New Year part 2

1691 Words
                      “Watch out Solance!,, Adele laughed as Solance was putting another piece of cake in her mouth, Solance paused as Dimitry appeared out of nowhere glancing down at her. He didn’t seem pleased, Solance moved her fork closer to her mouth, to which Dimitry raised an eyebrow, it was like he was saying I dare you. Solance raised an eyebrow at him in challenge, oh I dare it said. And true enough Solance took another bite of the velvet cake, it was amazing. Solance hummed in pleasure at the taste, Dimitry pulled out a chair, sighed, and sat down. “What I’m I going to do with you,, he said not understanding his mate’s sweet tooth. Solance tilted her head and smiled cutely and shrugged her shoulders and took another bite of cake, Dimitry groaned and hid his face in his hands. Adele laughed “you can’t really blame her, Lydia’s velvet cake is amazing!,, Adele defended her friend as she too takes a piece of the amazing cake. Dimitry looked at the redhead with a deadpan look “you are no help,, he said, he then turned to his mate and pointed a finger at her “Now that was the last piece of cake,, He ordered only to be met with a stone-cold stare. Adele gulped and watched as the two had a staredown, neither seemed to give in. “HEY WHERE IS THE CAKE AT!?,, Zetrich muscled through the crowd completely oblivion of the staring contest that was going on, he tripped and felled headfirst into the ground between Solance and Dimitry. Coursing the stare to be broken, and for Solance to drop her cake right into her lap. “GOD DAMNIT! ZET!,, Dimitry hollered as he pulled the poor beta up on his feet so he could get to his mate, Zetrich apologized to his alpha, he then turned to Solance to apologize too. He fought to hold back a laugh as she looked sadly at the ruined cake piece on her lap, Dimitry who fussed over her. “Are you hurt babe?,, Dimitry asked taking Solance face in his hands. “I’m not that fragile,, she joked getting to her feet, taking the ruined piece of cake, and putting it in a bin. “But now I’m sad,, she said turning big blue eyes at Dimitry. Dimitry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose “go wash off and I will get you another piece of cake, but it will be the last piece,, he ordered. Solance grinned and hugged him saying her thanks, she then gave him a kiss and then ran off. “Does that mean I’m off the hook?,, Zetrich asked rubbing his neck, Dimitry turned and gave the beta a devil-like grin. “Zet?,, the alpha asked. Zet gulped “yes?,, Zetrich took a step back, “run,, Dimitry said darkly. Zetrich yipped and ran like the devil were on his heels, which in all good sense Dimitry was.                       Solance laughed as she saw Zetrich running acting all scared, Dimitry hot on his tail, Dimitry was clearly enjoying himself. Solance headed to the big restroom that was opened for the party, having eighty people at one venue, I too would have a bathroom made for the occasion. Solance shook her head as she entered the bathroom, she quickly got to the task of cleaning off the cake residue from her light jeans. She was so focused on getting her poor jeans clean that she didn’t realize the door open, “Well look what we got here,, the voice of the harpy sounded and Solance nearly groaned. Solance stood up and faced the beach blond bimbo, “Angie what can I do for you?,, she asked with a fake smile, hoping the girl would go away. “Now that you are asking,, Angie looked herself in the mirror and hugged her short curls giving them a bit more puff. “If you would hurry and get out of here, that would be nice,, Angie then turned to the human. Solance glared at the she-wolf, still with a fake smile plastered on her face. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean Angie,, Solance spat. Angie dropped her smile and snarled “Get lost vermin, you are not welcome here,, Angie poked solance chest, Solance felt the fine hair on her neck rise, a sudden tightness in her chest. “that’s what you say,, Solance countered slapping Angie's finger away. “most be maddening to have so much to say, but you can only say it when we are alone or behind my back with your shadow,, Solance said adding fuel to the fire. Angie growled but then stopped herself before she did something, that would get her in trouble, she wouldn’t regret it but she didn’t want the trouble that would come with it. Angie huffed “Doesn’t matter, tomorrow you will be gone and Dimmy will be mine again,, Angie said confidently. Solance raised an eyebrow “Either you are delusional or just plain dumb,, Solance shrugged at the blond. “Excuse me?,, Angie asked angrily. “You heard me. Seriously if Dimitry had been yours, then why I’m I the one he calls mate,, Solance ended the debate. Zoey entered the bathroom to see Angie and the human girl have a stare-off, both girls noticed Zoey. Angie snorted “Stay out of my way weakling,, Angie said shoving her shoulder into the human. Zoey wince knowing full well how strong the blond female was, the air was chilly as Angie passed Zoey. As Angie finally left Zoey released a breath she hadn’t realized she had held, Zoey looks up to meet the human’s eyes. Zoey had kept her distance from the human, not sure what she should feel about her. Many seemed to adore the human, including her own mother. A thing that actually irritated her, Zoey’s relationship with her mother was rocky, had been since her father passed. Zoey hadn’t been able to forgive her mother for not saving her father, she knew it was foolish, there was nothing her mother could have done. But she was a child she needed someone to blame, and now she didn’t know how to go back to how they used to be. It has been so long. Zoey rubbed her left shoulder “Are you okay?,, Zoey finally asked the human. Said human tilted her head to the side, those blue eyes that were studying her, was unnerving. Zoey licked her suddenly dry lips, the human then smiled “Yeah I have been through worse, how about you?,, the human asked. Zoey blinked “I don’t understand?,, Zoey asked the human who learned on the wall her arms over her chest. “Well, you held your breath and looked away from Angie, you don’t really like her do you?,, the human hit the nail on the head.                       “She isn’t very pleasant, but what choice do I have,, Zoey shrugged and walked towards one if the stalls. “You think you don’t have a choice? Now that is foolish,, the human says pushing herself off the wall. “Hey I don’t okay! What do you even know!,, Zoey felt angry, the dumb human lectured her, what did she know! “I know you have a mother who is worried about you, who is waiting for you to let her in. I know you have a young wolf just waiting for you to give him a chance,, the human counted on her fingers and then turned to Zoey, facing her head-on. “And I also know that you want to belong, that you want to be able to look into a mirror and actually like the person who is looking back,, the human finished. Zoey gasped and felt like a large boulder was lifted from her shoulders. How did the human know? “How?,, she stammered out. The human gave Zoey a gentle smile “How do I know? I know because I care to know my pack,, the human said. The human took Zoey’s hands and squeezed them gently “You need to let the people you want in your life in, all this anger, you need to let it go,, the human said. “How? I have been angry for so long,, Zoey whispered. “One step at a time, first go look at yourself, who do you want to be. And then go to your mother, Sarah talks about you so much, she misses you,, the human said. Zoey snorted “Whenever I do talk with her, all she talks about is you,, Zoey said slightly bitter. “Really hmm maybe she is afraid to ask into you, too afraid you will become more distant. Give her a chance to prove you wrong, even if you don’t think she deserves it, you owe it yourself to give your relationship a chance,, the human finished and then left Zoey to her own devices. Zoey felt slightly empty as she entered the bathroom and faced herself in the mirror. “Who am I?,, she asked her reflection, her wolf wined, tears poured out, how long had it been since she had heard her wolf. Her heavy makeup was running, her hair was no longer puffy, she was a mess and in all honesty, she couldn’t care less. She finally felt like she was seen, someone had seen her, someone had seen she needed help and had given it to her, she didn’t need to ask. She felt lighter as she washed her face, as she had dried the last tears away, her eyes red and puffy, her skin stiff and yet she couldn’t remember the last time she felt this relived.
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