

small town
coming of age

this is a shot story it won't be long like my other on going books. this is just to tie yall over. so guys please enjoy

Aidin is a boy who had eavrything then lost it all. his mom died because his dad had a drug problem. his mom was his only friend in the past she loved and cherished Aidin eavry day. his dad on the other hand was unstable.

after the death of Aidins mom when he was 15. his dad would take all of his anger out on him. for years Aidin was beat and starved by his father. as the days turn to weeks and weeks to months and months to years he slowly started losing feeling. he could laugh and smile all the time school was his only safe spot. he had friend and a life. but what happens when the new girl next door makes him do the one thing he never thought he could do. will he finally learn to love again or will he let his dad forever control his life.

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The Beginning
▪︎Aidins Pov▪︎ I gasped as I woke up on the floor coughing up blood. I looked up at my dad as he heald the whip and a gun in his hand. I whiped the blood off my lip. my dad looked at me his eyes full of anger. I flinched and prepared my self as he started whipping me again. I flinched as I used my arms as a shield. it's been like this for 3 years I'm 18 now and I'm still treated as if it was my fault. I looked up as he stoped then threw the whip down my dad held the revolver to my head then pulled the trigger. I looked as Nothing happened. another day another blank. my dad scoffed as he spoke with disgust. "I guess you live for another day. if only it had been you instead of your mom." I looked down at the ground and the blood dripping down my arms. I kept my head down as I heard footsteps start walking away from me. I looked up once I heard the door close. I sat there waiting 30 minutes before I got up slowly and walked out of the basement and up the stairs to my room careful not to drip any blood on the floor. I went to my bathroom and cleaned up. I wraped my arms then looked at the black eye I had. I sighed then floped onto my bed falling asleep. I needed to sleep now if I was gonna wake up before dad and get out of here in one peice. it was 7 but I know my dad he'll drink himself to sleep and then be out till 9 when he's got work. I layed in bed under my covers as I thought of the good times with my mom untill I fell asleep. ▪︎11 Hours Later▪︎ I woke up and looked at the time seeing it was 6 am. I got up showered realy quick then wraped all my wounds. I looked at my black eye then sighed. I'll have to ask Susana if she can cover my black eye. I smiled as I thought of my friend who was like my older sister. she was amazing at make up and at times like this I appreciated it by a lot. I went back to my room as fast as I could then tossed on some clean boxers a clean red button up s**t and put on some black ripped jeans. I grabbed my gray jacket then threw it on and grabbed my bag for school. I walked out my room slowly and checked my dad's room seeing it was empty I slowly made it downstairs and saw him sleep in the couch. I quietly went back upstairs and oppend a window. I put my stuff on the roof then claimed out of it ans sat on the room. I then closed the window quietly then dropped my stuff onto the ground then jumped down from the roof. I picked my bag up then made my way to school as I pulled a pair of sunglasses from my bag and put them on to hide my eye. I smiled as I walked to school that wasn't far from home. I looked at the house that had a moving truck pull up to it. it was a house that had been empty for years and up for sell. I looked and stoped as I saw a girl with brunette hair and blue eyes hop out of the truck. she looked like a curvy goddess she was lean but still had meat on her bones. I felt my cheeks heat up as she turned to look at me. I turned then kept walking to the school. I walked to the school then made my way inside to my locker. I smiled high fiving all the jocks and cheerleaders. as well as eavryone else. I smiled as I walked to Susana as I saw her by our lockers. I smiled then jumped her. she screamed then looked at me. she laughed as she saw me then smiled. "how are you feeling Aidin" I smiled looking at her then showed her my eye. "im good but um you think you can cover this up. please" Susana looked at me in shock and worry then grbed her makeup pallet out as she oppend both our lockers then started covering my eye. "how bad was it this time?" I sighed looking at her. "im still alive so about the same" I chuckled coldly then smiled as she finished applying the makeup I smiled then looked in the mirror and fixed my black hair so that it could cover my eye just to be safe. I smiled at her. "how does this look" she smiled looking at me. "it looks amazing on you. in all honesty." I smiled and laughed putting my stuff up. we then walked to class talking about what to do this weekend. I smiled as she mentioned a small party. she looked at me as she stoped walking. I turned and look at her as she smiled. she clapped and squealed slightly. "did you hear we got a new exchange student whose transferring to the school today. eavryone is betting its a girl and guys are already trying to bang hee even though they don't know her can you believe it." I looked at Susana as she spoke. I then thought back to the family I saw moving into the house next door that's been empty for so long. I opened my mouth to say something then held back just incase. this was a small town eavryone knew eavryone so the likelihood of people moving in and no one knowing is slim. I smiled as I looked at my best friend and smirked. "yea and so what." she looked at me. "so what aren't you gonna bang her or something." I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "you think I'm gonna fall in love with her. Susana we already discussed I would never fall in love not after what happened to my mom." she looked at me. "but come on at least try to talk and hang out with her." I sighed as we made it to the class room then took our seats. "fine I'll give her a 'try' meaning I will talk to her. me and Susan smiled as class went by. we spent most of it talking. i smiled as we went to our next class. we sat down and started talking as we waited on the teacher. I looked as the math teacher walked in with a brunette girl. her skin was light tan. I smiled looking at her as Susana elbowed me. Susana smiled then moved Dominic from the other side of me so the new girl could sit ther. "I bet that's the new exchange student." I smiled at her. "I wouldn't doubt it" the girl tuned around and smiled at us. I feel back out of my seat as I saw her. it was the girl that was moving into the house earlier. Susana looked at me as I fell. I blushed as the girl looked in my direction. the teacher looked at us ad he spoke. "guys this our exchange transfer student. her name is Amber. she just moved in today and she also stars class with us as well. you guys be nice to her. respect her and no bullying" amber smiled and waved before speaking with a thick Spanish accent. "I am Amber. its... very nice to meet you she smiled and bowed." I smiled looking at her as I got back in my seat blushing slightly she was beautiful but she gave me this feeling of longing that I had never felt before. a happy happiness I haven't felt in so long time. I jumped as Susana elbowed my side and I laughed feeling Susana elbow my side as she smiled at me winking. I love as she tood up. "she can come sit with us Mr: Santiago" the teacher smiled and clawed. "perfect. Amber you can go sit with my two favorite students. you'll be in good hands with them. I composed myself as Amber came and sat beside me. she smiled looking at me. "your the guy I saw outside when I was moving in. you must be my neighbor. she smiled giggling. I smiled and laughed. "yea that's me I'm Aidin. it's nice to meet you." Susana looked at me in shock then smiled. "you didn't tell me that someone moved in next door to you in that big house." Amber smiled then looked at Susana. "i just moved in this morning actually so." she smiled nervously. Susana smiled looking at amber as she spoke with excited. "you should come to the party I'm throwing at my place. it'll be so much fun it also gives you time to get to know eavryone." Amber smiled happily as she clawed her hands. "I would love to go it would be amazing to get to know people and maybe I can get to know you." she smiled looking at me as she blushed slightly. I smiled blushing as I looked at her. yea... um I'll totally be there." I smiled as I went back to doing my school work. I smiled as I looked at Amber eavry now and then i smiled as the day went on like normal. I smiled as we went to our lockers. I smiled from a distants as I looked at Amber at her locker. her hair was so silky and her skin looked so smooth and shiny. I smiled looking at her. and her eyes gits they were the most amazing blue. deeper than the ocean themselves. Susana smiled at me then elbowed me slightly. I laughed smiling as she looked at me before saying. "beastie your drooling. are you gonna eat lunch today?" I smiled sadly then shook my head. "I can try but no promises suz" she sighed softly then looked at me. "why don't you just leave" she looked around then dropped her voice to a whisper. "you can't keep taking this abuse. especially from your dad. me and mom will take you in just say the word." I smiled at her. Susana and her family has always been my second home. I smiled looking at her. "I'll be there tonight ok. and I'll stay for a few days. after all my dad's going on a trip and it can give me some time to heal ya know." Susan smiled then closed the locker. I smiled closing my locker then looked as amber walked over. she smiled looking at me as I became speechless. I looked at her face more and saw how she had the cutest freckles I had ever seen I had never once felt as nervous as I do now. she smiled looking at me as I blush crept her cheeks. I smiled and tried to speak thwn pinched myself and looked at her. "um umm umm uhhh." Susana sighed then looked at me then amber. "your like to eat lunch with us." Amber smiled then nodded. "of course." Amber smiled with Susana to the cafateria as I looked at Amber leave. one of the football players came over and whistled at amber as she walked by I hit him in the chest knocking him back then started walking after the girls. I smiled as I walked to m the cafateria and sat down eating with amber and Susana beside me. my best bud Mason, Susanas brother walked over and sat by his sister smiling. we all ate and talked as we smiled. as the day went on I got to learn a lot more about amber. he parents came all the way from Brazil and her dad is Japanese. she loves singing dancing as well as cheerleding and tennis. she's such a beautiful girl as they day came to the last class I started thinking of how I would get my stuff from dad's house. if I leave with Susan now I can be there before my dad gets off work and I'll order something to get dropped off at the house. I looked at Susana and motioned for us to leave. she nodded then got up and left. I smiled as I saw amber doing her work. "hey can you give me the notes for this class at the party." Amber looked at me slightly worried then nodded. "um sure is eavrything ok?" I smiled and nodded. "yea I just gotta go get some stuff from my house so I can make it to the party." Amber smiled and noded then went back to doing what back to doing her work. after a drive to my house I looked and saw that my dad's car wasn't here. I smiled then climbed up onto the roof then snuck into the house. I quietly went to my room and grabed a duffle bag and packed the little stuff I had in it. I snuck to my dad's room and oppend the floor board on my moms side of the room and grabed the metal case out of the floor it was full of her jewelry as well as 10 million dollars in savings and a gold bar she had. she left it to me the day she died. I put it in my duffle bag then put the floorboard back. I then ran and grabed my mom's white cat Snowflake. she was my moms favorite cat. she was four years old. once I had eavrything I went to the window and then put my duffle on the roof. I climbed out the window holding the small cat. I closed the window then tossed my duffle down to Susana. I then slowly climbed down with Snowflake in my hoodie. I walked to Susanas car then hoped in holding Snowflake in my lap. Susana smiled at Snowflake then pet her softly as she started driving. "what type of cat is she if I may ask." I smiled as I held onto Snowflake. "she a Napoleon. we got her a month before my mom died." I smiled looking at Snowflake. Snowflake looked at me with a sad expression then nuzzled up to me. I smiled laughing as we drove to susanas house. school would be over by now. I smiled as we pulled up.to the big mansion. I got out and put my bag over my shoulder and held Snowflake. Susana smiled happily as she ran to the door and oppend it. "MOM DAD IM HOME AND I BOUGHT AIDIN." Susanas mom Lucy ran over and hugged me careful not to crush Snowflake. her dad Samuel came and and smiled greeting me. once the day went on and the party started we were having fun. Susana made sure that my eye was well covered before I went downstairs. I smiled looking at all the guest. I looked around and saw amber. I smiled jumping over the baester and down to the first floor. I smiled and walked to amber then got second thoughts and walked the opposite direction. I'm not supposed to fall in love I promised myself not to I sat at the bar and drank some water. I smiled watching amber from a distance as she wore a cute pleated off the shoulder purple dress with a pair of black heels. she was soo beautiful. I don't know why but she was Making feel this way and I didn't hate it but I couldn't have this feeling. I smiled as Susana walked over to me. "your drooling. and over the new girl at that. why not you just go over and talk to her." I looked at her in disbelief. "no way I'm not Fallin in love it's against my morals. you know that Susana." Susana sighed then looked at Amber. I looked as amber was talking to a guy I felt me get Slightly jealous as I looked at her laugh. I wanted that to be me with her. I sighed looking at Susana as she pouted slightly. I smiled and pat her head slightly then walked over to amber as a guy grabed her wrist. "hey baby how are you enjoying the party." I smiled as I put my arm around her shoulder. the guy looked at me then slowly let go of her hand. Amber jumped slightly looking at me slightly confused. I smiled and whispered in her ear so only she could hear. "play along" Amber smiled and giggled then looked at me smiling sweetly as she kissed my cheek blushing then looked at me. "baby you're here." I smiled at her. "sorry I'm late were these guys bothering you?" she smiled and was about to say something when the guy spoke up. "um nah man I was gonna ask her if she needed anything ya know just being hospital." I looked at him turning serious. "funny cause last I checked you didn't live here... ever. now leave girl alone or get wreked." I smiled as I saw the gut run away. I looked at Amber as she blushed looking at me with a smile on her face. "thank you. you really saved me back there." I smiled as I got slightly nervous. "of course mo I mean no problem. i um you wanna hang with me and my friend. we discuss how to keep those guys away until then I'll be yiur date for the party." I looked as she smiled and noded. "sure of course. I would actually like that. I had left my previous school to actually get away from this stuff and here I am getting wrapped up in it all over again." I looked at her confused. "this has happened before?" she nodded as a tear fell down her cheek. I sighed then pulled her in for a hug. I'm not gonna lie I felt Hella bad she went through that s**t but like I don't know her past so I couldn't assume s**t. but consider she almost cried It's safe to say it wasn't good. I smiled pulling away then looked at her she smiled slightly at me and I nodded towards where Susana was. "come on lets go find Susana she's the one who's running this madness." Amber laughed as I held her close walking through the crowds. I was also thinking of a plane to help Amber and get Susana off my back about this soon. I walked around pushing through the crowds with my arm around Amber's shoulder. once we made it to the bar where Susana was. she looked at me smiling then smirked. I looked away trying to hide my blush from her. I smiled then looked as Amber and Susana started talking I was slightly listening ans then I looked at Susana as she smiled to Amber speaking. "so are yall like a thing." I looked at Susana and but in. "no we aren't" Amber smiled looking at me then looked at Susana. "yea what he said" I smiled then took Amber's hand. "but I would like to speak to amber alone please." Susana sighed then looked. "fine but don't be too long. I smiled and walked upstairs with amber I smiled as I walked the halls loin for an empty room. once I found one I ducked into the room with and and closed the door behind us. "so let's talk you want people to stop herasing you and I want Susana off my back. how about this at school and when we are in public together I'll be your boyfriend but when your alone you don't have to worry. you get people off your back and Susana can get off me about love and soul mates s**t. deal?" I looked at Amber as she thought it over after 5 minutes she nodded then looked up at me. "deal." I smiled then looked at her. "then let's give these pervs and Susana a show." I smiled as I took Amber's hand and we walked out the room. I smiled walking downstairs as she laughed acting like I told something funny. once we made it downstairs. I smiled and kissed her head as people looked at us. once we made it downstairs and found Susana. she looked at me with her eyebrow raised. "so are yall a thing?" I smiled and looked at her "no" Amber smiled then playfully hit my chest. "baby don't like to her." I smiled and laughed. I loved how well she was playing along. I then smiled and looked at Susana. "yea we're a thing Susana." Susana smiled holding back a squeal. she then smiled happily and hugged Amber. once Susana let go amber went to go get some water. Susan smiled at me. "so you like her." I blushed looking away. I didn't want to admit it but I liked Amber. it was something about her that I just couldn't get over. I smiled and looked as I kept an eye on her as she walked to the bar. it was hard to keep track of amber considering she was only 5 feet tall but being 6'9 helps with being able to see her... in a crowded area at least. I smiled and looked at Susana. "your literally a suckered for her. Ya know that. " I smiled at her. "I have no clue what ya mean Sus." Susana sighed and rolled her eyes as I looked at her. "I'm 5'6 not stupid." I looked back and didn't see Amber. "f**k I lost her. and you my friend are short" Susana looked at me. "your girlfriend is shorter then me and literally everyone in this school." I blushed as she said my girlfriend. I took all of me not to tell her the truth. I smiled shaking my head at my best friend. she was right though Amber is the shortest person in this scheme eavryone is 5'2 and taller. I looked around for amber not seeing her around anywhere. I scowled as I didn't see her then saw Andrew. I hated him. he literally ficks eavr girl. he's got 5 r**e charges on him but all cases were closed and the school let their star basketball player stay. I looked as he was fixing his pants then stormed up to him. "where is she you rotten shit." he smirked looking at me. "no where she didn't want to be. trust me she's getting exactly what she wanted. ok Aidin." I growled then punched Andrew in the face throwing him back into the stereo. eavryone looked at us as the music came to a stop. I grabed Andrew by the collar of his shirt lifting him up. "where is she" he laughed then looked at me. "i told you I always get to f**k eavry girl in this school and you can never change that. ever." I growled seeing nothing but red at the time and pulled arm back ready to punch Andrew when I felt two people grab my arm. I looked back and saw Susana and her brother Chris. Susana looked and shook her head at me. "go find her if what he says is true. she's in grave danger. Go find her." I looked at Chris who nodded. "we got this asshole don't worry." I scoffed then threw Andrew down on to the floor then ran up the stairs and looked around for amber. I stoped as I heard a muffled scream and ran down the hall to the last room. I kicked the door open then looked at the three guys. "I take it yall are Andrew's friends." one guy came at me. I sit thenbpunched him straight in the gut Making him fall tobthw floor. I then ran at then other guy and punched him him in the jaw hard. I looked at he went flying into the wall and fell to the floor unconscious. I winced as I felt something hit my jaw. I moved my jaw some then looked at the guy as fear shined in his eyes. I grabed his fist as he tried to punch me then fliped him Makin him land on the ground. I looked at them then ran to Amber. I felt sad as I saw her tied and blindfolded to the bed with a gag in her mouth. I took the gag out and she cried keeping quiet. I untied her legs then her arms. I looked as she hit my chest repeatedly. I sighed as I let her continue to hit me. I slowly took one of her hands in mine then undid the blindfold. she looked at me with b fear then calmed down once she realized it was me. she looked then hugged me tight. I pulled her close to me and hugged her not letting go. I felt my heart break as she cried. I sighed then took my jacket off and put it around her. I held her close then picked her up cradling her in my arms. I grabed her stuff and held her close making sure she was covered. I made my way to Amber's room and closed the door. I set her on the bed. I looked at her cloths then sighed. they were ripped and torn. I sat in the edge of the bed then rested my head in my hands. "im soo sorry. I... I should have went with you when yiu went to get a drink I should have heard yiu scream and yet I didn't. I'm soo sorry amber." I felt the bed move some and thwn some arms wrap around me. I looked back and saw a red eyed amber as she held back tears. "it's ok. at least you came for me" I looked as I felt my heart sink and I turned to her pulling her into my lap. "of course I came for you why wouldn't I. no matter what where or when I will come for you at all times. if you text me I will be there in a heartbeat. I promise" Amber looked at me as tears threatened to fall from her face again. she jumped and held me tight and I huged her back tight. I felt had to protect her at all cost. I don't know why but I just did and that's what I was gonna do hopefully without Fallin for her.

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