Hidden truths

1318 Words
•Ambers pov• I smiled as I sat In my room as i was drawing at my desk as I listened to music. I then smiled as my door opened and my uncle Ray Ray came in. "hey princess how is eavrything" I smiled and chuckled looking at him then motioned my hand around. "im sitting here if that says anything." he sighed then pulled up a stool and sat by me looking through one of my filled sketchbooks. "you get better and better by the day kid just like your grandmother." I smiled at his words then finished the drawing of Aiden I had been working on my uncle looked at it then turned to me "oh and who is this? hes very handsome" I smiled and blushed looking at the my drawing. "h... he's a guy named Aiden that I met I really really like him. he's soo sweet and kind yet he can also be protective but weird and scary. it's interesting." my uncle smiled looking at me then spoke firmly. "as long as he dosent hurt my princess I'm ok. is yiur dad still irrationally short tempered." I looked at him then sighed. "yea him and mom don't pay no mind to me so I'm just here most times alone but I met the most amazing friends." I smiled as I had described my new friends to my uncle and we caught up on eavrything I even told him all about school both good and bad. my uncle ran the underground racing world. I always thought it was so cool but when he tried taking custody of me from my parents him not being home all the time and without a wife made it hard. I'd love to live with my uncle over my parents but my rich parents make it hard to leave yea uncle has more money but it's not clean money. uncle hates violence and loves cars so he believes all problems can be settled with a race. I have a secret passion for cars but I'd never tell my parents it's what me and my uncle share. I smiled then looked as we heard the downstairs door open and my uncle signed then got up "im still trying to see if I can rescue you kid. I still don't like you living hear after that incident." I looked then held my ear and rubbed my arm. it was so many years ago when it happened. the day that made me lose my hearing and sight on the right. no one knew I wore a hearing aid. hell my uncle paid for that treatment my parents didn't wanna lose their precious money for it. he also payed for the surgery that helped cover up the incident but since there's no scars from what happened so it's hard to prove it ever happened and the records are sealed up so. I smiled at my uncle then looked. "can I come stay a few months with you while your hear. I don't wanna leave what I have forever I just got comfortable and mom tolerates the abuse it's why she's never here but I can't take it no more uncle I'm scared." I held back tears as my uncle heald and comfort me. "ill take you with me to the place I'm staying while here I've been looking to moving my operations so besides I've found a hidden jackpot of project cars here. I didn't realize how vibrant the racing life was here. so pack a bad and I'll go talk to your father ok." I looked and nodded at his words then looked as he left going to talk to my dad. dad was fine when he wasn't trying to get wasted or doped out but that's becoming more and more frequent with his obsession he just hides it well. I quickly packed a small duffle bad of cloths and grabed a small backpack and stashed my art stuff and electronics in it. I jumped as I heard my dad and uncle shouting at one another. I slowly crept out my room and listened from the top of the stairs. "you will not take that girl it's all that keeps my wife here." I heard dad yell "you don't even treat her like your kid" I looked as things got quite and I heard laughing "you know exactly why I don't. that lil brat isn't my child my wife slept with you and I've been caring for her. not by choice either." I heard a heavy sigh from my uncle "look you know damn well ill take Amber but I will not let you keep treating her like you do. your mad because you kept shooting blanks. yes I may be her father but I see you've only been using then hundred thousand I send you monthly to live lavishly with your wife who doesn't even care for her own daughter. I'm taking amber and yea if I have to ill tell the truth to her and the courts but I will not let this continue. I didn't even know she was mind till she was 10 I was here and never knew. but you will stop these habits of yours brother because I'm going to court again I already have all the records and reports from the incident printed out so what will it be." I stared in shock from the stairs then hurried back to my room. I then looked around for my makeup then put it all in my duffle bag. I sighed and looked at the room and jumped as I heard my dad yell "your going with your uncle you waste of space" I looked down the stairs then grabbed my two bags. life is soo confusing rn the person I always called dad I'd my uncle and my uncle is my dad it's so weird but it explains why I've been treated so bad. I went downstairs with my bag then looked at Ray Ray. it feels weird calling him uncle now. but it explains why I only meet him at 10 I've always saw pictures of him before then I looked then spoke quietly. "im ready" Ray Ray looked at me then smiled. go put your stuff in the car princess. it'll be cold tonight so go get your blankets and plushies when done well set up yiur room at my new place once it's settled on where ok?" I smiled then went out. I paused as I saw a black and red Ferrari hard top convertible I then went and opened the trunk. the trunk space was amazing. I put my stuff in it then went back to the house. I looked as I saw my dad yelling at Ray Ray. he just took it tho. I then hurried to my room and packed my two blankets and four plushies I had in a bag. I then went back downstairs. "I'll be in the car uncle." Ray Ray had then smiled and nodded at me and I went back to the car and put my bag in it. I then got in the car and sat in the pasenger seat. I looked as the car started and the top went down I then looked as Ray walked out with dad on his heels. he then got in the car and drove off at my dad kept yelling. "he'll be fine he's just to stupid to accept needed help especially with his situations he's been abusing and it's taking a tole. that's my brother tho... hell be ok" I looked at my uncle then kept quite. "well talk when we get to my place I know you have a lot of questions your da... my brother isn't exactly quite so. I got you princess." I nodded then stared out the window as we drove.
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