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{Ashlyn's P.O.V} I was so relaxed when all of a sudden I heard a mans voice saying he wanted to get a good look at me and maybe even touch me if he could. I felt sick to my stomach, I was just about to cuss him out, when a man burst in and grabbed both of them throwing them out of my room. “Who the hell do you think you are?" he yelled as he threw them out! "This is the Alpha's daughter you should be banished for this!" I could feel anger radiating off of him. "And stay out!" he yelled slamming the door in their face. He turned around to face me. I honestly don’t think he had thought this through, I don’t think he wanted to be left in the room with me this way, I was standing in the bathroom doorway, completely soaked and wrapped in a towel. He looked at me so strangely, then I heard him say, "Mate!" and his eyes flashed black. I could smell pinecones, and mint coming off of him, he smelled incredible. He was quite the looker too, tall, deep brown hair that went down past his shoulders, he had it pulled up into a bun, and the sides of his head was shaved. He had bright pale blue eyes, and his skin was tanned. He had to be about 6'3-6'4, he was so tall that I had to look straight up to see his face. He was beautifully chiseled, his muscles showing through his white button down shirt. He was massive, I was taken aback for a moment when suddenly I heard," Mate" in my head and the word somehow fumbled it's way out of my mouth, "Mate," I said under my breath. I looked down realizing I was still naked, and I felt my cheeks go hot. "U-Uh I, I need to put on some clothes..." I said not daring to look up from the floor. "P-Please wait outside, I think I may need to talk to my father tonight, rather than wait until tomorrow." I fumbled around the words like a scared little school girl. Without a word he turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind him, but not before I saw Michael peering in, I quickly shielded myself even more. The door began to shut behind the handsome man, but not before I caught a glance of Michael snickering. I quickly ran to grab my suitcase, i unzipped it and pulled out an oversized t-shirt and some clean underwear, along with a pair of shorts. I quickly tossed them all on, and opened the door, when I did the amazing smell hit me again, I felt like I was being forced to the back of my mind, I couldn't see or hear anything. When I came back to I saw the man from earlier holding my shoulders, I was even more flustered than before. "Are you okay?" he asked looking into my eyes. I nod my head then slowly just say," What happened? I couldn't see, or hear, or control myself." his face turned a bright red and I knew something must have happened. "What happened? Please tell me." I plead. He took a deep breath then let it out and said," You um... you kissed me." He said fumbling over his words. “I did?" I question him then move closer," But how?" I asked smelling his neck just breathing in his scent. “Why do you smell so good?” I ask inhaling his scent, and pressing myself up against him. “I think we should go speak with Alpha about that, I don't think I can be the one to explain any of this to you, at least not until I get his okay." he said pushing me to the side and standing up from the floor. He took my hand and I noticed pins and needles going all throughout my hand. He lead me to the room Maxis was in when I first got here. We walked in and Michael, and Maxis were sitting, and waiting on us. Maxis was sitting on the far side of his desk facing the door, and Michael was sitting in front of him and they both looked directly at us. “I-I think I may need an explanation tonight." I said looking at the ground still slightly anxious about the man standing beside me. "What happened to me?" I asked, looking to my biological father. He looked back at us, then to Michael, "First things first, Levi..." “Yes Alpha," said the man standing beside me, the one my body recognized as my mate, whatever that even means. “Do you know the two men who were trying to assault my daughter?" asked Maxis. He accepted his new role as father so quickly, yet I'm still having reservations. “Yes, they were two omegas, they both do training with us in the mornings, and they’re guards for the wall." He stated. "Perry, and Thomas are their names." Maxis' eyes went white again and looked glazed over, it scared me every time I saw him do it. What was it, it was like he was possessed. His eyes go back to green like mine, then suddenly a knock comes on the door behind us, there is a guard holding two men on their knees on the other side of the door. They both look up and realize where they are and what's happening. "Alpha please don't hurt us, your daughter threw herself at us! She asked us to come in, the junior beta was just jealous because he likes her too." screamed one of them. I was about to defend myself when suddenly I was cut off by Levi." Don't you dare speak of her that way. She is an Alpha female, and not only that, but your Alpha's daughter. Save your lies, I heard what you said when you went into her room, you two peeked at her while she was taking a bath, and said you wanted to look, and maybe get a good feel." he stated and looked down at them as the one speaking out sank down further to the floor. “I didn't say that, he's lying, he's just jealous she wanted me more!" barked the other one. I turned and looked at him in utter disgust my anger completely taking over. "You lying, filthy, rat!" I screamed at him, my voice shook the room we were in. "You sneak into my room while I'm in the bath and try to get a 'Good look, and maybe a good feel' then when you're caught you have the nerve to lie about me! I am not some w***e that you can just buy and do what you want with. I'm still a virgin and I refuse to have you taint my name and my reputation because you didn't think your actions through!" I yell, the room still shaking. After a moment I realize that I just admitted to everyone in the room that I'm still a virgin, my face gets hot, as do my ears. I look around the room and Maxis and Levi are fuming while Michael looks amused. Both of the men are shivering on the ground, they looked terrified of me, me? I'm not scary, all of these men are bigger than I am, no way they're afraid of me! Behind me suddenly I hear," Damn her alpha aura and voice kind of hurts don't it." I turn to see Michael's face is faltering and looks like he's in pain. “What do you mean?" I asked calming down, and suddenly everyone looks more comfortable. "What happened? What did I do?" I ask still confused at what just happened. “Before we get into that daughter, we have to deal with these two pack members. What shall we do with you?" he asked standing and stalking towards them. He looked like a predator and they were his prey. They were even more scared then before and I could sense their fear coming off of them in waves. "I think banishment would fit you nicely." he said, they both froze and begged him not to. “ I Alpha Maxis LaRoux hereby banish you. You will now be rogue wolves, and if you are ever caught in my territory again you will be killed on sight. Now leave, and never come back." he boomed making the room shake, the two men on the floor looked like they were in pain, then they ran away as fast as possible. “What was that? What do you mean wolves? What are you?" I asked beginning to panic, I felt lightheaded and I began to fall. Levi caught me and carried me over to the chair in the corner. “You're okay, I got you, calm down and breathe." I felt myself calming in his arms, his scent filling me with relief and I started breathing calmly and laid back in the chair relaxation consuming my body before finally asking again. "So, what's going on?" looking around I could see that everyone was avoiding eye contact with me. “Okay," said Maxis. "You aren't going to believe us at first, I already know that, but I need you to stay calm and let me explain and show you." I sat up in the chair and prepared myself as well as I could, but there was no amount of preparing that would have made this any less ridiculous. "We are werewolves." he started. "You're one too, have you been hearing a voice in your head?" he asked. “Yes, how did you know?" I asked happy to know that I'm not crazy, but still not fully believing them. "I thought I was going insane!" “It feels like that sometimes, but no, you're not going insane. That voice is your wolf, she will talk to you from now on. Think of her as a part of you, her soul is intertwined with yours." he said, I looked around the room thinking this was some kind of joke, but the serious expressions on every ones faces let me know that he was telling the truth. I looked up shyly before blurting out," Okay, if this is all true.. What is a mate then?" They all turned to look at me, and Michael chuckles under his breath. “A mate is like a soulmate. It's who the moon goddess has paired you with as your destined mate. You only get one, unless you get a second chance mate, which isn't very common." He looks to me then back to Levi. "Why do you ask?" he said smirking. “Um, my... wolf said that Levi was my mate." I said looking to Levi then back at Maxis. "I-I really think I need to talk to a-a woman about this..." I said looking down to my feet. Maxis' eyes glazed over and turned white again then suddenly he stopped, "What was that? I've seen you do it a lot tonight!" I asked. “Oh, that's called mind-linking, it allows me to contact anyone within the pack, if you accept this pack as your own, you will also be able to do that." he said looking at me with a hopeful expression on his face. I looked around and remembered another question I has. “And what is Alpha?" I asked looking directly at Maxis. "Everyone here calls you Alpha, what does that mean?" I ask. He looks like he is pondering something for a moment then says," Well, I'm the leader of this pack. Think of it as kings and queens, that's basically what being an Alpha and Luna means. You are an Alpha female, which makes you the equivalent of a princess." he says. "Which means everyone here is to show you the same respect as they show me." I shook my head in disbelief,” Yesterday I was being bullied in high school for being so short. Now you’re telling me I’m royalty to things straight out of a fairy tale?” I ask looking to Maxis. He looked down at his feet and said,” I knew you wouldn’t completely believe me, so let me show you.” He started taking off his clothes and I covered my eyes. Suddenly I heard the sound of bones popping and something that sounded like growls. I moved my hands and saw a wolf in Maxis’ place. Not just any wolf, this wolf was bigger than me even on all fours. I was so scared I jumped back and fell onto the floor. I started crawling backwards towards the door afraid of what would happen next. Then I noticed the wolfs eyes, they were the same as mine, and my fathers. “Maxis?” I asked almost in a whisper reaching out and petting his snout. “So this is all real?” I asked looking to Levi and Michael. “I’m.. I’m, a werewolf?” I gulped hard and pretty loud before I heard a knock on the door. I turn to see a woman with long blonde hair and brown eyes, she was fairly tall, about 5’8. “Hello Alpha, and hello to you Ashlyn.” She said smiling brightly. “Are you ready to learn about the mate bond?”
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