The first day of the new year

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Solance could hear Josef’s car rip up the gravel as the expensive car made it into the driveway. “Damn that wretched woman is on time for once,, Sarah hissed as she looked out of the window. She grinded her teeth at the sight of the woman, to think that would have to let Solance leave with that woman, it didn’t sit well with her. It didn’t sit well with anyone, they are sitting in the living room of the packhouse, Solance’s bags were packed, and standing in the hallway. “Unfortunately, yes,, Lavenda agreed glancing out the window. The packhouse had gotten gloomy just a few hours ago, it was now 10 am and the first of January. “Seems like she won’t leave the car,, Sarah figured seeing the woman looking at the house but not turning off the engine. “Maybe she is afraid of us,, Clyde said. Solance stood up from her seat and looked out the window at her guardian, she was scared. The woman tapped at her watch, clearly gesturing for Solance to hurry up. “Seems like I have to go,, Solance said, her shoulders tense. Solance hugged her friends, everyone fighting to keep the tears at bay. As she hugged them one by one, they each left not wanting to make it harder than it needed to be. Zoey had heard the car and knew what it meant, she headed to the packhouse, she could smell the sadness in the air. So, it was true, Solance would be gone by today. Zoey had had time to think of Solance words, and she had seen the truth in them. She had decided who she wanted to be, she only hoped it wasn’t too late,. Zoey pause when she entered the front door, Matthew, the twins, Alex, and Cole stood in the hall clearly upset. Zoey stammered but somehow managed to get her words out “Where is Solance?,, the group looked puzzled at first but then shared a look and gestured to the door to the living room. Zoey nodded her thanks and when to the door, only to have to step back as it opened. Zetrich exited he paused in the door at the sight of her. She blushed slightly and bit her lip. “What are you doing here?,, he asked, she couldn’t read his tone or emotion. “I-I,, she paused and took a deep breath, and looked him in the eye. “I wanted to say goodbye to Solance,, she stood straight, she knew not how he would react, after all he would protect his future Luna and she hadn’t really been on the right side before. Zetrich looked at the female before him, God was she beautiful, he was happy to see her without all that makeup and puffy hair. She had changed somehow, he could sense it, he nodded and stepped to the side, holding the door open for her, she passed him “it suits you,, he said before he could think twice, so he stuck to it. She glanced up at him, she wasn’t angry, rather she looked at him with wonder does big grey eyes. A different reaction than he had become accustomed to, she then softly touched her hair, her eyes glancing down “thank you,, she blushed prettily. She hurriedly entered the room, glancing back as he closed the door, she gave him a soft and nervous smile. He felt butterflies file his chest and the sparks that he had felt the first time he saw after the separation came back full force. “Zoey?,, Sarah said as she let go of her adopted child. Zoey turned to her mother and saw her let go of the human, before Zoey could stop to think, she ran to the human and hugged her tight, Solance hugged back much to the adult’s surprise. Sarah looked puzzled at the two girls, when had they gotten so close. Zoey held the human close, tears stinging her eyes. “I know who I want to be now,, she whispered, hoping the others wouldn’t hear it. The human was hugging her back “I’m happy for you,, Solance said. “I will keep an eye on Angie and Gwen, but know this I’m on your side,, Zoey stressed out the last part. Solance nodded into the hug, they parted, and both wiped at their eyes. “I will keep our mother out of trouble,, Zoey then added with a laugh, Solance laughed too. Zoey then headed to her mother, at first she just stood before the woman. Zoey glanced back at Solance, who nodded encouragingly. Zoey turned back and hugged her mom for the first time in years, it felt nice, Sarah didn’t hesitate and hugged her child back. Solance turned away, to give the two females their space. Clyde and Lavenda were next, Solance hugged them tightly. “Don’t you worry little one,, Clyde said patting her head. It hit him hard to let the girl who had grown on all of them go, especially knowing she has headed to the witch’s layer. “He is right, you will be back before you know it,, Lavenda added, the woman was fighting to keep the tears at bay. A loud honk sounded from the outside, Solance looked to the window. Lavenda and Clyde each patted her shoulder and then stood aside, Solance looked at her mate, her Dimitry. He had gotten pale, already dreading the separation. She stepped towards him as soon as she was within his reach he pulled her to him and embraced her tightly. Dimitry was begging for the Goddess to stop time, to somehow prevent his mate from being taken away. He knew it was for not, not even the goddess could stop this from happening. “I don’t want to go,, she cried into his chest, he felt the tears press on but he wouldn’t let them fall, he need to be strong, he need to show her that they could get through this. “I know,, he whispered back, “I don’t want you to leave either,, Gosh it hurts. She hadn’t even left yet but he was already feeling it, the pain of separation. His wolf was whimpering in pain and confusion. HONK HONK HONNNNNK “I have to go,, she whispered, Dimitry damned that woman to the deepest parts of hell, but the honking didn’t stop. Solance broke the embrace, she looked up at him, her eyes all puffy and red. “I will call and message you every day,, she promised, she then stood on her toes and gave him a quick kiss before she dashed out of the room before he could even react. He heard the living room door close, and the front door open before his feet responded and he ran after her, his instinct going haywire. He saw Solance place her bags into the car and slide into the passenger seat, the car door barely closed before the car speeded off. He saw Solance turn around in her seat to look back, if not for his eyesight he wouldn’t have known. He wanted to run, to chase down the car and bring his mate back. He fell to his knees, his chest tightening, he was in pain, finally has the car made a turn and disappeared from sight, the tears ran loose, he cared not, his mate was gone. Solance looked at the woman with a glare as she hastily got her seatbelt on “What were you thinking!,, Solance yelled at her guardian. “I’m a busy woman kid, and time is money, now stop being so sentimental,, Margaret sneered not at all caring for the kid seated beside her. “They are my family!,, “Oh, shush girl, I’m your family now! Not those inbreed nobodies,, Margaret Josef sneered. She couldn’t wait to get rid of this kid once and for all, but she had to wait and build up a plausible situation that could explain either her running away, becoming a criminal, or dying. “You are not my family,, the brat said crossing her arms over her chest. No s**t brat, you are just my money bank, for now anyway. Margaret couldn’t back her smile, but she didn’t care, the girl was a loner, to begin with, without the Riders, Solance was all alone. He sat on the floor staring at his phone, waiting for it to ring, he wasn’t alone. Though a part of him dearly wished he was, but that wouldn’t be fair to the others. He wasn’t the only one missing her, he could feel the nervousness and how they all willed the phone to ring. “You think she is okay,, Adele asked softly. “Of course, she is,, Zetrich encouraged doing his best to smile. None of them had truly anticipated how much they would miss the human girl, it had only been a little over 9 hours since she left. But they all felt it, she had affected all of them and without her, it just didn’t feel right. Zetrich glanced at his best friend, he hadn’t missed the old Dimitry the pre-Solance Dimitry. The cold and silent prick that only interacted when he absolutely had to, but it seemed like he was coming back now. But then again none of them knew how it felt to be separated from one's mate, and a destined mate at that. He knew the pain of being ignored, but Zoey had never outright rejected him. And from what he saw today maybe, there was hope for their union. The phone vibrated for just once buzz and Dimitry had answered it, he put it on speaker. “We are here mate,, he said his voice hoarse from not being used the last few hours. “Hi guys,,  Solance voice sounded over the phone. Everyone took a huge sigh of relief from hearing her voice, their Luna, friend, and mate were all right. “Are you okay?,, Adele asked loudly. “Yeah that Lunatic didn’t even give you time to put your seatbelt on,, Alex added the other agreeing. “Don’t worry guys, I’m fine I promise, Margaret just wanted to show me who is in control,, they all looked at each other, it was hard to determent whether or not she was lying. “You better be all right or we are going to rip that woman to sheds,, Aywa snarled so darkly even Matthew looked at her his eyes wide. She turned to him “what?!,, she asked dangerously. “Nothing, nothing,, he gulped. Solance laughed over the phone, the others followed. “But seriously where are you now?,, Cole asked “I’m at my grandfather’s mansion,, she said like that was a giving. “Okay let me rephrase that, where is this mansion?,, he asked again. “Oh, Moses lake,, A silence followed her answer. “What that’s like nearly 3 hours away!,, Zetrich exclaimed shocked. “Yeah, it was quite a drive,,  Solance said drolly, it sounded like the drive really had taken a toll on her. “What’s it like being back there?,, Adele asked. “Its…its different… empty…I miss you guys,, Solance said in a low voice, if not for their heightened hearing they wouldn’t have heard it. “We miss you too Sol,, Matthew said the others aggreging, the only one not talking being Dimitry. “What have you guys been up to?,, Solance shifted the focus on the others, in hope to raise the mood, though it was for not. “Trying to get used to you not being here,, Alex answered before anyone could stop him. The silence lasted for a little while, but then the others agreed, they couldn't act like nothing was amiss, they missed her. “I wise my birthday was closer, 6  months are too long,, Solance muttered, a pout clear in her voice. “Me too,, Dimitry finally said something. Zetrich could see how Dimitry wanted to talk to Solance alone, he hoped the separation won’t make his friend worse. He coughed, getting the other's attention, he gestured for them to leave. They all nodded though some reluctantly, but one look at Dimitry and they knew it would be for the best. “Not that we don’t want to talk Sol, but we got to run,, Zetrich said as he stood up, he patted his friend’s shoulder. “Oh of course, we can talk again tomorrow,, Solance said her voice understanding. “Yeah we will catch you again tomorrow,, Adele laughed, they all left the basement, giving Dimitry some privacy. Dimitry was silent for a while, his body was burning, fever racing through him. He knew it would happen, separation, before the mating was complete, was always painful, though Sarah said the pain, weakness, and sickness would fade with time. He highly doubted it, it had barely been half a day and he had never been in so much pain in his life. “Are you okay?,, his mate’s sweet voice sounded over the phone, the phone he had up to his ear now. He grunted, he didn’t want to worry her. “I’m fine,, he lied. “you don’t sound fine,, her voice felt like a balm over his burning skin. “I will be,, he said “Now tell me, what happened after you left,, He commanded. “I got angry, she tried to put me in my place,, He could hear Solance walk around, touching something. “Your place?,, He growled. “Yeah, she wants to keep me on a short lease, at least in till she can drop me off at a boarding school next month,, Her voice sounded irritated. “Boarding school? She did mention that some time ago,, He said as an afterthought remembering the first time he met the witch. ”Yeah, it’s some school for wayward you girls. But I won’t let her get rid of me that easily,, he could hear the smugness in her voice, in his mind he could see her smiling smugly. Only the right corner of her lip rising just a tiny bit, while her left eyebrow rose slightly, her eyes a cool blue. He could see it so clear in his mind as if she stood right before him. “I didn’t know my mate had such a mean side of her,, He teased as he stood up and left the basement. Solance laughed, her laugher warming his heart. “What can I say,, she laughed “I guess my pack taught me a thing or two,, she snickered into the phone. He chuckled but agreed, his mate had adapted to the pack, picking up traits from all of them. Dimitry opened the door to their room, now his room. He sighed “Dimitry?,, her voice asked worriedly. “The bedroom is empty without you,, he whispered, as he felt the sadness roll over him. “Yeah, I feel the same way,, she sounded distant “My bedroom, it doesn’t even feel like mine anymore, it's just an old room,, He could hear her move the bedding on her end. He followed her and found himself rejoicing, that her scent was layered in his comforter and in the pillows. “You helped with the laundry,, He whispered, a smile blooming on his face. “I did,, she whispered back a smile playing on her lip. “Thank you sweetheart,, he said as he took a big whiff of her scent. “You’re welcome,, she sighed “Now I wish I had taken one of your hoodies,, she muttered. Dimitry chuckled “I will mail you one,, he promised. She laughed, then silence fell over them only the sound of their breathing could be heard. “I don’t think I will sleep much tonight, the bed is too big,, She whispered. Dimitry hummed “Me too, I can’t sleep without you here,, he whispered back. They laid like that, each in their own bed, 3 hours away from each other. They tried to say their goodnights, but each time couldn’t bring themselves to hang up. In the end, it was Dimitry's instinct that got through, his mate needed sleep. “You need to rest mate,, he said “Goodnight my love,, he said softly. He heard her yawn “I know,, she said tiredly “Goodnight love,, she whispered “And I love you,, she added. “I love you too mate,, Having hanged up Dimitry gathered all the blankets and pillows in the room, he builds a little nest with them. He then stripped and snuggled into the nest, hugging Solance’s pillow to his chest, he curled around it. His nose in the pillow has he did his best to surround himself with her scent. It was the only way to keep the pain at bay and to keep her close. “I got it, I will notify the others,, Lavenda said to the one on the other end. “Yes I will tell them, now get some sleep child,, Lavenda smiled softly. “Goodnight,, she finished and hanged up. She then turned around facing the others. Sarah, Adele, Aywa and Zoey were all present in the office Adele had made her little detective place. “Solance makes her first move tomorrow,, Lavenda moves towards the chessboard and moves one of the black knights on the board. “She is going for Josef financial,, Adele asked looking at the pieces remembering how Solance had given each piece a role.  “What do you mean?,, Zoey asked still knew to all of this. “Well, Solance put up this gameplay,, Adele started only for Aywa to step in. “The black king Is Miss Josef, the bishops are the law and her guardianship, the black knights are money basically or assists of some kind, which she needs to buy more pawns and bay the queen who is the kidnapper,, Aywa finished as Zoey nodded having caught on. “Okay so when you say Solance is going after Josef cash flow, what is she going to do exactly?,, Zoey asked looking at her Luna. Lavenda looked at Sarah who was smiling proudly. “Solance is going to take her grandfather's estate off the market, that will slow Josef down,, Lavenda said flipping her hair back. “Wait estate?,, Adele asked her eyes big, “not a mansion but estate?,, Adele muttered. “Yes Adele, the Hopkins Estate is sat for a little under 105 million dollars, I dare say Josef will have a hard time using any more of Solance’s money without Solance putting a stop to it,, Sarah grinned with glee. Zoey smiled but blinked dumbly at the large amount of money mentioned, a part of her couldn’t believe that this was real. “Exactly, which is why we are going to help Solance keep an eye out,, Lavenda said, the females nodding seriously. “Of course,, Adele said loudly. “We will keep an eye on Josef credits cards and payments,, Lavenda listed. “I will take that,, Adele said, Lavenda nodded. “We also need someone who can track that woman, when she goes out,, Zoey raised her hand “I can do that,,  she said seriously. “Are you sure?,, Lavenda asked. “Yeah, I can do it,, Zoey said with confidence. “to give you the best chances to catch her in the act or maybe even get a picture of Josef and the kidnapper together,, Lavenda turned to Aywa “Can you track Josef’s phone and email?,, Lavenda asked. Away smiled “I will even get to hacking into Josef’s phone so I can listen to every single call she makes, I will get every text even d**k pic she will get,, Away leaned back in her seat with a smug smile. “Well, it seems like the next generation is quite capable,, Sarah said giving each youngster a proud smile. “It does seem so,, Lavenda agreed giving each a proud nod, Lavenda then turned to Sarah “Now, Sarah you are going t-,, “I will be studying up on the guardian laws and general law practice, in order to build a case against Josef, so guardianship can be transferred or even annulled giving Solance maturity,, Sarah interrupted. Lavenda smiled “Good, that will be wonderful Sarah,, Lavenda then rolled her shoulders and looked at the board that Adele had made, the strings linking to pictures, maps, names, and Solance’s pendant. “I will be the mediator between us and Solance,, Lavenda Turned to the females. “Remember only we know about all of this, the others can’t know,, Lavenda steeled the girls a hard look, but they all nodded in understanding. “Most of all not my son,, Goddess know, if he learned of the danger Solance was in, he would go rogue in order to see her safe.

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