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DIANA'S POV My heart beat apprehensively as I walked to William's house. We had been best friends since childhood and we were so close. He had stolen my first kiss when I clocked sixteen and I still blush each time I recall that beautiful night. Williams clocked eighteen three years ago however, he was never mated to anyone which makes him quite pathetic. His situation is still good for both of us though. We had always been in love with each other hence, it would have been devastating, especially for me if he ended up being mated to someone else. I was basically his girlfriend because we spent most of our time together but I insisted on saving my virginity until my eighteenth birthday. I finally clocked eighteen this morning and realized later in the day that Williams is my mate. How perfect could my life get? I am fortunate to have been mated to the love of my life. Our bond is going to be the strongest because even before being mates to each other we have been in love for so many years. I can still remember when he was made the Alpha of our pack last year. I was literally shocked. Other werewolves were more capable than him, not something I am proud to admit though but it is the truth. I guess the council deemed him more worthy and now, I was going to become his Luna. The new Luna of the Blue Moon Pack, which is more or less the same as being the queen. I don't know what I've done to deserve this good fortune but I will definitely cherish it. Williams came out of his house just as I arrived. He had a surprised look on his face when he saw me and I knew it was because I didn't inform him that I was coming and I also masked my scent. Yes, it turns out that my wolf came with a special ability and I learned about it only this morning when my mum told me that she could not pick up my scent. We eventually realized that I was the only werewolf gifted with this ability. Usually, Williams would know that I was coming to him even before I came out of my house because he could perceive my scent just like every other werewolf but today was different. After learning about my ability, I was eager to surprise him with it and the look on his face right now is nothing short of priceless. I laughed giddily and threw myself at him. I hugged him tightly but he did not return the hug and I felt that it was probably because he was still surprised. I cupped his cheeks with my hand and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Mate," I said to him. "Our dreams finally came true." Just at that moment, a girl came out of his house and Williams suddenly pushed me away. I was shocked and couldn't understand why until she came closer. I finally recognized her, her dad was the Alpha of our Pack before he relinquished his position to Williams. I smiled at her and said, "hi Ash" "Hi Dia" she replied. I wasn't surprised to see her because I knew she had a good relationship with Williams ever since her dad gave him his position. She was also yet to clock eighteen and get her mate so she was a few months younger than I was. "I have good news to share with you," I said to Williams who seemed to be uncomfortable. Ash stood by the side watching as I dragged Williams to a corner and told him, "I got my wolf today as expected and she came with a special ability. I can mask my scent from any werewolf which is why you couldn't smell me coming. The more important news is that you are the chosen one, my mate. It couldn't be more apparent that were made for each other Williams and I have loved you even before I discovered that you are my mate. I know you were never mated to anyone but the fact that I was mated to you means that we are destined to be together." Williams had still not said any words to me at this time however, I thought that it was because he was fighting hard to contain his excitement in front of Ash, which was something I apparently couldn't bring myself to do. I moved my body a little bit away from him and stretched out my right hand to him saying, "go on Williams and accept me as your mate. I'm finally ready to give myself to you." Williams smiled at me and took hold of my hand, he briefly turned to stare at Ashley and then back at me. He suddenly let go of my hand and said in a loud voice, "I, Williams Drew, Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack reject you, Diana Spark as my Luna." I suddenly felt like I had been shocked by a thousand volts of electricity. I fell on my back as did Williams and the pain I felt in my body was excruciating. This, however, did not compare to the pain I was feeling in my heart. I stared at Williams in surprise as he also struggled with the pain of rejecting me as his mate. Ash ran to us and stood in our midst, "are you guys okay, what exactly happened?" She asked in an innocent voice but I could barely hear what she said. Williams's words kept playing in my head over and over again and I just stared at him while telling myself that this wasn't real, I was probably having a very bad dream which I needed to wake up from. Williams suddenly stretched out his hand towards Ashley and asked, "can you please help me, Ash? I need to get out of here." Ash stared at me with pity before helping Williams off the ground. As I watched the both of them walk away with Williams leaning on Ash for support, it finally dawned on me that this wasn't a dream. It was real. The love of my life, my mate had just rejected me and I couldn't understand why. What went wrong? No, I wasn't going to accept this. Mate or not, Williams was in love with me and I knew that better than anyone else. I struggled to get off the ground and go after Williams. I was not going to accept his rejection, I would beg him even if I had to. I would do whatever he wanted for him to accept me because living without Williams was not possible for me.
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