Chapter 4

1209 Words
Bella's POV As I fled from the mansion, my heart weighed heavy with a confusing mix of emotions, I found myself in a quiet corner of the pack's lush garden. The vibrant colors of blooming flowers and the soothing rustle of leaves provided a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded indoors. I sat on the stone bench, my mind racing with questions and uncertainty; the peace of the garden started to settle my racing thoughts. But that tranquility was short-lived. The sound of footsteps approaching sent a shiver down my spine. I turned to see Matthew and Fredo, Jace's friends, heading towards me. Their faces were contorted with anger, and their presence sent a wave of dread through me. Matthew, his voice sharp and accusing, wasted no time in getting to the point. "Bella," he spat out my name like it was a curse, "you need to go tell the truth to Alpha Mark about the vase. Jace's reputation is on the line because of you." Fredo chimed in, his tone equally menacing. "Yeah, Bella, you're gonna fix this, or we'll make sure you regret it." His fists clenched at his sides, emphasizing his threat. I felt a surge of defiance rise within me, but I had to tread carefully. "It's not my fault, you guys," I retorted, my voice steady despite my fear. "It was Jace's decision to thoughtfully take the blame, though I'm still shocked why he'd do that. Why are you coming after me?" Matthew's expression twisted with anger as he advanced on me, his voice dripping with venom. "Because you're the one responsible and not Jace. You're just a clumsy omega, and we won't let you ruin things for him." I stood my ground, determined not to be intimidated. "I didn't ask Jace to come to my rescue, but thankfully he did. Am I supposed to go tell Alpha Mark I broke the vase? If he did that to Jace, his own son, what do you think he'll do to me?" Fredo's patience wore thin, and he took a step closer, his anger boiling over, and with a swift, unexpected motion, he struck me across the face. The force of the blow sent me stumbling backward, a gasp escaping my lips as pain flared. As Fredo's slap landed on my cheek, pain seared through me, and I stumbled backward, gasping in shock. My vision blurred briefly from the force of the blow. It felt like the world had turned against me, and my heart pounded in fear and anger. But just as I struggled to regain my composure, Jace appeared out of nowhere, his eyes ablaze with fury. He moved like lightning, pushing Fredo away from me and shouting, "Enough! Leave her alone!" Matthew and Fredo exchanged incredulous glances, unwilling to back down. "Jace, you don't understand," Matthew argued, his voice filled with frustration. "Why should you be the one who pays for her sins? She's the one who broke the vase, so therefore she's the one who deserves to get punished." Fredo, seething with anger, couldn't let it go. He raised his hand to strike me again, but Jace's strong grip stopped him mid-motion. The two friends locked eyes in a fierce standoff, and it was clear that their bond was unraveling. Jace's voice was laced with an intensity I'd never heard before. "I said, leave her alone, Fredo. It's not her fault." He looked at me, his expression a mixture of anger and protectiveness. "Are you okay, Bella?" I nodded, my voice trembling slightly. "I'm fine, thank you," I replied, grateful for his intervention despite the confusion it had caused. My eyes remained locked on Jace, stunned by his sudden change of attitude towards me. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and I couldn't fathom what had prompted this unexpected transformation. "Get out of the way, Jace, let me put this stupid and clumsy omega in her place," Fredo barked, pushing Jace away from me. Jace's patience wore thin, and with a swift, powerful motion, he threw a punch at Fredo's face. The impact sent Fredo stumbling backward, clutching his nose, which was now bleeding profusely. "Fredo, that's enough!" Jace shouted, his voice a mixture of anger and frustration. He stood his ground, his fists clenched at his sides, ready to defend himself if necessary. Fredo, still reeling from the punch, wiped blood from his nose and shot an incredulous glare at Jace. "You're really choosing her over me?" he muttered, disbelief in his voice. Jace's voice was firm as he responded, "It's not about choosing sides, Fredo. Bella had nothing to do with this, so why hit her?" Matthew stepped between the two friends, his voice tense. "Let's just calm down, guys," he suggested, attempting to defuse the situation. Fredo, still seething and nursing his injured pride, shot one last furious glance at Jace and me before turning on his heel and storming away, his steps echoing with anger. Matthew, who had remained mostly silent during the altercation, followed Fredo reluctantly. He cast a troubled look back at Jace before leaving, his loyalty torn between his friendship with Jace and the unexpected turn of events. Once they had disappeared from sight, I turned to Jace, my gratitude evident in my eyes. "Thank you for everything," I said, my voice soft but sincere. "I didn't expect you to defend me like that." Jace's expression softened as he met my gaze. "It was the right thing to do, Bella," he replied, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and determination. "I couldn't stand by and watch them hurt you." I nodded, still trying to process the whirlwind of emotions and confusion that had overtaken me. Jace's sudden protective streak had left me stunned, and I couldn't help but wonder why. As the tension in the garden began to dissipate, I found myself gazing at Jace with a newfound sense of awe and admiration. The way he had stepped up to protect me, even at the risk of alienating his closest friends, left me deeply impressed. "You really surprised me, Jace," I admitted, my voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. "I never expected you to defend me like that." Jace ran a hand through his disheveled hair, his expression a blend of conflicting emotions. "I know things have been complicated between us," he began, his voice low and hesitant. "But what they did was wrong, and I couldn't just stand by and let it happen." I nodded, my respect for him growing with each word he spoke. "I appreciate it, Jace. It means a lot to me." A silence settled between us, laden with unspoken tension, as we stood still, side by side, staring at each other without uttering a word. After a while, Jace broke the silence, his eyes searching mine. "Bella, I know this might not change everything between us, but I hope it's a step in the right direction." His words were filled with a vulnerability I had never seen in him before. I met his gaze, my heart racing. "Hopefully, Jace. Hopefully," I replied. With that said, I ran off back to my room with a wide smile drawn across my face.
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