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(Dominic's POV) We looked every where in the house and it was true Jesse was gone. Eric looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Tonia had ran right in, with the news that Katy was gone too. Liam had gone back home, and was checking. Tonia had wanted to go with him, but Eric wouldn't let her go, he had her sitting next to him like some child in time out. I'd noticed before but my brother was on the the verge of breaking, he like our father was falling apart without his mate, I wasn't sure what he wanted with Tonia, but it was a little unnerving. Liam was back he too wasn't looking too good either, but he didn't have a mate yet, his daughter was his world. He then looked at Tonia, with a murderous glare as he made his way toward his cousin. "How did you know...how long did you know this was going to happen and you didn't say anything, are you really that mad at me..." "You think if I ad known I'd keep it to myself, Katy has been like my own daughter, Liam!" "The question remains how did you know?" the Secretary of Defense and Brianna came around the corner as he asked the question. All eyes fell to Tonia, and she looked cornered, but kept her composure. "I got a message, I don't know from who, but..." "Are you sure you don't know who?" asked Brianna coming to stand next to me, and putting her arm through mine. Tonia, glared at Brianna, but that was the right question. "Do you really want me to do this right now?" Brianna asked Tonia, who wasn't looking at anyone now, what had she done? "I have nothing to hide." replied Tonia, Brianna smiled. "We'll let them be the judge of that." Brianna asked for something and a guard brought a suitcase, which she opened, and started to pull pictures out. They were of Tonia, with Eric, with Joe, and with the wolf that turned her. At the angle they were taken, you would think Tonia, was involved with Eric and Joe, until I saw one with them kissing, then I really was fighting to understand. "That man, is enemy number one, and you seem to be having a nice talk with him, not once but twice, and this man Joe, was one of his too." We all looked at Tonia. "I...these pictures were staged!" "Why would we waste our time?" Brianna asked as tears fell from Tonia's eyes. "He turned you, and you...you talk to him like an old friend." said Liam really pissed off now. "He warned me..." "He's probably the one behind the kidnapping, Toni!" shouted Liam getting right into her face. Tonia slumped against the wall, in silent tears. "How long have you been involved with the Alpha, using your wiles..." "Shut up!" She growled at Brianna, " I haven't been doing anything, I haven't done anything with anyone!" Brianna, gave her a sad smile, then went up to her going down to her level. "You might've thought you were helping, the truth is, you weren't and now you're a threat, take her." Brianna ordered the guards, Tonia, gave me a look, and then ran right through the guards, Brianna clung to me, thinking Tonia was going to attack her, but ran right out the window, glass followed her down, we all ran toward the window. She had disappeared into the forest. "Brianna, I think we should go, you can come back some other time, and make plans with Dominic." said the Secretary "Yes, father," Brianna came up to me and kissed me, good-bye," I'll be back, my love." "I'll be waiting, be safe." I said as she walked away then I turned to my brother, he looked lost and zoned out once everyone was gone, I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall. "Tell me again you're not involved with, my mate, you f*****g liar!" "Dom..." "Look at me, have you been involved with my mate, Brother?!" my voice was a growl, I wanted to kill someone, starting with him. He looked me right in the eye without flinching. "Tonia and I haven't nor will we ever be involved, but the truth is, that my wolf has been pushing it, Letty's been gone, Dom, but I would never do that to you, little brother, I have fought against all insects to take her from you, but I'm not going to betray you like that." His words soothed my anger, he was telling me the truth, he's had multiple chances to claim Tonia, and with the arranged marriage at risk, he would've had the best excuse to take Tonia as a mate. Slowly I put my brother down, he looked so defeated, like Liam he had clung to Jesse like an anchor, to keep him centered. "We need to find them, Dom, I can't lose my son too." "How long can you cover for me?" "A month tops, why?" "I'm going after, Tonia, Brianna's plan to discredit her in front of us, only gave us a clue of who's doing all this." "How?" "How did she know who Joe was?" Eric, thought about but he came to the same conclusion, if she wasn't involved she wouldn't. So I went to change and packed some supplies. Waited for the guards to leave before going after Tonia. (Tonia's POV) I ran the whole length of the res. then ran here, I quickly changed and sprayed myself with that spray Liam got me and put it in my go bag, and put on my shoes. gave a quick look around and closed my door. To my surprise there he was the old wolf. "Let's move!" he ran ahead of me and for some reason I followed. "Where did they take the kids?" I asked he didn't answer, we just ran until we reached a part of the res. wall made of concrete, it seemed they gave up on the idea halfway, I could see why, the wall was tall and I'm guessing thick too. He made his nails into claws, he turned to me. "Head southeast, you'll get answers." "Why can't you just tell me what's going on?" "You won't believe me, there you'll find answers you need." I looked at him, then back the way we came, then did as he did with my claws, and he lead me up the wall. Once over the wall, he left me and I continued on my own, southeast. I got a few things of food in a gas station and a few other things, like a map and to my surprise they had compasses, they taught us about this in the training, I had to laugh to myself as how i was using all of this now. I walked for a few hours, when it got dark, and if I was too tired, I climb up a tree and sleep or, phase with my pack tied to my back, and continue on. As I got further southeast, I was running into a lot of swampy areas, the freakin, bugs were worse, and people were a little more trigger happy. I actually ran into a 80 something year old grandma, with a shotgun after she saw who I was, she warmed up a bit and offered me some food, best pie I have ever eaten, she offered me a place to sleep, but I thanked for the food, and headed back on the road, I left some money on the counter. According to what she told me I was in South Dakota, so I guess I was on the right path..right. I was just leaving South Dakota behind, when one day I over heard, some hobos talking about a scary building and possibly experiments being done there, they said they might have big foot in there too, then I heard on say that they had the famous dog man, I asked what way? They closed up until, I offered some food or money, they pointed me about an few hours from the border of South Dakota and Iowa, I thanked them and headed there. "Be careful out there missy, they might have one dog man in there but there's still more out there, they don't stay closed up where they have 'em, they might be waiting for a sweet thing like you." "I'll keep that in mind, thanks." With those last words I walked away in the direction, they had said. When I walked into the forest I suddenly felt watched, and followed. I let my ears and nose tell me who and what, I was getting good at relying on them. Males, and pretty sure wolf. I moved slow and calm, but I could feel them around me. They started to make noises, if I hadn't known it was them, I probably would be scared, but I just walked faster, until I felt someone ram into me, then everything was still, they were gone. "Dominic?" "Where the hell are you going?" "Why do you care, just let me go!" He had me pinned to ground, and I tried to get him off but the man was solid. "Fine!" I said and he got off me and helped me up, I took out the paper I had found at the research hospital and he looked at it.When he saw the name, he looked at me. "Your mother's name." "Why was her name on a activated sheet, what did she do or why..." "Shhh." he stopped me and soon a few men stepped out around us. "You two seem lost, you were warned to stay away." said one of the men. "We were?" I asked looking at Dominic, maybe they had a territory thing going on, but the man was looking at me. "Don't get cheeky with me, b***h!" "Hey!" "You were warned to stay away, now get lost!" "I have no idea what you are talking about!" They started to close ranks on us, we were going to die. "Stand down!" came a voice and all the wolves, knelt down on one knee. The new arrival walked toward me and Dominic, who was holding me behind him. His eyes looked me over. "Come here girl." "She's fine right where she is." Dominic growled but I put a hand on his shoulder, he glanced at me, and I nodded, reluctantly he let me pass. The man did a full circle around me, then stood right in front of me. "It's not her, or at least not all of her, what do you want?' I was stumped, who were they talking about, not all of who. I shrugged my shoulders. "Someone told me I'd get answers if I came here, so I came here." "Who did?" "I don't know his name, he just told me to come here." The man seemed to realize something, and nodded to his men, who ran ahead of us, and he pointed with his head in the same direction. Dominic and I followed, a little like in the other res. this one had houses and people but here you saw more women and children. The houses were a little more together too. A few girls roughly my age, sneered at me and came out drooling with Dominic, which he ignored.We reached a house it wasn't huge but it looked big, maybe for a family of one child, and mom and dad. it felt empty almost lonely. "Wait, here." I looked around for a second, there were no pictures of anyone, no portraits of anyone. I was nervous, and scared there was this nagging feeling inside me. When I heard the footsteps, I turned. The man standing there was big, standing at least six feet tall, gray hair and beard, both trimmed and well out. The one thing I recognized was the eyes, the old wolf that had turned me and all, had eyes like this man. The man too, seemed to realize something and came closer to me.he smelled of sage and fresh cut grass. "What's your name, girl?" "Ton...Tonia." "Tonia what?" "Tonia Cruz." I answered and the man looked at me sternly. "Do you have any marks or scars?" I looked at Dominic, he was really uneasy, but gave me a nod. "I have one down here by my ribs." "Show me." I hesitated but lifted my shirt to show the man. "That little bastard." "Excuse me?" The man looked at me he seemed to drain of color a little, he then turned to look at his man, then back at me. "You aren't who you say you are, why are you lying?" "I'm not, my name is Tonia Cruz, my mother and father are Victor and Elena Cruz." "There's the lie, only my kin wear that scar, we make that scar when our pups are young and as time passes we can identify our kin." I felt cold, and a little dizzy. What was happening. "Maybe this might help." He gave me a picture of a man and a woman, it was scary but it was like I was looking at an older version of me, but her eyes were black not brown like mine, but the man in the other picture did but in this one, he had hair, his skin tone was tan, and he was smiling, the old wolf. I couldn't breath. "My son and his...mate." the man said a little edge in his voice. "What was his name." I asked tears falling from my eyes. "Antonio Torres." I looked up at the man I now realized could be my grandfather.
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