let the bonding begin

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Solance was mortified, Dimitry had carried her into the bathroom connected to his room. He had gentle placed her in the tub, he then found some fluffy black towels and placed them on the sink. He then kissed her forehead, he then left, and the twins came in. Aywa closed the door and placed some new clothe on the counter, Adele had bathing products in her hands as she came in. She placed the orange and white containers on the edge of the tub.                       “let’s get you ready,, Adele said when her hands were free, Solance wanted to oppose but her voice wouldn’t come out. Adele quickly but gently got Solance out of her clothe, so there Solance sat in the tub, butt naked like the day she was born. She was so embarrassed, she could just curled up and die. But again, her numb body would not comply, so she was left with just blushing like mad. Aywa gentle removed the bandage from her feet, at lest the twins didn’t make faces at the pungent smell from her feet. The ointment and the fact, that her feet hadn’t been without bandages for a while, left the smelly. It would be nice to be clean again, Solance just wished that she could wash herself. Adele started to fill the tub with water, Solance couldn’t feel it. But Adele, seemed extremely focused on making sure, the water was the right temperature. When she was confident that the water had a good temperature, she gave it quit a generous amount of bubbles to the bath. A nice scent of peaches filled the room, it made Solance relax. So relaxed that she almost forgot that she was naked , So relaxed that did didn’t even realize that she was slowly sinking further into the bath. Adele realize luckily, she reached out and took a hold of Solance, holding her up.                       “Can’t have you drowning on us, now can we,, Adele joked, though in truth it gave her a fright. The twins suddenly realized that their friend was very helpless right now, Aywa handed Adele a cup to wash her hair with. While Adele sat on the task to wet Solance hair, Aywa sat down on the floor. Facing Solance, she took a deep breath. She wanted to help her friends, both Solance and Dimitry.                       “Solance, I’m not sure how much you know ore understand about all of this,, Aywa said her hands moving as she talked, Solance only blinked. So Aywa continued “Dimitry and us, well the hole house are werewolves. Don’t worry we don’t eat humans, but we don’t really interact with them either,, She reassured, though Solance seemed relaxed, like she already understood this. Maybe Dimitry already explain that, maybe I should focus on the mate aspect Aywa thought. “How about I explain about mating and the behavior that comes with it?,, Solance looked very awake and paid an uncanny amount of attention, on Aywa. Aywa remembered how observant Solance are, Aywa nodded and took a deep breath.                       “You probably still remember our earlier talk about mates, so I think you got that part down. Now in yours and Dimitry’s case, there is a different since you’re human and his is a werewolf. So, you don’t have all the instincts that drives Dimitry, to act in a specific way.,, Aywa said, a thoughtful look took on Solance face.                       “I’m going to wash her hair now,, Adele stated as she started to apply a nice amount of shampoo to Solance hair, she took the time to scrub Solance scalp. Solance closed her eyes clearly enjoying the tender care. While Adele worked on Solance hair, Aywa continued. “What you can expect from Dimitry, is that he will be very overprotective, even to the point of being smothering. But don’t blame him for that, its natural for the male wolf to be a little over the top, and Dimitry will probably be worse given, you being human and there by more fragile.,, Aywa nearly wanted to add the fact of him probably being the next alpha, but decided that was a talk for another time. “Also, since you are already hurt, he will be very guarded. But remember this he doesn’t want to hurt you, it goes against our very nature to hurt our other half. But he will act like a male wolf, which means he is the dominant in the relationship,, Aywa stopped since Solance gave her very displeased look, Aywa nearly laughed.                       “don’t be like that Solance, that doesn’t mean you can get your way. You just must, be more, well creative. You know learn how to, making do what you want,, She finished, Solance looked thoughtful. Adele Rinsed Solance hair and then add a papaya scented conditioner to the now clean hair. “think of it like training a dog, award good behavior and ignorer the bad behavior,, Adele said as a matter of fact. Aywa looked at her twin dumbfound, she shook her head already seeing Solance thinking about ways to make Dimitry heel to her commands. “Adele, don’t you go give Solance any weird ideas! Dimitry is not a dog, but a wolf!,, Aywa said, She then lifted a finger at Solance “don’t you go thinking the wolf is a dumb puppy, he will make sure you know you’re place, just don’t fight him needlessly. He will listen to reason and sometime even comply,, Aywa added. Adele huffed, and focused on combing Solance’s hair with her fingers. “we better finish up, Solance is starting to look like an old lady,, Adele said on a lighter note. Away looked at one of Solance hands, and true enough it was all pruned. “Yeah you’re right, lets got you up Solance. Oh one last thing, right know Dimitry’s instincts are out of control, he had been separated from you for quit a while. You’re hurt and you kind of rejected him,, Aywa added carefully.  At this Solance looked lost, Away bit her lip.                       “Back at the infirmary, he was bonding and you rejected it. It brought havoc on his wolf and thereby made him feel the rejection, just don’t actively do something that could be seen as rejecting. Remember he won’t do something that you truly don’t want, his main concern is to see you safe, healthy and happy,, Away finished. Solance would have nodded, but she couldn’t and Adele decided, at that moment to rinse out the conditioner. The twins then emptied the tub of water and dressed Solance in one of the big towels, it was soft and warm. The girls then sat on the task of drying Solance and helped her get dressed, in a pair of new underwear in a soft lilac color and a black oversize t-shirt, with the words nappy poo, on it. When She was dressed, Aywa opened the door and called for Dimitry, Solance didn’t even realize that he had returned to the bedroom, had they been in the bathroom for that long? Dimitry came in, he had changed his clothe to, he wore only a pair of lose pants. Probably to sleep in, Solance concluded. He lifted her up again, he thanked the twins as he placed Solance on the bed. “there is food for you in the kitchen,, He said as the twins left the room, they said their goodnights to Solance and left to eat. Now it was just Solance and Dimitry, Solance felt nervous suddenly. Dimitry just stands there looking at his mate, clean and with a healthy glow to her skin. “I’m going to release you’re aura now, but you most promise me to remain calm and not try to run,, he said is tone commanding, but at the same time Solance could sense a plead in it. Like he wanted her free, free to move, free to talk. Solance though about what Away had said, he just wants to protect and care for me, she thought. He won’t hurt me, she repeated these words to herself. Dimitry sensed her emotion, she was calm and compliant. He nodded, it was now.                       “very well, here we go. I’m going to release you’re aura now,, Dimitry then slowly untangled his aura from Solance’s, he was tired and knew he needed the to rest soon. Solance was finally free. She felt the feeling of her body return, it happened so fast that she felt dizzy, now she was happy she was laying down. Dimitry saw his mate’s discomfort and lowered to her side, as Solance tried to sit up. “easy,, He said as he helps her sit up, her still damp hair graced his arm. “you’re hair is still wet,, Can’t have her sleeping with wet hair, she is still weak, she could get sick. Solance touch her hair, it was nice to be moving and to be able to feel. She never thought on how bless she was to be able to feel and move, now she knew.  She whispered out a small yes as she to find her hair wet, her stomach then growled quit loudly. She hadn’t even realized how hungry she was, gosh this was embarrassing. Solance felt the heat in her face, how many times were she going to blush this evening. “well that settles that then, lets get some food into you’re stomach. We can worry about you’re hair after,, Dimitry said with a laugh. Solance found that she liked his laugh, she peeked at him as he stood to take the large plate pilled with food. His back was ripped, she could see his muscles move under his tan skin. He was so slender in build though, but he must be extraordinarily strong, since he would just lift her up like it was nothing. Was that a werewolf thing or was that just him? Her thoughts were interrupted as he sat down beside her, the plate resting on the bed.                       “I made us some steak, I didn’t know how you like you’re meat so I made it medium. I like my slightly raw,, He grinned at her in a goofy way, the steak looked nice. On the plate where was also some mashed potato and some baked root fruits. It smelled amazing, now that Solance thought about it, she did sleep trough lunch. Dimitry cut out a small piece of meat and placed it near her mouth, Solance blushed he wanted to feed her. What was it about werewolves and babying her? “I can eat on my own,, Solance said carefully, her eyes looking up at him. He didn’t bat an eye, he just looked to her lips and then up at her eyes, the fork with the meat not moving away. “I know, but I want to feed you, with the food I made,, He said proudly, Solance could feel he wouldn’t budge on the subject ,so she opened her mouth and accepted, though with a permeant blush on her face. Dimitry enjoys the bonding with his mate, she was embarrassed at the beginning. But a few bits in, he could she her enjoying the food and relaxed in the situation, it pleased his wolf. His mate was accepting, he knew they had a long way to go. His mother had warned him in the kitchen, that a human mate wouldn’t feel the mate bond. Not unless she was turned, he couldn’t dream of turning her. It was a known fact that a human turned werewolf, could end badly. The human mind couldn’t take the pain and could lead to insanity, he could have his mate, but she wouldn’t be the Solance he knows. He would take her has human, even if he couldn’t share the mating bond with her like he would a she-wolf. Solance stopped the fork, a hand to her stomach, he got worried at first, was her stomach upset because of the food? “I’m stuffed, I can’t eat anymore,, Solance said a smile on her face, he felt relieved at that. But was concerned when he looked at the plate, she hadn’t eaten a lot. He would have to talk with Sarah about human eating habits, he could easily eat this amount of food and still have room. “are you sure? Not even dessert,, He asked hoping he could get her to eat a bit more. He saw child like gleam in her eyes for a moment, then she swatted his shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me there would be dessert,, she accused, he could hear the child like whine in her tone. “Then I would not have eaten that much,, she mumbled as an afterthought. Solance was a little upset, now she could eat dessert. Dimitry laughed as he ate what was left on the plate fast, Solance looked at him a little worried he was going to choke from swallowing his food like that. He placed the plate on the dresser and then turned to Solance, “don’t worry about dessert, I saved you a piece. So, you can have it later or tomorrow,, He laughed as Solance face light up. His mate was so expressive.                       Dimitry grabbed the brush the twins had brought and a small towel, he sat behind his mate. He gentle dried her damp hair with the towel, he took his time, making sure that every strand was dry. The soft scent of papaya and peaches clung to Solance’s body, it suited her. Fruity sweet and inviting, he could bury his face in hair and never get tired of the smell. Finding it dry enough, he then started brush out her hair. He started from the bottom and took his time, Solance felt sleepy and found that she didn’t have much strength, she always felt sleepy after a meal. So, she just closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the brush going trough her hair, Dimitry enjoyed the bonding. Finished brushing her hair, he placed the brush down and then hugged the small woman close to his chest. His mate was dosing off, realizing that they were both beat, he lifted the duvet from under them and nestled them down. As Solance head hit the pillow and made a small noise and was then dead to the world, the male chuckled and laid down beside her. He trough an arm over her waist and watched her face, he knew he wouldn’t get much sleep. A part of him was to scared to sleep, what if this was all a dream and when he woke up, his mate would be gone.                       “my mate, don’t you dare be another dream,, he whispered as his eyes to closed and he drifted off to light sleep.
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