Chapter 3

1284 Words
Bella Pov The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, I had spent a restless night worrying about Jace's reaction to the kick he'd received. Terrified of what might happen next, I tried my best to stay out of his path, to avoid any confrontation. But fate had other plans for me. The pack mistress, a stern and unyielding figure, approached me with a scowl. "Bella, you're assigned to clean the Alpha's mansion today. Don't dawdle," she ordered, her tone making it clear that there was no room for negotiation. My heart sank as I reluctantly accepted my fate, and I made my way to the grand mansion, feeling like a mouse tiptoeing into a lion's den. I knew Jace was in there, somewhere, possibly still nursing his injury. As I moved through the pristine halls with a mop in hand, I couldn't shake the feeling of being an intruder in this opulent world. I heard voices ahead and slowed my steps, dreading the inevitable encounter. The room was adorned with expensive furnishings and decorated with a regal touch. Fredo and Matthew were lounging on a plush sofa, chatting and laughing, completely unaware of my presence. My heart raced as I silently went about my chores, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, but fate had a cruel sense of humour. Bash!!!! As I maneuvered around the room, a sudden jolt of panic caused me to stumble, and my hand accidentally brushed against an expensive flower vase perched precariously on a pedestal. The vase teetered for a moment, defying gravity, before crashing to the ground in a cacophony of shattering glass. My heart plummeted, and my stomach churned as the priceless work of art lay in ruins at my feet. My heart pounding, I looked up to see Matthew and Fredo, their expressions twisted into scowls of annoyance. Matthew pointed an accusing finger at me, his voice dripping with disdain. "You clumsy oaf! Do you have any idea what you've just done?" Fredo chimed in, his tone equally harsh. "That vase was worth a fortune, Bella, it has more value than you! You're going to pay for this!" Tears welled up in my eyes as I stammered an apology, my voice trembling. "I-I didn't mean to... It was an accident, I swear." Within seconds the tension in the room escalated as the shattered vase drew the attention of Alpha Mark, Jace's imposing father. His footsteps echoed through the hall, and when he appeared in the doorway, his presence alone sent shivers down my spine, I wished the ground could swallow me whole. "What was that noise? " Alpha Mark asked Matthew and Fredo, rather than helping me, seized the opportunity to make my situation even worse. Fredo pointed an accusing finger at me and said, "Alpha Mark, she did this! Bella knocked over your precious vase!" Matthew added, his voice filled with faux concern, "It's a shame, she was sent to clean the living room, really. She's always been so clumsy." Alpha Mark's face contorted with anger, and his eyes bore into me like fiery daggers. "Is this true, Bella?" he demanded, his voice a thunderous rumble that filled the room, as he placed eyes on the shattered vase. I stammered, feeling utterly trapped. "I... I didn't mean to, Alpha Mark It was an accident." But my words seemed to fall on deaf ears as his fury intensified. "An accident? You dare destroy a priceless piece of our pack heritage and call it an accident!! ?" He barked, his voice was a ferocious roar, and I could feel the weight of his disappointment. I was terrified, my eyes welling with tears as I struggled to find my voice. The room had turned into a crucible of humiliation, and I couldn't help but wonder how much worse this could get, and what implications it might hold for my future within the pack. As Alpha Mark's rage threatened to unleash a storm upon me, I felt my heart pounding, my palms clammy with fear. It seemed like there was no escape from the repercussions of my accident. But just as the Alpha's fury was about to peak, a voice broke through the tense tension "Hold on, Father." I turned to see Jace stepping down the staircase, his expression resolute. My heart skipped a beat as I watched him slowly step forward. "I'm dead" I muttered to myself knowing jace very well he's personally going to make sure I paid in blood for this. Alpha Mark's gaze shifted from me to his son, his anger simmering as he asked. "Jace, what is the meaning of this? How dare you interrupt me like that." Jace took a deep breath, his voice unwavering as he replied, "It was my fault, Father. I accidentally bumped into Bella, causing the vase to fall. She's innocent." My Jaw drooped to the floor the moment I heard those words. The room fell into a stunned silence, as if time had frozen. Fredo and Matthew wore expressions of disbelief, and I couldn't fathom why Jace would come to my defense, taking the blame for something he clearly hadn't done. Alpha Mark's anger seemed to dissipate, replaced by a contemplative gaze. "Jace, you would take responsibility for this?" Jace nodded firmly. "Yes, Father. It was my mistake." I was left utterly bewildered, unable to comprehend the turn of events. Why was Jace protecting me from his father's wrath, and what did this unexpected act of selflessness mean for our complicated relationship, what was jace trying to achieve?. The room remained eerily quiet as Alpha Mark contemplated his son's confession. I watched, my heart pounding, as the Alpha's anger shifted to a calculated, almost vindictive resolve. "You're clearly not responsible," he said, his voice cold and final. "And for your clumsiness, I won't hand over the alpha position to you on your birthday any longer. You'll only take over from me after you find your mate." The words hung in the air like a death sentence, a shocking proclamation that left everyone, including Jace, utterly stunned. The room seemed to close in as the weight of the punishment settled upon us. Jace's expression was a mix of disbelief and realization, his father's words sinking in. The prospect of losing his birthright was a heavy blow, and it was clear that he hadn't anticipated the severity of his father's punishment. Jace, his face a mask of disbelief, finally broke the silence. "Father, you can't be serious," he protested, his voice tinged with desperation. "I've been training for this my whole life." Alpha Mark's stern gaze didn't waver as he responded, "And you'll continue to train, Jace. But you won't ascend to the alpha position until you find your mate. This is your lesson in responsibility, and that is final." The tension in the room was obvious as the Alpha stormed off, leaving us in a state of shock Jace's friends exchanged glances, realizing the magnitude of what had just transpired. Jace's punishment was a harsh reminder that their world could be unforgiving, even to the Alpha's son. I, on the other hand, felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within me. Gratitude for Jace's unexpected intervention warred with confusion over his motivations. Guilt gnawed at me for being the cause of his punishment, and an overwhelming sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. Unable to bear the tension any longer, I ran away from the living room, my footsteps echoing in the corridor as I made my way outside. I needed to clear my head, to process the events of the morning, and to distance myself from the chaos that had erupted within the Alpha's mansion.
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