Miss Josef

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Solance was fiddling with her sweater, Dimitry had picked it out for her. It was pristine white and unbelievably soft. She didn’t know what she should do with herself, she had so much nervous energy in her body. If she could, she would probably have joined Dimitry and the adults in the room, all but one was pacing around the office. They would each take a turn to look out the window that faced the driveway, only Sarah seemed calm. Though Solance had a feeling it was all an act, Sarah would keep crossing her legs, only to uncross them shortly after.                         Solance wasn’t sure what was going to happen after today, Margaret wasn’t an understanding nor kind woman. Had her grandfather woken up? No, if he had, he would have found her as soon as he could. Solance wasn’t just nervous about herself, she really liked it here. She had parent figures, that cared and maybe even loved her. She had friends here, and then there was Sarah. And not to mention Dimitry, her mate? Solance couldn’t lie to herself, he scared her at first, and yes, his attraction and love? Is much more advanced than hers, but she cared for him. He was kind, clumsy and so gentle with her. She truly believes that she could fall in love with him, as the thought passed her mind, her eyes found him. Has if he felt it, he turned from the window and sends her that dazzling smile. She couldn’t stop it, she smiles back. He leaves the window, and sits on the armrest on the chair she sits in. He brushes her hair back behind her ear, his touch feels nice.                       “How are you holding up Solance?,, Sarah asked, she couldn’t stand the silence anymore. That damn woman could at least be on time, she picked the time herself. Solance leaned her head against her mate’s body. She liked how she could feel it tremble. Not in fear or anything else but his powers, his strength. It comforted her, “as well as I can I guess,, “it’s already twenty minutes over one pm,, Lavenda huffed as she sat down on the sofa, the woman was twenty minutes late! The nerve. Solance sends her an apologetic smile, Lavenda had been dying to spend some time with her son and Solance. This didn’t count as spending time together, even the alpha was getting irritated. “maybe it’s the traffic?,, Sarah said, Clyde turned and gave her a raised eyebrow. “traffic in Seattle on a Sunday?,,  he said, at this Sarah shrugged. “just a thought,,  she ended innocently. Clyde was just about to say something when the sound of a speeding car interrupted, Solance frowned. “that doesn’t sound like Margret’s car,, she said out loud. “you can recognize it from the sound, why was it old?,, Sarah asked. “No it wasn’t, rather it was new. But this sounds different,, Solance looked serious. “which one of us was the werewolf again?,, Dimitry asked laughing, his mate was peculiar.                         Miss Margret Josef, a woman of average height, slender frame. Hair a scarlet red, dressed in a high brand office dress. She had just parked the car in front of the estate, apparently more families live here. It was large, but quiet to far from the city to her taste. she felt like a smoke, but she was already late as it was.  The butterfly doors opened on her new violet sportscar, one stiletto covered foot made the ground. She felt the gravled move under her, couldn’t these people invest in a proper driveway? With an annoyed huff, she left the car and walked towards the big wooden door. She didn’t get to knock or ring the bell before some cobber blond woman opened the door. “miss Josef I presume?,, the woman asked sarcasm laced in her voice. “Indeed,, Was all Margret said as she was let inside. The house was so old fashion, she already missed the city. “this way, Solance is in the office,,  Margret follows the woman in silence, she just needed to get this over with.                       The two women entered the office, Solance was turned to the door. Shock was written on her face as she saw miss Josef, last time Solance had seen the woman she did not look like that. Gone was the plain and normal looking thirty-year-old woman, in her place, was a Beverly Hills housewife. “Margret, you changed your look?,, Solance asked, she felt uneasy, something wasn’t right. The woman meets her eyes, a pearl white smile came solace way. “yes, I did,, the woman answered flipping her hair back. The woman turned to the other people in the room, “I apologize for being late,, she said sweetly. Clyde stood up and walked to the woman, Lavenda followed suit. “it no harm, welcome miss Josef,, the two shook hands. Lavenda stepped forward “it’s nice to finally meet you miss Josef, I’m Lavenda Rider,, they shook hands. “I thought I recognized your voice, thank you so much for caring for dear Solance,, “it was our pleasure, Solance has become just like family to us,, Sarah said, standing behind the close to the chair with the two teens. Sarah did not like this woman, the woman merely turned and gave Sarah a thoughtful look and then send her a smug smile. “I know that feeling, Solance is so dear to all she meets,, the woman said turning her eyes to Solance and the male teen, who was holding Solance's hand. “Now who is this young man?,, didn’t these people have any manners?                       “we apologies miss Josef, he is our son Dimitry,, Lavenda gesture to said male, she then gestured to Sarah. “This is my dear friend Sarah, who is also the family doctor. She is the one who has been looking after Solance, after we found her in the woods,, Clyde sat down in the couch, “and this is my husband,, Lavenda finished taking a seat beside her mate. She gestured to an empty chair, “won’t you sit miss Josef, we can talk over a beverage,,   Margret sat down, the chair was comfy, but she hated the style. Everything was so organic and natural looking. She missed her home, her modern and smart home. “what do you drink?,, the woman named Lavenda asked, “coffee please,, this place wouldn’t have something like a Frappuccino. “do you take it with cream, milk or sugar?,, Margret answered that she took it with cream and two sugar, she could feel that these people were vary of her. What had that brat told them? She tenderly took a sip of the drink, it was drinkable. She sat the cup down and then turned to the brat, seems like the brat even found a boyfriend. “Solance it’s so nice to see again,, she said sweetly, the child smiled softly. “you as well Margret,, the brat answered nicely. “Miss Rider explained to me how they found you in the forest nearly dead, it must have been so terrifying for you,, The child merely nodded, wonder what she remembers? The boy Dimitry handed the child a mug, it was probably cocoa. The child couldn’t drink coffee if her life depended on it. “But I can’t for the life of me, understand what you were doing so far from home? How did you end up in the forest?,, The child paused and then seemed frozen. The woman, Sarah was is? But a hand on the girl’s shoulder. Solance took a deep breath. “I, I’m not entirely sure. I can’t really remember most of it. I remember that I was in a van, um and that was in a fancy dress. There was a lot of faces,, The girl’s eyes were closed. “we drove, and then the van stopped, and I was pulled out, they told me we were going to play a game. They told me to run, I did,, Solance stopped talking. “I see, so you don’t remember anything else?,, The girl shook her head, Good. “pity, those men won’t be punished for their actions, but the most important is that you are safe and alive,, Though I prefer you dead. The girl merely nodded. “how is Solance health coming along?,, “very well, we have an x-ray scheduled for her this Thursday. By then we should know when Solance can start walking again. Her bruises are healing nicely, she will be finished with her antibiotics by next week, I believe Solance will be fully recovered by the end of the year,, Sarah finished quite pleased with herself. Miss Josef merely nodded and looked pleased, It would give Josef time to plan her next course of actions.   “Margret? How is my grandfather? Has he left the hospital yet?,, Solance asked, she missed him. Margret hid her smile with her cup, poor brat. She then schooled her face into a gentle bur sad mask and meet Solance eyes. “He has left the hospital, but I’m sorry to tell you, he is not home,, Solance looked confused “I don’t think I understand, what you are saying?,, The woman stood up and couldn’t help looking smugly down at the girl, the boy beside said girl glared at her. “He is dead,, the woman said pleased with herself. “no,, Solance whispered and started to cry heartily. Lavenda stood up “That was an unnecessary heartless way to say that!,, the nerve of this woman, Lavenda could not believe how this woman behaved. This woman had no care for Solance at all. “Maybe, but it’s the truth. I’m afraid I will have to leave Solance with you for the time being. I need to prepare for her arrival and for her future, and I do not have the time or resources to care for her as she is sick,, The woman said getting ready to leave. “You won’t be taking Solance anywhere!,, Sarah said harshly, no one took her cup. The woman merely looked smug and played with her hair, “you have no right! You don’t care about the child!,, Lavenda said holding her mate back. “Oh, but I do have the right, I am Solance’s legal guardian in till her 18th birthday. Solance is my charge, and I am in full control of Solance and her inherited left from her grandfather,,                       Dimitry heard the woman talking, her words were hurting his mate. He would rip her throat out, but Solance was clinging to him crying so hard that her scent screamed at his senses. He sees the woman turning to him, she raises an eyebrow. “Now boy no funny business, where Solance will be going a pregnant girl will meet a lot of hardship,, Dimitry felt his wolf surface, he hugged Solance closer burring his face in her hair, hiding his red eyes. This woman, he would kill her. “How dare you! My boy is not like that nore is Solance!,, Clyde yelled, he had had enough of this woman. “Leave my house!,, The male yelled, the woman laughed. She started to walk out but then stopped,  “Solance dear,,  The girl peeked out at the woman. “On New Year’s Day I will pick you up,, The flashy woman said with a sickly smile.  Solance cried harder, she didn’t want to leave. “We won’t let you take her!,, Dimitry roared, rage was shaking his body. No one would take his mate away! “Oh, but I will boy. The law is on my side,, The woman left, they could hear the car speed away. The woman was ten, the anger was so thick you could slice it with a butter knife.   Dimitry scooped Solance up, holding her close to his body. “We will retire for the day,, she simply said, no one said a thing, the only sound was Solance crying. The adults waited for the kids to leave the room, then they tore the room apart. Their family, their pack was threatened by a damn human. They let their anger loose, course they knew, the woman was right, the law was on her side. They were powerless, and they hated it.   Dimitry and Solance spend the rest of the day, cuddled up in their bed, just holding on to each other. Solance cried herself to sleep, and Dimitry spend the night holding his mate close his eyes staring out the window, he could see his eyes reflected. Red eyes, eyes that promised death, was starring right back at him.                  A/N    I'm sorry for the delay,  I have been very busy with work. but I'm working hard to catch up.  so next weekend there will be two chapters up as an apology, thanks for your support. stay safe out there everyone <3.
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