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I turned to face the large door, and debated in my head if I was ready to face him. I let my emotions completely control me up until this point, and honestly wasn't quite sure if I was ready for this. I felt my body begin to move on its own, and my hearth fluttered with anticipation. I reached up to knock, then suddenly I heard a voice say," Alpha, you have to pick someone to take your place, you can't just leave everything up to chance. This is an important decision!" the voice practically yelled but in a hushed tone. I knocked loudly announcing that I'm out here. Why did I do that? I'm not ready! What do I even say to him? I wondered then suddenly the door opened and a tall, muscular man with deep brown eyes, and long black hair that was slicked back into a bun opened the door. He looked around then began to close the door. I quickly cleared my throat which earned me a glare from him. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked with a hateful tone to his voice. "I'm looking for Maxis LaRoux." I said pulling out the letter and the picture and showing them to him. "Let her in." I heard an irritated voice coming from behind him. As he opened the door, I saw him. There was almost no doubt, he looks almost exactly the same as in the picture, just older. He shifted in his chair when he saw me and sat upright. "Come in." he boomed. I ran into the room like a little girl, I stood in front of the desk he was sitting at. "Well?" he said looking at me. "I'm waiting. Who are you? What are you doing in my territory?" he yelled in an angry tone. "I-I... umm..." I sputtered out some words but never made a coherent sentence. "Spit it out child, I don't have all day!" he yelled again, sounding more angry by the second. "Hi, my name is Ashlyn Juniper Lilith Walters." I finally spat out. He shifted in his seat upon hearing the name Juniper. "I brought you this, my mother says that you're my father." I said before handing him the letter and the picture. He eyed the picture for a minute and his eyes widened. He opened the letter and read it. His face looked increasingly more angry, and suddenly he jumped up and yelled in my face. "That isn't possible, I never fathered any children. Not even with my mate!" he screamed walking towards me. "Mate?" I asked confused. "What are you talking about?" I looked at him completely dumbfounded at his choice of words. He looked at me with shock and anger, he looked as if he were about to explode. He walked over and sniffed me, literally sniffed me. I took a step back and looked at him." You know it's rude to sniff someone!" I said aggressively. He reached out and grabbed my around the wrist holding it too tightly. His nails were sharp like claws and he dug them into my skin causing me to begin bleeding. "We're going straight to the pack hospital to get a DNA test, NOW!" he yelled causing the room to shake, much harder than the hospital room shook earlier today. "Owe!" I shrieked and pulled my arm back, but his grip didn't falter. "You're hurting me!" I yelled. He looked back and noticed my wrist was covered in blood, as was his hand. "s**t!" he said under his breath. "I didn't think, I'm sorry." he muttered grabbing a tissue and covering my wrist with it and holding pressure down. "Come on, lets get you to the pack hospital." He said, cursing under his breath. "There you go again!" I said kind of shakily. "Words like mate, and pack, kind of weird don't you think?" I say holding onto my wrist which was starting to hurt less. I kept pressure on it as we walked. He turned to look at me confused, he was trying to figure out what to say, but it was almost like he didn't have the words, so he just gave up. After a few minutes of walking we make it to a huge hospital, and walk through the doors. Everyone looked to Maxis and greeted him calling him Alpha. "What was going on here?" I thought to myself. He lead me into the waiting room and asked for someone named Dr. Archuletta and stood at the desk waiting. Suddenly an older man, probably in his sixties walks in, wearing a long white jacket. He had hair that was greying on the sides, and brown on top, and round chocolate colored eyes, and oval shaped glasses. "Alpha." he said greeting Maxis. "Doctor Archuletta." Maxis said. "I have something I need you to do", he said looking back at me while I was still holding the tissue around my wrist. "And who is this Alpha?" he asked looking over at me, and noticing the bloody tissue. "And what happened to her?" he asked in a panicked tone. "My name is Ashlyn," I said cutting off Maxis as he began to speak, "I'll be fine, truly, I heal pretty quickly and I don't think it was deep. I'm just anemic so I bleed quite a bit." I said looking at him and refusing to look at Maxis. The doctor looked at Maxis then at me, then back at Maxis. If a lightbulb moment were real, this was definitely one. He looked over again and said," She looks so much like you Alpha." "There you go, what's up with those words you all keep using?" I asked completely over all of this." Alpha, pack, and mate? It makes no sense!" They both look at me then at each other looking confused. "I will answer all of your questions once I know exactly who you are!" Maxis says in a hushed tone. "Doctor, we need a DNA test." The doctor led us down the hall into a room and left, a few minutes later he came back in with a box filled with needles and vials. I shuttered remembering back to my childhood, all of the needles I had to get stuck in me because I was always so sick. I held out my arm and closed my eyes tightly. The doctor and Maxis both looked at me, they must have noticed how tense it made me. "So, you don't like needles?" Maxis asked looking over to me, I opened my eyes lightly as I felt the needle enter my arm.
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