Runaway mate

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Chapter 5 Brandon’s pov The first night here ended up not being such a quiet night, nana Ruby’s idea of small and having me to herself consists of also having a dozen or so family members and lots of alcohol. Even though we see her all the time as she visits often and mum brings us her all of the time, she still wants the full run down of me and all of my siblings. I mean, it is not like her and mum don’t talk pretty much every day, and she knows everything there is to know about us, but hey, I love her, so I am happy to comply. She says it is different getting it from the horses mouth anyway. Now there is a big party in the Palace tonight in my honour, they have invited all of the closest Lords, ladies and their families. They also have plans for another party if my mate is not in the first lot. I know it is just a good excuse for them to celebrate, and to be honest, I don’t know if I can be bothered by the unmated females throwing themselves at us. The only reason I will attend is just in case my mate happens to be there. I know that Coda is eager to attend. He has been pining for his mate for a long time now, and this is the most positive in a long while that he has been about finding her. He must feel something that I don’t. So here I am, standing with my cousins as every single female throws us the glad eye, at the very least. The more bold ones just proposition us, and then there is the in between who tries to act charming while rubbing against us, ‘accidentally’ of course. Coda is getting just as pi.ssed as I am. The last thing we want is some other females scent on us if we are lucky enough to meet our mate. The women are getting bolder as the night goes on, a couple of my cousins have taken them up on their offer of a warm body for the night and they expect the rest of us to do the same. I know that it is not uncommon for a supernatural, especially the higher up you are to indulge in the warmth of a woman to keep them calm and sated. But Coda and I are playing from the same song sheet. We don’t want any past indiscretions to affect our soul mate. Just when we are at the point of giving up and getting the hell out of here and away from these women, the scent of flowers invades my senses. I am not one for knowing what the hell flowers smell of, but the combination is amazing and has us instantly on alert and aroused. I look at the entrance and see the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, Coda is purring as he appreciates the goddess in front of us. She has the most beautiful and delicate features, with beautiful vivid blue hair and the most mesmerising blue eyes, the shade of blue is the most beautiful I have seen, not like a normal blue you find in others eyes. She also has the most delicious curves, we can feel her strong wolf, and thank the goddess for giving us her most perfect creation. It’s as if she has walked out of every wet dream I have ever had and blown it out of the water. I am just on my way towards her, and I see her freeze and then turn on her heels and run out of the room. I am momentarily stunned, but Coda yells that if I don’t chase her, he is taking over. I quickly shake off my shock and start running, she is fast, and she is wearing heels, I can already tell that mum will love her. Although we are slightly hurt that our mate would run from us, we quickly get over it and start to enjoy the chase until Thaddeus and some other man stand in my way. I growl at them, keeping me away from her, and Coda is ready to shift and get them out of his way with force. “You need to calm down, Brandon. I will call Aunt Ruby if I have to, to sort you out. This is Star’s father, and I am sure she won’t be happy if you hurt him or me for that matter as Starla and I are her godparents. There is a couple of things you need to know, I suggest you follow us to my office and give Star time to wrap her head around things” Thaddeus says firmly, letting me know it is not a debate and I will follow him. Coda let’s out a massive whine about not getting near his mate, and he is just as worried as I am. What on earth has happened to our love, and who is responsible for her reaction to meeting her mate? I have a feeling we are not going to like what we hear. Starla and a woman who looks a little like my mate is already there, I can tell she is a pure wolf and guess that she must be my loves mother. Coda stops being as agitated and stroppy. He really wants to make a good impression on our future in-laws. I almost laugh at him turning into a puppy that would do tricks to impress them if he has to. “There are a few things you need to know about my daughter before you talk to her, and if I don’t like your responses I will keep you away from my pup even if I have to fight you” the woman says to me with a I won’t take any from you no matter who the you are tone. It has Coda bristling and I have to hold back a growl, the last thing we need is to get into a fight with a protective mother wolf, especially our mates, so I swallow down my pride and try to give the woman the respect she deserves for birthing our mate. She looks pleased with my restraint and continues on. “Star has already had a mate” this we can’t stop the growl at, the thought of her being anyone's other than ours doesn’t sit right, then we worry that he died and our mate is in pain, that would have been better than what I was about to hear as my mates mother raises her eyebrows at me as if to say really, shut the hell up. “Are we calm again?” She says, challenging me to interrupt her again, and I nod my head even if I am not feeling as calm as she would like. I am floored by what she tells me next, as she tells me all about Star meeting her mate, moving away, and how her sister and mate betrayed her. Coda is in pain hearing how they treated her. The mate bond is the most precious thing we have, along with that of family, so for them to do what they did disgusts us. Then she tells me that that bas.tard impregnated her while he was causing her so much pain and heartache, and Coda blows. “My mate, my pup” he roars almost on the verge of shifting, and our mates mother smiles at us in what I think is pride. “Well, I hope that you are just as eager as your lycan to claim my grandchild” she says to me. “He or she is ours just as much as Star is, and I will kill that bas.tard if he tries to take our pup from us” I say firmly as Coda purrs in agreement, he is over the moon, he is not only getting a mate but a child as well, and as far as he is concerned that pup is ours even if it doesn’t share our blood. “Well you have pleased my mate, and impressed me enough with your words to get near my daughter. I would suggest you wait until morning, my little girl is as fiesty as her mother and she may either freeze or burn your” he says proudly, Coda puffs out his chest proud to have a mate that is so strong on both sides. “I can’t say we are entirely happy about it, but we will do as you ask. We have waited and kept ourselves for our mate and we are eager to be close to her, I am not sure if we will sleep tonight” I say honestly not caring if I don’t sound like the strong Prince I am supposed to be, my mate is the only thing that will make me weak and vulnerable and I don't really give a who sees it. “Young Prince, you don’t need to worry about that reprobate, my challenging daughter managed to talk him into revoking all rights to his child when Star rejected him, so all bonds to my daughter and her child have been broken” she says easing me and making us feel more content that any barriers to our mate and child are gone. “See you tomorrow son” her dad says, patting me on the shoulder. His mate hugs me before saying, “breakfast is at 8, so we will see you just before that. Starla and Tarragon will give you the address” she says before leaving.
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