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(Tonia's POV) "This isn't true..my...my." "It seems to be true." I was fighting not to have a break down when the door opened again and in came a woman, she was smiling until she saw us. "What's going on here?"she asked calmly her voice very soothing. "Nancy, I..." The woman quickly walked over to me not letting her husband speak, the woman liked mad for a second until she looked into my eyes, and the she too was in tears. "I see him, Roberto, I see our Tony." "Nancy, our son is long dead, love." I looked at the man and I understood what he had done. She hugged me and I hugged her back. It just felt right,  this woman could be my grandmother. "Jasper, send for a DNA test, then we'll finish talking." "DNA test nothing, she's our granddaughter, she looks just like Angelina and she has her father's eyes." "I'd rather be sure." He said obviously he didn't tell his wife her son was alive. "Ma'am..." "Oh, please call me grandma, I know who you are even if Roberto doesn't tell me, this old woman knows her children's children."  I smiled at her. "Grandma, let's sit down while we wait for that test." She talked away asking questions, about what I was up to and how I had found them, while Roberto's Second Jasper drew blood from my arm. "Yes, how's your mother dear, I heard about the accident that took my Tony." I glared at her husband, who calls himself a father. "She died a few hours after she gave birth to me, I was adopted. sense nobody knew Mom and Dad had family." "Oh, Beto, you didn't tell me that." He glared at me, but his eyes softened when they were on his wife. "I wasn't sure what had happened dear, but so it seems we might have a grand daughter." I looked up at him, as he said that, my nerves were so bad, but I controlled myself, at least until the results came back. My mind was a whirl of thoughts was this really happening, I felt like I should be on a Muary episode. Had Mom cheated on Dad, or had I really been adopted and I had no idea. We had a pleasent talk with Nancy when the test results came back. The men talked for a minute, then Roberto, cleared his throat. "Let's talk in my office." Jasper came to stand next to me, waiting to follow me, I stood up and so did Dominic."alone." "Like hell..." "Dom, I got this, I'll scream if I need help." I put my hands on his chest to hold him back, he looked down at me, he really didn't want to leave me alone with Roberto, but just nodded and I followed Roberto, followed closely by Jasper. Once we were in the office, Jasper left us alone, closing the doors behind us. I looked around for a second, the office was empty of any expression, there was no color. The desk looked a little worn, the chair's paint was peeling and there was just a normal light in the ceiling lighting the room. "Rethinking if you want to claim this family?" I heard the not so funny joke in there, but I just shrugged, he had answered the heavy question with his own question. "I wasn't sure what I was here for, but now I know. You lied to your wife, why?"  He didn't seem abashed , by my question. "That woman brain washed my son, and pulling him away from his future as an Alpha of this pack, so I made him decide, he made his choice." "You kicked him out, but that doesn't explain..everything." Roberto sat forward in his chair as he looked at me. "What has he told you?" "It's more he's shown me, he turned me by injecting me with his blood, I've seen what they did to him....what they did to my mother." That seemed to touch something, but it was gone in a second. "They promised to only take that b***h, they would leave him alone..." "If he didn't get in the way, but she was his love...and she was carrying his child." "She was nothing but a gold digging tramp, and you a unfortunate product of that!" "He was your son, you sold him out to those men, they murdered my mother in front of him, and then turned around and tortured him, trying to find what makes him the beast he was!" He sat back in his chair, and shrugged. "Unfortunate." I huff a small laugh, and got to my feet. "To answer your question, from earlier, I don't want s**t from you, you sorry excuse for a father and mate, all I can say is I'm glad you were knocked down, what was she digging for, when you have nothing." He glared at me, and was holding on so tightly to his desk his knuckles were white and his desk was cracking. I took the test results and looked at them, there was a 99.9 % to Antonio Torres. This man behind the desk, was my grandfather. I looked him and ripped the test results in his face. "Forget I ever came here, you don't want me and I want nothing from you." "What so I tell your grandmother?" "Tell her I wasn't your grand child, your son died without an heir." With that, I turned and left the office, Dominic and Jasper stood up and I walked up to Dominic, I grabbed my bag and pulled him with me out the door. We walked in silence for a while until we were completely out of there. "Tonia?" "Tonia!" we both turned to watch Jasper walking toward us. "You coming to kill us?" Dominic asked. Jasper grinned but looked at me with a serious expression. "I know a place you two can stay the night, come on." We followed him to a bunker, kinda like the ones Dominic and his pack had, I guess minds think alike. The only difference was that this one had a wood stove inside, he got to cooking us some food. "I grew up with your father,  you know, I was to be his second, he was my best friend." "How was he?" "Serious, he was exactly what Roberto wanted, a loyal, dedicated, at the time focused." "What happened?" I asked as he handed me a plate of food. "She happened." Jasper handed Dominic a plate too and they both sat down. "He wasn't sure at first, but he just couldn't seem to get her out of his head, he started making whatever excuse he could to see her." "How did my mother get here?" "She was a nurse, for some reason she wanted to settle in the last place anyone should want to settle in, before we had to move out here we were further southeast, North Carolina mainly." "Did she have any family?" "No, she told Tony, she had grown up in foster homes, that's why Roberto calls her a gold digger, she didn't have anything, so she was looking to take from Tony, but she had told him to stay away, oh, boy you have no idea how messed up your father was, when she rejected him, he was messing up things, until Tony snapped and announced it to all of us that she was his mate and he wasn't leaving her alone, that's when Roberto told him he had a choice to make, the pack or her. She begged Tony to stay with us, but he chose to leave." I was shaking and Dominic covered my hand with his. "So he gave him up, to the researchers." "That night I went to warn them, but I was too late, we never heard about them again, I came and told Roberto, it tore him up, but he convinced himself he had done the right thing." I was fighting back the tears, my anger toward my grandfather was overwhelming. "Now he can die in the knowledge I won't be there." "Is he really still out there?" "He attacked my...family, and killed my mother, brother, and my aunt, and turned my cousin." Jasper looked a little shocked at the news. "How old were you?" "Nine." "But this family raised you?" "Yeah." Jasper ate some of his food and was thinking through something. "I've heard of rumors, I'm not sure, but you weren't the only one to be given to a human family." "Why would they do that and where did they get the kids?" "That's what I'm not sure." I finally looked at my food and realized how hungry I was and started to eat. I felt Jasper glance at me, it felt weird, like he was putting things together. "DO you know about the research hospitals?" "Yes, there's one about a mile away from us, why?" "Is it up a running or is it abandoned?" "It's working, but we've left them alone, mostly because they've left us alone." "We're looking for two kids, they took and we want to make sure they aren't in there." "They'll kill you before you get that close." "We can't die unless it's with silver bullets." "Which they have, and are using." I sighed deeply and rubbed my face, then got up to put my dirty dish in the sink, and washed it. "Let's sleep on it and we'll come up with a plan." said Dominic, I finished and turned to look at the men, they both were waiting for my answer. "Fine, tomorrow." Jasper nodded and he too took his plate and washed it, once done he told us where we could find blankets and to have a good night, on the way out he gave me a look, it was weird. There were two twin size beds, we got comfy and turned out the light. "Dominic?" "Yeah?' "Do you trust them?" "No, not really, but I have a feeling Jasper isn't the back stabbing type, do you?" "I'm not sure, I'm getting strange vibes, like this whole thing is a big lie, but I don't know." He agreed by stretching and yawning, after a while I dozed off, letting my dreams to possibly show me what I was missing. It was the same dreams, but now I could FEEL something different, distant, fear, anger, and uncertainty. And sickness, like there was a wrongness in one of them. Things started to play out in my dreams to, again. Like bigger pieces of a puzzle were falling into place, but it went back to the original events, they were both tied down and they were doing God awful things to them both. (Dominic's POV) Sleep was slowly washing over me, Tonia had gone to sleep, but what felt like minutes later, when it had been two hours later. I heard mumbling and sudden jerking sounds, when I looked over, Tonia was talking in her sleep and was trying to fight of something in her dreams. All too soon, she started to scream and I jumped up and got to her, to wake her. "Toni, Toni wake!" "Let go of me!" "Toni!" She jerked once and then her eyes were on me, her breathing heavy, her body trembled, and sweat covered her face. "Hey, sorry...damn nightmares." "How long have you had them?" "Sense he turned me, I keep seeing what happened to him and...my...her. Now...that I know...who they are...it's makes everything worse." Her voice broke and she started to cry, which I wondered why it hadn't happened earlier, but she was hurt, more then she let on. I pulled her close to me and she just let it all go. Tonia was tough, but she had to realize some part of her was still human. "We'll find out the truth, the kids, everything will be okay." She just nodded and we sat there for a moment, once she was calm, I slowly pulled away, and was about to go back to my bed, when she stopped me. "Will you sleep with me, please, I don't want to be alone." I felt a warmth spread in my chest, there's nothing I would love nothing more then to hold her, feel her warmth, just knowing she's there next to me. "Sure." We got comfortable, she laid her head on my chest and soon we were sleeping again.
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