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The coming days passed quickly, only the pine trees had their green color left. All leaves had fallen to the ground, piles could be seen everywhere. The wind would dance them around occasionally, twirling them around. It was pretty, soon winter would set in and nature would go to sleep. Dimitry had told her that there always came a lot of snow on these parts, she was looking forward to it. She liked when it snowed, it had a calming effect on her. She was counting the day for when her training would begin, she wanted to play out in the snow.                       Halloween was tomorrow now, most of the teens were in the basement. They were decorating it with all things halloweenie, they were going to hold a party tomorrow with costumes, games and competitions. It was something they did every year. Solance was in the basement too, though she couldn’t help with the decorating. she had been placed in one of the larger bean cushions, Aywa had given her, her drawing pad. So, there she sat taking with her friends as they decorated the basement with fake cobweb, spiders, skeletons and ghost. Solance was drawing on and off, just enjoying the happy and excited atmosphere. Solance genuinely enjoyed her new friends, they were all so friendly and goofy. She had never really had many friends before, most didn’t like how observant she was. But here among werewolves, no one seemed to mind. Cole tried to scar her multiple times, he had hoped it would be easy since she couldn’t really run away. But each and every time she would just laugh at his antics, she felt no fear among her friends.                       “be careful Cole, if Dimitry sees you trying to scar Sol,, Away said ever political. “He will have your head,, Adele said troughing a hairy spider at him. The friends could only laugh, though three people didn’t. Angie, Gwen and Zoey. Solance had finally meet Zoey, the meeting wasn’t pleasant. She hanged around Angie like a second shadow, it pained Solance to see how Zoey ignored Zetrich. And instead fawned over Cole at every opportunity. Dimitry weren’t with them at the moment, he had said he had something he needed to do. He wouldn’t tell her what it was, it worried her a little. But she wanted to trust him, she couldn’t tell him to trust her. If she did not trust him, thinking about Dimitry made her think back on the conversation they had. She blushed bright red at the memory, it was the day after the hospital visit. He had given her a quick lecture on wolf relationships, he was the alpha and the male. So he was the dominant one, they had argued for a bit. Which resulted in a reprimand since Solance wouldn’t give in, he had bit her neck. Maybe she had a bite fetish, cause she kind of liked it. Dimitry had released a purr like growl, he said it weren’t fair when she did that. She didn’t quit understand, but he said he could smell that she liked it. They had come to an agreement that they should learn to trust each other, and that Solance had just has much say in their relationship. Well Solance had commanded it, they were equal. Dimitry had partly agreed, he had said he wouldn’t be able to control himself always. She had accepted his honesty, he had then demanded that she didn’t bit him again. She had made no such promise, it had worked in her favor.                        “what are you drawing?,, Cole plopped down beside he on the bean cushion. Zoey sent her an evil eye, Solance ignored the girl and hid her drawings. Cole tried to get it, ”come on let me see,, he whined, in response she blew him a raspberry and laughed. “very mature,, Matthews said behind them.  They were done decorating, so now they all lunged around. Adele sat down between Solance and Cole, she playfully kicked Cole away. “hey!,, he exclaimed as he landed on the floor. “serves you right,, Zetrich laughed. The two ended up tumbling onto the sofa play fighting, everyone laughed. At some point Angie, Gwen and Zoey had left. “what are you going to dress up has?,, Aywa asked, Solance shrugged “I don’t know, I guess I will improvise?,, she laughed. The others looked at her and shook their heads, “seriously? Dimitry haven’t prepared something for you?,, Cole asked from the Sofa haven’t secured Zetrich beneath him. “If he has, he hasn’t told me,, She said. “By the way where is the bastard?,, Alex asked. “Who are you calling Bastard?,, Dimitry asked right behind him, Alex let out a not so masculine scream and a hand flew to his heart. Dimitry smirked and then looked at the room, he nodded. “it looks awesome guys, well done,, He praised. He grabbed a bean cushion and pulled it near Solance, “where have you been, we have been having lots of fun without you,, Matthew said smirking at his friend. Said male huffed in annoyance and then lifted Solance up, he then sat down in his bean cushion with Solance on his lap. Her head under his chin, he nearly covered her whole frame. Solance looked forward to being able to walk, she wasn’t a baby for heaven sake. She huffed quite similar to her mate’s earlier, the others laughed, and he reprimanded her by tucking her ear with his fangs. “I have been working on something, nothing to worry about,, He simply answered.                                       “Dimitry, Solance doesn’t have a costume for tomorrow! How come you haven’t made sure she has one?,, Away said learning on her mate. Adele agreed with her sister, they would all come dressed up tomorrow night. Dimitry raised an eyebrow at her, “wait? You have a costume for her? What is it?,, Away exclaimed. It’s the first time her sister and herself could participate and they were looking forward to doing it with their friend. “it’s a surprise,, he said enjoying his mate’s warmth, and what a surprise it would be.                       The rest of the day was spent watching Halloween and horror films, they all enjoyed the day. None of them could wait for the coming day, worries were forgotten for the time being.                         The party was just about to begin, Adele was fidgeting in her red riding hood costume. She couldn’t stand still, she had so much excitement in her body she could burst. They were waiting for everyone to arrive so the party could begin, the light had been dimmed. Every scary mechanic had been turned on, give those coming trough the door jumps with fright when Pennywise reaches out when you pass it. The candy bowl trap had already met its end. Gwen had stuck her hand into the bowl only to feel a hand grab hers. She had plunged the bowl into the wall in fright, screaming bloody murder. The bowl was broken and the candy was scattered everywhere. Creepy and horror music was playing in the background, Adele admired the other costumes. Gwen was a sexy witch, Zoey a dead queen, Alex had dress has a goddess. Zetrich was a wolfman, very original. Cole was Edward Scissorhands, Matthew and Aywa had matched their costumes, a demon and a nun. The only ones missing were Dimitry, Solance and Angie. Even Michael had arrived, his job was to keep an eye on the kids. Just a precaution, normally he will just be nursing a coffee and nap in a chair in the corner.                       Dimitry carried his catch down the basement, his catch wasn’t quite pleased with him. But he enjoyed it nonetheless, she flopped her tail releasing a very canine growl. It was impressive, maybe his mermaid was a maneater. He entered the room and nearly fell over a jump scar, he managed to hold his footing, but his hat fell to the floor. He cursed, Solance laughed. “Did Pennywise get you?,, Matthew laughed as he approached them. Zetrich picked Dimitry’s hat up and put it back on the blond head. “A pirate? Really,, He asked with a smirk. Dimitry looked smug “Pirate captain and the greatest catch,, Dimitry pulled Solance up so she sat on his shoulder, making her clear for all to see. Her milky skin, wither glitter dust shimming. The top was decorated with pearls, beads and shells, all in pastel colors. The tail was a blue color similar to her eyes, Dimitry had gone all out when it came to dressing up his mate. “greatest catch indeed,, Cole snickered at Solance’s sour expression. “Well, I think Solance makes an excellent mermaid,, Adele said planting her elbow in Cole’s stomach. He made a funny face and then fell to his knees, “Thanks Adele, but I envy you. You are rocking that hood,, Solance complimented. “aren’t I though,, Adele posed, everyone laughed.                       “Excuse me, but should we get this party started?,, Angie had finally arrived, she was standing right behind Dimitry. Solance couldn’t help but stare, Angie had curled her short hair. Then dyed the tips and bangs a bright pink, she wore a dress that barely covered her body. The dress showed her bare stomach, had a heart-shaped torso cut. The dress stopped at her mid thighs, and she wore some high heels that had ribbons tied up to her knees. Everything was either black or hot pink, she also had a pair of see through fairy wings on her back. And her face was caked in makeup, hadn’t it been for her voice, Solance wouldn’t have known it was Angie under there. “Wow Angie, you really outdone us all,, Zoey said, Gwen nodded in agreement.   The party finally started, the music was turned up. Pictures was taken, Dimitry got his way. He got a picture taken with Solance hanging over his shoulder, what a memory that would be. Dimitry made sure Solance could try the games she wanted and got to eat whatever she wanted. They all had fun, Dimitry even took Solance to the dancefloor.                       “Dimitry I’m too heavy for this,, Solance said even though she enjoyed the moment. It felt like she was flying, her feet well tail weren’t touching the floor. He scoffed at her and continued, “when will you learn that to me, you weight nothing,, he hugs her close. Sometimes he feared that if he let her go, she would be taken away by the wind alone. “how about never?,, Solance laughed resting her forehead on his, gazing into his eyes. How she loved those eyes, she wouldn’t mind drowning in them. The song from Hocus Pocus came on, Solance couldn’t help but sing along. “I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine,,  she sang into his ear, Dimitry smirked. “indeed you did, my own little siren,, he kissed her right then and there. She didn’t mind even when Cole wolf whistled, she just focused on her mate, the rise of heat in her body and her legs turned to jelly. At last one good thing with being carried around, candy corn was thrown on them by all the singles. They booed at them “go get a room,, “Solance and Dimitry sitting in a tree,, Laugher rung from the two. The night was going along splendidly, Solance had eaten so much candy her teeth was stained pink from the cherry flavored suckers. Her lips slightly blue from the gummies and she had a large collection of wrappers beside her, Dimitry was going to set his foot down now. “no more candy for you,, He said loudly taking the sucker she was trying to open from her. Her eyes turned impossibly big and she pouted up at him, her lip stuck out. “but?,, she said, she then turned to look at the cupcake stand. “I wanted a cupcake too,, she said and looked back up at him. It was one of the games she couldn’t play, since you needed to pump the water pistol with your foot to hit the flaming pumpkins. “if I win you a cupcake, will it then be the last sugar you will have to night,, he asked seriously. Solance wiggled on his lap, little Dimitry started to wake again. His mate had no idea what she was doing to him, he grabbed her hips keeping her still. “any preference?,, he asked having taken her movements has excitement. “the one with chocolate and salted caramel!,, she exclaimed. Dimitry sighed and then stood up carefully not to alert Solance to his bulge, he sat her on their chair, kissed her nose and told her to wait patiently. Has he walk to the stand he gazed back at his mate, her eyes were on him and she smiled warmly. His mate truly was something else.   Angie sat down beside the low human, Dimmy had finally left the human’s side. Angie had finally gotten the whole story, now it was time to stick and shake this imaginary relationship. Angie smiled evilly at the girl, Solance could sense the malic coming from the other female. But she didn’t cower, she remained still and waited for what was to come. She could still see Dimitry has he were trying to win them a cupcake, Adele were watching Solance. Adele was ready to come to her aid, at the smallest sign from Solance. Solance felt confident, for now at least. “How is everything going?,, Angie asked sweetly. “fine, I can’t complain,, Solance answered. “really? That’s nice to hear,, Angie bit her lip, she looked uncertain for a moment and then glanced at the boys still competing. “I shouldn’t really be saying this to you.. but I think it’s unfair how everyone is keeping it from you,, Angie whispered close to Solance. Solance was curious now, she was expecting an attack not this. “whatever do you mean Angie?,, again the female looked around and then she learned closer. “It’s about Dimitry’s position in the pack, you probably don’t know but pairing with a human is against the rules. He was meant to be the future alpha, but with you by his side,, Angie left the end hang. Solance asked her to explain further.  Angie signed in annoyance how dense is this human? “He can’t take on the position of alpha with you has a mate, basically you are in the way of his future,, Angie finished quite happy with herself. “why don’t you say what you really want to say Angie?,, Solance looked at the female trough half closed eyes, her face in a hard mask. Angie smirked, not that dense it would seem. “very well, you are not worthy of being Dimitry’s mate. He is mine,, Angie said confidently, flipping her hair back. “In your head maybe, but you don’t get to decide his decisions or mine,, Solance said learning forward. “yhis is a battle a low unworthy and usless human can’t win, the elders would never allow it. In the end… you will either be forced to leave, or you will be killed,, Angie said, she could she how the human froze for a second, she had hit a nerve. Solance lowered her eyes, yes she would be forced to leave, but not because of the elders or because of Dimitry. But because of Josef, tears sting in her eyes, she forced them back. She wouldn’t give this b***h the satisfaction of seeing her cry, Solance looked back up, two could play this game. “Maybe I will have to leave but mark my words! I will be back,, Solance meet those doe-like eyes, her own cold and deadly like a siren. “And don’t get ahead of yourself, little fool, Dimitry is my mate! You don’t even exist to him,, Solance said with a cruel smile, she saw how Angie’s eyes glow yellow, her face grimaced ugly. “you really want to hurt me right now, don’t you?,, Solance japed at the irate female beside her. Angie’s claws were scraping the table, she was fighting to not course a scene. “hello, my little one, did you miss me,, Dimitry slipped in not sensing any tension, too happy to present his mate with the chocolate cupcake with the salted caramel. She had a thing for salted caramel, his mate received the cupcake with a brilliant smile. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and thanked him Dimitry asks if he was interrupting something, “no, not at all,, Solance said. Dimitry could sense no lie, and yet something told him he had missed something. But before he could ask further Solance asked “Can we get closer to the guess jar?,, she was looking up at him, a bit of frosting on her mouth. Her bright eyes looking up at him. How could he say no? even though he had said the cup cake would be her last candy for the night, his mate had quite a sweet tooth. “fine, but no more sweets for tonight,, he scolded with a smile has he lifted her up, his mate hugged his neck tightly, her cupcake securely in her hand. He turned to walk leaving Solance facing Angie, Solance hid her smile behind the cupcake, her eyes send a smug look to the angry female as Solance’s other hand pulled on her mates shirt, proudly showing her bite mark from earlier.                       Angie was shaking in her seat, that b***h!. She wanted to yell, to scream to tear that human to pieces! Angie had lost today, but one fight didn’t end a war, and this. This was a war, the human would get what was coming for her. Angie left the party unseen, she had had enough, for tonight at least. “just one more?,, Solance begged him, but he wouldn’t let her. She was going to get an upset stomach if she had anymore, Solance had guessed the correct amount of chocolate ghost in the guess jar. she now had 5 kilo chocolate, but he wouldn’t let her have anymore tonight. “Might has well give up Sol, he won’t give in,, Away said. She was in the same situation, Matthew wouldn’t let he have anymore either. Solance whined impressively like a cub and nuzzled Dimitry’s chest. He was struggling but this was about his mate’s health, he gave a firm grunt, a small warning for her to stop her antics now. She huffed but stopped, she sulked with a pout on her plum lips. “well how was your first party with the pack?,, Adele asked resting on the table, Cole snoring on her back. Those two really got along well, Solance smiled. “I don’t remember when I last had so much fun, I’m looking forward to next year,, She said excitement making her glow under the dim light. Dimitry felt the warmth of her words, there would be a next year. “But next year I’m in charge of the costumes,, she finished sending Dimitry a look and a raised brow. Everyone laughed, Dimitry gave her a toothy smile and then nipped her neck at her impertinence. The laughing stopped when the sound of someone vomiting reached the groups ears. “seems like Gwen have had too much,, Alex stated with a hand on his nose. Michael was all ready by the girl’s side a bottle of water and a bucket, “how about we call it a night?,, Zetrich said gagging, the smell was horrid. Everyone agreed and left for their rooms, leaving a sick Gwen in her own vomit with the bate patting her back.  A/N note  here it is has promised, hope you all had a happy Halloween and that you stayed safe in these chaotic times. next chapter will be up the coming Sunday XD see yeah soon
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