First steps

4461 Words
Damn this hurt! Solance screamed on the inside, her teeth clench. She was only four steps in, it was so hard. Her feet were throbbing and shaking, she was trying to control her breathing. Her hands were sweaty and clinging to the rails on either side of her, her eyes shifted from her feet, to the floor and all the way up to the end of the rails. It felt so far away. Sarah had said, she may not reach the end today, but damnit she would make it to the end no matter how long it takes. If she had to crawl the last bit she would! Her retraining had finally started, she had been counting the days. Being carried around was getting old, she wanted to take a bath on her own and explore the house.                       So here she was feeling like bambi on ice, her legs shaking and weak under her. Her feet hurt and her balance is… nearly nonexisting. On the end of the rail was the ever-motherly figure Sarah, biting her lip nervously. She looked to be trying hard not to panic every time Solance stopped to find her balance and the strength to continue. “be careful! Hold on to the rails and take one small step at a time,, Sarah was acting so overprotective, Solance was doing her best not to snap at the woman. She was after all just looking out for her, but it was getting to her. Her mate was walking around her, their bond had grown stronger. He could now easily smell when his mate wanted him to go away, and he would listen, when it suited him. So, when that particular part of her scent spiked he would walk away, he was finding it hard to see her struggle so. But he wanted to see her walking too, this was a necessary evil. And she found it easier to read him now, they still had their struggle for dominance. She had bite marks and so did he, and she was now sure she had a thing for biting. It gave her an advance when they would argue, since biting has punishment didn’t work on her. Unfortunately, he got creative, he would take away her dessert, deny her company, at least everyone but him. Two could play that game, he soon learned that. So at least now it was only when one of them truly had done something bad, that they punished each other. Neither liked each other’s punishments.  So, all was well for now, Solance was sure that one of the reasons, Dimitry was behaving so well. Was because of her desire to take part in the new years run, Adele and Aywa had told her about it a few days ago. The next generation of the pack would run in the new year, by running trough the forest in their wolf form ten minutes to midnight. Apparently the first time you stop running after midnight, that place will have some meaning, or you will find something that can predict your coming year. Solance wanted to participate and act like part of the pack, Dimitry was pleased by her resolve and desire to take her place in the pack. He cared not that she would run like a human, it matters little to him. He was training daily with his father too take over the position of alpha, he had too. His father was happy to have his son finally acting like an alpha, they both new he had to suppress his father in all areas. The elders wouldn’t go down without a fight, they were set in their ways. Clyde hadn’t been the first choice has alpha, but he had earned and fought his way to change how the pack was ruled. Back then female’s had little rights, they couldn’t even reject a male’s advances. He fought and won, his place was secure thanks to his own powers and the support of his pack. Dimitry wanted a human mate, something unheard of in their pack. Though he was strong and had some support, it would not be enough. Solance couldn’t take part in a fight, which means Dimitry had to provide the strength of both alpha and Luna in a fight. “that’s it! Your halfway there!,, Sarah exclaimed with joy, encouraging Solance to keep going. Her words had taken Dimitry from his thoughts, his eyes drifted to his mate. A fragile human girl, who’s body looked ready to give up, but her blue eyes shined with the strength of a warrior. She was drenched in sweat, her bangs sticking to her forehead. Her breathing labored, but she didn’t stop. Her muscles flexed in her arms, her right foot raised from the floor. Seeing her take the last steps, filled him with pride. She stilled had bruises, scars from her ordeal. But it wouldn’t stop her, she was a force to be reckoned with. Seeing her reach the end, a bright smile appeared on her flustered face. She had done it, Sarah grabbed her. “That was so great! You reached the end on the first go!,, Sarah talked happily as she helps Solance to a chair. Solance thanked her, Dimitry was at her side quickly with a towel. Gently he dried the sweat, Sarah took down notes. “Truly amazing! Now you most rest for today, no more walking,, Sarah said seriously as she sat down before the girl to check her feet. “even if I wanted to, I don’t think I have the strength,, Solance laughed. Sarah smiled and shook her head, Dimitry snorted. “your feet and legs are a bit stiff, tomorrow I will show you guys some exercises that can help with that,, Sarah said patting Solance knee. Dimitry nodded, his mate’s hair was quite wet, he would have to remind himself to tie it up next time. “When will I be able to walk do you think?,, Solance asked, she needed to start running. Or else she wouldn’t even last to midnight at the new year’s run. Sarah thought about it for a while, “I would say, if you continue with this, and nothing gives us setbacks. You might be able to walk around on your own in two too tree weeks, though no long distances yet,, Sarah said knowing were the girl’s mind were going. Solance nodded, she just needs to be able to run the new year in, and next year she would get to run with the wolves. “come mate, you need a bath,, Dimitry said reaching to lift his mate up. She whipped her head to him #are you saying I stink?,, Solance said faking anger. Sarah laughed, Dimitry blinked and raised an eyebrow at his mate. If he said yes, she would sulk and pout. If he said no, she would say he was lying and tease him. He was finding his mate way to appealing to handle her covered in sweat, flustered and teasing him. They weren’t ready for that yet, he huffed and then swiped down to nip her ear. “I’m not mate, but you could catch a cold like this,, he said with a smirk, seeing his mate pout and then evade her eyes from him. He had won this time around. Once more he reached for her, again she stopped him. “could I get to talk to Sarah? In private?,, she asked looking up at him through her dark lashes, biting her lip and wringing her hands. Dimitry frowned, they wouldn’t have much time together in the coming months. With her training and his own, they would be apart a lot, he didn’t like it. In the first period into the mating, a male and female would stick together has much as possible. But they hadn’t really been able to do that, and now she wanted to spend time with Sarah alone instead of him. “just twenty minutes! And then we can do something you want to do! Please!,, she begged haven read his face perfectly. Dimitry paused, a smirk appearing on his face. Solance felt a shiver run down her back as he lowered his face to hers, only inches from hers. ”What I want to do?” he asked with a husky whisper into her face, her hands pushed his face away from hers, a cherry red blush on her face. “wi- with in reasons!,, She squeaked embarrassed, having remembered this very morning, he had been a little handsy. It was nice yes, and she liked it, a lot, but she wasn’t ready for that step. Dimitry chuckled grabbed her hands and gave her a quick kiss, “twenty minutes, then I will come get you,, he said and then left the room.  He decided to prepare his mate’s bath as he thought of what to do afterwards, he came up with an idea. Now time couldn’t go fast enough. Back in the infirmary Solance and Sarah was looking at each other in silence, neither really knowing how to start this conversation, but both knowing it had to be said. Having finally gathered her thoughts Solance blurred out an apology just as Sarah said it too, they looked baffled at each other and then laughed. “seemed like we both needed to say it,, Solance said as she finally stopped laughing, Sarah nodded. “I’m so sorry I didn’t step in back then, I’m sorry I didn’t do anything,, Sarah said meeting the girl’s eyes, the girl was like a daughter to her. “It’s true I felt betrayed that day. I was frightened yes, but the funny thing is.. I have no idea why I was so frightened,, Solance said remembering back to that day. Sarah looked puzzled and pulled a chair close to Solance’s, “what do you mean you don’t know why you were frightened?,, she asked. “That’s the thing, I know something happened to me, I know there was men, and that they hurt me. But I don’t actually remember it, it’s just gone from my mind,, Solance explained. Sarah looked shocked, it could explain why Solance weren’t that affected by the trauma, she had been told somethings, her body showed the evidence of her experiences. But she couldn’t remember it, that can be why she never went into shock. “I always waited for you to go into shock or some how show evidence mentally, but it never came. That was why I wouldn’t let Dimitry anywhere near you, it happened anyway. But-,, Sarah stopped and meet Solance eyes. “you truly don’t remember what does men did to you?,, Solance shook her head, she could remember something, but the rest, the men’s face, how she got her bruises, she couldn’t remember. Sarah thought for a while, maybe it was Solance subconsciousness that acted up that day. She reacted to Dimitry from those blocked memories, blocked memories are never good. They are blocked typically as a mean to cope and there by survive, but that also leaves you in the dark about what have happened to you, and the people who did this to you. “I want to remember,, Solance whispered. Sarah took Solance hands in her own, she brushed her thumbs over the girl’s hands. “I understand, but right now. That’s not what is important,, Sarah said gently. “but-,, Solance began. “The mind sometimes blocks memories, it’s because it can process what happened in them. So, the mind hides these memories, so you can survive and move on with your life,, Sarah explained. “But what if I want to remember?,, the girl asked her eyes blank with unshed tears, Sarah smiled softly. “I can understand wanting to remember, even something so terrible has what you have been victim too. But right now, I want you to focus on getting better and stronger. Let’s take this battle first and then we will look for ways to unlock those memories,, Sarah said squeezing the girl’s hands, Solance squeezed back and nodded with soft smile. “Now on a more happy note, since you have been such a good patient and I have heard someone has been limiting your access to sweets, how about a lollipop?,, Sarah smirked, Solance laughed and asked if she had cherry flavor.   To be frank, Dimitry weren’t pleased to find his mate eating sweets. His mate had a sweet tooth, and everybody was pleased with giving her some, as soon has his back was turned. He feared for her teeth, though he took it upon himself to brush her teeth twice a day, she didn’t like being treated like a child, but with her addiction to sweets. It would be something she would have to learn how to live with, her health and wellbeing was his first priority. He had quickly confiscated what was left of the sucker from his mate, she had started to bite it. He threw it out send Sarah a reprimanding glare and took his mate out of the room with a swift goodbye and a mate hitting his back. Sarah’s laugher could be heard down the hall, Solance had given up, she was too tired anyway. They entered their room, not a word said between them. Dimitry dumped his mate in the bathroom, a nice warm bath scented with peaches. He was irritated, she new that. Before he could walk out, she grabbed him. “sorry.. no more sweets today,, she said. “you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep,, he said smugly. “I promise no more swe-,, she began heathy. “we are having lava cake for dessert with ice cream,, he said, that made his mate silent. She whined, knowing she had lost. “now bathe mate, I want to show you something,, He said kissing her hand and then left her to bathe. She bathed quickly, it was nice to feel clean. She was excited to see what he wanted to show her, he had seemed so excited too. She quickly dried her body and put her cloth on, the cloth was different from what she normally wore. It was very warm and tick fabric. Tick leggings, black with silver roses on the sides. A turtleneck long shirt in a soft cream color, even gloves? Why did she need gloves? She wanted to walk out herself, but remembered Sarah words, and maybe she could appease her mate, so she could still have if only a small portion of dessert. She sat down and then called for her mate, he opened the door in no time. “would you help me?,, she asked. He smiled softly and lifted her up. “your hair is still wet,, he said has he took a whiff of her scent, he liked the way the peaches aligned with her own natural scent. “it’s a hassle to dry,, she murmured nuzzling his neck. He sat her on the bed and left to get the blow dryer and her hairbrush, he sat down behind her. “were going outside, and I won’t have you become sick,, he said has he got to work on his mate’s hair. Solance enjoyed the attention, having wet hair outside at this time would be a bad idea indeed, it was always cold now and the ground was covered in snow and ice. Every fireplace in the house was lit from early morning to late night, old house breath so they tend to get cold if not warmth accordantly. “what are you going to show me?,, she asked curiously. ”You will see,, he merely answered finishing with her hair. Now she really was curious, he normally wasn’t so secrecy. He dressed her in a heavy and warm coat, booths with heating pads in the bottom. He put the gloves on her and earmuffs, and then carried her outside in the back garden near the edge of the forest. He was in nothing but a t-shirt, jeans and flipflops. There was snow on the ground, and he showed no sign of being cold. Even she felt a bit chilled, now she was happy for the many layers of clothing. “what are we doing out here,, she asked watching has he walked a few feet away from her. He sends her a smug look has he pulled his t-shirt off and dropped it the snow-covered ground, Solance’s eyes followed the shirt and then looked back up at him. He opened his jeans, she epp’ed and covered her eyes. What is he thinking!? She could hear his clothe hitting the snow. She waited, it was silent for a little while and then she heard cracking, snapping and popping noises. It was scary, she could hear him grunt. And the silence followed, she waited for him to say something. She could hear him coming closer slowly, then something cold and wet touched her. She squeaked and heard a whine, she finally removed her hands.           “wow,, she whispered, in front of her stood a giant golden wolf with black shocks. “Dimitry?,, she asked, the wolf nuzzled it’s big head into her lap. Carefully she touched the golden fur, it was so rough looking but surprisingly soft and so very warm. She petted the giant head, she could feel the strength that ran under the fur. Her mate was truly something, his head was too big for her lap. “was this what you wanted to show me?,, she asked. The wolf lifted it’s head from her lap, it then moved to her side and started to butt her with his snout. “you want me to stand up?,, she was answered with a bark. She stood up and waited for what he wanted, the wolf then looked to her and then turned it’s back to her. She looked puzzled at it, “what?,, Dimitry huffed and then looked at her and then to his back, her eyes widen. “you want me to climb on your back?,, again he barked, and his tail wagged. “no way, I’m too heavy,, the wolf snorted and gestured again, ”no!,, she said. He then snapped his teeth at her, for some reason she understood that there was no way out. He wanted his way, and he would get it. She blinked and fidget a little, would it really be okay? Yes he was the size of a lion, but still. He wasn’t really designed to carry a person around. She bit her lip, “I won’t hurt you?,, she asked softly, all she got was a strange snort, that sounded annoyed. “you promise?,, she added, the golden eyes meet her own. No sound came from the wolf, but somehow she understood. He had no worries, she nodded. “okay, lets try then,, she said. Solance felt strange hauling herself onto her mates furred back, she had a gentle hold on the fur at his neck. It was strange to sit on the wolf, she was a small girl to begin with. But still riding on a giant wolf, was strange. She was afraid to hurt him, so she was trying to keep her legs away from his sides, her hold was nonexciting. ”okay, now what?,, she asked. Dimitry was looking forward to having his mate ride him, she had no fear for his wolf. Though, she was probably the only human who would look at him in this form, with not an ounce of fear. It pleased him, he felt her clime on his back, hadn’t it been for his heightened senses he wouldn’t have known a human was on his back. He had been making sure she eats more than enough, she remained very light. Sarah had said it was because of her race, Dimitry did not quit understand that. Most humans he had hauled around, their weight had made senses with their size, only his mate puzzled him. “okay, now what?,, he heard her ask. She was seated on him, but she weren’t holding on, that much he could feel. if he started running she would fall off in a second, she was always so careful. He shook his large body, his mate squeaked childly and held on for dear life. Her hold on his neck was firm, her tights held to his sides, now she was ready. He barked and slowly went into a run, she let out a soft cry as he gained speed. He was running, he was fricking running with her on his back! Her eyes closed tightly, she was scared. A low rumbled sounded from the wolf she was holding onto, her eyes peeked open. She blinked and sat up slowly, still holding on. Her fear gone as she saw the forest, it twinkled in the sunset. The snow sparkled, the trees looked like crystals. The reddish sun falling giving room to a darkened, star decorated sky. It took her breath away, her mate barked, and she looked back ahead. A fallen tree was a few feet ahead of them, instantly she leaned down over her mate’s body. She felt his muscles tighten under her, preparing for the coming jump. He made a high jump and landed far from the fallen tree. She laughed, it was so exhilarating! Her hair was being pushed back from the speed alone. It feels nice, the wind caressing her face, the smell of the snow, the warmth of her mate. She didn’t know for how long they ran, but when they stopped it was near a creak. The creak was covered in a layer of ice, the sun had disappeared completely. It had gotten dark, but the stars were bright enough to give her enough light to see a few feet’s around herself. Her mate came to a stop and she slowly got off, she learned on him. Her legs had fallen asleep, and she didn’t quit want to fall face first into the snow. “what is this place?,, she whispered it looked unearthly. The snow was glowing at someplace, the rocks were an obsidian black color, the frozen creak, gave a soft sound, the water underneath the ice was still running. Dimitry leads his mate to a peaked rock he had cleaned for snow earlier, a perfect spot for them to rest, before going back to the house. Dimitry pushed his mate down and then laid himself around her, perfectly surrounding her. Keeping her warm, she petted him and rested her over body on him. “that was fun,, she said, her mate rumbled. He seemed to like it too, she scratched behind one of his big ears. “thanks for showing me,, she said nuzzling her head into his fur. “both this place and this side of you,, she stayed silent for a while just listening to her mate’s heartbeat and felt the rise and fall of his body. She looked up into the sky, the stars twinkled above them. “it’s a good night to be outside,, She said. A glowed hand traced the stars, Dimitry lifted his head and looked at her. He looked up at the sky, remembering how Solance could use the stars to find her was home. He had never cared much for stars, he didn’t even care much. But his mate seemed to see something he didn’t, again his big head looked to his mate. He touched her cheek with his cold nose, she giggled. “we can see a few things in the sky tonight,, She said shifting a little, so she was leaved with his head. She pointed once more up at the sky, “we can see Vigro also known has the virgin, can you see it?,, She slowly drew with her finger lines between nine stars, Dimitry crooked his head, he followed her finger and suddenly he too could see the lines between the small dotes in the sky. His tail wagged. “it has nine main stars, the brightest of these are Spica,, She pointed that star out among the many. “there is also Hydra also known as the water serpent, it’s right there,, She pointed to another part of the sky, again she slowly traced a line between the stars. “it has 17 main stars, despite how many stars it has unlike Virgo. Hydra only has one moderately bright star which is that one,, She said point at a specific star in the constellation “it’s called Alphard,, she said learning on her mate. His mate surprised him with her knowledge, how did she know all this? He headbutted his mate, how he wished they could mind link. He barked and looked back at the sky and then at her, she looked back up at the sky and yawned. “you want to hear more about the constellations?,, she asked, he shook his giant head and then headbutted her again. “the stars?,, she asked he barked and touched his nose to her face again. “and me?,, again he barked. “you want to know about the stars and- oh about how I know the stars?,, he barked, and his tail wagged once more. Again, she rested on him, her hands absently stroking him. “I have always liked to look at the sky, Grandpa noticed this one day. And then he taught me all he could,, she laughed “He even went so far, as to get me a small observatory above my room, so I could always get a closer look no matter the weather or season,, She was getting sleepy. “mate, I’m tired,, she whispered barely asleep. Dimitry ran the way home, a sleepy mate cling on his back. He didn’t bother with his cloth, he went to the sunroom with the doubled glass doors. His parents were in there, his father opened the door and let them in. “Son, you can’t have Solance outside so late,, He scolded with a smile. Dimitry gave a playful growled, his mate rubbed her eyes and let out another yarn making her jaw pop. “okay kids that’s it,, Lavenda said handing her son a towel has Clyde lifted Solance of the big wolf. Solance held on to the elder male like a small child. Lavenda was a bit shocked to see her son’s size, his wolf had grown a lot since she last saw him. He has grown a lot . She said having mind linked her mate. Clyde agreed, his son’s wolf was now much larger than his. Despite their training the last few weeks, his son seemed to keep growing. Soon his son would be the size of the white wolf of their great mother. Dimitry turned back into his human form, he covered himself with the towel and then reached for his mate. “Solance,, he called softly, Solance didn’t hesitate and reached for her mate. Clyde and Lavenda felt happy and proud, the pair had reached a new peak of the mating bond. “they will be all right,, Clyde whispered and kissed his mate’s hair as the kids left for their room. 
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