
Under the Alpha

slow burn

The young woman Solance with a strange past, is kidnapped and abused and nearly killed by a group of mad men. But she is saved by a pack of wolves, now she is forced to stay with them. It gets even more complicated as the Alpha’s son imprints on Solance, who is still fragile.

What will happen to Solance now? can a relationship even begin under such conditions? and what secrets does the mark on her chest hold?

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Just breath
The van is driving deep into the forest, it was cold and misty. Autumn was turning to winter, the trees were going to sleep, the soil was temperamental like the harsh wind. Constantly changing, some places the soil was hard as stone others too muddy, to slippery. The van would swing from side to side after a turn course it couldn't get a good grip on the ground. Deeper and deeper the van drives into the forest, unknown to the driver they were being followed. By a pack of wolves.  -"right on time,, I said as the van stopped. It always stopped there, this will be the last time.  -"my love when are we going to strike?,, my mate asked as she too was coughed on the ground, blending in with the forest.  -"we must wait in till they scatter so we can take them one by one, enough blood has been spilled and I will not see one of our own dead,, I answered with my eyes locked at the van. We could see and hear everything, multiple human men chartered around the van's back. With a loud smack the door was opened, more men came out. And then the reason for this chartering appeared, a human girl was forcefully pushed out of the van. She fell to the ground with a frightened squeak, her brown hair neatly put up, a long beautiful white blue gown and high heels.  -"just like all the others,, one of my betas said. The girl was obviously frightened, she begged them to let her go. They laughed.  -" now we're would the fun be in that?,, a welldressed man said as he walked forward, he smiled. He looks like just any other adolescent with just has much wax in his hair as he has confidence, way too much.  -"Now.. How about we play our favorite game?,,  -"ga..game?,, the girl asked timidly.  -" Yes you see, it's very much like hide and go seek,, he explained. The other men laughed, I had to force myself not to growl.  -"The rules are very simple, you run, and we give you to the count of... Let's say fifth. Well you run were ever you want, if you make it out of the forest before one of us catches you, you win,, he was enjoying himself.  -"This is disgusting,, my mate said, and it truly is.  -"what will happen if you catch me,, the girl asked, though something told me that she already knew the answer. The man smiled like a Cheshire cat, putting his head down to hers.  -"If we catch you,, he brushed her cheek.  -"You die,, the forest rang with a mix of male laugher. The girls heart skipped a beat.  -" now would be a good time to run,,  The girl looked at him, has he pulled her up on her feet.  -"Now run!,,  The man pushed her forward, she didn't run. They never did at the beginning, the man snapped his fingers. Another man older and more obese shot after her feet, a frightened sound left the girl as she stumbled into a run. Then the men laughed as they started counting, the girl disappearing from their sight.    -"what now dear?,, my silver grey spotted mate asked from my left, her brown eyes shimmering with empathy.  -"split up.. Lavenda you with two others follow the girl..don't let her see you. The rest stay with me!,, I ordered, we aren't heartless creatures, the girl is innocent.  My mate nodded and gestured to Andy and Ida to follow her, they hurried skillfully after the girl. Leaving me and five other members to destroy the men, so they no longer can play their game in our forest.  -"we take them out one by one has they split up,,  My pack nodded and we all waited, it wouldn't be long now.  -"38,,  -"39,,  -"40!,,  The men were counting, my teeth showed in disgust.  -"45,,  -"46......47.........48........49,,  Silence filled the forest, my hind legs rose slightly.  -"50!!,, all the men yelled, their voices rung through the forest. Finally they would shatter and start their hunt, together with our own. We waited patiently for them, why didn't they shatter?! A cold feeling started swirling in my gut, this was not like the others. This time the game was different, the men together walked into the forest.  -"alpha they are too close to each other, we can't perceive has planned,,  -"what do we do now?,,  Why?! Why change the game? My head couldn't figure it out, there had been no indication that they would change, that they were bored.  -"we follow them, they might shatter later,, I ordered has I sprinted after the men, my golden fur making me visible but  as long as I stay in the shadows I would be hidden. My pack followed, each with their senses on high alert.    -"gasp...,, why? Why are they doing this?!  -"ha..gasp,, it hurts! The cold air is to painful on my lungs and throat, just a little further.  The girl ran for a good account of time before she stopped, she was on her knees breathing hard. Her body were shaking because of the cold, she was mumbling to herself. I couldn't hear what she was saying, I sneaked closer. I stopped when she slowly stood back up, she was of an average height. The partly white blue gown was clinging to the bottom part of her body. The gown had mud hanging on it, it seemed slightly soaked.  -"what are you thinking?,,  The girl started to remove the remaining hairpins from her very messy hairdo. Pin after pin fell to the ground, in till her hair was only tied in a loose bum. She removed the hair tie, her long mocha brown hair fell to her back. It was wavy and slightly curly at the ends, the girl hurried a few fingers through her hair. After removing the worst nots, she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail.  -"just breath,, the girl whispered in a shaky voice.  -"just breath,, she started chanting the sentence over and over again, each time the words left her lips. She sounded stronger, more cool, more calm.  The girl shock slightly, but her heart rate had gone down. It was steady and calm, has she held her breath her heartbeat slowed even more down. She then released the used air, a white cloud left her and drifted up.  That poor little thing, the female wolf couldn't help thinking. -"if only I could help you,, the two other slightly smaller wolves felt the same.  But they couldn't, they would try to help her but she most not see them. If she did they would not have any choice, they would have to kill her themselves. A thought that neither of them liked, they were not monsters. They would never sink so low as those men.  -"I will not kill her! But those males, them I will kill with pleasure. They shall die like the vermin they are, and their bodies shall never be found!,,  The two wolves lowly growled their approval.    The girl fumbled around, she looked quickly around her hair sticking to her face and showing back. She deemed it safe and pulled on her dress, it was heavy with mud. Her feet was showing, she had lost the heels in her flight. A ripping sound echoed, the girl froze and looked around. Silence. She ripped the dress, making it short. Now her knees were barely covered, the piece she had ripped off she shook. Dirt and mud fell off, quickly she ripped the piece in two. She coughed down binding her feet in the fabric, and checked that they were safely secured.  -"clever girl,, the fabric would protect her feet from the small stones and give a little comfort, at least for some time.  The girl checked her surroundings again, she stood back up and turned her eyes to the sky. Then she turned and ran east.  The three wolves followed her from a good distance, the girl was doing well. Better than the other girls who had been running in circles. She was using her head.  Everyonce in a while she would stop either for checking her binds or looking up at the sky. Her skin was getting paler, her breathing harder. She wouldn't last long, she needs to find warmth. She needed to rest. The temperature was dropping faster, everything that was wet were starting to freeze. This included the girl’s hair, dress and because of the binds her feet, with every step she took she winched from the pain that ripped up from her poor feet.  -"Lavenda,, right from the side came my mate, our alpha. But he should be following the men, killing them! I looked at him has we came to a hold.  The rest of the pack joined, -" what is going on Clyde? Why are you here?,,  -" they didn't split up, something made them change,, he answered.  -" We're are they now?,,  My golden mate turned his head in the direction that the girl had ran in, oh no.  -"it's a trap, they knew which way she was heading all along,, my paws took me closer to the girl. She had fought so well, she hadn't let her fear get the best of her. And now there she is, trapped like a deer in headlights. She was whispering to herself as she looked around. She was surrounded.    -"no...no.....NO!,, I can't be caught, I am so close the girl thought. The man who had told her to run came forward, her legs were hurting, she couldn't feel her feet.  -"well we caught you, haha but the fun is only just beginning now,, he said softly.  -"no,no no no,, her legs gave out and she fell to the stone hard soil under her. she felt like crying, maybe she was. She can't feel it.  -"you are the lucky one, you see each one of us have had fun with a girl like you before. So we have decided that we all shall take turns with you,, he said, laughter escaped every other male. I am so cold. I Am going to die the girl though as her eye sight got blurry.  -"monsters!,, the grey spotted wolf growled with disgust.  -" I am sorry babe, but you're going to have long night,, the nice looking adolescent said has he stork the girl's slightly blue cheek.  -" please let me go, I won't tell anyone. Please!,, I don't want to die, I can't die. The girl’s thoughts keep circling around these words, why did it have to happen to her?!  The male gave her an overbearing smile, he slowly withdrew his hand.  "SMACK!"  A pained cry rung through the forest, a low thump followed together with low whimpers. He had smacked the girl, across the cheek. The force from the hit made the girl's already weak and tired body, fall to the ground.    A hard and heavy knot formed in the alphas stomach from the scene, how can humans treat each other so? He couldn't stop his thoughts, what could the girl ever had done these men? What could justify sorts action? In his mind nothing, he wouldn't wish for any of his enemies to meet their end like this.  -" Damn you’re cold babe, but don't you worry my boys are going to keep you nice and warm,, he sniggered.  -"oh no,, the grey spotted female whispered. A chill ran up the alphas back.  -"this is inhuman!,, another wolf barked has it fur bristled.  -"my love please stop it, one thing is to kill her fast and relatively painless. What they are going to do is pure torture! They are going to make her hate herself, they want her to want to die!! We know what they do! We know that they have a taste for r**e!,,  My mate is right, the girl is better off at our mercy than there's. The girl's death is inevitable. But will I be able to bare the quilt?  -" please don't,, something inside of me clicked, not like these. I will bear the quilt, no one should die like that!  -"leave no survivors. Kill them ALL!!,,  With that said we all sprinted into the small clearing. I howled announcing our arrival, our enemy turned their focus on us, an elder male dropped the girl’s legs. She wasn't moving, hopefully she have passed out. The less she knows and feels, the better.  9 wolves up against 22 men, all armed. The odds were against us, but we do not fear or lose our courage.  Two young wolves, the twins Adele and Aywa killed the first two. Both men died shortly from getting their throat ripped open, their tongues could be seen from the gapes the twins had made. The humans were frozen in place, their brains couldn't understand the situation. Their flight or fight function weren't turned on yet.  Lavenda took out a 3rd man, she bit over his main artery in his inner thigh making him bleed out in a mere minute. The 19 men still alive reacted has the 3rd body stopped moving, five ran in panic for their lives. The rest took hold on their weapons and moved to attack, most of their weapons were not very effective, since it was close combat weapons. Sorts as knives, baseball bats, hammers, axes and a whip. Though the weapons weren't efficient, they were still dangerous. The men's movements were unpredictable, we had to be two against one, if we wanted them dead fast. Swiftly we killed them, 7 left. Two who have escaped to the deeper forest, the rest standing in a circle.     The adolescent that had been doing all the talking stood closet to the girl, her heart was dangerously slow. With a swift order I sensed out the twins to get the two runaways, the rest of us went in for the kill.  These men were stronger, more enduring and agile than the others.  A whimper caught my attention together with a sting in my chest, Lavenda! My mate was hit in the side by a baseball bat, she was hurt. I turned my head to check on my mate. Ida was already at her side. A click sounded behind my head, I turned to meet a pistols barrel.  -"hahaha not so tough now,, the human grinned. -"bye bye mister big bad wo-uck,, he stopped, the gun fell to the ground. He looked down at his stomach, finding a small tip of a knife sticking out. He turned his head, a look of pure unbelievable decorated his face.  -"you damn b***h,, with that he fell to the ground.  The girl had saved me, she stood still with what was left of the knife in her hands. She was unusually clam and blue, slightly purple here and there.  -"th-thank you,, the words could barely move over her cold strokes lips, they cracked and leaked blood. She fell towards the ground, without thinking, without knowing why I stepped forward and caught her. Her cold body met my warm fur, she was so cold, how can she still be alive.  -"Clyde?,, Lavenda came closer, I looked at her she was fine. -" are you going to... Kill her,, she asked the very question that the present part of my pack had on their mind, the very question I couldn't bring myself to ask, to answer.  -"I ....I-I,,       

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