
2336 Words

Rip:     Mikhail is sitting on the hood of his car. When I finally realized I had just been going in a circle around the packhouse of this territory, I was able to calm down a bit. It's quiet. I had fully given in to the anger of my shadow and had scared whatever creatures linger here. What the hell am I supposed to do? This inside of me won't let me leave. It wants me to stay here.     "Mikhail, it's cold out," the man called out from the doorway. "And it's only going to get colder,"     "It's fine. I know she's coming back," Mikhail dismissed him. He doesn't have a coat despite my telling to bring one before we left our pack.     "And when she doesn't?" the man doesn't look too happy.      "She will,"     He seems so sure. Why would I go back? What the hell are they planning to do

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