

kickass heroine
another world

Bella existed like dirt in the pack , her worth reduced to scrubbing toilets and enduring the whims of Jace, the Alpha's privileged heir. But when fate intervenes, revealing Bella as Jace's destined mate, the game changes drastically.

Jace, accustomed to taking what he wants without consequence, is blindsided by the realization that Bella is meant for him. As the mate bond ignites a fiery passion within him, he's forced to confront his own shortcomings and the depth of his feelings for the girl he once saw as disposable.

Yet, winning Bella's trust proves to be an uphill battle, the scars of her past interactions with Jace running deep. Even as he pledges his love and devotion, doubts linger—can she ever truly forgive him? And even if she does, can they carve out a future together in a world where power and pack politics threaten to tear them apart?

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Chapter 1
Bella's pov "Bella!!!" I heard my name echoed through the walls, cutting short my slumber. I jumped out of my bed, my heart pounding out of surprise. "What now, how can I help you?" I grumbled, my voice laced with irritation as I stepped into my flip flops, I've worked all day switching from one chore to the next, barely had any sleep, and yet my nap is still interrupted. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and struggled to get up on my feet, only to set eyes on jace, the son of our alpha, and next in line for the alpha Title. Jace had been a constant thorn in my flesh for as long as I could remember, it's like his determined to make my life a living hell, for reasons I'm not even sure about, maybe it's because he likes me and I've rejected him countless times. The dim moonlight filtering through the windows illuminated his imposing figure, his green amber eyes glowed brightly in the dark. He wore an impatient scowl as he crossed his arms, his gaze locked onto mine. "Bella, I need my toilet washed this minute," he declared with a disdainful tone, as if the world revolved around his whims. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, my exhaustion now replaced with irritation. "Of course, your majesty," I retorted. "And it has to be now, in the middle of the night, at 2:00 am, when half the pack is fast asleep?.Are you trying to take a s**t, so urgent it can't wait until morning!?." i muttered silently, my voice barely audible. Our eyes locked in a moment of silent confrontation,tension in the air. A reminder of the hierarchy that had always oppressed me but to my surprise, Jace's lips curled into a sly smile, his eyes locked onto mine, as if trying to annoy me even further. "You have quite the sense of humour,Bella. How come I never noticed?. And even more, you've got quite the confidence for a good for nothing, but washing my toilet omega". He barked impatiently. "you're right though, I suppose I could wait, and have you scrub it at dawn, but where's the fun in that?" He added. I couldn't help but glare at Jace as I reached for a worn-out jacket hanging by the wall nearby. "You really enjoy making me suffer, don't you?" My voice was laced with annoyance. Jace's eyes met mine, a mischievous twinkle in them. "Suffer? Nah,let's just say I enjoy keeping you on your toes, now shut up your mouth already and get to work." I clenched my fists, trying to keep my temper in check. He chuckled, the sound low and infuriating. "You know, Bella, if you weren't so fun to mess with, maybe I'd leave you alone, but no, You're enjoying this just as much as I am." he mocked. I shot him a scathing look, resisting the urge to retort with something equally cutting. Instead, I grabbed a bucket and a brush, determined to get this over with as quickly as possible. My relationship with Jace had always been a turbulent one, filled with a complex mix of rivalry, irritation, and an underlying tension that neither of us could quite escape. For as long as I could remember, Jace and I had been pitted against each other, it has been a constant tug of war. He's like a demon sent to torment me and make my existence miserable. We share the same birthday, destined to grow up side by side. But instead of being my friend, he decided on becoming my worst nightmare. He's the son of the Alpha, destined to lead our pack, and me, the daughter of ordinary omega parents, destined for a life in the shadows. Jace had made it his mission to ensure that I never forgot my place. He taunted me relentlessly, always one step ahead, and he reveled in seeing my frustration and anger boil to the surface, he and his group of insufferable friends, fredo and Matthew. It was as if our shared birthday's was a reminder of the unequal roles we were destined to play in our pack. I trudged out of my room, into the hallway, lost in thought as I headed towards jace's bathroom to carry out his demand. The echo of his impatient voice slice through the silence, like a knife. "Hurry!" he barked. My fingers tightened around the brush's handle as I bent down to scrub the toilet surface. The mere sound of his voice grated on my nerves. I scrubbed vigorously, not wanting to give him any reason to berate me further. "Scrub that spot twice, or I'll do it with your face Bella!."he ordered. My jaw clenched, and my eyes flashed with anger. I hated how he always found new ways to belittle me, to make me feel smaller than I already did. But I bit my tongue and scrubbed that spot twice as he demanded. My hands moved mechanically, scrubbing the spot on the toilet with unwavering determination. He knew just how to get under my skin, and his threat sent a shiver down my spine, no matter how much I try to lie to myself . But I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of seeing me falter. "Twice, Bella," he taunted, leaning against the bathroom doorway, his eyes fixed on my every move watching me from behind. I glanced up at him, my own eyes narrowed with defiance, and replied through gritted teeth, "Fine, twice." I scrubbed the spot again, harder this time, as if trying to erase his very presence from the room. Jace's chuckle was low and mocking. "That's better," he sneered, clearly relishing the power he held over me in this moment. I finished scrubbing the toilet with a sense of relief, glad to be done with the menial task. I grabbed my stuff to leave, but my respite was short-lived as Jace wasted no time in issuing yet another order. "I'm not done with you Bella, I haven't dismissed you yet, make my bed," he ordered, his voice dripping with entitlement. I sighed inwardly, already weary of his demands. As I reluctantly started to tidy up his bed, bent over to spreed the bedsheets, Jace sauntered closer, his presence looming over me. The tension between us thickened, and I could sense that something was amiss. With an unsettling confidence, he reached out and grabbed me by the butt, I could feel his d**k up against my ass, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "You know, Bella," he murmured, his voice suddenly lower and huskier. "you're not like the other omegas, I bet you're probably the best in bed."he continued. I tensed, unsure , but his proximity was hard to ignore, literally because he was hard, or at least it felt so with the stick, sticking out his shorts. "What are you getting at, Jace?" I questioned turning around to meet his gaze, my voice trembling slightly. He leaned in closer, his lips dangerously close to my ear, and whispered. "All I'm trying to say is, why don't we make each other happy?. You please me and I please you, do we have a deal?. He asked running eye's down my body licking his lips lustfully. "I don't understand, what you're talking about Jace, make each other happy in what way?, you and I know that between the both of us , none of us can ever please the other. I can't please you and you can't please me, unless you're talking about something else, In which case you'll need to explain further" I responded my voice steady as I casted my gaze sideways. "You know exactly what I mean Bella, you're not a little girl anymore, so stop acting like one? in a few days time you'll turn eighteen for f**k sake." My heart raced, and I took a step back, putting some distance between us. Shock and confusion welled up within me. "Jace, what do you mean, I don't understand, what's the meaning of this? Is this why you called me to your room at this hour? ," I questioned, my voice filled with a mixture of shock and annoyance. Jace's smirk widened, and he shrugged nonchalantly. "What don't you understand,Bella?. Why are you acting like you've never sucked a d**k before?". Jace's advances were unmistakable now, and his presence felt suffocating. He inched even closer, his fingers tracing a slow, provocative path along my breast. "Bella," he whispered huskily, his breath warm against my ear, "you can't deny the fact that there's something between us." My heart raced, and I swallowed hard, trying to push away the allure of his proximity. "Jace, stop," I pleaded, my voice wavering. He ignored my plea, his hands sliding down to the small of my back, underneath my coat, caressing my skin, pulling me in, forcing kisses on me. "I know you want it too Bella, why resist it?, allow me to f**k that t**t of yours, I see it in your eyes, you're hungry to f**k me as much as I want to f**k you". He murmured seductively. The intensity in his gaze was overwhelming, and he was already getting aggressive. I knew I had to act fast. "keep your filthy hands away from me". I barked. With a surge of adrenaline, I pushed him backwards and delivered a swift, well-aimed kick to his balls. "Ouch!!!" Jace dropped to the ground, like a log of wood, a sharp cry escaping his lips. Without a second thought, I dassed away from his room, without looking backwards. My heart pounded in my chest like a chased animal. "I'll make your life more miserable than it already is stupid b***h, I swear on my life or my name isn't Jace". He screamed at me but I didn't dare look back.

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