Comfort of home

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Chapter 4 About halfway into my journey, I stopped to grab snacks and go to the toilet. I glanced at my phone and found a smug text from Joy saying she was pregnant as well and she had managed to take my mate from me. After touching her, she can keep him as far as I am concerned, I never want that man near me again. There are also too many to count messages and calls begging and apologising from Tywin, I delete most without looking. There is nothing he can say to make any of this ok. As soon as I have deleted them, I block his number, I won’t need it any longer. I did notice that Flora had also called several times and messaged me to please let her know I was ok. I loved Flora almost as much as my own mother. In fact her and Pieter had been the only saving grace the last 6 months as they treated me like their own child. I made sure that my phone was linked up to the car and called her as soon as I set off again. She was so relieved to hear that I was fine and promised not to tell Tywin that I was going to my parents' place even if he would probably work that out himself soon enough. She apologised profusely for her son, saying she should have done a better job of raising him, to which I reassured her that she was an amazing mum and his actions do not reflect on her parenting, just like Joy’s actions don’t reflect on my own parents. She tentatively told me about the pregnancy, but I said I had already had a message from my lovely sister to rub it in my face. She asked me to send screenshots of it to her and told me that Tywin wants nothing to do with her and will be getting a dna test to make sure it is his. She also apologised to me for telling him that he will have to mark her for the sake of his reputation and so the child doesn’t suffer if it is his. I let her know that I understand, I know my own parents may take a knock for this one because of my sisters actions. It is something that they have become used to the last few years, with all of the she gets herself in. I promise that I will not keep their grandchild from them amd that they can see him/her as long as Tywin won’t be around as he has given away his rights by his words and actions and I no longer trust him with my child. We say our farewells and she makes me promise to get in touch with her if I ever need help from her, Pieter also comes on the phone briefly to let me knows he will always love me and will always consider me his daughter, and he will do anything he can to protect me even if it is from his own son. His parents are amazing, I have no idea how he turned out the way he did with these wonderful people bringing him up, but then again, look at my sister. It was nice to talk to them both, and I am glad I was able to ease their worries and make sure they knew they wouldn’t miss out on their grandchild. I was relieved when I finally made it to my childhood home. It was small for a Lords house, but mum wanted something homely and not a cold mansion to bring up her family. She always wanted us to be humble and not think we were better than anyone else because of our father’s position and their connection to the royal family. I guess the message only sunk in for me and not my sister. My parents both wrap me up in a hug as soon as I step through the door. I am so glad I still have plenty of clothes here. I am ushered through to the kitchen, and dad puts on the kettle. Mum is one of those who thinks all of the world’s problems can be sorted with a cuppa and a chat. It feels good to have the warm cup in my hands, and the ginger in the tea is helping to settle my stomach as I am more queezy than usual with all of the travelling so I am desperately needing this. This and the warmth and love from my parents. Joy already called Mum in a panic, trying to get her version of events in. It is funny how they called her Joy as they wanted her life filled with it, and they hoped she would bring joy to others. Well, I am sure that there are plenty of men who experienced her ‘joy’ for half an hour or so. For myself, she has had the opposite effect on me. Dad reminds me about my own name, I am named after the Queen, but they also picked the shortened name of the Queen as they saw I was a fighter from the womb, and as dad says a star always burns brightest in the darkest moments, and like every other challenge I have had I will come out of this one stronger. Mum also spoke to Flora, and she told her everything that happened from Tywin’s point of view, and to be fair, he had admitted all of his faults. Mum told her to let him know that if he tries to turn up here she will rip off whichever body part she feels like at the time and his head along with his balls are the top choices right now. No one should piss off a mumma wolf protecting her pup, and I know Tywin is more scared of her than my father. Flora wasn’t too upset about her threat as she felt that he deserved what he got after the way he behaved and if he was stupid enough to go there then she could have at it. Both women were good friends for years before they knew their children were mates, and none of them want to loose that especially with two children on the way that is bonded to both of them, and dad was not going to blame Pieter for his sons actions when his daughter was also just as much in the blame for what happened. I understand that my parents can not disown Joy for what she has done to me. At the end of the day, she is still their daughter, and they love her even if she is a wh.ore and a bi.tch. They did say she would not be welcome in their home while I was still here putting my life back together, and if she really needed them, one would stay with me while the other would go to her. They were embarrassed and disgusted with her behaviour and wouldn’t let her hurt me any more than she already has, but they can not abandon her, even if it is what she deserves right now. I would never make my parents pick between us. It would not be fair to them, even if Joy had already tried to turn them against me with her lies. It was nice being back at home and having my parents care for me, I spent all of my time in the house, the last thing I wanted to do was explain to people why I no longer had a mate. So I stayed in, ate some great home cooked food, and wallowed when I was in the safety of my own room, trying not to cry out loud so mum couldn’t hear with her wolf senses. It turns out that Joy is pregnant but only 4 weeks, so they have to wait another 4 before they can do the dna. We are all pretty sure that it will be Tywin’s. She wouldn’t risk getting pregnant to someone else as she would have wanted to use that as another reason to break us apart. In the week I have been gone, he has refused to see her at all and has no plans to, until the dna test is done. She has been calling mum and dad constantly, and is in a strop as she says I shouldn’t have blocked her and that I should be happy that she is giving me a niece or nephew. Mum and dad have tried to be pleasant with her and make her understand that I wouldn’t have anything to do with her and that for now, she had to lie in the bed that she made. But Joy, being Joy, just cried and screamed that we were all against her. I mean, how fu.cked up can you get expecting your sister to be happy that you betrayed her and got pregnant by her mate at the same time she is. What even will the kids be, siblings, cousins, or both. She feels lonely as now everyone in that town knows she slept with her sisters mate and got knocked up by him, and they are all avoiding her not wanting to be tarred by the same brush. She is also upset that his parents don’t like her and compare her to me before finding her lacking. His mum did offer to take her to any scans, as she is a good woman and no matter how much she dislikes her she is the mother of her grandchild so she won’t make her go through it totally alone. After a week of hiding out, I am ordered by my mum to a celebration at the the Palace, auntie Starla won’t take no for an answer. All the closest nobility will attend as Tarragon’s cousins son, the future lycan King is visiting family and hoping to find his mate. I would rather just be sitting home in my pj’s eating junk, but as a Lords daughter, I kind of have to go, and besides, I would hate to let Starla down. I adore her and Tarragon so for them and my parents I will throw on a dress, and put on my best smile, also a ton of make up to cover the dark circles around my eyes.
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