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WILLIAMS POV As I walked away with Ash, I could not help feeling guilty but I didn't have any other choice, I made a deal and I had to fulfill my own end of the deal. I have loved Diana from when we were little, however, Ash has also loved me for so long. When I almost turned eighteen, her dad who was the alpha of my pack told my dad about a deal that would benefit me greatly. His only daughter Ashley was crazy about me so he wanted me to agree to become her mate and in return, I would become the next Alpha of our pack. The offer was too tempting to refuse since that was a position that was envied by all the young men of the Blue Moon Pack. My dad was greatly in support of the idea as it meant that his only son would become an alpha. I could still recall that night three years ago. Before that meeting, I had always wished that Diana would become my mate since we were inseparable. It eventually happened but I was forced to tell Diana that I wasn't mated to anyone. I initially wanted to say that I was mated to Ash but I couldn't bring myself to hurt Diana at the time. As the years went by, my heart became stronger and I fought my desire to have s*x with Diana. Although, there was a night when I lost control and kissed her. It was her first kiss and she was very excited, I had wanted to go further but Diana refused. She wanted to keep her virginity until she clocked eighteen. She truly believed I was not mated to anyone and was convinced that she would be mated to me. I had to wait for her to get her wolf before rejecting her. Ash had already given her virginity to me. I didn't love her because she was too faced. She acted like a sweet little girl in front of everyone when in reality she was quite vicious. Too vicious for her age if you ask me. She came to my house today and after we had s*x, she reminded me that today was the day I had to reject Diana. I was getting ready to go to Diana's house when I saw her in front of mine. To be honest, when I saw her, I had a strong urge to pull her into my arms. My wolf kept begging me to accept her but in the end, I did what I had to, it brought me a great deal of pain but I knew I was going to be fine. In a few days, I would get over her, and eventually, when Ash turns 18 and is mated to someone else, she would reject him and become my Luna, that is when I will finally feel complete. Ash sighted Diana coming from a distance and complained that she was not going to give up on me easily. I thought of what to do to keep Diana away and as if Ash read my mind, she said her father had already told her about the perfect way to keep Diana away from me. I stopped walking for a moment and waited for her to tell me what the plan was. To my surprise, she said, "the Alpha of the Silver moon pack, Alpha Derrick killed my uncle a few years ago and my dad has been seeking a way to get revenge. So, all you have to do is send Diana to kill him." I stared at Ash in surprise. "What are you saying? We all know how dangerous and ruthless Alpha Derrick is. Forget about that, whoever touches him would die instantly. Even I am extremely afraid of him. How then could I send Diana on such a dangerous mission? Regardless of everything else, we have been best friends since our childhood. I cannot do that." "Relax" Ash replied. "This is something my dad wants so you cannot say no to him. Besides every member of our pack knows how dangerous Derrick is. No one would be foolish enough to go after him. Even though this is something my dad wants, I know that Diana would not agree to it. You can just tell her that if she successfully kills him, then you would accept her as your mate. I can bet you that she would give up and never bother you again." I thought about it for a while and felt it wasn't such a bad idea but Diana could be unpredictable at times. I knew how hopelessly in love with me she was so I said, "no, it's too risky. What if Diana decides to do it for my sake? She loves me so much and will surely be willing to do anything for me." "Then that would be her decision" Ash replied nonchalantly. "You won't be forcing her. You would only be giving her a choice. If she is foolish enough to go after Alpha Derrick, then it's her problem. Besides, I overheard her saying that she was gifted with the ability to mask her scent. No other werewolf possesses this ability. Just tell her to mask her scent and sneak up on Alpha Derrick with a poisonous dagger. She wouldn't have to touch him and he would not smell her coming. Even if she agrees to do it, once she gets close to him, she would develop cold feet. I am sure of that." I stared at Ash, wondering how she came to be so vicious. I knew her dad was mean sometimes but Ash was just pure evil. If it weren't because I valued my position as an Alpha more than anything else, I would never have agreed to take her as my mate. I knew I had to do just as she had said because she was the apple of her dad's eye. He was willing to do anything for her sake and if she became upset and told him that I turned down his suggestion, he would be really angry. I would just put up with both of them for now. Someday when Ash's father is dead, I would put her in her place and kick her out of my life. I looked to my right and saw that Diana had finally caught up with us. She moved slowly and I could tell she was still in pain. I felt pity for her but I had to do what was necessary so I folded my arms and waited for her to speak.
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