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Rip:     There's something about this place. The way it calms the darkness inside of me. Mikhail picked up on it just as fast as I did. He smiled commenting about how he had a good feeling about this. Not me. This just raises my suspicions. Whatever is here is dulling my senses. I can't stop looking around for some kind of danger to pop up and scream freeze b***h put your hands up. Not that danger would do that. The kind that always comes up behind us doesn't announce itself.     "Alpha," the guard greeted Mikhail after opening his door. "Ms. Hemingway. It is an honor to have both of you here. Are we expecting others?"     "Why the f**k would there be others?" I asked looking around. He flinched.     "Guards madam," he whispered, taking a step back. I don't understand what he's asking.     "Rip, what did we talk about five minutes ago?" Mikhail asks giving that look. The one Ezra taught him. "Sorry, she's kinda sketchy in new places. We don't need guards when we are together,"     "I see. The alpha is waiting for you. Follow me," the guard addressed him without looking over at me again.     There's a particular scent in the house. It's making me nauseous. My stomach clench making it hard for me to take in steady breaths. Mikhail kept giving me side glances. I have to shake this feeling. I've never felt anything like this before. When the door to the Alpha's study was opened things just got worse for me. I can't even look up from the feeling starting in my belly. The smell overpowering all the other scents around me in a very toxic wat]y.     "Alpha Mikhail Hemingway in my pack," the man greeted my brother excitedly. I cleared my throat fighting whatever this was. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that this place protects the temple or something. Maybe I'm not supposed to be here.     "Alpha Reggie it's an honor to meet you. I've heard a lot of great things. This is my sister and beta. Ripley," I looked up at Mikhail and then at the extended hand in front of me.      I took it fighting this thing swarming in my head. The shock burst up my arm like a million fire ants had simultaneously started to bite me. I growled at him, My Barretta is now in my hand aimed at the alpha who just looked at me with a smirk on his face. His hand is still extended towards me. I can't think and it's very difficult for me to breathe. This burning on my arm is starting to fade.     "That wasn't the reaction I ever expected to get when the moment came," he smiled.     "Rip," Mikhail smiled with amusement in his voice. "Put the gun down,"     "What was that? What are you doing to me? Stop it," I growled.     "The only one doing anything here is you, baby. Put the gun down," the alpha dared to chastise me.     "Don't call me that ass hole. Tell me what you did to me?" I feel light-headed. "Mikhail?" h He started laughing. My brother started laughing. "Rip, don't you get it?"      I looked at him an eerie feeling coming over me. Is he familiar with this guy? Did they plan it? What the hell had I done this time? I hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. I've helped even. I've done everything that is both beneficial for him and the pack. I've been trying my best not to lose control of this bad s**t inside of me.     "Why?" I asked. My chest is filling with a pain I didn't think I'd ever feel again. A pain I thought I had gotten rid of.     "Rip?" he whispered stepping towards me.     I shoved him back dropping my gun at his feet in the process. I can't be here right now. Before either one could stop me, the darkness in me took over. The drift into the shadows is easier than it had ever been, What the hell is this? Why would he do this to me after he had sworn I never had to be something I wasn't ever again? I had felt betrayal before, but never like this. Not from the one person I put all of my trust in. Not from Mikhail. Mikhail:     "Rip?" I shouted a few more times before the shade took her. "f**k,"     "What the hell just happened?" Alpha Reggie asked.     "I'm sorry, Reggie. She doesn't know,"     "That she's my mate?" he asked.     "Rip is... She's..." I can't put it into words without him hating all of us.     `I turned to look back to where she had disappeared to. The look of pain in her eyes was something I never expected to see. What is she thinking? What does she think I did to earn me that look? She looked defeated like there was nothing left in her. I had never seen her look like that.     "Rip is different," I whispered feeling my chest fill with the same eerie feeling she had pushed at me. "I think she feels we might want to hurt her,"     "What?" he asked looking at me confused. "Why would she think that? Our connection was solid. Really strong,"     "My sister... She's been through a lot. I know you know. You pulled up our archives. They describe what she did not why. In her mind, she thinks everything is out to get her. It's usually the case. A lot of people want to see her dead. She has been getting better since my dad stepped down. She was really coming into her own,"     He growled. Looking around like he didn't know what to do with that information. He looked back up at me just as confused as I feel. There is no way we were going to find her in this state. I have no physical way to trace her when she turns to the darkness inside of her this way.     "She thinks you betrayed her?" he finally asked, making my chest tighten.     "Yeah. She'll come back though,"     "How do you know that?" he growled.     "Because, our entire lives. I've always been all she's had," I answered looking down at her Barretta. "When the initial shock of this wears off, she's going to come for me,"      The golden roses swirled around the platinum are beautiful. I handed it to him. He took it looking it over. I walked out sitting on the hood of my car in case she was out there watching. The Crescent moon is out tonight. She has to come back even if she comes back with the intent to kill us both. I have to explain to her what's happening to her. Her soulmate. She has a mate. How messed up is her head, if she didn't even know what it is she began to feel the moment we got here?      She had taken a deep breath. The way she looked around. I have never seen her so calm before. I thought that she would instantly know who he was to her, the moment she laid eyes on him. I didn't expect her to panic the way she did. He said their connection is strong. Let's hope that it's strong enough to stop her from killing him. 
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