It was only a kiss

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*Aidins Pov* I woke up and made my way to the room where Amber was resting. she wanted me to stay but I told her it would be better to stay with Susana for the night and that I would be back. I stopped in front of the door and then raised my hand up to knock. I looked at the door then spoke. "um hey amber so um I came to check on you is it ok if I come in." I leaned my head on the door hearing how stupid I sounded. I sat up and turned around and got ready to leave. I stoped as I heard the door open. I looked as I saw amber standing at the door. I smiled as I looked at her as she looked at me. I looked at her and saw how red and puffy her eyes were. I walked to her and pulled her in for a hug. I don't know why I did it but I just had an need to hold her and I did it. I held her tight as she cried and held onto me. I picked her bridal style and carried her back into the room then set her in the bed. I rubbed her back then tried to pull away from her. I stoped as I felt her grip tighten around my shoulders not wanting me to let go. I sighed softly then fell into the bed and rolled over so she was laying on my chest. I smiled softly as I held onto her as she cried. I looked at her while rubbing her back. after a good 30 minutes she had calmed down and her breathing leveled out. I sighed softly then looked as the door open and Susana walked in. Susana looked at Amber then me. "is she ok" I looked at her. "I think so. she stoped crying so I think she's feeling better." Susana walked to the vanity then set some cloths down on the chair. "we called the cops on Andrew. he's in custody at a station downtown so. I also bought clothes for her to change into." I nodded looking. i got up slowly and left amber on the bed with Susana in the room. I went down to the kitchen and saw Chris cooking. I smiled and started helping him with making brunch. I smiled as we has finished. we made a whole spread or pancakes, waffles, muffins, fruit salad, bacon, ham and sausage as well as some crapes and eggs. I sat down with chase as we started chatting about the up coming football game. we both played so it was always fun having one of my closet friends there with me. chase paused looking at me with a sad smile then fixed my hair so it could hide my bruised eye. "we don't want her seeing your black eye ya know." I smiled and nodded. "thanks man" I smiled as we finished the conversation while waiting on the girls. I smiled and looked at the stairs as I heard laughing. I smiled shaking my head as I saw Susana smiling. I then looked away and took a sip of some water I had poured for myself earlier. I looked up again and saw amber. I had almost dropped my drink. I looked at her smiling. she looked at me and smiled. I felt a sudden heat rush to my cheeks as my heart skipped a beat. I turned away to compose myself. I got up and pulled a chair out by me for amber to sit by me. she smiled blushing as she sat down. I smiled then sat back down beside her as she fixed herself a plate. ▪︎3 Hours Later▪︎ I smiled as I looked at Amber run ahead of me. we were at the amusement park for a day of fun. it was of course Susanas Idea. I smiled as I caught up with amber who was standing infront of a ring toss booth. I smiled and looked at her. she smiled and payed a guy three dollars. I smiled and laughed at how bad she was failing. I stoped and looked as she pouted and looked at a giant stuffed puppy. I smiled then payed the worker for a couple of turns. I smiled as I aimed for it and got eavry ring on a peg. I smiled as the worker handed me the giant panda bear and I handed it to amber. I smiled as her eyes lit up she then smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and blushed then watched as she went to the funnel cake stand. I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked as I saw Susana smirking at me. "your in love my dear friend aren't you." she said as she smiled happily. I looked at her and scoffed as I still blushed some. "pfft as if me in love? your delusional Susana" she smiled looking at me then walked to the funnel cake stand. "sure just know she really likes you". I looked in suprise. "wait what? seriously?" I chased after Susana. I smiled and stoped as I almost bumped into amber. she smiled as she turned to me and was blushing slightly. "um th- thank you for winning me the giant panda" I smiled and straightened my posture looking at her "of course no problem it's my pleasure" I smiled and took her hand in mine. I looked at her and leaned down and kissed her cheek. she smiled and blushed looking at me then pulled her hand away as she grabed her funnel cake. we had all spent hours playing games and winning prizes and don't tell Susana but I had won a ton of prizes for Amber. I smiled as amber looked at the wagon of gifts I had won her. she smiled and set the panda down in the wagon then looked at me. "um thank for all of these and helping me. this is the best day I've ever had in my whole life." I smiled at her then took a strand of her hair and twirled it around softly. "of course it was my pleasure I'm glad we both had the best day of our life." I looked as she smiled then held my hand. I then looked as I heard a squeal behind me and amber let my hand go suddenly. I held back a frown as my hand felt cold without hers in it. I turned and saw Susana looking at me then the wagon. Susana smiled happily then smirked. "so what's with the wagon of prizes. are they for amber?" I smiled at my best friend keeping my cool. "Nah their the ones that me and her both won I told her I'll carry them in the wagon ya know" I smiled as I saw Susana frown. i looked as she ran off and Amber spoke to me softly. "why did you lie to her" she whispered in my ear softly. i blushed I felt her whisper in my ear and i got chills. i then spoke lowly. ill tell you on the faris wheel. i smiled handing chase the wagon. i smiled and took ambers small hand in mine and lead her to the feris wheel. i smiled as we got on and i held the door open for her. she smiled getting in with her beautiful smile. i got in after her and sat across from her. once the ride started I took a deep breath and looked at her now was the perfect time to tell her all about this. I had grown to kinda like her. I know we're only human but I really feel like a major connection with her. "amber Susana wants us to get together. she thinks we like each other and could make an amazing couple. I kinda do like you. your very beautiful and I would love to get to know you more and maybe be your boyfriend." I rambled on I stopped and chuckled softly. I looked in shock as I felt her take my chin in her thumb and index finger. i looked at her curious. she slowly leaned down and kissed me on the lips deeply. I looked in shock then returned the kiss with passion as I pulled her into my lap. once she pulled away she looked at me. I laughed softly. "I'm never gonna live this down I never thought id catch feelings after my mom died." I said in a solum voice. "well I never thought id trust someone as much as I trust you right now." she told me in a shy voice. i smiled as i held her close to me and laid my head on her breast. i relaxed as i felt he hands go through my hair. i dint want tonight to end i know once it did i would have to go back home to my dad where is was waiting to beat me. i don't know what amber had to go home to but i know for a fact i would love to be anywhere but home right now. i smiled as the farris wheel door opened. i smiled and got up holding her as she sat on my arm her arms on my shoulders. i smiled up at her then sighed as susana and chase ranover. chase stoped in front of me as he tried catching her breath and susana was smiling. "i.. i tried to s-stop her. but we ran so much i think im dying. chase panted as he took a seat. i smiled and set amber down and looked susana. "so are yall like a thing because if so im excited for it." she said. just as i was about to answer amber spoke in her soft sweet angelic voice. i smiled as i listened to her. "yea me and Aidin are daiting now." I smiled as I felt my heart skip it made me so f*****g happy hearing her say that. we all went back to playing games and winning prizes having a good time. i checked my phone as i felt it vibrate. i looked and froze as it was a message from my dad "Dad: 'get your ass home now you no good bastered and maybe your beating wont be as bad as you deserve. i sighed as i looked then looked as susana. her smile dropped the moment she saw my face. i looked as chase and amber turned to me. "i um i have to get going back home i got some chores to do you know." i said trying to stay calm. chase looked at me with susana as amber walked to me. "but we were having fun" amber said as her eyes watered slightly. i smiled and kissed her deeply. "ill see you tomorrow baby" i said as i smiled the best i could. i then started making my way back home. *1 Hour Later* I looked at the house as I stood on the sidewalk. I then walked to the door and put my hand on the handle. I looked at my dad's car in the driveway. I took a deep breath and then walked in. I quietly closed the door and then made my way up to my room trying not to be seen as my dad wasn't in the living room. I opened my room and went to my drawer. I took my s**t off and put on an old hoodie then put on some sweat pants. I looked through my drawers for my pocket knife and butterfly knife. I panicked slightly as I couldn't find them. I froze as my room door opened. I looked as I went cold and saw my dad. "looking for these" he said as he pulled them out of his back pockets and played with them the tip of the blade pushing into his fingertip. I took a step back as my dad came closer. I froze as I was against the wall. he looked at me his eyes full of anger. I looked keeping a blank expression as he got in my face yelling. I zoned him out not caring anymore. I gasped as I felt myself get stabbed in the sides. I was then picked up and thrown down the stairs. I gasped for air as I felt the knives dig deeper into my sides. I landed on my back and gasped looking as my dad walked down to me. I looked up at him as he crouched down and whispered in my ear. "I should have killed you Aidin. the same day I killed your mother." I looked at him in shock then looked as he smiled then spoke once more. "you can no longer see that girl. I'll hurt her if you ever do. if I couldn't be happy when your mom was cheating on me I won't let you be happy son." I looked as he walked out of the house. i waited as the car started then pulled out the drive way. i waited 20 minuts before i called susanna. I listened as the phone rang. it was 4 am no way she would be up. but hopefully, she was. I listened as the phone rang again. I heard her pick up as soon as I was about to hang up. "hello? who is it?" I heard her speak sleepily. I took a deep breath as my sides went numb. "I need you to get here with an ambulance please Susana" I strained. I suddenly heard her voice wake up. "Aidin what happened?!?! are you ok?!?!?" I smiled hearing her. "just please do as I say ill explain later. please hurry before he comes back" I choked. I held my sides and sat up and leaned on the wall. as I bleed out. I waited and in 10 minutes I heard sirens heading towards the house. i looked as a susana ran in and gasped looking at me. the paramedics then rushed in Ambers Pov i layed on my bed as i looked at the celling holding the puppy pludh aidin won for me. it was such a cute plush with cream fur and fluffy flopy ears. it was a beautifule cream color. i had came home at 2am. and like a;ways my parents werent home. i was worried about aidin i saw his dads car in the drive way when i got her. i smiled playing with the plush as the others layed at the head of my bed. i smiled turning the tv on. i smiled watching it. after a whole episode of courge the cowerdly dog i sat up hearing sirens. i ran over to my window and saw that an ambulance and 4 police cars were pulled up infront of Aidins hoouse. i hurried down stairs in my bed shorts and crop top. once i made it outside. i looked as the peramedics came out of the house with Aidin on a gerny. the cops were talking to him. i ran over to him and was stoped as a cop held me back. "no please let me go that's my boyfriend i need to make sure hes ok." the cop looked at aidin then turned to me. "ma'am we cant let you do that" i looked as susana looked over the yelled at the cop. "let her through jeramiah" the cop nodded then let go of me and i ran over to aidin. "are you ok" iasked him as i tried not to cry. i didnt get an answer as he looked awy from me. i watche as they put him in the ambulance with a cop in the seat by him. i then walked to Susana. "what the f**k happened" i asked worried. she looked at me then shook her head as she spoke quietly. "his dad tried killing him." i looked in shock i dindt know aidin went through stuff that bad at home. "wheres his mom or other family." i asked in concern and curiosity. "his dad is the only blood family he has left" i looked and sighed. "he avoids you for your own safty his dad is insane hed kill you if he knows yall did somethin." she said inn compleat concern. i looked at her "alls me and him did was kiss. i dint cause this did i?" i asked as she looked me with sad eyes. she shook her heasd then went to the car. sh emotioned for me to fallow i shook my head then went back home and locked up the doors. i went to my room and fell asleep. not like i could sleep with me concerned about my boyfriend. as we speak. *ONE WEEK LATER* i woke up to go to school just like any other day. i smiled and walked downstairs looking around. I smiled as my mom was in the kitchen trying not to burn it down. I looked around for my dad but like always he wasn't around. I smiled and looked at my mom walking over to her. I looked at her face seeing there was a bruise on her eye. "oh my f*****g god mom what happened.?!?!?" my mom looked at me and chuckled. "you know your father when he gets too drunk. It's nothing sweetie. I'm fine" I sighed looking at her as she smiled at me. "mom we can't keep living like this. you know one of these days he's gonna kill one of us." i said in concern. she smiled sweetly. "he won't I promise. now get going to class you know what hell do if he finds out that your not at school or if you're late to school" i looked at the time and ran out the door going to school. i made it to the school as the morning bell rang. i went to my locker and started putting my stuff up. i looked as i grabed my bio book then went to my class. i froze as i saw Aidin. i smiled and sat in my seat that was by his. "are you ok where have you been aidin." i whispered to him. he looked at me. i saw pain flash in his eyes then his face go cold and emotionless like when i first meet him. "nothing you should be conerned with. i was just busy." he said planly. i looked at him then tilted my head. "you cant tell your girlfriend why you wouldent text or talk to after what happened last week" i whisper yelled. he looked at me and raised an eyebrow. i felt my heart sink at his next words. "look Amber. your a nice girl but last week at the fair. forget it. we are not a thing all we did was kiss on the feris wheel. you are not my girlfriend and you never will be. now focus on class." he said in a cold emotionless tone. i looked at my note book then went back to focusing on class. once class let out i packed my stuff then got up. i looked as Susana came and said hi. i ignored her and went to my locker. i got to my locker and started putting my stuff up. i jumped as i heard a slam by me. flash backs of when my uncle lived with us. he would always bang on the door and s**t when he was mad and drunk. i shivered as the thought of me getting hit came to mind. i took a deep breath closing my locker and looking to the right to find an emotionless Aidin. he looked at me with cold eyes. I could tell he was fighting his own emotions though. his expression was cold but his eyes glistened with unheeded tears. "what is it that yiu want. I don't have all day" I said as I turned and locked my locker. "we need to talk alone with Susana please. during lunch. so dont anything about this ok" he whispered so only I can here. I watched as he looked around his eyes stoped in the corner and his face grew blank. I looked then turned back to him. he looked at me with the same expression he's been holding up. "look um Amber right. look what happened at the fair was a nice bet. and ya know it ment nothing. you my dear mean nothing to me. so let's let eavrything go back to normal. ok?" I looked at him weird as he stressed certain words. was this dumbass talking in code. I shook my head not thinking about it. Aidin then got closer and whispered in my ear as his hand slid down my ass. "but Mayberry we can f**k around sometime after all you're Hella hot." he pulled away then left going to his class. I rolled my eyes as I felt my heart constricted. he low key said I mean eavrything to him if it was a code but i don't know anymore. I sighed going back with the rest of my day. once lunch period came around. I went and put my stuff up in my locker . I looked as susana was waiting for me at my locker. she looked beyond nervous. I opened my locker looking at her. "so whats wrong with you?" I asked with a brow raised. "oh nothing just wanting to hang out with one of my favorite people. how about you put your stuff up ans we go off campus to eat something good." she said happily. I smiled and shook my head. I shruged and answered "sure why not." she smiled and we then went to her car after I put all my stuff up. I got in the pasenger seat and buckled up. I smiled as we started driving I jumped as I saw Aidin sit up in the back row. "oh my f*****g gods. What the f**k are you doing" I shouted. he looked at me apologetically. "we need to talk and I have to many eyes on school that work for my father rn. Amber no one can know we're a thing. if my dad finds out he'll hurt you. I... I can't aford to lose you amber." he said as sadness showed in his eyes. Susana cleared her throat then spoke up. "it was his dad who hurt him. and his dad's insane so he doesn't want you getting hurt at all. after all his dad did kill his mom so." Susana said coldly "susana" I looked as aidin as he raised his voice. he looked away from me then turned and sighed. "she's right though I found out last week after he attacked me. he will do anything to hurt you if it means I'm miserable." I looked at him and then shook my head. all we did was kiss and became a thing. I don't regret it but if it's gonna be an act at school i may as well go along. "I will play along at school but you owe me Aidin" he smiled looking at me. "of course as soon as this is all taken care of I'll do anything to make it up to you. you just mean so much to me Amber." i sighed as i heard him speak full of love and care. i looked at susana as we pulled into the parking lot of a dinner named anmeries dinner. its a dinner thats been set out in a few places. i wanna go to the original and meat the owner. see how this all started out. i turned to aidin then spoke softly. "at school i am just a girl you used. making you jst like the rest. i will show no care for you. i will throw only one tantram and cause a scene. but other then that dont expect anything from me." i nodded then got out the car. *Aidins Pov* i looked as she got out of the car. i turned and looked at the door as it closed. "I feel like she hates me" I heard a sigh then looked at Susana. "she doesn't hate you. she is mad at this situation though. besides you acted without explanation this morning you weren't exactly quite when speaking to her in class." she said in her well you see voice. "I sighed then looked yea your right." I said as I watched amber go to the diner. I looked at susana and sighed. "what am I gonna do" I asked. Susana turned the car off then looked at me. "what are you gonna do about your dad or about amber. because you're dad's men are still out there and yiu know damn well what he's capable of." I looked at the worried expression on her face. she was right and I can't be happy with my soul mate until I handle that. meaning it's time to make some calls to some important people mom knew. I didn't really wNn have to rely on moms family but I can't keep dealing with at least not alone anymore. I looked up as I was broken from my thoughts by shaping. "so are you gonna tell her about your dad" susana asked worried. I bit my lip dreading what I would have to do. I didn't wanna tell her about my dad I mean he was a head of a cartel before killing of his family and starting a new here. Problem is my dad scars enough powerful people to get off Scott free. I think it's time I do some things I never wanted and playing my dad's game Is one of the thing I never wanted to do. I looked at Susan and smiled. "let me make some calls first and then I'll think of telling her. we got out the car and I put on a backwords baseball cap then got out the car and went into the diner with Susana. I was glad to see anmire was working today she had told us all about her friend Roxy and the guys she hangs with. I smiled as I listened and planned for tomorrow.
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