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DERRICK'S POV As I drove back home from work I realized I was being tailed. Who was it exactly that had gotten tired of living? Why did they feel the need to die by my hands? I didn't know if this person's motive was suicide or if he was sent by someone but I knew I had already been too lenient with him. I pretended to be oblivious to his presence and hurried home to give him a chance to live but his courage seemed to be bigger than his body. I could still perceive his scent even as I entered my house. I felt quite sad because once more someone was going to die at my hands. I decided to get it over with and spare this person the stress of trying too hard. Instead of going into my bedroom, I sat on the couch in my living room and pretended to be asleep. To make my act more convincing, I began to snore. The intruder probably felt that he had gotten me at my vulnerable moment and decided to make his move. From where I sat I could smell the strong scent of the intruder and I knew that he was extremely afraid. I could not help but shake my head internally. It was such a pity that despite all the rumors, most people never learned. I allowed the intruder to get very close to me and when he was a few inches away, I quickly changed into my werewolf form and got up from the couch. I was so fast that I didn't even give the intruder time to understand what was going on. He had a knife that he intended to stab me with so I held him by his wrists and broke the one whose hand held a knife. The knife fell on the floor while the intruder screamed and I became very surprised. I changed back into my human form when I heard the intruder's voice and realized it was a girl. This had never happened before. No girl had ever been courageous enough to make an attempt on my life. She began to cry and tried to break free from my hold. I looked into her blue eyes and got a strange feeling. I could read different emotions in her eyes; sadness, pain, and most importantly fear. She was just a kid, no more than eighteen or nineteen. If she was this afraid, then why did she attack me? Did someone force her to do it? I tried to read her thoughts but I couldn't. This was strange, I had always read people's thoughts with ease as long as they stood in front of me but, this girl seemed to be different. What exactly was she? Her bones began to join back together as her broken wrist began to heal. I was surprised but she seemed more surprised by it than I was. She stared at her broken wrist which was covered by the black jacket she wore and stared back at me. I suddenly realized that she was a werewolf just like I was but she was definitely different. Werewolves usually took about eight hours to heal but she did in less than five minutes. There was also the problem of not being able to read her thoughts. I suddenly became interested in this kid. I had wanted to kill her at first but now I was curious about her. I let go of one of her wrists and pulled the hood off her hair. She immediately bent her head and looked down while refusing to let me see her face. I could see her brown silky hair as she bent her head but I was more interested in her face. I was being a bit careful because I didn't want her to die, at least not yet. I tried to take off the mask that covered half of her face but she resisted me and pushed my body with her free hand. I immediately let go of her and she fell to the ground. She seemed to have also realized the mistake she made as she closed her eyes and began to cry loudly. I folded my hands and stared at her. Well, she had touched me herself so I wasn't the one who killed her in the end. It was a pity though that she was going to die without telling me who she was or why she had tried to kill me. I took out my phone to call one of my betas to come and get rid of her body but then I paused. She had been crying for far too long. Her eyes were closed and she was convinced that she was going to die but I knew from experience that it wasn't supposed to take this long. Who the hell was this kid? I suddenly became wary of her as it now occurred to me that she was quite dangerous. I gave up the initial idea of not trying to hurt her, she was definitely a weapon sent by my enemies and everything she was doing right now was an act. I squatted in front of her and tore off the mask which covered half of her face while her eyes were still closed. Her eyes instantly flung open and she looked up at me with reddened eyes and cringed in fear but I was done playing nice. I pulled her by her brown locks and she cried out in pain as she got on her feet. I circled a hand around her neck and held it tightly. She struggled to breathe and kept hitting my chest with her left hand. I once again noticed that nothing happened to her when she touched me. I let go of her neck and gave her a chance to speak as she struggled to catch her breath. "Who are you and who sent you?" I barked. Rather than answer my question, she revealed her right hand which she had hidden behind her, and tried to stab me once again. I realized she had picked up the dagger which had fallen on the floor when I broke her wrist. I caught her wrist again and broke it a second time but more brutally. She screamed more than she did the first time, right before I struck her by one side of her head with severe force. She fell limply on the floor and passed out instantly. I picked up the knife and inspected it. "Impressive," I thought when I realized that it was poisoned with wolfsbane. I stared at her unconscious body for a while and decided to search her body to see if I could find any clue as to where she came from. I knew there were other methods to get what I wanted but I felt too lazy to do that. I checked every available pocket in her clothes but could not find anything, not even a cell phone. She was really smart. Perhaps she had already prepared herself for death and didn't want to give away the identity of whoever she worked for. That explained why she didn't have any means of identification on her. I wasn't going to let her die so easily. The fact that she survived after touching me meant that there was something unique about her, who knows, I might end up getting a cure for my curse. I just needed to find out who she worked for. I went to my store and took out a large cage. Back when I couldn't bear to be so lonely, I had gotten a Rottweiler to keep me company. I locked him inside the big cage most of the time because not only did he have a knack for being fierce, but I also didn't want him to die. One night, however, he kept on barking aggressively and I opened his cage to find out what the problem was but he pounced on me. He didn't survive after touching my body and his death left me really heartbroken. I gave up completely on pets after that but I held on to the cage because I had been attached to the dog. Who would have thought that the cage would come in handy someday? I opened the cage and threw the little girl inside. She was going to be out for a long time and perhaps when she woke up, she would be more cooperative. I knew she wouldn't be able to escape because the iron bars of the cage were quite sturdy. Even the strongest alpha wouldn't be able to break it apart, much less a kid like her. I left her in the locked cage which I kept in my living room and went into my bedroom to catch some sleep but I couldn't get any. After trying for so long, I gave up. Perhaps it was time I got over my laziness and found out who this girl really was and what prompted her to embark on a suicide mission.
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