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AUTHOR'S POV When Ash and Williams turned their backs on Diana, Ash held herself back from jumping for joy. She hated Diana so much but she always had to pretend to like her in front of people. She knew that Williams did not love her. Diana was the one he loved but his desire for power was more than anything else and that was the reason why she had been able to get him. Diana was the biggest obstacle in her path and she had wanted her dead for as long as she could remember. She couldn't bring herself to do it because the consequences would be too much to bear. She had thought long and hard about how to get rid of Diana without lifting a finger and she had eventually come up with this flawless plan. Her dad was not even aware of it, although he would have still supported her if he found out. She knew Williams would believe her when she told him that her dad had asked for Diana to be sent on a suicide mission. She knew Diana loved Williams so much and she was also stupid so she was sure that Diana would agree to go after Derrick and Diana did not disappoint her. It was a flawless plan because even if everyone found out that Diana was killed by Derrick, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. No one would dare to go after Alpha Derrick and no one would find out that it was her plan. She didn't want Diana to be alive because she was afraid. Someday, if her dad was no longer alive, Williams could still kick her out of his life and take Diana in. But, if Diana were dead, she would face no other threat since everyone would know that Williams now belonged to her. Williams on the other hand felt plagued with guilt. He had really hoped that Diana would refuse his request but it turned out that she loved him too much. He didn't want her to die because even though he rejected her, he still had feelings for her. Perhaps her death was a sacrifice he needed to make to fully achieve his dreams but he knew that it would hunt him for the rest of his life. DIANA'S POV I felt grateful that my mum wasn't at home. It would have been more difficult for me to carry out my plans. I had spent the last thirty minutes reading most of what the media wrote about Alpha Derrick. He was tagged as the most eligible bachelor in the city. Not only was he the most wealthy but he was also highly capable. The more I read about him, the more afraid I felt but, I knew that there was no turning back. I put on black jeans and a black top which had a hood. I also wore a mask around my mouth because I didn't want to be recognized. If he had cameras around his office or house, his pack would easily discover that I was his killer if I succeeded in my mission hence, it was imperative that I not only masked my scent but also my appearance. From the information I had gathered, he was still in his office at this time and he was the only one. I needed to move fast if I wanted to get to him before he closed for the day. After leaving my house, I put the dagger behind my jeans and drove my bicycle to his company. After masking my scent, I parked my bicycle far away from his office building. I didn't want to use the gate so I changed into my werewolf form and jumped over the tall fence. Just as I entered the compound, I heard someone approaching. I quickly hid in a corner and waited. I saw a man come out and before opening his car, he stopped for a while and looked around the building as if he was aware that I was around. I had already realized that he was the only one in the building as I could perceive only his scent. I felt extremely afraid and struggled not to breathe too loudly. I knew that I could not attack him at this moment because he seemed too alert. I watched as he got into his car and drove out before locking the gate. I jumped over the fence again and quickly ran to where I parked my bicycle. I got on it and began to chase after him. I had already lost him at this point because my bicycle couldn't compare to the speed of his car. I relied on his scent to figure out where he entered. I already knew he was going back home and I had figured out where he lived in the course of my research. As I arrived at his huge Mansion, I realized that he lived alone and felt that it was much better for me this way. He didn't even have a security man to open his gate since he did it by himself. After he went in, I observed him from outside as he went into his house. I climbed over his fence which was much shorter as opposed to the one in his office building. I moved surreptitiously until I was finally standing by his door which he had incidentally left open. I believed that the universe was making things easier for me as I was sure that Alpha Derrick had no inkling of my presence. I peeped through the door and noticed that he had taken off his jacket and thrown it on the chair by his right. He sat on the couch, threw his head back, and closed his eyes. I kept observing him until he began to snore. Now convinced that he had slept off due to exhaustion, I slowly opened the door a little bit, enough to enable me to pass through it. I took out the knife from my jeans and crawled quietly as I went behind him. When I got to where he was seated, I stared at him from behind while he snored and decided to stab his neck. I quietly lifted myself from the ground and directed the knife at his neck, however, he moved with the speed of lightening and before I realized what was happening, Alpha Derrick held both my hands by my wrists and broke the one that held the poisoned dagger while I screamed loudly in pain.
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