The Pack House

1830 Words
{Ashlyn’s POV} “Don't worry I'm sure the Alpha will be right back, I'll go get him!" The strange man said rushing out the door and running directly into Maxis. “A-Alpha she's awake, she's crying, I don't know what to do!" he said looking back towards the room. He ran into the room and straight to my bed, “Hey, shh, shh, it's okay, you're okay. I'm here for you, and I'll answer any questions you may have." I looked at him. "I-I'm just really tired, and I don't like hospitals, can I stay somewhere else, anywhere else?" I asked looking down at my hands and fidgeting with them. His expression turned strange and his eyes were glazed over and white, as soon as his eyes went back to normal, the doctor came walking in. "What was that? What did you just do? Your eyes!" I screamed, I’m sure I looked terrified. "I'll explain everything tomorrow, tonight you need rest. Doctor, can she go back to the pack house?" He asked turning to the doctor. "Well everything looks fine on her monitors, and let me see..." he trailed off unraveling my bandages and looking at my, now, completely healed wrist. " I think that will be fine, she's all healed up now." he said and threw the bandages away. "What?" I looked down studying my wrist," but how? How did it heal so quickly?" I asked obviously concerned, Maxis leaned down and grabbed my hand snapping me out of it. "Ashlyn, I will explain everything to you in the morning. For now it's time for you to go back to my home and rest." His eyes glazed over again and soon he said it was time to go. My heart pounded in my chest, the fear I felt was immense. "Don't worry Ashlyn, I have a room for you on my floor of the pack house, and in the morning I'll explain everything to you." He said as we waited for the doctor to come back with the discharge papers. We waited for about an hour, and finally got the discharge papers, they came and took out my IV and dressed the place properly, wrapping it tightly in gauze. We left the hospital and walked back to the pack house and Maxis took me straight up to my room. Everyone in the pack house was looking at me and whispering about who I could possibly be. I could feel the anger seeping off my body in waves, I balled up my fists and kept my head down. "What is it Ashlyn?" Maxis asked pausing and looking at me. "They're all talking about me. Asking who I am, where I came from, some are even calling me a tramp." I said my hands still clenched and put down to my sides. He chuckled a little and I looked up, my vision fading in and out. "Shit." He said audibly, he reached out and grabbed my shoulders. "Hey, breathe! Take a deep breath!" He said making me snap back to reality. I reached out and gripped his arms and breathed heavily. "Thanks." I said finally catching her breath. I heard some women snickering and my anger began to rise again. "That's it!" He stated under his breath. "Attention everyone!" everyone stopped what they were doing as soon as he commanded their attention and they all looked up to us, gathering around. "I will have no rumors spread about her, this is my daughter, Ashlyn. I had her from a previous relationship before I married our Luna, I just found out about her, and have already taken a DNA test, this is my blood daughter, which means she is an Alpha and you will treat her with the same respect that you give me! He demanded so loudly his voice echoed through the halls. "Yes Alpha!" they all yelled in unison he then began walking again to take me to my room. As we made it to the door of the room and opened it, I couldn’t tell you how surprised I wad. My eyes lit up as I saw the queen sized princess bed, and the large walk in closet. I looks around until I found the bathroom with the large jacuzzi tub. I looked back to Maxis, but hesitated to ask my question. “What is it Ashlyn?" He asked looking at me. "I was just wondering if you had any soaps, and maybe bubble bath? I brought toiletries but I thought I'd be staying in a hotel, and normally they supply their own soaps and such." I asked as I looked down at my feet. "Of course, wait a moment." He said walking out of my room and returning with shampoo, conditioner, body soap, and bubble bath. "We keep these around for other's who visit the pack. I'll let you get settled in, rest now, and we'll talk in the morning." He said before turning to leave. “By the way, I'm right next door if you need me." He said walking away. As soon as Maxis left I shut the door, and went straight to the bathroom, I took off my now bloody clothes and tossed them in the sink, filling it up with water. Then I hopped in the shower and washed off my body so that way I wasn’t covered in dirt and blood anymore. I got out and decided I’d have a soak in the tub, I began filling it up with water, I then poured in some bubble bath. I figured I'd leave the bathroom door open, I always hated closing all the doors, it makes me worry that someone could break into my room and I'd have no clear escape route. I grabbed my phone, and turned on the music from my playlist, then laid it up on the bathroom counter. I hastily dipped down into the piping hot bathtub laying the soaps up on the side of it. My body was exhausted, it had been such a long day, and I just needed to relax. I sunk back into the bathtub and relaxed my whole body laying back and letting my long, light brown hair down from the now matted pony tail it was in. I soaked my hair down into the water and began to wash it, then ran some conditioner through it. I used a lot of conditioner because my hair was so long. The curls already becoming apparent in my hair, I then dunked my head under the water coming back out and rinsing all of my hair. Today was so stressful, it felt good to relax and just take a breather. I needed this, more than I thought I did. {Levi's P.O.V} The Alpha asked me to go check on his daughter to make sure she was okay, he said that she may be in the tub so I should wait a while, but I figured I would go ahead and stand guard at her door until she's done. I turned the corner to the Alpha's wing and I saw two men going into her room. They were already by her bathroom by the time I made it to her door. Suddenly the sweetest scent hit me I could hear music pouring out of the room and the sound so water. s**t! She was in the tub, I looked into the room and saw the two men peeking into the bathroom. One turned to the other," My sister said that she saw her coming in, said he was beautiful, I just want to get a quick look, maybe a good feel!" He snickered quietly. I ran in without thinking and grabbed them, throwing them out of the room. "Who the hell do you think you are?" I yelled as I threw them out! "This is the Alpha's daughter you should be banished for this!" My eyes went black, I can feel my wolf Apex trying to get out, he was so livid, how could anyone think of doing these things with the Alpha's daughter. "And stay out!" I yelled slamming the door in their face without thinking. I turned around to see her standing in the bathroom doorway, she was soaking wet and wrapped in her towel. She looked at me so strangely, then suddenly I felt it, the strong sent hit my nose again, Oranges, and vanilla. "Mate!" said Apex in my head. My eyes flashed black, I’ve never wanted to touch anyone so badly, to feel her small body wrapped up with mine. She was so tiny, but curvy in all the right places. I wanted to touch her, feel her, kiss her soft plump lips. She looked at me confused then I heard her whisper," Mate!" as her eyes flashed black then back to their beautiful green with yellow flecks in them. She was beautiful, gorgeous, incredible. She looked down realizing she was naked, and her face turned bright red. "U-Uh I, I need to put on some clothes..." she said not looking up from the floor. "P-Please wait outside, I think I may need to talk to my father tonight, rather than wait until tomorrow." she said without even looking up. I turned and opened the door, only to come face to face with my father, he looked straight at me, then back at her and noticed she was only in a towel then smirked as if it were funny. I stepped out into the hallway and explained what happened to him,” Two men tried to go assault her, we need to call an alpha meeting now. He isn’t going to take this lightly.” “Is that why you were in her room with the door closed, while she was naked?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows at me. “I was in there kicking those guys out, when I realized she’s my mate. I just kind of closed the door to keep prying eyes out.” I said not looking up. He looked shocked, and explained “She doesn’t know what any of this means. She was raised by humans, she doesn’t even know that she has a wolf or understand what that means for her.” That's when I realized, she wasn't surprised by me, she surprised herself by calling me her mate. Dammit, I finally get a mate, and she doesn't even know what that means. I slid down the wall beside her room, and placed my palms on my head and waited for her to come out, I sent my dad to go get the Alpha, he left and I just decided to wait where I was so hopefully I wouldn't scare her when she came out. I was still livid, those filthy assholes wanted my mate! The alpha's daughter, they broke into her room, and would have tried to have their way with her had I not shown up. I'll kill them for this, I swear it!
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