hidden truths 2

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•Aidens pov• I looked as I had finally returned home after Susan had un willingly dropped me off. I looked at the house that used to have me and my mom here. I walked in the house and saw it was empty. I refuse to be part of the same stuff that killed my mom... but I will no longer run from my father. I looked at the big picture on the wall on my mom she was smiling as she held me in her arms as she sat in a seat and my dad stood behind her his hand on her shoulder. even in the picture she's smiling but I can see all the fear in her eyes. I sighed then went to the living room and saw my dad laying there drunk out his mind. I walked off and went up to my old room and grabed some cloths putting them in a bag I then grabed all the photos I had of my mom she was such a beautiful person. I looked as I heard my door close and I turned seeing my dad. "you lil basterd where have you been" I looked at him not caring. "out. not like you care you rather me dead I bet." I looked as I heard my dad chuckle and I turned to him slightly annoyed. yea he scares me but I can't let him hurt her. my dad walked closer then smiled as he drank from his bottle "why are you suddenly not scared boy" I looked at him annoyed then sighed. "because I've realized just how pathetic you really are. you used to be the most renowned mobster in town with a kill streak... now yiur just a washed up thug with a big empty house." I looked as my dad started fuming at my words. I looked as he tried to drunkenly punch me. I dodged him as he tried punched me. I grabed my bag then looked as my dad grabed my arm "it's that girl isn't it. you fell in love and decided to be a man how pathetic." I yanked my arm away out of his grip then looked at him. "you better not ever lay a hand on her or so help I'll murder you dad." my dad looked and laughed. I then pushed him off me and walked out the house as my dad shouted. "you never had the guts boy and yiu never will." I sighed as I left the house not caring and just heading back to Susan's place I smiled as I arrived outside the door to Susan's house. just as I was about the knock the door swung open revealing a worried looking susana. "I was just about to come searching for you" I then looked as Masson and Chris came down. "you man your back so you finally ditched your hell hole s***h prison" Mason Said with a laugh. Chris then punched him in the arm and sighed. I smiled and chuckled as Susan pulled me inside. I smiled at her then looked at Chris and Mason. "yea I left but I'm not free till he's put away so ya know." Susana smiled then lead me up to my room as Chris and Mason smiled. we all then spent the night chatting and muching on snacks before school started back up Tomorrow. •18 days later• I smiled as I got up and did my morning routine I looked in the mirror at my bruised abs and chest then sighed. it's been weeks but at least their just bruising left now. I smiled then put on a red shirt and black jeans with my black denim jacket and black shoes with red accents. I smiled then put my hair into a half up half down style to keep my hair out my face. I then smiled and went downstairs to the kitchen to see mama Lucy and Samuel cooking. Mrs. Lucy has been suggesting I call her mom so I've been calling her mama Lucy ans Samuel wishes I call him dad or pa and honestly I don't mind it'll just take getting used to. I smiled as I sat at the table by Susan as mason and Chris came downstairs. I know Chris is sus brother but it never explained why Mason was here then again he stays eavrywhere but his home. coule be because of how many people live there. I smiled as Samuel placed all the food on the table as mama Lucy did the dishes I then smiled as I heard my phone go off and eavryone sat at the table. I smiled as I say a message from amber. I looked as Masson snached my phone and Chris spoke "check it once were done eating man. you know the drill" I sighed as I smiled "yea I know but like it's been 3 days since I've seen her and 2 since she spoke to me. can we at least stop by her place and check on her." I looked as they all smirked and smiled at me. Susan then started poking me as I could see she was getting over excited. "oooooh our boy has a crush how wonderful" Susan cooed I sighed then looked as Chris who was giving the same smile. I then looked as mama Lucy chimed in "oooh a girl. is it that new girl amber. tell me all about her." I looked at mama Lucy "not you to ma" I said as I began blushing then sunck down into my seat wishing the world would swallow me up right then and there as I heard Samuel chuckle then spoke "I remember when we did this to Mason and Chris." I looked then sat up some as susana and Mason talked on and on about me and amber up to the last day we spoke last Friday at school. Samuel and Lucy looked at me. "if you like her why blow her off like you did." mama Lucy asked Samuel sat there waiting for an answer "I... don't want her Getting hurt by my father. he's not so dangerous to me but I don't want him hurting her. I couldn't live with what I'd have to do if he did." I said as I looked down I then heard Samuel speak with a smile. "then do what you must to protect her. there aren't any rulers here anymore since your dad lost his touch but most do fear him still due to how unstable he is. so do what you must especially if you feel for her like you do." Samuel said with a smile. I nodded in agreement then looked as we all continued talking and eating. once eavryone was finished we all piled up into Susan's car and rode to school. I smiled as I got out the car after we parked. once we were all inside me and Susan went to our lockers and grabed our stuff for class. we smiled as we sat in class and I looked at the door as eavryone walked in I then looked to susana as the bell rang and she looked at me. "where's amber she asked" I shruged then looked at my phone. last I had talked to her she had told me how her uncle was actually her dad and that she loves with him now. "I scrolled through my phone then saw as I had 3 new messages. one was from an unknown number. I opened the text then looked at the text that read 'hey Aiden this is Ray Ray ambers dad have you seen her she hasn't been home since you all hung out at the movies. I'm worried.' I turned to susana and my eyes widdened in fear. she them looked over my shoulder then gasped and stood up. we went to the movies 3 days ago. I stood up and left the room with susana behind me. I then checked the messages and saw a video from amber that was sent today. I stoped in my tracks then looked at the photo above it of a tied up brunette laying on the floor. I growled as I felt my anger rise. Susan then took my phone and watched the video then hid my phone from me. "we have to find her do you know where she could be." I sighed then thought for a moment. I then remembered a place my dad used to take his enemies to torture them. I dragged susana to the car and she looked at me concerned. once we reached the car I got in the divers seat and susana got into the pasenger seat and handed me the keys. I started the car then speed out of the school parking lot then continued to drive. I was driving out of town and to the middle of nowhere. after continues driving I pulled up to an abandoned looking house. I looked at susanam "stay here and keep hidden" I told her she looked at me shocked ans before she could protest I spoke coldly. "I'll need you here so I can make a quick get away." she nodded then ducked down in the car. I walked inside as I got a call from ember and I heard crying as I picked up. I then heard my dad's voice. "you deal with me don't hurt her. it's me and you dad I'm coming inside. " I growled then hung up. I walked inside then down to the basement that smelled heavy of blood I then looked as I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw my dad standing over amber with a knife near here throat. I looked at my dad the spoke "put the knife down and fight me like a man you coward. your the reason mom is gone and you take it out on me. now how about you fight me and not innocent girls that have nothing to do with this. my dad dropped the knife and walked to me. I smirked looking at him stumble. he then charged at me and I dodged as I saw him and he stumbled into the steps falling. I ran over to amber and looked at her. "amber look at me please." I looked and smiled as she weakly looked at me then broke down crying. I hugged her then grabed the knife and cut her ropes. I then picked her up as I dropped the knife and carried her to a corner. "stay here while I handle this ok." she nodded and then I kissed her deeply and put my forhead to hers as I pulled away. she looked at me her eyes full of tears. I then walked over to my dad as he got up. he then charged at me again and I grabed his arm then flipped him over my shoulder tossing him to the ground. I looked as I loomed over him then kicked him. I then grabed the knife and held it to his throat. "I should kill you for all you did... but I'm sure your old friends in prison can do that." I smiled then tied my dad up in a chair with rope and zip ties. I then picked up amber bridle style and carried her out of the house and to the car. I got in the back then checked her for wounds. I smiled as I didn't see any but a few bruises where the ropes were we drove down the rode as the cops drove by us heading to the house. I smiled as I held amber then looked at her. "I... I need to tell you something. I'm not as innocent as you think. i..I... my dad used to be head honcho here running a mob but after my mom died 3 years ago he fell out of his place and the mob fell apart. he was abusive before hand but it just got worse. my mom wanted to take us both out but I survived the crash. cops ruled it as an accident cause the breaks were cut. "I smiled sadly then looked as amber was looking up at me sad she then smiled and laughed. "I know who your dad was... my uncle runs the underground racing so he's moving here thanks to how lively the car love here is." she spoke. I smiled looking at her I then spoke softly. "I hate violence." she smiled and hugged me then whispered softly. "I do to" I smiled as I held her tightly then spoke. "ill still keep my deal we had unless you.. um wabt this to be a real thing?" amber smiled then kissed me. I smiled as I kissed her back sweetly. Susan smiled in the mirror as I looked in the corner of my eye at her. I then smiled at amber and her beautiful blue eyes. I then smiled as susana stoped the car infront of a giant house. I smiled and got out holding amber in my arms. Susan honked the horn and a talk man with green eyes and black hair cam running out looking disheveled as he had dark circles under his eyes. he stopped halfway to us as he saw amber. I smiled as I put amber down and then she ran over and hugged the man "papa" she cried. I smiled as the two hugged then turned as I was about to get in. I stoped as the older man called to me. "Aiden wait... you saved my princess life would you and yiur friend like to come in for some food before you leave." Susana jumped out thevcar turning it off. "we would love to especially if theirs free food." i sighed then smiled and nodded. I kinda had no choice my ride was literally already going inside. I smiled as I fallowed eavryone in and then looked at the tv. it was breaking news headlines talking about how the most notorious mobster Victor falcon capone was finally caught tied up in a Remote location. I smiled then looked as Ray Ray placed a bunch of food on the table. amber then dug in and started eating I smiled then sat on the other side of the table by Susan and across from amber and Ray Ray. I smiled as I saw Susana also eating away at the food. I smiled and grabed some eating. Susana then smiled at me "I guess you officially live with me now huh" I smiled and nodded to Susana as I ate on some food. "I guess so huh" I'll have to get more of my stuff before the cops raid it. I got all the important stuff out though so I'm in no rush" Ray had looked to me and tilted his head. "so that was your dad who took her" I stiffened at his words then composed myself and spoke. "yes he was very abusive and manipulative. me and mom were his oldest prisoners. he would abuse and talk trash all the time. he found out about Amber and I had to distance myself so when I found out he took her I went over and took care of it myself" I said as I looked at Ray. he looked at me then smiled and laughed. I jumped slightly startled. he then looked at me and calmed down. "im sorry my boy it's just I've been in similar situations so it's ironic to me I thought he was an enemy of mine. but thank you for Saving my daughter. now let ember get changed and yall can go to school but bring her back here right after ya hear me." I smiled and nodded then looked as ember hugged Ray then went upstairs to change. we all talked and conversed among eachother about what was good to do around town. once amber came back down we all then went back to school. I smiled as we parked and I got out then helped amber out the car. she was wearing a red skirt and black and red hightops with a red crop top. with a croped red denim jacket. her hair was pulled into a curly high ponytail tied with a red ribbon. I smiled as I helped her out the car I then kissed the top of her hand then kissed her cheek. once susana was out the car we all then started walking to our class as I held ambers hand. once we reached ambers class she smiled and kissed my cheek "I'll come and swing by to get you ok?" I said as I smiled at her she smiled and blushed before speaking. "si" I smiled at how cute she was speaking in Spanish. I then pecked her lips softly then watched as she turned away blushing and went to her class. lucky Chris had a class with her. me and Susan then left to go find Mason in our class sitting in the back. he was leaning back in his chair with a book over his face. meaning he's sleeping. me and Susan snuck up around him and sat in out seats. we then slamed our fist on the desk making him jolt up and the book fall. me and Susan chuckled as mason spoke "the answer is 69" the teacher looked at us and smiled. "this is English class Mr. Tomas not math." the teacher said. me and Susan smiled as mason looked at either side of him. "yall guys are asses" he whispered. we smiled then focused on class. once school was out we filled mason in then went to where Ambers class was so I could get her. I smiled as she ran out and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her to my chest then looked as Chris was walking behind her. we all then got in the car and dropped amber off before heading home. I smiled and walked her to the door then kissed her softly. I smiled as she kissed me back. I blushed as she pushed away softly then went inside. I smiled waving then went back to the car so we could all head back home. once we arrived home and walked in I was instantly ambushed into a hug by Mama Lucy and Samuel. I looked at them concerned they then checked ne for wounds only finding a few bruises from the fight and some old ones. "we saw the news are you ok?!" Lucy asked concerned. "why didn't you tell us we could have did something" Samuel said. I smiled and looked at them. I spoke softly as I looked at them "thank you for the concern but he had amber I had to do it on my own" Samuel smiled then layed a hand on my shoulder. Lucy smiled then hugged me again. she then went over and hugged Chris and Susan then pulled Mason in for a hug. "I'm just so glad you all are safe." I smiled as we all hugged. I then went up to my room only to be bombarded by Chris Mason and Susan bursting into my room as I got a message from Amber. I turned to the three and smiled. "yes?" I asked they all came in closing the door behind them. "so are yall like dating now." asked Mason. Susan then spoke pushing Mason aside. you have to bring her around her more now that it's a thousand percent official" Chris sighed then looked at me as he leaned on the wall behind them. "you also gotta clear up that s**t at school from when you blew off at her" I looked at Chris then rubbed the back of my head. he was right I really did embarrass her that day. yea she forgave me but our school is f*****g brutal. I smiled then had an idea and found a photo that me and amber then posted it to hexagram and ghost chat with the caption 'me and my beautiful queen. I'm sorry for the fight we had' once I was done I then went to text Amber as Mason, Susan and Chris. after I finished texting Amber we all then chilled and relaxed watching some movies on my TV till we all passed out.

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