


Alpha Derrick is a Billionaire who has been cursed all his life for a crime his father committed.

This curse makes him feared by the members of his pack and every other werewolf. However, this curse also makes him miserable as it means he has to spend the rest of his life alone.

From the moment, he turned six, whoever touched him died instantly and his mum was the very first victim.

Diana Spark has been in love with Williams for as long as she can remember. She is happy for him when he later becomes the Alpha of her pack and her joy knows no bounds when she clocks eighteen and realizes she is mated to him. How perfect could her life get?

However, Diana gets a reality check when Williams rejects her as his mate. She refuses to accept defeat and begs him relentlessly to reconsider. He finally agrees to give her a chance but on the condition that she kills the most feared and cursed Alpha of another pack, Alpha Derrick.

Despite feeling completely afraid, Diana decides to do it as she cannot imagine living her life without Williams.

She ends up getting caught by the Alpha and makes body contact while trying to escape from him.

Derrick is shocked when he realizes that Diana did not die after touching him. He locks her up in a cage and decides that she would bear three children for him and in turn, he will set her free.

What happens when the cursed Alpha finds himself falling for Diana who wants to kill him by any means necessary?

And what would Diana do when she realizes that the cursed Alpha whom she wants to kill so badly is her new mate?

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DERRICK'S POV I looked at my table and realized that I didn't have any other files to attend to. I cursed under my breath in frustration. Spending all my time working in the office was my only escape from reality. Despite being the CEO, I was always the first to arrive at my company and the last to leave. Not that I needed to work. I had enough money to feed everyone in the country as well as my unborn generation but I could not afford to be idle. My life was lonely and miserable, spending the whole day working was the only thing I looked forward to and each time I had no work left on my table, I was easily reminded of how pathetic I was. People envied my wealth and my looks and women did everything in their power just to get an audience with me. I was tagged, as 'the most eligible bachelor in the state of Wisconsin' and everyone wondered about the woman that was going to capture my heart. If only they knew. First of all, I was a werewolf and probably the strongest one alive all thanks to a curse. I was also the alpha of my pack, the Silver moon pack. Before I was born, my dad had brutally murdered the alpha of his pack and taken his position. His Luna was a witch who died alongside him but before she did, she cursed my dad that he would never enjoy the love of his family and would die without an heir. My dad later met my mum and they got married. Somehow, they had me and my parents were happy that the curse did not work. However, on my sixth birthday, when my mum hugged me in front of our pack, she suddenly developed seizures and died in less than five minutes. It wasn't clear at the time what had caused her death. Not until the maid died after touching me, followed by my best friend and later two members of our pack. It eventually became obvious that whoever touched me would die instantly. Everyone became afraid of me, especially my dad. He built a very sturdy room and locked me in there to stop me from killing anyone else. I was locked in for almost two years while my dad struggled to find a cure for my problem but all the healers told him the same thing; the curse could not be broken. Eventually, my dad fell sick and became bedridden and I was forced to take over the family business when I clocked eighteen and got my wolf. I have special abilities which include; running with the speed of lightning, seeing through walls, and knowing what everyone is thinking no matter how many people are in front of me. This has also helped me to be the most successful businessman alive. My pack members are the only ones who really understand what is wrong with me and they are all loyal to me. I had initially wondered how I would cope when I clocked eighteen and got a mate. However, I was never mated to anyone. I am now thirty years old and still haven't had a mate. There really is no need for one though because she would die the moment she touches me. I remember a pack member who was head over heels in love with me. She wasn't a wolf but a healer. I was only twenty-two back then and she was twenty years old. I tried my best to keep her away from me but she insisted that nothing would happen to her if she touched me because she was a healer. I was desperate to be loved and to have someone close to me so I let her kiss me. Our lips had barely touched when she fell on the ground and died instantly. That was the last time I ever let anyone stand close to me. I have desires, strong s****l desires and it gets worse during the winter when the nights are cold but there's nothing I can do about it. I am destined to live a miserable life and spend the rest of my days alone. I would never know what it feels like to have a mate, to have a family, or to be a father. Even though my dad is already dead, I am still paying the price for his sins. The other wolves in my pack are terrified of me and so are all the other packs, mostly because about two years ago, the alpha of the West wing pack had gathered all the members of his pack and challenged us to a battle. I had asked all my pack members to wait behind while I single-handedly fought the West wing pack. It was a lopsided battle, yes but, I was the one left standing in the end. Most of the wolves died in the fight including the Alpha while the wounded ran away and never showed their faces again. Those who died just from touching me were more than the ones I personally killed. The Alpha was one of them, he had held my neck and tried to rip off some of my flesh but he immediately fell to the ground and died in less than five minutes. After the battle, the story spread among all the different packs and every werewolf alive became afraid of the Sliver moon pack and their cursed Alpha. I checked my time and realized that it was already 9 pm. Everyone must have probably left by now which meant I could now go home to my boring life. I switched off the lights and locked the door to my office. As I got to where my car was parked, I perceived an unfamiliar scent. I immediately knew that someone else was in the building. I didn't know who it was or what they wanted and I frankly wasn't interested in finding out. It could very well be a thief but today was their lucky day because I wasn't willing to get any blood on my hands.

Dreame-Editor's pick


The Lone Alpha


The Luna He Rejected (Extended version)


The Vampire King's Human Mate


Just Got Lucky


My Crush Is My Best Friend's Dad


Sold to the Ruthless Alpha


Cruel Love


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