What the actual fu.ck

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Chapter 6 I drag my ever so pretty heels and take as long as possible to get ready for the party, I may have accepted to go so to not upset my parents or Starla, but I don’t want to be there. I shove myself into a pretty as hell silver dress that shows off my curves and has a high split up my left leg, so I am still able to kick the sh.it out of someone if I need to. I have 5 inch heels on, but they wouldn’t stop me, mum always taught me the importance of being ready in any situation, so yes for months we only fought in ankle breaking heels, so I would be able to fight even in heels and a dress. Yes, she made me wear all sorts of dresses as well during practice. My mum is a bit of a kick a.ss, and I am proud to be her daughter. Reluctantly, we leave the house just over an hour after the party started, I am feeling awkward and uncomfortable. Most of these people know I was mated to Tywin, so I know they will all be enjoying the latest gossip at my expense. They are a bunch of vultures, and many are Joy’s friends, or shall we say acquaintances, because they would easily stab each other in the back if they thought it would get them higher in life. I thought I had prepared myself and that I was ready for whatever was thrown at me, but I was not expecting him. As soon as I walked into the room, Sapphire and I were on edge, but in a totally different way. She was brimming with excitement, and I felt fear as my fight or flight kicked in. The massive wall of muscle started to walk towards me as the scent of whiskey and dark chocolate filled my senses. In the end, flight won, and I was glad that mum had taught me to do pretty much anything in a pair of heels as I ran for my life. Sapphire was arguing with me, wanting us to go back or slow down so he could catch us. Bloody wolves loving the excitement of a chase. My fear and our pup finally got through to my horny wolf as she let me take us to the safety of our childhood home. What the actual fu.ck, is the goddess having a laugh up there or something. I just got rid of my first useless mate. There is no way I am ready for another, and a possessive lycan at that. There is no way he would accept another child as his. I can tell he is powerful and in a position of power in some way. They are much more possessive than most, and he won’t want his mate to have had a child to another. Sapphire whines at the thought, but she still pushes her faith in a mate we don’t know on me. After what happened with our first mate, I really don’t understand her confidence. She says his lycan wants us and that he is different from the pathetic mate we were given first. I wish I had her faith, as I try and sleep cradling our child as I hold onto our still flat stomach, assuring him or her that they will be loved and cared for by me. As usual, I go downstairs in the morning in sleep shorts and a vest with my hair looking like I have been dragged through a hedge backwards. It’s not like I have to impress my parents or anything now, is it. The last thing I expected to see was my new mate sitting at the breakfast table with a coffee as he chats relaxed with my parents. I am embarrassed to admit that I let out a girly squeal in surprise as Sapphire laughs her a.ss of at me, bloody wolf not warning me. He looks at me with those sexy chocolate brown eyes of his with pure lust and fu.ck if it doesn’t make me wet. Which is another problem as his eyes are going fully dark, smelling it. Fu.ck him and his lycan senses, I turn and run back to the room, feeling very aware of my t**s bouncing freely from lack of a bra, as he growls in want and need. Sapphire is happy as a pig in sh.it right now that our mate wants us so badly when we look like this. She is having a great time, while I am mortified that anyone other than my parents has seen me like this, and I can hear mums laughter, traitor that she is. I throw on some jeans and a top, and most definitely a bra. These girls are not easily contained, and I don't want to give him any more of a show than I already have. I drag a brush through my unruly hair and throw it up into a messy bun. It is the best I can do for now, and my little bean needs food even if I have to put up with a horny lycan to get it. Nothing keeps me from food. My mate has a huge smile on his face as I walk back into the room, even if there is a slight disappointment in his eyes that I am now much more covered. He still slowly trails his eyes over every inch of me and doesn’t hide the fact that he likes what he sees. I have to admit that the tall drink of water that he is is making me more than a little thirsty right about now. He is one fine specimen of a man that is for sure, and Sapphire is not helping in the least as she shows me what she would like us to do to him and him to us. “I believe that you, my beautiful mate, are Star, I am Brandon, I didn’t get the chance to introduce myself last night. By the way that was impressive, you are fast in a pair of heels” he says with a rumbling husky voice that screams pure s*x and damn if my legs don’t almost turn into jelly, before shock sets in and my eyes go wide. “Yes dear as in Prince Brandon, now sit and feed my grandpup” Mum says, chuckling as Brandon joins her. Sh.it my mate is a fu.cking Prince and going from what mum said in front of him, he is well aware of my current state. I wonder why he doesn’t look more upset unless rejection is easy for him. “Trust our mate” Sapphire whines at me, not liking my train of thought. As I go to sit in the furthest away seat to him, he grumbles in disapproval before moving to the seat next to me as he gives me the most adorable puppy dog eyes. “So as mum said about my current state, I am guessing you are here to reject us” I say trying to keep all emotion out of my voice as he growls angrily and looks like I have shot his favourite pet. “There will be no rejection, you are mine” he says pi.ssed as I find myself in his lap, tingles erupting everywhere and his breath on my neck as he sniffs in deeply trying to calm down. Sapphire loves our possessive male, and the feeling of being in his arms and is as tame as a kitten, which is not much help right now. Fae men are not like this, so I am not as used to this display of affection, especially in front of my parents. I am slightly more used to it than other fae with mum being a wolf, it brings out dad’s possessive side, so they are more openly affectionate than most, but still, I am not entirely comfortable with this. Tywin was not one for displays of affection. When others looked at me in appreciation, he would put an arm around me, but not in affection more as a claim. Tywin was not the most touchy feeley mate. It was for claim or s*x missionary style. I am pretty sure it was just the bond that made it even slightly pleasurable, but it was definitely boring and predictable. I am guessing that the Prince is anything but, and judging by what is pressing against my a.ss, at this moment, he is packing much more than Tywin was, with his average sized pencil di.ck. “I am glad you are impressed, my love” he purrs into my ear with a chuckle as I turn bright red, I can’t believe Sapphire told him what I was thinking. He thankfully let’s me sit back on to my own seat, much to Sapphire’s displeasure, and we chat casually with my parents. Brandon doesn't seem all prim, proper, and stuck up like some of the rulers I have seen. I have met many alpha’s through mum, and they are less relaxed and normal than Brandon is. He asks me questions about myself and asks about my pup and how far along I am, and if I know what I am having yet. Being only six weeks, I tell him I don’t know, but I want to find out as soon as possible as I hate surprises. Well, I don’t exactly hate them. It’s just that I am so curious that I can’t wait to find out things. At the end of breakfast, I have found myself in the position where I have agreed to spend the day with him and show him around. I am not sure how that happened or how I let myself be tricked. Brandon has so much family here and has visited so many times that I am almost sure that he knows this place as well as I do.
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