Shopping with returns

3746 Words
Morning came sooner than Dimitry would have liked, the treacherous beams sneaked their way into their room. His mate, a notoriously early riser would open her eyes any minute now. He knew she would leave with the other females today, yes he understood he had to let her have a life of her own. It was a necessary evil, but he didn’t like it. He did much rather keep his precious mate in his arms, cuddled to his chest. Her heartbeat gentle, her warmth so close to him. Didn’t like her going anywhere without him, to leave his protection. But his mate was stubborn and human, he wanted her happy even if it meant his heart is pained.   Blue eyes opened slowly, the bedroom bathed in the morning light despised the heavy curtains. A small smile graced her lips and she started to stretch her body, she heard the low grunt of Dimitry behind her. She turned in his arms to look at him, his eyes still held the remnants of sleep. His hair a tousled mess, he was sulking.                       “Would you stop sulking,, she teased and gave him a quick peck on the lips, Dimitry huffed and shifted his hold on his mate. Burring his head in her neck, breathing in her divine scent. Nothing else in this world could calm him like her. “Dimitry, I have to get up,, He heard her, he felt the vibrations of her voice from her neck. His eyes closed, he let out a deep hum and kissed her neck repeatedly. He felt her take in a sudden breath at the sensation, he smirked pridefully. “Dimitry,, She whined while she tried to push him off her. He waited for her to stop trying to get him off her when she stopped, he relaxed more deeply, letting out a chuckle. She laughed mockingly and then snorted, “stubborn wolf,, she said out loud. Her words earned her a sharp nip to her collarbone, a gasp left her lips. Dimitry was playing with fire and he knew it, he could smell just how much his mate enjoyed the nip. The heavy scent of arousal from his mate’s body, he liked it. Though his morning wood didn’t quite like the exercise, since his mate was no way near ready for that step.                       “Come on mate, you wouldn’t want me to go out on an empty stomach, would you?,, Solance asked sweetly. Now understanding how to use her mate’s primal side to her advantage, at least in this situation. She felt her mate sigh, he then rose to face her again. His golden eyes seemed irritated, “Are you really th-,, Rumble. “-at hungry?,, His sentence faded out as the sounds of his mate’s stomach grew silent. Solance looked up at him trying to hold back a smile, but not quite succeeding. Dimitry hangs his head in defeat, seems like we are leaving the bed. Dimitry got off his mate reluctantly, unknowingly giving his mate quite a sight. He heard her eep, her hand flew to her eyes, her face red. That’s when he remembered his morning wood, that stood pridefully at attention. He grew red in the face too, as he scrambled off the bed and quickly gathered some clothes. “I’ll take a quick shower and then we will go down and eat,, He said loudly as he entered the bathroom.                       Solance couldn’t utter a single word, she remained where she was till she heard the shower turn on. She sat up so quickly it felt like her neck would snap, then she let out a small giggle. She knew Dimitry was good-looking, but who would have known that he had quit a packet too. Seemed like her mate was the whole packet.   Breakfast was loud, despite how early it was. The girls could not wait to leave, they were talking eagerly about which shops they wanted to visit. “We need to go to pet corp too,, Adele said clapping her hands. “Pet corp? why,, Aywa and Solance asked, Adele gave a secretive smile and said it was a surprise. The two girls shared a look and then laughed at the obscenity of it all. “Now girls where would you like to eat lunch?,, Lavenda asked over her coffee, Sarah still half asleep with a piece of beacon working between her teeth. The three girls whispered among themselves, they then smiled at each other and turned to the adults. “Steakhouse Amsterdam please,, They said in unison, all three with a big smile on their faces. Dimitry smiled, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. She would go out and enjoy herself, have a good time. She would be safe with the four females, he trusted them.  And when she got home, he had a right for all her attention. It wouldn’t really be that different from normal, now that he thought about it. Yeah, it wouldn’t be so bad, it would be all right.                       No, no it was not all right. It was time for the girls to leave for the city, Sarah was honking the horn at him. He didn’t like it, not at all. “Dimitry,, his mate said from his hold, she was poking his cheek. “what mate?,, he asked rubbing his hands all over her back. “I have to leave now,, She said patiently, this she could handle, Mathew had shown the same difficulty with letting Aywa leave without him. She heard him whine in a low voice, she hugged him back. “I know it feels strange, but the sooner I leave the sooner I will be back,, She gave him that soft smile that makes her eyes twinkle, he felt himself giving up. He sighed for the twelfth hundred times, “No speaking to strangers,, he said seriously. “Wouldn’t dream of it,, she bantered. “No wandering off without at least one of the others,, he stressed this part out. She gave him a look, a look he knew too well. She didn’t like him telling her what to do or keeping her a prisoner. “I know! You are your own person, but at least just promise me so I can feel at least a bit more relaxed with letting you out into the world,, He finished looking deep into her eyes, Solance chewed on her cheek but then nodded. “fine,, She said and hugged him one last time, she then gave him a quick peck on his cheek “I promise not to wander off on my own,,                         Wandering off on her own, it wasn’t even possible. The three youngsters didn’t seem to know how to separate, they would remain close, even linked by arm or hand. The two elder women could only laugh at the girl’s antics, as they admired the mall, it was decorated finely. There was a giant Christmas tree, decorated with all types of ornaments. From popcorn on strings to golden bells, gingerbread men, orbs in every color possible, and right under the ginormous star at the very top hang a small angel figurine. Around the tree was Santa’s village and the elf’s and reindeers, and per tradition, there was Santa’s seat. But it wasn’t opened for visitors yet, not that they had any children they could take to visit Santa. Solance was enjoying herself immensely, it would be her first Christmas without her grandfather. But she wouldn’t be alone, her new family, she had them. She couldn’t stop smiling, she would have to ask Margaret about where her grandfather was buried. She wanted to go there, pay her respects and tell him not to worry. Solance looked back at her family, they were trying to get Sarah away from the ugliest display of jewels she had ever seen. She suppressed a laugh, seemed like Sarah really liked it. “What can I do for you?,, Solance whipped her head back to face the cashier, she apologized and placed her items on the counter. “No worries it’s the season after all,, The cashier winked and Solance couldn’t help, but send the friendly fellow a warm smile. Solance checked off in her head, she would be celebrating the gift-giving exchange with her family. Not the whole pack, thank GOD! Solance didn’t want to interact with Angie and the people like her more than necessary, she would exchange gifts with Adele, Aywa, Sarah, Lavenda, Clyde, the guys, and of course with Dimitry. “Is it a present?,, the cashier asked. “Yes, would it be possible to get it wrapped up?,, The cashier said sure thing and started to warp the acrylic nail starter kit up nicely, Solance could only dream of being able to pack a gift that nicely. “That will be 29.74 dollars,, She quickly paid and left the store.                       “Okay, so that was the guys all but Zetrich done, as well as the twins,, Solance said to herself as she walked towards the others, suddenly she stopped. She felt a shiver run down her back, with big eyes she looked around the crowd. Am I imagining it? She felt like someone was watching her, but whatever it was it was gone suddenly too. “Are you all right dear?,, the ever-observant Lavenda asked having seen the girl’s sudden change in behavior. Solance felt relief from the motherly figure’s mere presence and nodded confidently, “ready to go to lunch?,, the woman asked. Solance shuffled her bags “yeah I’m starving actually,, “Oh, me too,, Adele said haven joined the two, Adele looked to the bags Solance was holding. She tried to sneak a peek but found that everything was wrapped up. She pouted and then clung to her friend’s shoulder “Any of those for me?,, she asked, her eyes big and begging. Solance laughed, “Adele,, Lavenda scolded her in a teasing manner.                       The five females headed towards the steakhouse, they had agreed on. The group quickly got a table, as soon as they had sat down a waitress that was bursting with energy zipped by and gave them each a menu card. “My name is Cleo, and I am your waiter today, is this your first time here?,, The woman asked friendly. The group answered that they hadn’t dined at the restaurant before, the waitress nodded with a smile. “Very well, we are happy to have you here. Now when you are all ready to order, one of you just raises your hand. I will do my best to keep an eye out, so you will not get too tired. And then I will zoom over and be at your service, the same tactic goes should there be anything or if you want the check,, the waitress finished and then zoomed off to her next table. The group each looked at each other, the young gave a small giggle. Their waitress was quit something, they quickly went over the menu. They each founded something to their liking and Sarah raised her hand, and true to her words as soon as their waitress spotted the hand, she zoomed over.                       “ Have you decided what you would like to order?,, She asked enthusiastically, her short bob hair bouncing with her every movement.                      “Yes, we have. I would like the Chef’s special ribeye steak with the roasted potatoes please, oh and a medium coke please,, Sarah finished, Cleo wrote the order down. “How do you want your stake done?,, “Medium raw please,, Cleo wrote that too, she then asked if Sarah had a sauce preference. “the chef's sauce sounds interesting,, Cleo added that and then turned to the next person. Lavenda asked for a New York strip, with homemade fries and some whiskey sauce and, a large Fanta. The twins ordered the same, prime ribs large serving, with different condiments, and each a large strawberry milkshake. Solance had found it difficult to choose, she was not used to a steakhouse, her grandfather had been a firm believer in dining at home, when possible. She ended up ordering a fillet mignon, with potato wedges and a creamy mushroom sauce. The beverage had been a hard choice, it had been between an Oreo milkshake with caramel or a frozen mango smoothie. The smoothie won. “I’m surprised you didn’t go for the chocolate milkshake,, Aywa said in shock, “yeah, given your addiction to anything with chocolate,, Adele added laughingly. The table laughed at Solance expense, but she didn’t mind, it felt good.   Lunch was over later than they had anticipated, but Solance had managed to get all her shopping done.. well almost, she was still lacking a present for her mate. And she had no idea what to give him, she was walking to the car with Sarah, to drop off some of her many bags. Sarah saw the girl bite her lips over and over, the woman sighed at the girl. She learned on the car, her eyes on the girl who stood waiting for Sarah to unlock the car. “Tell me,, the elder female said, Solance looked dumbfound. “Tell you what?,, she asked tilting her head to the left. Sarah smiled, “what’s on your mind? I can see something is bothering you,, Solance sighed and sat her bags down “It’s that obvious?,, the woman made an agreeing sound and nodded, the woman then lifted an eyebrow edging the womanchild on. “Okay, I’ll tell you,, Solance said also leaning on the car. “It’s about Dimitry,, she said and shuffled her feet a bit, “What about him?,, Solance looked at the woman, “I can’t figure out what to give him,, Solance said meekly. Sarah laughed with warmth, Solance pouted. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just adorable how much you’re caring about a present, he loves you, and no matter what you give him he will love it. Simply because you gave it to him,, Sarah said brushing Solance hair behind her left ear. Solance gave a small smile, but then it fell, and she bit her lip one more time. “Sarah? Is there a way to strengthen Dimitry’s and my bond?,, She quickly said looking down. Sarah was shocked silent, of all things, she didn’t think Solance would be the one to ask. Dimitry yes, since he had grown up knowing there was a way! more to a mate-bond. “You baffle me sometimes,, Sarah said.                       “Well, I know there is more to a bond between wolves, and I just thought… if there was something I could do, to.. to give Dimitry a bond more like, what he would have had with another wolf,, she paused and turned those blue eyes to the motherly figure, a pleading look in them. “If there was any chance, I wanted to give him that,, She finished, her eyes pleading but with an immense determination shining in them. Sarah felt a smile stretch over her face, the girl had come a long way. It was painful to know, that in the new year, the girl would be ripped away from them all. Sarah would lose another daughter, once more in a situation where she can’t do anything about it. “Sarah?,, Solance asked haven spotted the classy look in the woman’s eyes. Sarah shook her head and wiped her eyes, “ Sorry, well I think there might be something that could strengthen your bond,, Sarah said opening the trunk, she needed the time to shake the sadness off. “Yes?,, Solance urged placing the bags with the others. “Well, though our pack has been pure-blooded for, well as long as we have kept a record. Other packs aren’t like ours, my late mate, came from another pack. A pack that did mate with humans, I know from my visits that they could gain a bond much like a bond between two wolves. I can reach out to my in-laws and asks about how they do that, if you would like?,, Sarah finished and then got her arms full of Solance, Solance whispered a small thank you. Sarah hugged the girl back, “I will help you cub, always,, Sarah whispered into the brown hair of her second daughter. The two separated, both whipping their eyes and then they laughed. “Here we are, bawling in a parking lot over nothing,, Sarah said earning a bigger laugh from the girl. Sarah locked the car and linked arms with the girl, “what say you to a sundae?,, She asked giggling as they headed for the mall again. “Can I have chocolate and caramel sauce?,, Solance asked teasingly. “As long as you don’t rat me out to that mate of yours,,   Solance found herself entering a craft shop, she wanted to give the pack something, for all they had done for her. She found a large canvas, paint, and brushes and headed to the register. She had now spent the last of her money, one day she would pay the back. As the cashier packed her items Solance turned to watch her family taking funny pictures by the Christmas decoration. Now they were messing around a cartoon-like polar bear, with a little red hat and scarf. Solance held back a laugh, it felt good to be out of the house. Solance thanked the cashier and left the shop, she stepped right out as people were rushing about, all the people that needed to shop for dinner or hurry home to make it. That’s when she felt it again. Someone was watching her, but where? Her eyes widen, her pupils were blown. Surrounded by people, a sea of faces. Ever-changing and yet her mind tried to take in each and every one of them, see them, remember them. Black hair long straight, grey eyes, brown scarf, next. Redhead, green eyes, blue jacket arms linked with a tall blond guy in a leather jacket with sunglasses. Solance’s breath was labored, her heart pumping furiously in her chest, was the mall always this big? The sounds around her grew louder, a woman at the café was talking harshly over the phone. Solance whipped around 180 degrees at a loud click sound, GUN. Nothing, just a waiter clicking his pencil on his notepad. What is happening to me? What’s that smell? smoke, dirty car, and books. Once more she turned around just in time to meet those hazel eyes, the eyes from the beginning of her nightmares. The damn beige men jacket, the slicked-back brown hair, he sends her a small smirk and passed her. NO! she grabs his arm “You,, she managed to say, fear clucking her throat. He gave her a raised eyebrow and then gave her something in her hand, “It’s not over yet,, he whispered, he then gently patted her cheek and walk away. “Solance are you okay?,, She could hear Adele’s voice, but it sounded distant. But she could feel her right beside her. Her mouth was dry, her heart still hammering away, her eyes locked on her hand. It was him. The thing in her hand was familiar, it felt cold to her warm hand. “I want to go home,, she whispered tears running over, she needed Dimitry. He was here. “Solance!,, Sarah grabbed her shoulders and forced her to face the woman. “What is going on? What has gotten you so spooked?,, the woman asked gently but with a demanding tone. “He was here,, she whispered, she started to rock in place. Lavenda Looked to Sarah, “We need to get her out of here,, Sarah hugged the girl close to her body, Lavenda took to the front, Adele guarded Solance’s back and Aywa covered Solance’s other side that Sarah wasn’t in. Each of them on high alert, whoever frightened Solance wouldn't get to her under their watch, again. Solance Held her head between her legs as they drive out of the city, Adele had her eyes lock on the cars behind them. “no one seems to be following us,, She stated. Aywa was stroking Solance back, trying to calm down her friend. Lavenda was driving, she had sent a mind link to her mate, alerting him and trough him their son to Solance’s state. Sarah turned in her seat and placed a hand over one of Solance’s, “Dear?,, she started, she got no response. Aywa sent Sarah a worried look, “Solance, we’re in the car, heading back home, no one is following us. Now please tell us what have you so frightened?,, The silence in the car was heavy, tangible really. And then a raspy voice sounded, “he was there,, she whispered. “Who was ?,, Sarah urged. Solance looked up at the woman, Sarah felt her heart jump at the ghostly pale face on the child, the big blown eyes red from tears. And the devastated look on her face, “the man that kidnapped me,, She finally said. She then opened up her hand, in her hand was a golden pendant. Sarah took the pendant, oval shape, with a pretty pattern of flowers, vines, and leaves on the front. She turned it around and on the back stood To my child Solance, may the stars always guide you home. Love Grandfather. “He took it before he handed me over to those men,, Solance said slowly tilting to the side, “he said it wasn’t over yet,, she finished before she fainted. “SOLANCE!,, Sarah yelled fear gripping her heart. 
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