her eyes. Bright white eyes, the still air came alive and shifted around her. “I’m leaving,, she said with confidence her voice strong and unbending. The air then rushed forward, pushing at the wall. It kept redrawing and then rushing forward hitting at the wall. The wall started to c***k, the cracks starting from her hand and moving out in all directions. “One more,, she said and felt the air drawing back for a final time, this time when it rushed forward the wall shattered into a million pieces and the light shone in it. She could hear them, the voices. Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump The voices, the screams as the memories were rushing towards her. But she wouldn’t run and hide, not this time. She would take them, she was not alone, not this time. “Come at me!,, she taunted as she ran forward towards the memories, that she had locked away. No matter how hard or horrible they were, she had survived them, she had survived once. Now she needed to face them, so she could move on! Dimitry felt it, but he was still taken aback when his mate suddenly moved in his hold. He first heard the gasp, then he heard the sound of something hitting the floor, and then he felt the arms of his mate flying around him. She was crying and clinging to him, the room was suddenly loud with noise. But all he heard was her, “you found me,,  she kept whispering as she held on to him. Tears streaking her face, the pain in his heart was gone. She didn’t reject him, his mate was stronger than that. Sarah felt relief at seeing the girl awake, the fear left her. They could now watch as the couple found comfort in each other. Dimitry wanted to take his mate back to their room, so Solance could rest. He could feel how drained she was, where ever she had been, it had been no easy feat to get back to him. But Sarah wanted to give her one last check-up, Solance thanked them all but said she was tired and would explain everything the next day. Dimitry lifted Solance and walked out. Aywa left to go to her mate, she too feeling drained. Adele walked over to the bed and picked up the pendant that had fallen under the bed when Solance had let it go. “What have you got there?,, Clyde asks, he was as relieved as the others and could feel that it wasn’t completely over. Adele turned around and showed the pendant, Sarah gasped. “I had completely forgotten about that!,, she rushed forward and took the pendant, she sniffed it. “so that’s the thing the man gave her,, Clyde said. Adele looked to Sarah when Sarah suddenly stopped mid sniff. “you smell it too right?,, the redhead asks. Sarah froze but meet the girl’s eyes, she nodded and handed the pendant back. “Smell what?,, Lavenda asks, a bad feeling in her chest. “Josef,, Sarah growled. Lavenda felt a snarl make its way on her face. “Adele?,, the girl acknowledges her Luna “yes?,,. “maybe it’s time you tell Clyde and Sarah what you told me,, she said, this was too strong a prof to ignore. “tell us what?,, Clyde asks not liking the look on his mate’s face. “Maybe it’s better I show you all, including you Luna. I have found much more since you gave me permission to investigate,, Adele meets the adults' eyes. Adele led them all down to the basement, where she unlocked a door. It was normally used for storage but it had been vacant for a while. It no longer was, Adele had made it into an office. And the wall was covered in pictures, printouts, and red strings. “this is all I have uncovered for now,, Adele says trying to answer the unsaid questions the adults have. “you believe that Josef woman is behind it all?,, Clyde asks taking in the wall. A picture of said woman placed under the word mastermind, the men they had saved Solance from was there too. Adele had found out their names, everything. She had given them an overall name, perbs. There was a red string from Josef and perbs to a question mark, above it stood the word kidnapper. Adele walked over and hang the pendant beside the question mark, “Solance saw him today,, Adele said. “which means he knows she is alive, and now he is in the area,, Lavenda adds. Adele nods, Sarah takes a closer look and finds herself shocked. “how does that make you believe it's Josef who is behind it all?,, the alpha asks again. No, he didn’t like the woman, but her being behind it all, seemed farfetched. “I smelled it,, Sarah said. “Josef has touched the pendant, and recently,, Sarah adds. Clyde looks at all the evidence, it was nothing binding. But having now seen it all, even he couldn’t deny that Josef really seemed guilty and would be the one to benefit from Solance’s untimely death. “Dimitry can’t know of this,, He commanded, he then gave Adele free room to continue the investigation and asked her to keep the Luna informed, Lavenda would tell him what he needed to know. The three females remained, and he left, he needed a good run. Dimitry was laying in bed, Solance clutching to his chest. The memories were free, and they were haunting her. Since they had gone to bed, she had been up twice from nightmares. Each time he was afraid she would push him away, so he didn’t dare touch her. When she woke up crying and shaking, but so far each time she would reach out for him. The first time he hesitated to touch her, but seeing how she got worse the longer he stalled. He acted to her need, he had to put himself and his fears aside. She was fighting to handle the memories, and he should be happy she wanted him to support her through it.   For now, Solance was asleep. Once more he found himself unable to sleep, but he could handle it. He would guard his mate, keep her safe. And then, one day he would take down that bastard, who did this to his mate. A gruesome smirk came over his face, his eyes shone red in the darkroom. He would make the bastard wish he was never born.
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