Not that bad?

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                       “Teach me how to care for her, we need the bonding,, the male said. Sarah blinked, she did hear right. The boy wanted to learn, so he could strengthen his bond with his female. Sarah was shocked but in a pleasant way, she agrees happily. The boy was back to normal, Sarah follows Dimitry to the bed. The twins look up as the two approach, Dimitry smiles at them. He then grabs his wallet and motion them to stand up, they smile at Solance and goes to him. He hands them his card, they both looked at him funny. “I couldn’t help but see that my mate doesn’t have that much stuff, so could I ask you guys to go out at buy some more clothe and, well what else she would need,, he asks sheepishly. “Don’t you worry, we well get her all she need,, Aywa answered with a grin, incredibly pleased with his care for her friend. She grabbed her sister’s arm, quickly bid Solance farewell and all but dragged her twin out the door. Ready to go shopping for their friend, and maybe max out Dimitry’s card while they were at it.                         As the twins leave, Sarah checks over Solance. She is clearly still under Dimitry’s influence, but her eyes were awake and glared heatedly at Sarah. It stinged Sarah, this child she had come to care for just like a daughter was glaring so fiercely at her. Zoey had glared at her plenty of times, but she had barely seen her the last few months. She had gotten alienated from her own daughter and had found someone else to care for, but this child she had failed. Maybe if she had allowed Dimitry to visit Solance, if she had trusted Dimitry, then maybe things would have been different. Sarah gave Solance a soft look and caressed her cheek, all Solance could do was to turn her eyes away. Sarah stopped when Dimitry growled right behind her, he had sensed Solance discomfort. Sarah sighed, but could not help but wonder at their deep link. They have not mated yet, maybe it was because of Dimitry having control on Solance? She would have to investigate this phenomenon mere deeply later. Sarah got down to work. “Her vitals are stable, for no,, She finished, Dimitry had sat down on the edge near Solance head, he was softly stroking her hand. He nodded, his eyes trained on Sarah’s movement. “I’m no expert on the aura field, so I’m unsure of how I should tell you to proceed. So I can only tell you to be cautious, her body is still weak from the first episode and this can’t have been good for her heart,, Sarah looked directly into the boys golden orbs, making it clear that when he released Solance from his control, what ever happened would be on him. Again, the boy only nodded though she could see how angry he was with her statement.                     “Show me how to care for my mate’s essential needs,, he commanded, his hand now stroking the girl’s forehead. “well, her essential needs would be food, shelter, clot-,, Sarah started amused “HER medical essential needs!,, he stressed out the first part but stopped himself and spoke softly. Sarah figured it was because of how Solance reacted to his voice. “of course, sorry. I was only teasing you,, Sarah said softly, she then proceeds with showing how to change Solance bandage on her feet. What ointment to apply and to were, she stressed how important it was to remember the ointment. All the while Dimitry nodded along, it kind of irritated how complaint he was with her lecture. She then moved onto the medication that Solance had to take and at what times.                     “her legs, what is the prognoses for them?,, finally the boy asks a question! “Well, I’m sure they will heal in time. As long has she does not go running everywhere. Her feet took the most damage, inner bleeding, broken bones, many broken bones.,, “so, no walking for the time binge?,, “yeah I would say so, but I have requested for an x-ray at the local hospital in a few days. Then we can see how far the healing has come,, She finished, the boy nodded. “any other injuries I should be worried about?,, “No, she has some bruises here and there, but they are healing nicely.,, Dimitry nodded, he felt confident that he could care for Solance now.                         Sarah turned to Solance, she took the girl’s hand. And said she was sorry about how the hole meeting happened, Solance closed her eyes, tears building up. Dimitry felt her change in feelings and got up. “Thanks for the help doctor, but I got it from here. Solance needs to rest now,, he said in a no-nonsense tone, Sarah was about to argue but stopped when his eyes flashed red. Sarah dodge her head and left, telling Dimitry to bring Solance to a check up in a few days. Dimitry complained and closed the door in Sarah’s face. He was being selfish he knew that Sarah was broken over how she had let Solance down. But right now, he wanted time with his mate, and if she didn’t want to be near the doctor it meant, she would rely more on him. He turned to see his mate’s blue eyes watching him.                         He walked over and sat back down on the bed, he traced her face with his hand. His wolf appeased and silent, he smiled softly down at her. “you’re probably very confused of all of this, don’t know how much you have been told. But we are called werewolves, and you and I are destined mates.,, He started to explain, he felt Solance react to the werewolves’ part and the destined mates. “I will try to explain to the best of my abilities, I have not interacted that much with humans before. So yeah werewolves, we can shift into wolves, we are not particularly good with silver. No, we don’t go rampage on a full moon, though we usually party on a full moon to celebrate our goddess. Our goddess is the one who decide our destined mate, note all wolfs have one or even gets to meet one. It’s a scared and precious thing for us. And you’re my mate, basically you are my other half and without you I would probably go mad and die,, at his last statement her eyes widen, he felt her panic and started to panic to. “maybe I shouldn’t be explaining this, I’m not very good at it,, he said unsure what to do. He sighed and then laid down beside his mate, he meets her eyes. He could not stop a smile from forming on his lips. “you are my greatest weakness and my greatest strength, and I wouldn’t have it any other way,, he whispered taking a lock of her hair and kissed it. A small blush grossed Solance’s face. She closed her eyes, Dimitry went back to stroking her forehead, just enjoying the intimacy. He could feel his mate slowly falling asleep, he just took her in memoriesing everything. How her eyelashes rested on her high cheekbones, her small nose, thin upper lip and pouty lower lip, naturally a dark dusty pink color. Her pale skin with its pink undertone, making her look flustered all the time. How her brown hair fell messily around her, how her front locks were lighter than the rest of her hair. The sound of her heartbeat, he soft fruity scent. Dimitry remained laying by his mate’s side, as the rest of the house started to go back to normal. He was happy to remain in his own room, he didn’t even go down for lunch.                         Hours later, the twins return. Hauling an ungodly number of bags filled with clothe, toilet necessaries and some other things they thought would make their friend happy. They were walking into the main house, happily talking about the clothe they brought Solance. “she will look great in the yellow sun dress you picked,, Adele said to her sister. “oh especially with the cute ballerinas you found!,, Aywa added. The twins were to occupied with their talk to see Angie and Gwen blocking their way, before they nearly ran into them. Angie ripped a bag from Adele and looked trough the content, things for a female. It most be for that human girl, all the adults are whispering about, Angie thought irritated. She hated humans. Her steel grey eyes found the mateless twins, she wasn’t going for Aywa again. She did not want to mess with Matthew again, her cheek still stung. “Who is this human? And What is she doing here?!,, Angie commanded, the omegas would have to answer, she was higher rank than them. “Her name is Solance and she is under the packs protection,, Aywa answered stepping forward, stepping lightly Infront of her sister. “what is she doing here!,, Angie repeated her question clearly angry. “She was a victim of a group of male criminals, whom the alpha took down over a month ago.,,  Aywa replied keeping her cool. Angie looked shocked that she had missed that episode, but that didn’t explain why the girl was here, why was she under the packs protection? “how come she is under the packs protection? And why is my Dimitry with her!,, She forced out, her teeth clenched. The twins looked at each other, they didn’t want to answer.   “She saved the alphas life, so now she is under the packs protection. And ehmm..,, Aywa really didn’t want to answer the last bit, Angie would take it out on them. “Solance is his destined mate!,, Adele blurred out, as soon as the wods lefgt her mouth she flinched and dodged her head.                         Angie stood frozen, she didn’t just hear that. HER Dimitry! Mated to a human! This couldn’t be, she wouldn’t allow that. It was her destiny to be Luna, Dimitry may not have shown Alpha tendency that often. But she had felt it, he would be the next alpha. And his Luna would be HER! Not some lowlife filthy human girl! the pack would be a laughingstock, beside only she had what it took to be Luna! “we really most be going, Dimitry is expecting us,, Aywa quickly said reaching for the bag in Angie’s hand. Angie would not let go, the girl had a hateful smug smirk on her face. “oh does he now, well I guess I could give you a hand with the bags,, Angie looked to Gwen who smiled grimly and then reached to take the bags from Adele. “what are you doing!,, Adele exclaimed as Gwen clawed at her hands to get Adele to release the bags.                       “I too would like to know what’s going on,, a deep and familiar voice said from up top the stairs, the twins were relieved to see Dimitry take a step down the stairs. Angie turn un a dim, a soft smile and an innocent look took over her face. “we were only offering to help Dimmy,, she said sweetly “ those bags looked so heavy,, she exaggerated. Gwen nodded eagerly beside her, Aywa took the chance to take the bag back. “I believe the twins are more than capable, now I need the twins help,, Dimitry said, he grimed at Angie’s nickname for him. “Of course, they are, I merely wanted to help. But maybe I could help you, the twins most be exhausted from all that shopping,, As Angie finished her sentence she sent the twins a smile, that told them clearly to decline. “That wouldn’t be good, it is my mate who is need of assisting, since I don’t want to overstep her boundaries. And since the twins are her friends I’m sure she would be more at ease with them helping her bathe,, he finished and tipped his head to signal the twins to go to his room. They quickly hustled to him. Angie clenches her fits as they walk away, those damn omegas and that damn human b***h! She wasn’t finished, Dimmy would be hers!                       As they walk to Dimitry’s room, Aywa handed back Dimitry’s card. He asked if they got all they needed, the twins answered happily. “now we only hope, she likes the stuff we picked,, Adele said like an afterthought. “I’m sure she will, and in worst case. You can all go on a shopping trip when she is better,, Dimitry said as he opened the door. “oh thanks for saving us back there,, Aywa said facing him as Adele ran to Solance side waking her from her slumber. They turned to see Adele pulling item after item out of the bags, showing Solance what they brought for her. They both laughed at Adele’s hype, Dimitry could tell that Solance was happy. “now, you needed our help?,, Aywa asked has they walked over to the bed, Dimitry                                                                                                                                                                           brushed a hand through Solance hair. “yes, now that she has a change of cloth, she would probably like to have a bath. So, I hoped I could ask you two to help her, while I prepare all of us some food,, He asked. Solance is distressed, I can bathe myself! She thought. Dimitry looked to her, a soft smile on his face. He looked a little apologetic she thought. Dimitry could feel Solances distress, but he could release her just yet. He had his wolf under control now, but if she rejected him or fought ham again, he could end up hurting her or doing something their bond would never recover from. So just this time he will ignore her wish, he bend down and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “I know, you can do these things on your own. But just for now, let the twins help you,, he asked, he felt a clear no from her. The twins laughed at the two. “Either they bathe you,, he said and waited, he then looked her directly into her blue eyes, she got flustered at the closeness. “or I do, you’re choice,, he said. She got all red in the face, he could feel her panic. He laughed the twins followed, they all laughed at Solance expends. “that settles it then, the twins will help you bathe, while I cook something for all of us,, ´He said as he picked her up.   A.N. I apoligies for the long wait, I have just moved away from home. And have been finding the adjustment hard XD but now im back and there will now be a new chapter every week. 
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