
2070 Words
{Ashlyn’s POV} I awoke to the sound of my ringtone. Who was calling this early in the morning? I picked up my phone checking the caller ID. s**t, it was mom. “Hello?” I said groggily. “Ashlyn are you okay? You didn’t call me last night I got worried!” She began sounding slightly panicked. “So sorry I didn’t check in.” I said in a sarcastic tone. “I was too busy learning about all of the lies you told me, my whole life.” She sobbed quietly for a moment, then spoke up, “So you know?” She asked. Is that all she had to say? Seriously? ‘So you know?’ I repeated the question back in my head. “Yes, I know, and I also apparently have a mate. Whatever the hell that means.” I shot back. “A-A mate?! But who?!” She asked obviously angry, “You know what mom, if you wanted to have this conversation with me, then you should have told me this years ago instead of hiding it and making me find out this way. I’m going to go back to sleep, then I’m going to talk to people who actually care enough about to me to tell me the truth!” I yelled into the phone before hanging up and throwing it across the room. I quickly laid back down and drifted back off into sleep, this time dreaming of nothing, just complete darkness. *Knock Knock Knock* I sat up in my bed startled, who could that be, I don’t even know what time it was because I had thrown my phone across the room. “Who is it?” I asked still not ready to get up. “It’s Micheal!” His voice rang, “Open the door, your dad had me bring you breakfast. He doesn’t seem to trust anyone else right now.” He said. I slowly slid out of bed unlocking the door then slowly flopping back into my bed getting under the covers. “Come on in.” I said half asleep. “You gonna sleep all day?” He asked snickering as he saw me already falling back asleep. “Maybe,” I said, “For some reason I’m exhausted!” I said yawning. “Here, eat up and give yourself an energy boost.” He said handing me a platter with bacon, eggs, toast, strawberry and grape jelly on the side, and a glass of orange juice. There was a cup of coffee with some cream and sugars on the side too. I picked up four packets of cream and poured them in, then added a ton of sugar packets and stirred my coffee. “With that much caffeine and sugar you’ll be bouncing off the walls!” He laughed before turning and walking out the door. He paused in the door frame and took a slow step back looking over his shoulder at me. “By the way, did Laura tell you about rejection?” He asked. I shook my head confused at his question, “No, why? What is it?” I asked. “All in good time.” He said turning back and walking out the door, leaving me confused with a large platter of breakfast. After devouring my breakfast in a way I never knew I could I decided to go take a bath to relax my tense muscles. I felt off today and couldn’t figure out why. I ran the jacuzzi tub and filled it with bubbles. I walked back into my room grabbing my phone and bringing it into the bathroom with me. I turned on my playlist and striped down throwing my clothes on the floor of my bedroom before stepping into the bath. I sunk down turning on the jets and letting the hot water ease my tense muscles. I felt sick to my stomach and thought it must have been the big breakfast. I laid back enjoying the way the water felt until my body felt too hot. I felt like I was on fire, my body began shaking and it was all I could do to call out, “Help!” Before my body began shaking harder. I grabbed the side of the tub trying to pull myself out but couldn’t muster the strength to do so. My breath felt like it was caught in my throat, and I gasped slightly as my body laid over the side of the tub. My skin was on fire. I felt as if I were burning. I laid there for what seemed like forever before I heard a knock on my door. I couldn’t move, and could barely speak. I finally gasped out,” Help me!” I heard the sound of shuffling before I saw Laura rushing into the bathroom. “Oh no, what’s wrong Ashlyn?” She asked rushing to me and grabbing me trying to pull me up. As soon as she touched my skin she pulled away. “s**t! Your body feels like it’s on fire.” She said before a look of realization dawned on her face. She started mindlinking someone and grabbed a towel draping it over me finally pulling me up setting me on the floor by the tub. She drained the water out and replaced it with cold water. “Okay Ashlyn, this is going to be awkward to explain, but you’re going into heat, probably because you recently met your mate, and your wolf has surfaced.” She explained. My body temperature kept rising and all I could think of was my urgent need. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, and though I had never done anything beyond kissing, my body knew what it needed. Laura lifted me back into the tub and the cold water soothed my skin. Suddenly I heard a loud thump at the bathroom door and I looked up to see Levi. My need growing, and I could see in his eyes that he needed me too. I tried getting up but Laura held me down in the tub. “Now Levi, give her the pill!” She screamed, he stood in the doorway panting heavily. I let out a loud scream as another wave of pain hit me. Levi lunged forward onto the ground beside the tub, his eyes going from blue to black before finally landing on blue as he moved to me and put a pill in my mouth. He held my mouth closed until I swallowed it. My pain kept radiating for about ten minutes before I finally began feeling better. My body temperature dove down, and I was no longer in pain. I began to feel uncomfortably cold and looked to Lauren. “Laura, I’m freezing, can I get out now?” I asked. She smiled widely and nodded. As I got out Levi’s eyes traveled my body, I could feel his penetrating gaze follow me as I wrapped my towel around me. “Levi?” I called softly. His eyes looked up and met mine, and I could still sense his lust. “Ashlyn, are you alright?” He asked in a hoarse, raspy voice. “Y-Yeah, I’m okay now. So, what was all of that?” I asked in a hushed tone. He stood to his feet collecting himself. “It’s called heat, females go through it normally after finding their mate, it will come around every few months. Take this..” he said handing me a pill bottle. “It will help keep your heat under control and hopefully keep you from getting sick. You need to take two a day. Sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” He said looking down at my feet. I gulped loudly,”Why.. um.. why did it make me feel like I needed.. release?” I asked afraid to look up from the spot on the ground where I was looking. “That’s what it does.” Laura interrupted. Levi quickly made his way out of my room, almost running. “Why did he leave like that?” I asked Laura. “Heat draws in unmated males, especially your mate. He was holding back and showing a ton of restraint because you’re new to this world and he didn’t want to take advantage of your heat. He asked me to let you know he’s sorry for running out like that but he needed some fresh air.” She said helping to dry me off. I looked at the pill bottle in my hand, and studied it carefully. “So this will keep happening every so often? Why?” “Think of it as a fertile cycle, it’s to try to help you have a baby.” She stated getting me out some clothes and laying them out on my bed. “Here, come get dressed and lay down, I’ll go get you some relaxing chamomile tea.” She said opening then shutting the door behind her quickly. I began to dress myself then lifted my blankets up and curled up under the blankets, making myself as comfortable as possible. My body felt so heavy, I was exhausted. Soon I heard a knock on the door, and Laura pushed her way in closing the door behind her and setting my tea down in front of me. “Drink this, it will help calm you and smooth your heat. I know it can be a little difficult at times, especially the first one.” She said moving the tray to my bedside table. I lifted the tea cup to my lips and took a sip, it was warm and it soothed the dryness in my throat. “Thank you! I don’t know what I would do without you.” I said setting the tea down on top of the tray on my bedside table. I laid back and began to doze off immediately only stirring hours later when my body began to burn again. Levi suddenly burst through the door, my body was on fire again, and it craved his touch. His eyes were black, completely filled with lust. He rushed to my side and ran his fingers softly across my face. “L-Levi..” I stuttered out, barely able to able to say a word, my need for him rising by the minute. His hands soothing my skin as it burned just for him. I lunged forward cradling his head in my arms and wrapping my legs around his body. I leaned in kissing his lips softly, then more urgently as my need continued rising. Suddenly the pulls back,” s**t, Ashlyn..” she groans as he lunges for the pills on my table. He pops one In my mouth and holds it closed until I swallow. I stayed wrapping my body around his and kissing his neck where his marking spot is. My body trying to fuse with his, I can feel that he was aroused as his pants grew uncomfortably tight. Before I could think my teeth elongated and I moved to pierce his skin. He threw me down on the bed holding me down until my temperature started going down and I came back to my senses. I look at him hovering over me and I still crave his touch, I want him to be here with me, no matter how little I know him, I can’t imagine him leaving. “L-Levi.. I”m okay now.” I said slightly moving under him. “Are you alright?” I asked. I watched as his face changed into an expression I couldn’t quite read. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He said getting up to leave. He got to the door and began to open it, my heart rate sped up. I found myself lunging towards him and attempting to wrap my arms around him. His broad back and thick abs keeping my hands from reaching all the way around him. “Wait!” I said softly into his back. “Please, don’t go, I don’t want to be alone. I’m not sure what to do when it keeps coming back like this, you keep helping me. Please, stay with me.” I said softly, keeping my face buried into his back. “Ashlyn, I-I can’t, I don’t know how much longer I can hold back.”
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