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"So, you don't like needles?" Maxis asked looking over to me, I opened my eyes lightly as I felt the needle enter my arm. "I was a very sickly child, I spent a lot of time in the hospital getting blood taken, and getting IV's, I've hated needles ever since", I said as the doctor drew my blood. "Hmm", he kind of muttered under his breath. " So Ashlyn Juniper, huh? Where did the Juniper come from?" Maxis asked looking over to me as the doctor pulled the needle out of my arm and disposed of it. He walked over to Maxis and began drawing blood from him. "Mom said that she named me that to honor your mother, apparently she was very kind to my mother." I said, holding down the bandage on my arm. "Is Juniper still alive? Mom said she was sick a few years ago." I asked. The doctor took the needle out of his arm and disposed of it the same way he did mine. "Yes, she's still alive, and depending on how this DNA test goes, maybe you'll get a chance to meet her." he said looking at the doctor. The doctor nodded and took our vials of blood and waked out of the room. We sat in silence for a couple of hours and the doctor came back in he was smiling brightly and looked down at his chart. "Alpha, she has 50% of your DNA she is in fact your biological daughter." he said smiling brightly and looking to me and bowing his head. Maxis looked like he had been hit with a boulder, he looked completely shocked. Tears filled my eyes and started cascading down my cheeks. I couldn't believe it, Maxis was my father. I didn't move my gaze from the floor until I heard Maxis get up from his chair. I looked up to meet his gaze, and he still looked like he was in shock. "I have a daughter." he said. "A daughter, I never had any children, never, but now I have a daughter, and I missed out on your whole life." he looked down to me and dropped to his knees in front of me. "I'm so sorry Ashlyn." he said choking back tears. Tears were flowing from my eyes and out of pure instinct I jumped from my chair and ran past him, running out of the hospital and into the woods beside them. I leaned up against a tree and just cried. My heart hurt, my father wasn't my father, Maxis was. I felt bad for leaving him like that, but I couldn't look him in the eyes. I felt like I couldn't breathe, my lungs burned, and my eyes were blurry from the tears. I saw a figure running towards me, I couldn't see who it was, my vision started to go out, and I could just hear Maxis yell, "Ashlyn!" My body felt heavy and I couldn't catch my breath. I felt myself fall, and by the time I hit the ground I was already unconscious. {Maxis' P.O.V} I ran out of the hospital after Ashlyn, for someone who claims to be sickly she sure was fast, or maybe I was just getting old. I mind-linked with my beta as soon as she ran out to keep an eye out for her, I saw her take off into the woods beside the hospital and started running after her, my beta Michael soon joining me, he was in the room with us earlier, so he already knew what she was claiming, but now that we knew it was true, it meant that I had an heir. "Where is she going Alpha?" Michael asked. "I think she was shocked once the results came back, she is my daughter, and I don't think she was mentally prepared for that." I said looking around before seeing her leaning up against a tree. She looked like she was hyperventilating, her body was swaying back and fourth then suddenly she began to fall. I ran as fast as I could but I wasn't able to catch her before she hit the ground. Her body thudding against the earth beneath her was something that scared me to the core. I picked her up in my arms and Michael and I ran back to the pack hospital with her limp body dangling in my arms. I mind-link with the doctor and have him meet me at the door. "Doctor, she passed out!" I yell running back into the hospital. "Lay her here Alpha!" He said pushing a hospital bed toward me. His team of nurses caught up to him and they all pushed her into a room, I watched as they hooked her up to an oxygen tank and hooked up a blood bag to her. "She bled too much!" said Doctor Archuletta as he looked at her arm where he drew blood at and where I accidentally dug my claws in here. Her whole side was covered in blood. This was a nightmare, it had to be, I'll wake up soon, right? After they hook her up and get her stable the doctor and nurses left I finally sat down and was able to breathe for a minute. Michael was standing at the door, he leaned on the side and looked down at me in the chair beside her. "So this weak child is yours?" He said with a snarky attitude. "I thought all Alpha children were supposed to be strong." he said jabbing at me again. "She is half human Michael, do you remember the woman I was with all of those years ago, the one I said I truly loved, and wanted to be with?" I said looking at him. He thinks for a minute then freezes," You mean, this is your child with her?" he asked, shock apparent in his voice. "Yes, she is our daughter. I didn't think it was possible for me to have children, especially with a human!" I said. "What do I say to her, she doesn't know anything about this world, when I disappeared it was supposed to be forever, I don't even know if she has a wolf or anything like that." I say bending down and running my fingers through my hair. "Do me a favor Michael," I said standing to my feet. "Stay here with her, just until I get back. I'm going to go ask the doctor what all he found on her blood test." I walked past him, and out the door. "And don't tell her anything until after I speak with the good doctor." I walked off down the hallway and into Doctor Archuletta's office. "Doctor." I said entering. He looked up from his desk and said," How can I help you Alpha?" "I was wondering, is she human, or wolf?" I asked holding my breath. "She is wolf sir, she just turned 18 so there is a possibility that she hasn't even noticed that she has a wolf. Today is apparently her birthday. I was able to check it when I requested her records.” he said making my heart jump. Today was her birthday and this is how she spent it, being hurt by me, and fearing me. I don't know what else to do. What should I do? Or say? I look back towards her room and the doctor says," Alpha, she doesn't know about our world, but I suggest you tell her, she is your only heir.” he said looking back to the papers on his desk. I took that as my cue to leave, don't want to keep the good doctor busy, or keep Ashlyn waiting, as I started to walk back into the room I heard Michael talking, he was talking softly but I could still hear what he said.
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