Meeting the Family

2045 Words
{Ashlyn’s P.O.V} I stood staring at the woman in front of me, I was surprised to see someone close to my age coming to talk to me about the mate bond. I was honestly worried that Maxis would send some old lady to teach me and I’d be too nervous to ask any of the questions that I had. She had light blonde hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin. Everyone here was tan, they all made me look so pale in comparison. I didn’t get out much due to me being a sickly child, so I didn’t ever get a tan. My mom used to joke saying I looked like a vampire, little did she know that I was a fairytale character. She took my arm interlocking mine and hers together and lead me back to my room. I walked silently beside her, not knowing what to say or do. My heart was pounding so loud, I think she could hear it. Sweat was pouring down my neck, and I felt so strange. “This is all real!” I thought to myself. We walked into my bedroom and she quickly, and silently closed the door behind us locking it so that way we wouldn’t be interrupted. The woman looked at me smiling widely. “Hello, I’m your cousin, my name is Laura! I’m Maxis’ niece, his younger sister’s daughter.” She explained with the brightest smile I’ve ever seen. “So I suppose you know who I am already?” I kind of stifled out. She laughed making me bring my eyes up to hers. She was laughing so hard tears were staining her cheeks. “Of course I know who you are! You’re the talk of the pack!” She chuckled out. “Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh. It’s just you’ve changed things around here so quickly. You’re all anyone is talking about, and I can see why! You really are as beautiful as they’ve said!” She snickers. I feel a blush creep up on my cheeks, and they felt hot. I wasn’t used to hearing people call me beautiful. Most people at my school called me Rapunzel because of my hair, and that was definitely the closest thing I got to a compliment. I normally got insults thrown at me. “So, Um.. I hate to dive right in but I was just curious. What exactly is a mate? What does all of this mean? I mean yesterday I was a normal girl just going about my life, being excited for normal things, then I find out my family lied to me, my whole life! This is all just so strange and new to me, and I’m not sure what to do!” I sputtered out. Once it started, it was hard to stop. I felt myself spiraling and the room began to spin. I sat down on my bed gulping hard, trying to catch my breath. I just couldn’t believe any of this, it was hard to come to terms with. She sat down next to me, and began rubbing my back softly. “First things first Ashlyn.” She said, rubbing circles on my back. “You have to breathe, take a deep breath, then let it out.” She began showing me how to breathe properly, almost like I had forgotten. After a few moments my breath settled and I felt a lot more calm than I did before. “Thank you.” I said softly, looking up to meet her eyes. “So, will you tell me?” I asked so quiet I didn’t even know if she heard me. “Of course cousin.” She said sweetly,” that’s why I’m here! Okay, so to answer you, yes all of this is real, as I’m sure you’ve realized due to uncle Maxis changing in front of you. I’ll explain some of the basics. So first, we’re werewolves, we turn into actual wolves, not like the Lycan’s they show on movies.” She started. I sat completely still, just waiting for the next words to leave her lips. “You are an alpha female, which is quite rare, and since you are an alpha, that means that you’re basically royalty.” She continued watching the confused expression on my face contort. Now, the question I know you’re asking the most. What is a mate? Well it’s difficult to explain, but you did just find yours, so think of it as your soul mate. They’re made special, just for us. Each person has one, some even get two, which is called a second chance mate. Normally after someone meets their mate, they.. Um..” she wiggled around looking everywhere but at me. Her body language showed that she was no longer comfortable with this discussion. What could have been so bad that she didn’t want to talk about? “They what?” I asked, looking at her as she tried to avoid eye contact with me. “Normally..” she started, then cleared her throat. “After you find your mate, they mate and mark you, to claim you as theirs.” “Wait, wait, wait!” I interrupted. “Mate! As in what animals do?” I asked completely shell shocked. “Exactly.” She stated looking back at me. “Ashlyn, we are animals, it’s in our DNA, it’s what we do. It’s completely normal, though for someone who was raised human, I supposed it would be a little shocking.” “A little?” I said a little too loudly startling her. “Sorry.” I spoke in a much gentler voice. “I didn’t mean to raise my voice, it’s just.. a lot.” I said looking down. “So you meet, and mate, then they mark you? What is that?” She smiled at that, and turned her head to the side showing me something that looked like a tattoo on her neck. “This is a mate mark.” She stated. “After you mate, your mate will bite you here, and after they bite you, it marks you as theirs. Each wolf has their own special mating mark, each one with their own design.” She said tracing hers and looking deep in thought. “So you also have a mate?” I asked shyly. “Yeah, it’s normal for us to find our mate around our 18th birthday. I found my mate, Jackson, at my 18th birthday party. He’s a pack warrior, he’s strong and smart and brave, and he has the most gorgeous blue eyes.” She said staring off into the distance. I could tell how in love she was, is this how I’m supposed to be. I don’t even know him, I only met him for a few minutes, and yet he seemed completely devoted to me. I sat pondering for a moment too long when a soft knock could be heard from the door. “W-Who is it?” I stuttered out even though I knew who it was, I could feel him, smell him, and sense him even through the door. Before he could answer I ran to the door throwing it open. “L-Levi.” Him name left my lips softly, and his eyes widened, his whole body shivered. I could see it plain as day, he was in love with me, and I was drawn to him. I wanted him, I needed him. I had never needed anyone so much in my life. I backed away slowly betraying my mind, which was wondering how good his body would feel up against mine. “Hey.” He spoke gently, almost as if he were afraid I’d break if he raised his voice too much. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I felt pain in my chest a moment ago, and I came to make sure you were alright.” A blush crept across his face and the tips of his ears turned bright red. He was so concerned about me, he doesn’t know me, not really. I paused for a moment unsure of what to say, then for some reason my brain decided to have me mutter out,” Oh, yeah I’m okay. Just a panic attack I think. It’s just a lot.” I said looking up into his pale blue eyes, that were focused on my feet. I could see disappointment etched on his face as his eyebrows furrowed. “I’m sorry.” He stuttered out in a low throaty grumble. His deep voice booming ever so gently in my ears making my body tense as I felt something I wasn’t quite used to. Lust clouded my mind, and I had to clench my legs together and shake out the intrusive thoughts that now plagued my mind. He looked up at me his eyes black as night, and I stepped back a few times which I think was a mistake. Before I knew it I was on the ground on my back, Levi lurching over me, his breath hot on my neck. “L-Levi?” I stuttered out, too shocked to do anything but lay there under his crushing weight. He traced his tongue on my neck, making a soft moan escape my lips. “Levi, s-stop!” I said a little more breathy this time. Laura jumped off the bed and grabbed a hold of Levi’s arm pulling him back. “Levi, stop, get under control! Can’t you see you’re scaring Ashlyn?” She screamed. Just then he shook his head, his eyes going back to their original, beautiful pale blue color, and a frown immediately propped itself on his full lips. “I’m so sorry Ashlyn!” He said jumping up quickly and helping me to my feet. “I should go for now, I’ll check in on you in the morning.” He said turning and walking out the door in a hurried pace. I looked to Laura, who was looking at me with a big smile on her face. “Someone got excited!” She said in a teasing tone. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked not quite understanding her at all. “Well, as I’m sure you noticed, we all have a wonderful sense of smell.” She started. I nodded my head for her to continue. “We can smell everything, including when a woman gets, let’s say, aroused.” She snickered. My face lit up like a fire truck I could feel the heat radiating off of it. “I-I..” I couldn’t quite formulate a sentence through the pure shock and embarrassment. “Don’t worry cousin, it happens!” She said laughing out loud. “I do think you should get some rest though. No doubt your father will want to introduce you around the pack. And your mate will want to see you again.” She added that last part with a wink. “For now get some rest, and make sure you LOCK THIS DOOR!” She all but yelled at me before giving me a hug and walking out of my room. I quickly locked the door then flopped down on my bed, sighing heavily as I did. I can’t believe this, I’m an alpha by blood, I have a mate, I have more family. This is all so strange, what does any of this mean for my future? I questioned myself as I got under the covers in the huge bed in my room. I laid there for what seemed like forever before I finally dozed off into a not so peaceful sleep. {Authors Note!} Hey everyone I’m so sorry for not updating in a while. I had some family issues, along with some health complications so I haven’t been able to do much. I am back, however, and will be scheduling updates for Tuesday’s and Thursday’s! Again I’m so sorry for the delay, and I’m so glad to see so many of you actually like my story! Thank you for being understanding and reading! I’ll have another chapter out possibly today and tomorrow to make up for the lost time! But regular update times will be Tuesday’s and Thursday’s! Thank you!
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