Still learning

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Solance led out a comfortable sigh as she woke up, her eyes still closed. She felt nice, the duvet was nice and toasty, the fabric soft and it smelt nice. She knew that smell, but in her still, half-asleep state could not recall from were. She wasn’t quite ready to get up yet, she had slept well, she couldn’t remember when she last slept that well. Maybe I could sleep some more? She thought, yeah a bit more will not hurt. With that thought, she snuggled back into the covers. She felt her body relax and how her conscious started to drift away, and then. She felt it, the pressure of build-up fluid in her body. Her bladder was ready to burst, slightly irritated by her own body, mainly her bladder. A huff left the girl as she opened her eyes, only to freeze in place. A bare obviously male chest was only a few inches from her face, A blush darkened her face and she could feel the heat from her face as well as the chest in front of her. Solance was ready to panic but the remembered the previous day, she felt herself calm down. It was just Dimitry, but still, she had never been that close to any man before. Her blue eyes traveled from the perfect tan and muscled chest, up the strong neck, to a chiseled jaw and chin, the thin lips, the sharp nose with it bent. And then, now that’s just unfair, the girl thought as she saw Dimitry's long eyelashes, why do boys even have so long eyelashes! But then again it suited him, his brows were relaxed. And his blond hair was, well, wild. Not wild like his normal wild, but bed head wild. It looked soft, maybe she could touch it? Again, her bladder announced that she needed to pee, not later but now. Not wanting to wet Dimitry's bed, she tried to get up, the word being tried. She could lift her torso a little, but her lower half was held down by her waist. Dimitry’s arm was holding onto her, not wanting to wake the boy, she looked at his chest, no man. She tried to wiggle her way out, not only did it make the arm tighten around her. But her bladder felt it was to much movement, it took a lot to hold it in. Solance tried out another strategy, she had to lift the arm and run to the toilet. She needed both her hands, damn its heavy, she thought as she slowly lifted the arm. She saw way out, she was just about to grab it. But the arm and its partner apparently felt otherwise, they both lunged out and grabbed her, and pulled her back to the chest. Dimitry let out a pleased huff right at her ear, if she were filled to the prim, she might have blushed. But she was frustrated by now, she needed to go, and she needed to go now. Having no more patient and only one though going trough her, her attempts at getting free became careless. Her tussling alerted the male, and his eyes snapped open. Before she could even blink, she was tossed on her back. Dimitry resting on his hands and knees above her, his face right up in hers. The male’s canines were showing, his jaw sat in a displeased manner. A low growl left him, a warning. His eyes a deep vibrant red as they stared into her own cobalt blue, she was shocked and a bit scared. “Mate must not leave,, he said, his voice deeper and hoarse. It sparked something in Solance, and before she could stop herself, she flickered his forehead. She was angry and frustrated at this point, not even think of the conserveness of her actions. She wasn’t leaving, she just wanted to pee for Pete sake. Dimitry froze above her, he just hovered there blinking repeatedly. He looks so silly, Solance thought, and then laughed out loud. She could not stop herself, she wanted to though course her bladder didn’t like it at all. But he made it so damn difficult, Dimitry’s wolf subsided and he was once again in full control.                                          It was nice to see his mate laugh, it brightens her eyes and gave her glow like nothing else. But why was she even up? It was still dark outside, the sun wouldn’t be up for at least an hour or two. And why was she trying to leave? “why are you up at this ungodly hour?,, he finally asked, has his mate was trying to calm herself down. Solance stiffed her laugher and felt the urge to pee so strong, she could cry. “I woke course I need to go to the… the little girl’s room,, She whispered the last part out, this was so embarrassing. Her hands flew to cover her bright red face, the male above her chuckled at his mate’s adorableness. The male got off his mate and left the bed, he was happy to know she wasn’t trying to leave him. He turned to lift the girl, only to see her ready to stand. He snapped into action, forcing himself to ignore her short but shapely legs. He snuck an arm under her knees and the other supported her back and promptly lifted her up. The girl let out a shriek and clung to him, maybe it had its ups that he had to be on guard around his stubborn mate. Solance protested loudly, she could walk to the bathroom on her own. Even stating that she was too heavy and too big to be carried around like this. Dimitry could only scoff at her words, his mate was too self-conscious and much to hard on herself. Besides he liked carrying her around, the skin to skin contact was nice. Of course, he couldn’t say that then she would only act up even further. Instead, he said “it’s the doctor's orders, you are not to but any weight unnecessarily on your feet,, he said a smug smirk on his face.                        “But it’s only to the bathroom?,, the girl pouted, as the male helped the stand in the bathroom. The floor tiles were warm to her feet, her hands held onto the sink. She could already feel the strain from standing, her feet were hurting. Dimitry made sure she was stable, “call me when you're finished,, he said placing a soft kiss to her right temple and then left her to her business. It was embarrassing no doubt, but finally, she could pee. Solance quickly finished her business, washed her hands. Her feet couldn’t take much more, it hurts, it stung, and she felt the tears build up. Her legs were trembling, she could hear Dimitry walked around in the bedroom. He would walk to the bathroom door, stop, and then turn away. He was waiting for her to call, if she hadn’t been in so much pain, she would have smiled. Maybe relying on him, on Dimitry, on her mate, whatever they were. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad? With that she finally called his name, he didn’t hesitate. He was right at her side, picked her up, and walked her to the bed. “You could tell, couldn’t you?,, She asked, has he placed her down. He kneeled before her, he checked her feet. Finding them okay, the bleeding hadn’t returned. He meets her eyes, a soft smile on his face. He stroked her knee, “my wolf can sense it,, he said. “I still don’t really understand all of this,, Solance whispered, he could sense when she was in pain? What else could he know? “here,, Dimitry held out a water bottle and her pills, she took them. He then sat down beside the bed, his back resting against the bed. Solance was sitting on the edge of the bed, she couldn’t even reach the floor with her feet. The two just sat in silence, their bond was still new, and Solance didn’t even have a wolf to guide her.                       Solance felt Dimitry's head, has he lean to rest his head at her knee. She didn’t quite get all of this, but he seemed to need the contact. Her right hand stroked his hair timidly at first, but seeing him relax, she continued. It was kind of nice, she never had a boyfriend. It never really happened, it’s not that she hadn’t fancied a boy or two, but that was it. It was always just a small fancy, never something deeper or more. So, she never took that next step. She didn’t know what this mate thing was, but she didn’t really freak out about the whole werewolf thing either. Maybe she was just weird? She had always been quick to adapt to changes, but this change. She looked down at the blond head, this was something new and unknown. Am I ready for that?                       How long the two sat there, neither knew nor cared. They could hear the rest of the house wake up, they could see the sun stream through the heavy curtain “we should probably eat, I don’t think Sarah would be happy with me starving you,, Dimitry joked, Solance could only grin, no Sarah probably wouldn’t be happy. The male turned his head up to look at her, “how are your feet?,, he asked. “I believe you already know that,, she said back. “I do, but it’s your body. So, it’s your answer that matter,, He said, though he finished in his head, has long has it nothing serious.   A warm feeling spread in her chest, strange, she smiled. It was a nice feeling, “Thank you, they don’t hurt anymore,, she answered. He smiled at her and then stood up. He stretched giving his mate a good look at his back, and how his muscles flexed as he moved. Her mouth suddenly felt dry, was this normal?  Dimitry sense it and gave her a s**t-eating grin, she blushed and looked away a pout on her face. He laughed out loud, he leaned down in front of her, took her face in his hands, his thumbs rubbing her cheeks. He rested his forehead against hers, he stared into her eyes. He was happy, so very happy. “We will make it work,, he whispered, both understanding that he may have an advance in their relationship. But he would hear her voice, not just her body. She grabbed his hands as he was about to let go, “There are still many things I don’t know, and I don’t know about, about love. There has never been anyone like that in my life before, I don’t know how to act or respond. So please be patient with me?,, She whispered to him. At first, he was shocked, his mate was so innocent. But then, he would be her first, and if he could help it, her last. He sent her a brilliant smile, “Then I guess we will learn together,, he whispered back, Solance smiled too. Both thinking nothing could ruin their moment, but then violent knocking happens upon the door.                       “OI DIMITRY! BREAKFAST IS ALMOST READY!,, Zetrich yelled loudly. Dimitry groaned and yelled that they would be there, Solance just looked at the door. She didn’t know that voice, now that she thought about it, she didn’t know how many were in this house. “that beta is going to get a beating one of these days,, Dimitry said as he angrily throws on some fresh clothing, giving Solance a nice look of his black boxershorts. His legs were long and muscular, just like the rest of him. He pulled on the black fitted jeans and a white V-neck t-shirt, just then he realized Solance was just sitting there staring. He paused for a moment, admiring the blush on his mate’s face. He liked that look on her face a lot, he finished dressing and turned to the closet. He had put her new cloth in their closet, he pulled out a nice white dress with a small teal ribbon on the waist. Solance accepted the help to get the nightshirt off, it was a bid embarrassing to sit only in her underwear. But Dimitry didn’t make a big scene out of it, he quickly pulled the dress over her head. The fabric was soft and cool on her skin, the dress had long sleeves that were like a second skin. Her neck and collarbone were exposed before the dress covered her chest, it was a cute cut, that flattered Solance nicely. Dimitry helped her stand, her hands holding on to his torso as he tied the ribbon on her back. The dress went to her knees, the white and teal color really brought out her dark hair and blue eyes.                       “Who was that?,, Solance asked as Dimitry brushed out her hair. “That was my friend Zetrich, you will meet him at breakfast,, he answered before focused on the task of braiding his mate’s hair. How difficult could it even be? “You called him beta? What’s a beta?,, She asked as Dimitry tried to braid her hair one more time, messing the first one up. “A beta is a rank of wolves, the highest rank and leader is the Alpha. The alpha is the strongest wolf of the pack, betas are the second rank, but they too can have different ranks in the pack. But that is decided by the Alpha, and then we have the omegas,, He finished as the braid turned out okay, not perfect but he was pleased. The liked how the braid changed color, Solance hair had two colors, the sun had lightened the outer layer into a light mocha color, while the inner layer was a dark chocolate color. He liked it. “What’s an Omega?,, She asked as he pulled the brush through his own hair. “Omega? An Omega is typically a newcomer or weaker pack member, they are at the lowest rang in the pack,, He answered not really think about it. “Isn’t that what Aywa and Adele are?,, Solance asked remembering how that girl, Angie was it?, had hit Adele. Dimitry put down the brush, and then pulled a hand through his hair, so looked tussled again. “Yeah they are, though Aywa may not be for long, now that I think about it,, He said as an afterthought. “What do you mean? How does one stop being an Omega?,, Dimitry couched down before Solance, thinking on how to answer. Omega raising to beta was rarely seen now that he thought about it, not unheard of but rare. “Well in Aywa’s case, its because her mate is a beta in our pack. This means she raises to his rank, and her mate is Matthew, and he is a beta,, he said. “Is there any other way to go from omega to beta?,, Solance asked thinking of Adele, maybe that would make Angie or whatever stop being so mean. “Well an omega can win there way up in the ranks, but that is dangerous for the omega. Course if they don’t win the fight, it’s either exile from the pack or death,, Dimitry said, for the first time understanding how hard it must be to be an omega. He hadn’t been mean to the twins, not that he recalled. But he hadn’t treated them like he did his friends in till recently.  “That sounds harsh,, Solance whispers, hugging herself, feeling bad for Adele. “Now, let's talk no more about that it’s time for breakfast.,, Dimitry said as he picked up his mate, who held onto his neck. Solance was starting to feel comfortable with being carried around, it was rather nice. “And for you to meet the rest of the pack,, He said. Both were excited about introducing and being introduced, but Solance couldn’t shake the feeling of dread, like something bad was heading her way. Dimitry though mostly excited about showing his perfect mate to his pack, he also knew that things were going to change. After all, he finally had a reason to be alpha, but the elders would fight him, no alpha could have a human mate. Nothing would make him give up on his mate, the goddess had made her just for him. He would die before living without her, no one would take her from him, no one.   “What do you mean, she isn’t dead! I paid you good money to see her dead, now you’re telling me she is alive! Where is she!?,, A woman with a rough voice said into the phone. Anger was making her bite her nicely manicured nails, her lips painted dark pink. “She has been located to a larger estate near Seattle, were a group of families lives. But we know no more than that at the moment madam,, The man answered. The woman felt like screaming, how hard is it to kill a 17-year-old girl! “It doesn’t matter! I will find her and then, you better finish the job!,, The woman said through clench teeth and then hung up, she needed a smock.                                   “Oh, how can life be so against me,, The woman muttered, just then her phone rang, it was that number again. She hadn’t cared to pick it up before, she hadn’t even listened to her recordings. She took the phone and answered it. “This is Lavenda Rider, I have been trying to contact you for a while miss Josef. This is about your charge Solance Hopkins,, the woman on the other end said, Margret couldn’t help the deadly smile that took on her face. 
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