Chapter 2

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Jace's pov "Stupid b***h" I cursed under my breath as i Laid on the floor, clutching my pain-stricken self. The pain radiating from that unfortunate kick Bella delivered was unbearable. "Damn you Bella, I'll make your life more miserable than it already is." I muttered through gritted teeth, a mix of anger and embarrassment welling up inside me. Before I could compose myself, the door to my room burst open, my two best friends, who were awake playing video games in the sitting room russed in, Fredo and Matthew. Their expressions were a mix of concern and confusion as they saw me writhing on the floor. "What the hell happened, Jace?" Fredo exclaimed, his voice filled with alarm. Matthew leaned in closer, his brows furrowing. "Are you okay, man?" I struggled to my feet, my pride stung just as much as my throbbing pain. "It's nothing guy's," I lied, avoiding their gazes, by balls aching badly with pain. "Just a clumsy accident that's all. I tripped over something." Fredo exchanged a skeptical look with Matthew, clearly unconvinced by my flimsy explanation. "You sure about that?" Fredo pressed, a hint of doubt in his tone. I tried to muster a confident smile, but it was tainted by the nagging feeling that my friends weren't buying my story. "Yeah, just a clumsy moment, guys. Let's forget about it." I replied clutching my injured pride - I mean, balls, hoping the pain would subside - with a pained expression, however, fredo and Matthew clearly weren't buying my story. Fredo, with a wry smile, quipped, "Tripped, huh? On what? A banana peel? Wait a minute, Let me get this straight, soon to be Alpha jace of the wild west pack, tripped and fell on a banana peal". Matthew couldn't contain his laughter any longer, adding. "Do we call that a coincidence or pure badluck?". My face burned with embarrassment as I glared at them. "Guys, seriously, it's not funny," I grumbled, but their amused expressions only deepened. Fredo slapped my back playfully,unable to resist a final jab. "Come on, Jace, you can tell us. We've all been there before and you know it. You know we heard voices right, so tell us which of the girls did this to you, Stella, Isadora,Emily tell us man which one?". I winced, knowing I couldn't reveal the truth about Bella's unexpected reaction, that would be a bigger slap to my face, if they found out I was kicked in the balls by a stupid omega. With a forced chuckle, I shook my head. "Nah, nothing like that. Just a freak accident, I promise." I took a seat on the couch nearby, still nursing my discomfort, I pulled a cigarette from the pack on the table. Lighting it up, I exhaled a cloud of smoke, letting the nicotine help ease my frayed nerves. "You don't wanna tell us. Okay then whatever, it's your balls anyway" Fredo said carelessly as he walked to the table to pour us a drink. The clinking of ice cubes against the glass filling the room. He handed me a glass of whisky, gave one to Matthew who sat next to me, his expression curious. "So, Jace, about your forthcoming birthday party . Any big plans, I mean it's only a few days away?". He asked taking a seap from his whiskey. I leaned back, taking a slow drag of my cigarette. "Yeah," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "Thinking of throwing a party at the packhouse, you know, invite everyone. Make it a night to remember." Matthew grinned, clearly excited. "That sounds like a blast, man! We should go all out, expecially because it's the day of your hand over, congratulations in advance." I nodded in agreement, though my mind was far from my forthcoming birthday and alpha coronation. The events of the evening left me rather stunned, Bella's surprising reaction, and the secret we now shared were weighing heavily on me, if this gets out, that she rejected me in this matter, no amount of bath I take, would be able to wash away the shame and embarrassment. Matthew leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "You know what would really make your party legendary, Jace? Invite the hottest girls in the pack to witness it. We're talking about an epic night, man!" I considered his suggestion, the idea of a wild party with the most attractive girls in the pack certainly had its appeal. "That's not a bad idea," I admitted, finally taking a seap from my whiskey. Fredo chimed in, his tone suggestive. "It'll be a night to remember, for sure. We could even make it a competition, see who can score a date with the hottest she-wolf." My mind immediately flashed to Bella, she's definitely the hottest she wolf I've ever laid eyes on, with a skin like milk and beautiful body of a s*x goddess, a night with her would be an achievement in life. Too bad she's always covering up that banging body in baggy cloths and that stupid coat that she loves so much, I can't wait until the day she finally spread her legs wide for me while I just sit back and smile at it, while I smoke my ciggar, would be a dream come true. Drifted off in thought I couldn't help to contemplate, Would she be among the invitees? Or would she stay in the shadows as she always did? I leaned back in my chair, contemplating the idea of an extravagant party filled with beautiful faces, but deep down, I couldn't help but wonder if any of it would matter in the end, given the tangled web of secrets and emotions that had started to unravel between Bella and me, right now she's all that matters. "Would Bella be invited?" Fredo asked out of nowhere and the question struck me like a bolt of lightning. "Who,.. Who did you say" I asked pretending not to hear while I struggle to regain composure. "Belllla!!!!!, jace. You heard me clearly the first time" Fredo repeated raising an eyebrow, concern in his voice. "Hahhah!! You're a clown" I responded. I didn't know how to respond, the quickest idea that came to mind was letting out a laughter to change the topic before this two dimwits figure out that she kicked me in the balls. "What's so funny, Jace? What's funny about my question? ." Still chuckling, I leaned in closer, my tone conspiratorial. "Everything is funny about it Fredo, You won't believe this, guys, coincidentally I just had the perfect plan to make my birthday unforgettable." Their curiosity piqued, Matthew leaned in. "Spill it, man. What's this brilliant idea of yours?" I grinned mischievously. "What if we turn the tables on Bella, we share the same birthday Right? We'll Make her the centerpiece of my party, and not in a good way. Publicly humiliate her, show everyone just how worthless she really is." The room fell silent for a moment as my friends contemplated the idea. " That's one demonic idea dude "Fredo admitted. Matthew, always up for mischief, suggested, "How about a fake award ceremony? We give her a 'Most Ordinary She-Wolf' award, and she'll have to come up on stage to accept it." Fredo added, "Or we could rig some sort of competition, make her believe she's winning something special, and then reveal it's all a prank." I considered their suggestions but it wasn't good enough for me, I had a better plan in mind, to make her suffer just as much as my balls did. "Here's what I'm thinking, guys," I said, leaning in to share my idea. "Leading up to the party, I'll start treating Bella differently, be extra nice to her. Make her believe I genuinely care about her. Then, on my birthday, during the grand dance, I'll invite her to join me on the dance floor. And just when she's feeling special and unsuspecting, a bucket of paint would drop over her head, right in front of everyone." The room fell silent again as they absorbed the audacity of my proposal. Matthew finally broke the silence, a grin spreading across his face. "Jace, that's Evilll!!! . It'll be the talk of the pack for ages." Fredo nodded, his enthusiasm growing. "It's a risky move, but if we pull it off, no one will ever forget your birthday, man." My friends were onboard with the plan,I sat back, relaxed, and smiled as I took another puff of my cigarette, Bella had stepped on a lion's tail, and this lion bites. Matthew chimed in with enthusiasm, "We'll need to make sure Bella never suspects a thing. Keep her completely in the dark about our intentions." "Leave all that to me guys, she won't suspect a single thing, it would be too easy, besides I know she likes me already, I'll start slowly and take it really easy on her, she's a tough one, but she'll fall for it eventually".I chucklled taking another puff of my cigarette.
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