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DIANA'S POV I noticed that both Williams and Ash had stopped walking and I wondered if Williams had changed his mind and decided to wait for me. I walked up to him while Ash stood by the side. I was crying uncontrollably at this point and tried to take hold of his hands but he shifted backward. I went on my knees while ignoring the pain in my body. "Please Williams," I begged. "I love you more than life itself and I cannot imagine living my life without you. Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way and give me another chance. I promise to do whatever you want but please don't reject me as your mate. My life is meaningless without you. I love you so much." Despite all that I had said, Williams did not say a word in reply. He just stood there staring at me as I cried my eyes out. I folded my hands while still begging him, "don't you love me anymore? We have been in love for so long, please tell me what the problem with me is and I promise that I will change for the better. I will do whatever you say." Williams finally sighed and bent down to help me up from the ground. I became hopeful and believed that he was going to change his mind. I kept staring into his eyes while waiting for what he was about to say. He hesitated for a while and finally said to me, "if you want me to take you back, I will do it but there's a condition. Since you have said you will do whatever I ask, I'm sure you won't let me down." I could no longer contain my joy at this point. I hugged Williams while he stood still like a statue. "Thank you so much, I will do whatever you say. Just tell me what it is." He nodded his head at me. "I'm sure you know Derrick, the alpha of the Silver Moon Pack." I thought for a while and finally recalled hearing about him. He was believed to be the strongest Alpha alive and was feared by everyone. It was even said that whoever touched him would die instantly. I couldn't understand why Williams was asking about him when he should be telling me what I needed to do so he would accept me. Nevertheless, I said, "Yes, I've heard about him and I'm aware of how dangerous he is." Williams smiled at me, "good girl. Alpha Derrick is a threat to my position and wants me dead. If you can help me kill him, then I would accept you as my Luna and we would get married in a few years." I stared at Williams in shock. How could he send me on such a suicide mission? First of all, I had never killed anyone before. I valued life too much to take away that of someone else. Secondly, this Alpha Derrick was so powerful that no other Alpha could beat him. And there's also the danger of touching his body. This wasn't something I could do. Why would Williams send me to my death? "You know I only got my wolf today Williams and I am no match for Alpha Derrick, how can you ask me to kill him?" Williams snorted, "if you cannot do it then it means you don't love me as much as you say you do. Would you rather wait around for him to kill me? You are the perfect candidate for this job. You have the ability to mask your scent so Alpha Derrick will never smell you coming. I also heard that he is always alone. All you have to do is get a sharp dagger and make sure it is poisoned with wolfsbane. After that, you can mask your scent, sneak up on Alpha Derrick and stab him. You don't have to touch him to achieve that. Once the poison touches his body, he would die instantly, and then, you can finally be my Luna. If you cannot do it, then it's fine. You can move on with your life and forget about me. I would find someone who loves me enough to go the extra mile." After speaking, Williams turned to leave but I stopped him. "If that's what it will take for you to accept me, Williams, then I'm willing to do it. I will go after Alpha Derrick tonight and stab him just as you have said. Remember that once I'm back, we would both go back to the way we used to be." Williams stared at me in surprise but I could also read another emotion in his eyes. Was it pity? I wasn't sure but, he said he would be waiting to hear from me and left with Ash. As I walked back home, my heart began to palpitate in fear. Before reaching my house, I stopped by the road and washed my face because I didn't want my mum to know that I had been crying. If she found out what I was about to do she would go bananas and despite how afraid I was, I was ready to do it. I could not imagine myself living without Williams so what was the need for me to back out? I would rather take my chances with the cursed Alpha and if I succeeded, I would be happy for the rest of my life. I didn't feel good that I was about to attempt murder but I consoled myself with the fact that Alpha Derrick was very dangerous and wanted to kill Williams so, ultimately I was about to protect the life of the man I loved more than anything else in the world. After washing my face, I went into the forest and searched for some wolfsbane. We were all taught to recognize it from childhood because it could easily kill us. Back then, I never knew that I would someday use it against one of my kind. After getting the herbs, I ground them with a stone and took some of them home. I went to my late dad's drawer, took out one of his daggers, and poisoned it with the wolfsbane. After doing that, I took my mum's laptop, opened the internet, and read all about Alpha Derrick and the best places to find him alone.
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