
The Hybrid's Second Chance

another world
multiple personality

Brandon is all grown up now and ready to take over the throne from his parents, Killian and Rayne. The only thing he is waiting on is his mate, and him and his lycan Coda are desperate to meet her after looking for her for the past 4 years. Unfortunately for him, the last thing she was looking for was a new mate bond after what she has been through. Star met her mate on the day she turned 18, the daughter of a female beta wolf and a high ranking fae she is powerful on both sides, and had managed to master two elements which is rare for someone not of the royal fae family. Her mate deceived by her jealous sister starts an affair with her and starts to abuse Star before she eventually has enough and rejects him and heads to the capital to be with her parents. The a.sshole even revokes all rights to their unborn child, believing that it is not his anyway. What Star doesn’t expect is to be mated to the lycan Prince who is visiting family in the hope of meeting his mate.Already in fear of the mate bond and the people who are supposed to love and protect her hurting her the most, she tries to evade Brandon and his efforts. Brandon and his Lycan will not be put off easily though, and are determined to prove that not everyone is like her poor excuse of a first mate, and that she is destined for more than being the mate of an adulterous fae lord.

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Grown up
Chapter 1 Brandon’s pov I have had an interesting life growing up as the Lycan Prince, I had always known that at some point I would take over from my father, and I hoped when that day came I would have my mate by my side to complete me, and make me whole. I remember the time when it was just my dad and I, I always knew my mother died during my birth, and I have always been aware of the type of woman she was. She betrayed my father and never cared much about the bond. I knew dad was never truly happy in the first years of my life as several ‘girlfriends’ were in his life who hated that I was here, and that if they managed to get him to take them as a chosen mate then it would not be their child who ruled. They only ever acted nice when he was around and dumped me on the nearest nanny as soon as his back was turned. Our lives changed completely for the better when my mum Rayne walked into it, saving me from some rogues in the process. I felt connected to her and her Lycan Calla the minute we met, and I was happy that after a year, dad got his head on straight and won her over. Rayne is the only mother I have ever known or wanted. She never said a bad word about my birth mother, and always tried to reassure me that she wanted me and loved me and that she would be proud of the man I became. Although I credit Rayne with that, as she has always shown me a good example of family, love, and staying true to yourself. Along with Rayne came her big crazy family, and I suddenly had several grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. You see mum was adopted when she was a baby to protect her being the first hybrid in Elysium, so she had an adopted family and both her parents were with new mates and had family of their own. She also gave me the siblings that I love and would protect with my life, I always hated being alone and loved that I now had such a big family. It is something I want for myself someday, so I hope that my mate loves kids because I plan to put as many in her as she will let me. Mum and dad can’t wait for me to meet my mate and give them lots of grandkids to look after when I take over from them. Mum has always been fiercely protective of her family, and there have been more times than I could could where she has dropkicked some a.sshole or bi.tch for saying something about me, her, or our bond. It has been a few years since someone was brave enough to try and say she is not my real mum or that she doesn’t love me as much because I am not her blood. Mum never made me feel any differently from my siblings, and I know she loves me just as much as she does them. If those idiots even tried to know her, they would have realised that family through blood or bond is just as important to my mum. I was relieved as most my cousins got to the age of meeting their mates that I was not mated to any of them. With not being blood related to mum and my cousins all being of a high rank in either lycan or fae royalty, I could have easily been matched with them. It would have been strange to wrap my head around one of my family being, my mate, even if we were not blood. For the first two years after turning 18, I stayed in my kingdom learning and training, just waiting to see if she would turn up. It is not unusual for the male to be a couple of years older than his mate, so there was no rush. After the initial two years, Coda (my lycan) and I started to long for our mate and we spent a few weeks here and there over the next two years visiting Kingdoms in the hope that she would be there and I would finally feel complete, but no luck so far. This is why I am away to visit the fae kingdom where my mums cousin is the ruler in the hopes that she will be there and I will finally find her. Then it is on to Uncle Callum’s kingdom for my cousins and two siblings 18th birthday celebrations, so if I don’t find her in the fae kingdom, I am hoping she will be there. At this rate, my sister Lily and cousin Raquel will find their mates before me as it is more common for women to find them on or shortly after their 18th birthday. Of course, I would be happy for them, but I am 5 years older than them and always hoped to be settled and mated before they got of age. My cousin Raphael and brother Chris will probably have to wait a few years like me before meeting her, and they are prepared for that. I have kept myself for my mate, I remember the women causing trouble for mum when she first got together with dad, and I have seen the trouble Sirius’ past had on auntie Sienna. I never want my mate to go through that, I know she will become the most important person in my life, and I don’t want any of my actions to be the cause of her heartbreak. I really want to make my mum proud of me and show a good example to my siblings, as their big brother I try to lead by example and I hope that they will find happiness and love in their lives without the heartache our parents had. As I go to get onto the plane, mum makes me promise to text her that I have arrived safely and to call her when I have met my mate as she wants to be the first one to know. Dad just chuckles at her excitement and wishes me luck. Nana Ruby is excited to have me through. She and Papa Cass have made me promise to stay with them for at least a night or two. She has organised a family celebration with my uncles and cousins for when I arrive. If there is one thing the fae know how to do is to throw a party, I just hope they don’t want one every night that I am there, as they will use any excuse to celebrate. I know I am a lycan so my body metabolizes alcohol quicker, but they always have the strong stuff that can get you drunk as hell, and the last visit I had with them I swear if I wasn’t drunk, I was hungover. It also took me two days to recover from it. They have promised me a quiet first night as nana and papa want me all to themselves for a night before they share me with the rest of the family. I am more than happy with that, especially if nana Ruby has been baking. Her cakes are amazing. I am kinda hoping that my mate is a fae, since I met mum and her fae family, I have always thought they were the prettiest species, with their beautiful colourful hair and eyes, and them being tiny just makes them more adorable and brings out my protective side. Mum is a foot shorter than dad and I, and my sister is taking after mum in the height department. Although I do love the extra curves a shifter has, I may be lucky and be mated to a hybrid like mum. That would be perfect for me. Although I am sure that my mate will be perfect and the most beautiful female in Elysium as she has been chosen just for me by the moon goddess. I just hope that I am what she is looking for in a mate and gets to know me and know that I am not some arrogant future leader.

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