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The leaves had all lost their green colors, everything was now colored in the orange, red and brown hues. What little leaves there was still clinging on to the trees that is, trees were nearly all naked only the pine trees gave the comforting green color. Normally she liked when the leaves changed color and fell into large piles, she liked how the air got colder and she always looked forward to the first snow. But now, it remined her that time was passing, and that soon she would loss more people she held dear. The news of her grandfathers passing was still raw in her mind, she didn’t get to say goodbye, she missed the funeral. She would never see him again, hear his voice. A lone tear slid down her cheek, her forehead bumped against the window. “careful,, Dimitry said as he pulled her to him, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.                                  The car ride from the estate to the main road was bumpy, Thursday had come and now they were heading towards the city. Solance appointment for her x-rays were up, in the car was Sarah who was driving, Lavenda was shotgun and Dimitry and herself was in the backseat. The car was built for this type of roads, so it wasn’t too uncomfortable. But she was still down from Sunday, Monday had been long and had been spend in bed. Dimitry was doing his best to cheer her up, but he respected her lack of responses and her need for her own thoughts.                       “We will be entering the main road shortly,, Lavenda said and she peeked back at the kids. No one liked the situation, but they would make the most of it. Solance would turn eighteen on April 17th, then she would be of legal age and free to make her own choices. Though Lavenda hadn’t completely given up, she was willing to fight. And she knew others would join her, Solance was a part of their family, of their pack. And she did not care what the elders thought, those old farts. Sarah and herself, had agreed to make this more than a hospital visit, the kids needed something to take their minds of that damned woman’s words. So, they would go out for lunch, do some shopping, and then head home. Looking back at the kids, she knew that would be the right thing to do. They needed a change in scenery, and some good news.                       Dimitry hoped that his mate’s legs would be healed soon, he wanted to show her the forest. To share his secret spots, take her out on dates. He had to remember that she was human, human’s courtship and relationship are different from werewolves after all. Humans doesn’t have the same instinct and sense as wolves, so it takes longer for them to find their true match. Now that he thinks about it, it most be horrible being human. He looks down at his mate, how do humans find their soulmate then? He never really cared much about humans, how they made it in life or even lived. Now he knew that they were fragile, easily broken and had to enter many situations and relationships blindly. Where he would get a lot of knowledge from his surroundings and his senses, which made it easier for him to know who he could trust, if something was safe. He had no idea where he would be without his abilities, he would have to up his training. He needed to know how it felt to be human, it could bring him closer to Solance and maybe he will get stronger. It could bring him closer to becoming the next alpha, he would need that position. The elders would never let his mate become a part of their pack, her being human wouldn’t be tolerated.                       Dimitry pulled Solance closer to him, his arms circled her waist. She looked up at him, he seemed troubled. A dark hue clouded his eyes, his jaw clenched and his brow worried. She wondered what was going trough his head right now, she didn’t like it when he was tens. It worried her, for some strange reason, she didn’t understand. She felt scared when he wasn’t calm and his normal self, he was the big wolf. Fearless and always so gentle and reliable, slowly she touched his cheek. His eyes meet her blue ones, he grabbed her hand and held it to his cheeks and send her that smile. He relaxed under her touch, “your hand is cold,, he whispered and then took both of her hands in his. He was always so warm, it was nice. “why are you always so warm?,, She asked, was it another difference between werewolf and human. He smiled and kissed her forehead “I’m not sure, I never had to think why,, He answered truthfully. She rested her head on his shoulder again, enjoying his warmth and listening to the beat of his heart. Before long she drifted off, the two adults had seen it all. They smiled, the two had come far since their disastrous meeting. Together they could weather any storm, hopefully.                       They entered Seattle sometime later, it was a school day, so the streets were mostly empty. Housewives and the elderly were roaming around, getting their shopping and chores done for the day. They would be at the hospital soon, Dimitry wondered if he should wake his mate. He decided against it, the last few days had been hard. She needed the rest, maybe he should get her a gift while they were in the city. What would she like? She didn’t really like jewels, she didn’t care much for clothe. But Halloween were just around the corner, they would need costumes. He smirked, he had just the right idea. He would have to sneak out at some point to get it, it would be a great surprise.                       “Solance dear? You need to wake up,, Lavenda said pulling Dimitry out of his thoughts just at Sarah parked the car. They had arrived, it was all ready half packed. He hated crowded places, he hated hospitals. Solance slowly wake up, she rubbed her eyes and yawned. Her hair was messy, and she still looked sleepy. Sarah turned around and smiled at the girl “had a nice nap?,, Solance nodded and made small agreeing sounds. Sarah stepped out of the car, all but Solance followed. Dimitry went over to Solance side, he opened the door and got ready to carry his mate inside. “maybe Solance would like to use the wheelchair,, Sarah said pushing the said thing towards the car. Dimitry deadpanned at her, why should his mate use that? He liked to carry her, she didn’t need it. “I would like that Sarah,, Dimitry turned to stare at his mate, she had not just said that. “why would you use that, no, I will carry you,, He said stubbornly. Solance looked at him, there he goes again. “Dimitry, we are out among humans now! You may think it completely normal, but I would like to use the wheelchair and not be carried around all the time,, She crossed her arms. Dimitry crouched before her, her gave her the stare. It could bring anyone else into submission. But Solance wouldn’t have it, she glared right back. “I’m set on my decision,, she huffed. Dimitry tried to grab her, to lift her up. She struggled but he ignored her effort. The two adults facepalmed, first they are in harmony and now they argue.                       Dimitry yipped and stepped back, a hand on his neck. “you,, he stopped, she didn’t just, did she? “did you just bit me?,, he asked not quite sure how to handle it when she went wolf on him. She just bit his neck, that’s a clear warning. “yes, I did! You need to respect me! I’m not a pet, am I?,,  she whispered the end. Solance was still insecure in their relationship, he liked getting his way and most of the time he would. “of course not,, he quickly said, he nuzzled his head into her stomach. “you’re my mate, the most precious person in my life,, he said into her stomach. She looked down at him “then treat me like an equal,, she said to him. He apologized and then offered to help her into the wheelchair, she accepted the help. The adults share a smile, there was still hope. Dimitry shooed Sarah away and started to push the wheelchair into the hospital, the adults just shook their heads at the boy’s behavior.                       Inside, they take to the waiting room. Dimitry feels useless as Solance brushes him off again, he had offered her to sit on a chair while they waited. Lavenda went after something to drink, and Sarah went to the reception. Sarah knew the doctor who was going to look at Solance, she announced their present at the reception. The nurse at the reception called for the doctor and told them it would be a few minutes, since he was at the trauma station. Sarah thanked the woman and meet up with the others, Solance was sitting in a wheelchair. Lavenda had brough two cups of coffee, she handed the other one to Sarah. Dimitry the big baby was still sulking over Solance decision to use a wheelchair, he was standing behind Solance, leaning on the wall, arms crossed and a sour look on his face. Solance was ignoring his tantrum by reading a magazine. Sarah smiled and shook her head at the kids, they would soon be adults. But they were still just kids on the inside. “Doctor Hunter will be with us soon,, She said smiling at her family. Sarah hoped they could start Solance training soon, she may be able to participate in the new year run with the other kids.   “Sarah! It has been a long time,, A male doctor approached them, he shook Sarah’s hand. “Hunter it’s good to see you,, she greeted him. The doctor’s grey eyes landed on Solance, “this most be the patient?,, he said with a warm smile. Dimitry frowned as the doctor lowered himself, so he could meet Solance eyes. He held back a growl, he was too close to his mate. “nervous Solance?,, the doctor asked. “a little,, she answered timidly. The man before her was handsome, he took her hand, and she heard a low growl from behind her. Gently she shook the doctor’s hand and then took back her hand. The doctor looked to the glaring boy, how fun. The boy glared at him, well he couldn’t really call him a boy. The male was taller than himself and obviously no bean stalk,  a possessive lover it would seem. Dimitry walked so he stood beside Solance, still glaring at the other male. Their eyes locked on each other’s as the doctor stood up, it was now a stare off. “don’t you touch her!,, the teen sneered.  “oh, but I have to touch her a little,, the doctor said unfaced. “You will do no touching,, Dimitry said through his teeth. ”Now why can’t I touch her?,, The doctor asked smugly. “Course she is mine! No one touc- ouch!,, Dimitry looked down at his mate has he held his arm to his chest. She just pinched him!                       The three adults were taken back, Sarah couldn’t help smiling. Seemed like Solance was taking some control in the relationship. Solance looked angry though her mouth looked more like a pout than a frown, “That is enough Dimitry!,, she scolded, her voice raised and firm, Dimitry visibly flinched. His mate normally didn’t raise her voice at him, he doesn’t like it. his instincts are tearing at him, one side wants to ease her anger and go back to her good side. But the other, the more primal side, wanted to make her submit. He was alpha! He wanted to reprimand her, he was only doing what he should. The unknown male was advancing on her, it was his right, no, his duty to scar the other male off. “But he-,, he began trying to explain, but Solance wouldn’t hear it. “No buts! He is a doctor! You must trust me! Do you think I would let him touch me inappropriately? Do you think I would want that? Do you think your mom or even Sarah would even let him?,, she asked, her tone even and demanding. Dimitry turned to leave, this was humiliating. Solance flung herself after him, she called out his name. he managed to catch her before she hit the unforgiving floor, “stupid girl, what were you thinking!,, he scolded her, she could have injured herself even more. She clung to him, one hand grabbed a hold of the hair on the back of his head. “you can trust me, if he does anything I don’t like I will tell you, I promise,, she whispered. She got no answer, she moved so she could look into his eyes. Those golden-brown eyes, “please, trust me mate,, she brushed his cheek at the last word. The male scoffed, and then raised himself. Holding her smaller frame close, her feet dangling in the air.                       “I trust you mate,, he whispered back and then nipped at her neck. He then placed her back in the wheelchair, “we will have to talk about our roles in this relationship,, he kissed he forehead. She looked at him questionably. He then turned to the doctor, “I apologies, my, my girlfriend have been trough a lot. So, I’m a little overprotective,,  The doctor looked at the male, he could see that the male had no remorse towards him. He was only sorry for doubting his girlfriend, but at least he could rule out abuse from this male. The doctor smiled “young love,, he said. “don’t sweat it Hunter, Dimitry is one possessive kid, but it is his first love after all,, Sarah laughed. Lavenda could only smile at her kids.                       They then headed to the radio section, so Solance could get her feet x-rayed.  Lavenda and Dimitry were not allowed to go further than the waiting room, Dimitry struggled with leaving his mate. But he managed to sit down and wait along side his mother, he could ease his worried by knowing Sarah was with his mate. He had to get use to not being around his mate all the time, after all, by new year Josef will take her away. They sat there in silence for a bit, but Dimitry needed to know. “how do you and dad do it?,, he asked. “do it? What do you mean by do it!,, Lavenda was shocked, Clyde should have given him that talk a long time ago! ”I mean how do you handle being separated?,, he asked raising an eyebrow at his mothers unspoken thoughts. Lavenda blushed, some time she forgot how it is at the beginning. “its hard in the beginning course the bond isn’t complete yet, when the bond is complete, it gets easier… though I don’t know how it’s going to work with you guys,, She answered honestly. “because she is human?,, he asked, his mother could only nod. Unions between werewolf and human happened very rarely, and most didn’t make it. Keeping the bloodlines pure have been more important to the elders, than to secure the love among two people the goddess had created. “the elders will oppose, wont they?,, again she could only nod. “If I become alpha, then what I say goes right?,, Lavenda turned her eyes to her son. He had never showed an interest in the power struggled within the pack, never had he cared for his position. But then again, that was before Solance. Before she had seen his eyes turn bright red, a true sign of an alpha. “yes, the alpha sets the rules,, she said has she saw him stand up, as his mate and Sarah came out. Lavenda could only sit and look, when had her son gotten so big? Where was her little cub? A part of her was sad, but the other was be on proud as she saw him greet his mate.                         The family then drove to a small mall for some lunch and some shopping, it became a Chinese buffet. Something the Riders rarely enjoyed, so they used forks and knifes. Solance on the other hand ruled the chopsticks. As they eat, Lavenda asked into the x-rays. “Solance should remain off her feet for about a month more, I know you like that Dimitry,, Sarah winked at him, has he sneaked another china bun onto Solance plate. She didn’t seem to mind, she liked them a lot apparently. “but then we can start her strength training, her muscles have shrunk from not being used. But that is normal,, Sarah ended in a cheerful tone. After they had finished eating, they all went shopping. Sarah and Lavenda was finding some new footwear for Solance, since she soon could finally wear something other than ballerinas. Has the girls were shoes shopping, Dimitry slipped out to do his own shopping.                       On the way home to the estate, a question was burning in Lavenda’s head. It had been in her mind since she meet miss Josef, what was Solance last day like? “Dear, may I ask you something?,,  she asked looking back at Solance, who was stroking Dimitrys head which was resting in her lap. “sure,, Solance said stroking her fingers through her mate’s soft hair. “do you remember that day you were kidnapped?,, Lavenda could sense how Solance zoned out, has she thought back.                       “it, it was the day after grandpa went into t5he coma. I didn’t feel like going to school, so I stayed home. But I didn’t like the silence, it was too loud,, Solance whispered. “were did you go?,, Sarah asked. “I went to the park close to the house, I was listening to music. The song, I remember the song, sweet dreams are made of this,, Solance started to hum the tune.                       In her mind she could see the park stretch out before her, “the ground was wet, but the leaves were crunching under my feet,, he had been walking, just listing to the song, letting nature calm her mind. “I was very worried about grandpa,, she had walked out on the fisher bridge, in the summer her grandpa could always be found out there, he would be fishing. He never caught anything, “I went home, has it looked like it was going to rain,, she had made it up the driveway, she was taking her keys out of her pocket when “I head a sound, so, I turned around and then everything went black,, Dimitry looked up at his mate, tears were gathering in her eyes. “when I woke up, I was in a warehouse of some sort. They told me to dress up, I said no,, but they told her if she didn’t “they would dress me,, a tear fell down at the memories. It was so humiliating, their eyes on her. She started to feel sick. Dimitry sat up and pulled her to his chest, a low rumbled rose from his chest. He brushed her tears away, kissed her face over an over. “the rest of the story you know,, Solance finished.                       Sarah was gripping the wheel so hard her knuckles were white, her anger was using out of her. “You were very brave,, Lavenda said hiding her anger well. She felt no mercy for those bastards, good thing they are all dead, they are worm food. “may I ask you one final thing?,, She asked, blue eyes hooded and cloudy by tears peeked out at her. They blinked softly and were accompanied by an agreeing sound from their owner. “why did you keep looking up?,, Lavenda asked, the girl had been determined, kept her head in such a dangerous situation. “the stars,, Solance whispered. She was so tired, “the stars would guide me home,, Solance then fell into a fit full sleep holding onto her mate, Dimitry realized that in Solance mind he wasn’t her home. Her home was still her grandfather. It hurt but his mate was in mourning, he would give her time. All the time in the world, as long as she would chose him at the end.                       Back home, Sarah went to her small house. Dimitry took Solance to bed, and Lavenda put away the groceries they had gotten. “I’m sorry Luna, do you have time?,, Adele asked slipping into the room. “Adele? Of course, what’s is the matter?,, Lavenda asked, sensing the girl’s distress.                       “I, I overheard the meeting with that human last Sunday,, Adele said, she spat the word human out. “and I have been investigating,, she added her eyes locked onto the elder wolf. “and what have you found out?,, Lavenda asked resuming putting the groceries away. “from social media, it seems like Margret  Josef suddenly came into a whole lot of money,, Lavenda turned around having a feel where this was going. “how much money?,, she asked. “enough for a new apartment, face, clothes and a car,, Adele said she pulled out her phoned and showed the Luna the pictures. “maybe she inherited?,, Lavenda said not wanting to believe the worst of people. “maybe but taking into consideration that the last Mr. Augustus Hopkins was a billionaire, and his only heir is in her care and should have been dead, had her kidnappers succeed,, Adele left the rest unsaid. “what do you want Adele?,, Lavenda asked. “permission to leave the territory to investigate that woman further,, the young wolf said. “you believe miss Josef to be involved with Solance k********g?,, Lavenda wouldn’t put it past her, having meet the woman. Adele nodded, Lavenda thought for a while, it was a lot of ifs, but there was to many motives. “you have my permission, but don’t tell anyone else! Solance nor my son needs to be worried needlessly,, Adele promised to keep it a secret between the two, if only to protect her friends. A/N note Hey guys here is the first chapter, next chapter will be out Sunday evening XD 
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