The last Night of the year

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A/N Hi guys, it has been a while, but I should be back to a regular updating schedule. Hope you enjoy this extra-long chapter I have prepared for you. Chapter 25 will be up next Sunday evening Guess it will be an unlucky year then since a human is running with us tonight. So that is what that b***h said, Solance glanced back at the wolf. Blue orbs steeled in on the brown doe-like ones, Solance then smirked “I guess there will be, after all, you can’t see where you are running, if your nose is stuck in my business,, Solance whispered, just loud enough for all the youngsters to hear it. Angie snarled in response, Dimitry snorted over a laugh, her friends barked, and their tails wagged eagerly. “Seems like you are all excited to get going,, Lavenda said, knowing it was something else, but not sure what had truly transpired. But her children were fine and happy, that was all that mattered to her. “Then how about we start the count down,, Clyde said, and people cheered. “10!,, Solance felt her heart speed up. “9!,, her body getting ready to dash with all her might. “8!,, She leanes forward, mimicking her fellow wolves. “7!,, the crispy white air left her lungs in a controlled pattern. “6!,, She glanced to her left, Adele shook her thick coat, Alex kneaded the snow under his paws, Cole yawned. “5!,, The sky-blue orbs traveled to her right, Aywa was all the way to the ground her belly nearly touching the cold snow, Matthew rolled his shoulders, Zetrich bounced slightly from side to side, eagerness rolling off him. “4!,, her eyes meet those golden ones, I will be right beside you, she won’t get to you, she heard his voice in her head, she smiled softly at him. “3!,, then the thought hit her, it wasn’t Angie she feared at this moment. “2!,, where is Gwen, she knew not if her words made it to him. “1!,, she felt how her feet slightly lifted from the soft snow, her ears trained on loud counting. “RUN!,, and run they all did, Solance leaped forward surprising her friends at her quick response. But quickly followed her and passed her. After all an average wolf can have a top speed at 47 miles an hour, compared to Usain Bolt who maxed out at 27 miles per hour. But it mattered little, she just needed to keep running instill the fireworks goes off.   Solance kicked up the snow as she ran, her heart beating soundly in her chest, it felt good. With the cool air hitting her face, she could feel the blood pumping in her veins. Transporting oxygen out to her muscles, so she could keep running. She couldn’t hear the adults anymore, only the forest and the occasional bark of a wolf and a scared bird taking to the sky. She felt free, she had a strange urge to close her eyes but refrained from doing so, she had talked big to Angie, and running into a tree would discredit her, she couldn’t let that happen. She wanted to go further! With a strong leap forward, she speeds up, her mind clear. Dimitry was running in a large circle around Solance, he had heard Solances message loud and clear, and his lack of answer had coursed an uneasy feeling in his gut. Angie’s shadow was missing, and Angie was confident in her belief in his mate’s failure. He figured that Gwen was somewhere in the forest, staying downwind, waiting for Solance. He hated it, to think there was so much corruption within his pack! It infuriated him to no end. But as long as he is her, no one would hurt his human! He growled lowly but still scared a deer out of its hiding, he had to sidestep not to be run down by it. He could take it, but it would be a newbie mistake, future alpha knocked down by doe. Solance kept running, on occasion she could feel Dimitry like he was checking if she was okay. It warmed her heart, knowing he was near, watching over her. Especially since she had a gnawing feeling that Gwen was close, she kept feeling a slight prickle in the back of her head. Like if danger was just right behind her, the fine hair on her neck stood up, this feeling she knew. She was being hunted, it was the same feeling as back then. The last time she was running in a forest, it felt like such a long time ago. But she hadn’t forgotten the feeling, nor had her body. As if sensing the predator’s approach she leaped to the side, only glancing slightly back. A pale brown wolf with a white ear tumbled in the snow where she had just been, it leaped to its paws and sprinted towards her. Solance eyes widened with panic but quickly calmed her mind. Dimitry was close, all she needed to do was slow Gwen down. Solance used the slippery ground to her advantage, dragging her feet, leaving the snow hard and slippery. She would change direction at odd times, sidestepping trees, jumping up to hit a branch hoping the heavy snow would fall on Gwen’s head. But not once did she look back, she relied on her senses, even when she heard Gwen whimper, she kept running. Not caring for Gwen one bit, Dimitry would handle her. Dimitry caught Gwen’s stench and followed it right to his mate, his baby who was at that very moment as he push through a thorny bush, leaping high into the air to slam a first into a large branch. She landed on the snow nearly soundless and leaped forward, just as Gwen pounced at the spot Solance had just been. Then a heavy load of snow fell from the tree and slumped down ion the brown wolf weighing her down. Dimitry walked forward, his mind divided between his mate who kept running ahead, and to the now whimpering she-wolf at his feet. “You can’t even look me in the eye,, he snarled. He found the girl disgusting, so eager to please Angie, that Gwen had no will on her own. He grabbed her by the fur of her neck and slung her into a nearby tree. “Let this be a warning to you and that b***h you follow, anyone who tries to harm Solance, well have to deal with me,, he promised with a cruel smile on his face, his eyes gleaming an eerie red under the moonlit sky. Solance heard the first bang from the firework, she saw the bright colors burst in the sky above her. She jogged to a stop and looked up at the sky. More fireworks followed, lighting the sky in a rainbow of colors. As she saw the colors spark in the sky, she caught her breath, her heartbeat slowed down. Then howling started all over the forest, the others had stopped too and was celebrating the new year. Her lips spread into a large smile, all her worries forgotten for the moment. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the chill air as it brushes her heated skin, she felt her lungs with the fresh air. She felt arms reach around her, a soft kiss on her neck. She relaxed against her mate’s body, enjoying his heat. She turned around in his arms, his golden eyes meeting hers. Here was her mate, bare feet in the snow, only wearing a pair of worn jeans. The worries of the near future came back, it brought tears to her eyes knowing that sometime later today, she would be forced to leave, in only a few hours really. “Don’t cry,, he whispers brushing her tears away and kissing her eyelids. She clings to him, this had become her home, her family, who would she be without them? “I don’t feel ready,, she says with a shaky voice. “We never are,, he answers back, holding her close, letting her tears run free. He didn’t want her to go either, but it was out of their hands. He hated it, it didn’t matter how strong he was, the human laws would beat him, at least for now. They stood like that resting in each other’s embrace for a while, just enjoying the moment. “Oh,, Solance gasped just remembering something. Dimitry looked down at his mate, she stepped back and out of his arms “what?,, he asked not understanding what was going on. Solance unzipped her jacket and started to shrug it off. Dimitry reacted fast and pulled the jacket close again “what are you doing?!,, he said shocked by her action. “it’s okay, I want to show you something,, she reassured him, he didn’t let go. Solance sighed softly and gently pried his hands away, so she could remove the jacket. “Trust me,, she said, her eyes resting on his, waiting for his response. Dimitry relaxed and nodded but did not step back at all. He was so close that their breath mingled in the cold air, it made Solance hearts race and her fingers fumble. She dropped the jacket on the ground, she then took off her training top, leaving her standing in her teal blue bra. Dimitry watch her closely, it was the first time he had seen her like so, not counting the times he had helped her dress, but back then he had not cared to look. Now he was looking at her, his eyes trailing over the pale skin. The skin he knew to be soft and smooth to the touch. He could hold himself back, with gentle fingers he traces her shoulders, she shivered, he sensed her nervousness but also her arousal. “This isn’t really the right place for it mate,, he whispered huskily into her ear. Her ears flushed red, and her thighs rubbed against each other, and she bit her pretty lip, “You tease,, she pouted. “Me?,, he asked looking at her, “I’m the tease?,, he added. Solance pouted and then pulled down on the middle of her bra, displaying her sternum. “This is what I wanted to show you,, she whispered her head turn to the side. He leaned down and inspected the fine circle pattern, doing his best not to get enticed by her pale mounds, that the bra had trouble hiding since she was pulling at it. He traced the fine pattern, it wasn’t a tattoo he could feel it, it was her skin, not a wound or scar. “What is this?,, he whispered his breath hitting her chest, coursing her to bite back a moan. “I always thought it was a birthmark, but Sarah thinks it might have to do with something of the mythical world,, she answered, his finger tracing the pattern, it was burning deliciously. “Mythical?,, he asked leaning in to kiss the mark, Solance gasped and lean forward, taking aback from the sensation. Dimitry saw his chance and lifted her up, her legs holding onto his hips, her arms around his head, said head that was now nestled in between her breasts. He purred in delight, he smelt the rise in her arousal, she could probably feel his manhood brush against her heated core. He had one arm resting under her rear, keeping her up and close, his other hand tracing her spine. “Sarah thinks that there- arh-,, Solance shudders as he lapped at the mark. He couldn’t help it, he was pulled to it, it was like his wolf knew this mark, knew what it meant and how precious and amazing it was. “That I have mythical blood somewhere in my- arh mm,, She moan and couldn’t finish her sentence as he nipped the side of her breast and then licked at the small bit. She was getting dizzy, her legs felt like jelly. “That would make sense,, Dimitry said looking up at her from her chest, he smirked at her flushed look and glassy eyes. “You look so delicious right now, do you know that?,, he asked arrogantly quite pleased with himself. Solance somehow mustered up the strength to roll her eyes at him “ dumb mutt,, she whispered embarrassedly. He only laughed, the shaking coursing more sensations to race through her body, her lower regions bumping into his rather large genital. “You’re mean,, she said hiding her face. He kissed her chest softly “sorry sweetheart, but bullying you makes it easier not to devour you,, he said slowly letting her down. He kept a hold on her, she leaned on him. “Devour me?,, she whispered shakily. “Yeah, I guess none of us mention that to you, but when a wolf finds their other half, our mate, we are pulled to complete the mating,, He answered as he undid her ponytail, he liked it better when her hair was loose. “To complet-,, Solance stopped herself and then leaned slightly back “ Like have s*x!,, she asked her eyes wide but her arousal still strong in the air. “Yes have s*x, but you aren’t ready,, he said caressing her cheek. “So, in till you are, I will bully you on occasion just to keep my wolf sane,, She leaned into his touch. Solance couldn’t believe her luck, this fine male was hers! This perfect male, who loved her, you desired her, who treasured her so much, he was hers. “So, you are holding back,, she asked not looking at him. “Yeah every day, you are just so beautiful, so delicious and perfect in every way, but good things are worth waiting for,, as he finished he was shocked to feel her pull his head down and her lips on his. “Thank you,, she whispered and kissed him again. “Thank you for being my mate, thank you for being so patient, for giving me a family, for loving me,, She said tears dancing at the corner of her eyes and she kissed him again. This time he kissed back, and they shared a deep kiss. Their tongues dancing a dance as old as time, both doing their best to pour their love into it, screaming at the other that they love them. They kept at it in till Solance needed to breathe, though even Dimitry felt dizzy from lack of air. They stood their foreheads resting against each other as they caught their breath, they looked at each other and smiled. “I love you Dimitry Rider,, Solance said. Dimitry was stunned as she stood there bathed in the moonlit with the occasional sparks of different colors from the firework dancing over her pale skin. She looked so unearthly at that moment, like something out of a fairytale. He pulled her back to his arms and kissed her once more “I love you too Solance Rider,, he smiled softly down at her, she smiled back brightly.
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