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(Dominic's POV) After we got back, Eric, told me to stay away from, Tonia, I had almost argued but, that was one side of my brother I hadn't seen before, the man was down right scary. He wanted to see what Tonia would do now that she was turned one of a few things always to to happen: total blood lust, mass killings, or for the lucky few nothing, they were at peace with their beast. I explained that Tonia hadn't done any of that, but Eric was convinced that was because there had been, a stronger wolf with her, he wanted to make sure she was someone we could trust. Liam had gone to his house to tell her, she had to leave, and Eric was taking her to a house up the road from him and Katy. That day Eric returned from leaving Tonia, I smelled her on him, and my jealousy went up. He had touched her, when I couldn't. After that day every two days, he went to see her, and every time he smelled like her, that had my thoughts coming up with reasons, and it was pissing me off. I knew Tonia had returned to work, but I wasn't allowed to go get Jesse either. One night, I couldn't take it anymore, I followed Eric, to the house. Hiding until I got my chance, to look inside, there was nobody inside. I followed his scent, and it lead to the forest, I finally found them, and to my horror, Tonia was walking out in a bra and panties. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself, as I watched her walk up to Eric, and knelt down. He whispered in her ear, my insides churned with anger. "It's always going to hurt the first time, Tonia, but then you get use to the feeling." "How do others do it so easily, cheaters." He smiled, that made my blood boil. "They do it all the time, after the first time, it gets easier." "Okay let's do it." I saw red, and I ran out hollering at my brother and just running right at him. "Dom, what the hell?!" I rammed right into him and blocked my punches, then I felt teeth in my back. We both looked and found Tonia, fully phased into wolf. "Damn, that's the fastest I had ever seen someone phase." Eric shoved me off of him and I stood stunned, Tonia looked so beautiful. Her fur was an bronze color,like what you saw in red wolves, her wolf form was medium sized but strong, I was speechless. "What the hell are you doing here, I told you to stay away!?" "Yeah, all the while you putting your hands all over my mate!" "Don't be stupid, Dom, she needs me here to help her phase, she's been scared to do it on her own." "How convenient, I can help her just was well!" "You're engaged, Dominic!" "According to you, I haven't agreed to anything!" "Stop acting like a child!" Those words rang out and it pissed me off, I wanted to hit my brother but he was also my Alpha all I could do was glared up at him. "She's mine, and no matter what you or anyone else does is going to change that." I glanced at her and then one more time at Eric, and walked back to the house. (Tonia's POV) I watched Dominic walk away as his words ran through me, this was one of the things Eric and I had talked about in the past few days, more because he didn't want Dominic to force the mark on me, not that I'd fight it, I wanted to be with Dominic, but I didn't want to betray Eric, by making it easy for Dominic, Eric has told me that the marriage was a act of good faith, between the government and the wolves, he wasn't the only one asked to do this. I wondered why he didn't offer Amelia, that's how it usually went, but according to Eric, The secretary didn't have sons, just the one daughter. I wasn't going to be the one to cause a war. As soon as Dominic was gone, I went back to my house, Eric followed me back, I took a breath and braced myself, for the change and was back to human in ten minutes. I was on the floor, shaking and aching all over, this past few days, Eric had been explaining how to phase, and by accident one day I was practicing and ended up phasing, it wasn't a full moon, that night. Eric was looking into things but hasn't come up with anything, except that my color was usual  for this part of the country. He asked where my parents had been from and how long had I lived in the state,  I answered the questions as best I could, because it was making me nervous what he was asking. So my dreams were back, I saw what they had done to the wolf, the torture he had endured. There was no name to what they had done to him, but also what he had done to others in order to have revenge, all the young men and women he had killed. After a while Eric came to cover me in a blanket, if was weird how I never thought touch was so important, until recently. Eric as the Alpha, his touch was so fatherly, and comforting. One simple touch could tell me a lot of how he was feeling, mad, frustrated, comforting, or just reaffirming. At first I thought he was making advances toward me, but no, my wolf felt the connection to a leader..a teacher. I sat up making the rest of the shaky feeling and aches go away. Eric looked at me lost in thought, but then looked away. "What's wrong?" "You need to stay away from Dom, from now on, Tonia, he has a duty to this pack and if he's to do it, he can't have you around him, telling him..." "I agree, so what do you suggest?" It tore me inside to say those things, but Eric was right, I couldn't stay and I didn't want to watch as Dominic walked around like some kind of lap dog with Brianna, he might be my mate, but I can find someone else too. "I'm not sure yet, but I'll let you know." I nodded and he got up and headed out of my house, I got up after a while and headed into the kitchen. I started to eat everything I could find. This was why I was so big before, I'm an emotional eater, when I'm sad, stressed, or mad I would eat. Now however, it didn't matter how much I ate, my body was burning it fast. By the time I got to the ice cream I started to cry, I had just found him and now I was going to lose him. A few minutes later I stopped and headed to bed. The next morning I phased and went out for a run, like I did every morning, but this time, I could sense someone following me, I ran faster, until I felt them ram into me. We tumbled, once we stopped he was on top of me, but I had no idea who he was, the wolf was gray in color, but then I remembered. I quickly phased back, slipping a oversize shirt I carried with me. "Joe?" He took a while but once he was changed, he laid shaking and breathing heavy on the ground. "Hey." He had changed completely into human,  he had a human face now. Brown hair, greed emerald eyes, and a charming smile, his hair cut neatly into a fade which only made him more handsome. His muscles a little thin, but otherwise he looked healthy. He got to his feet and stood in front of me, completely naked, and not at all bashful about it. I on the other hand was so I just looked to the side. "How did they fix you?" "I have no idea but Eric, he's a miracle worker." I smiled and nodded. It felt weird like, Joe had lied but he truly believed what he was saying. "He seems to be huh, anyway, it's great to see you're back to normal, I really hope it works out for you, I have to get back and get ready for my class." "Hey, I know we don't know each other, but I was wondering could I have a hug, I really was worried about you." There it was again, that tone screaming it was a lie, but his face and voice said it wasn't. I had been a little worried for him too, but not enough to ask for a hug now that we saw each other again. He opened his arms, and even though something inside me was screaming not to i wanted to, so instead I put out m fist for him to bump it. That was a mistake, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms,  he was a whole head taller then me, but he brought his mouth over mine, with no effort at all. Then picked me up, and pinned me against a large bolder, sticking his tongue into my mouth, as I tried to get him off me. Finally I bit down on his lip, and kicked him in the balls. "Why the f**k did you do that for!?" "For being an ass hole!" I said and walked away back to my house, by the time I got ready, and headed to school, the memory of that was out of my mind. At school, I had lunch with Katy, Jesse, and sometimes Amelia. I felt like something had really drove a wedge between us, she wasn't really talking to me anymore. Right after I had some papers to check before class started so I headed back to my class, I was half way through my papers when my lights went out, I looked toward the class window, the lights outside where fine, then I looked at the back of the class, at the second which in the back, why did they have that I had no idea. I walked carefully and tried the lights they didn't work, but before I could move, someone pulled me into the coat closet. I fought until I felt his warm lips on mine. "Dominic, what are you doing..." I kissed me harder and I didn't finish my question, I kissed him back. He kissed my neck, and down along my shirt. "Dominic, stop." I said but it came out breathy, as his hand was coming up my leg. "Do you really want me too?" he whispered in my ear, nipping on my earlobe. Making my body start to warm up, no I didn't want him to stop. "We're in a coat closet, Dominic." "How long until recess is over?" I looked at my watch. "fifteen minutes." "I've always liked a challenge." He suddenly picked me up and sat me down on the spare desk I had back here, his skilled fingers had me going crazy, I had to bit my lip so I didn't make a sound. Right when I felt him, move my panties to the side, I heard a knock at my classroom door. "s**t!" "Ignore it." "Tonia?" I felt Dominic freeze and groaned, it was Amelia. He looked at me and gave me a wolfish smile, then kissed me so deeply I was completely breathless. "This isn't over." With that I just heard the door click and he was gone. I fixed myself up as best I could, and walked out of the closet. "That's very disappointing." Said Amelia behind me when I walked out of the closet. "Nothing happened." "The fact that, Eric told you the reason you and Dom can't be together..." "Like the way he told you to stay away from, Liam, don't get all high and mighty with me Amelia." She gave me a look, and we sat there looking at each other for a minute, then the lights came on and the bell rang.Then came up to my desk where I was sitting. "I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." with that she walked out of my classroom. I fixed my hair and my clothes and my day went on. I soon got the news that Brianna had come back into town, and the wedding planning was in full throttle. That news hurt me, but I guess everyone was right, I needed to let him go, I wasn't going to be the mistress, the other woman or whatever the term. So I avoided anytime there was a chance I could run into Dominic. Then one night they were having their engagement party, I didn't go. I stayed home enjoying a movie, when something got my attention, there was someone outside my window. I went outside and found the old wolf. "They're having quit a party in honor of those two." "Are you here to rub it in, because.." "Actually, I was going to say that's one heck of a way to hide what's really going on." I looked up at him, then a feeling of dread swept over me. "What do you mean, by that?" He shrugged, then looked toward something. "You know a child grows so fast, we should enjoy those years when they want to be with us." "What the hell is..." Kids, he was talking about kids, I looked in the direction he was looking. "Katy!" I said and without thinking I ran down the road toward Liam's house. I ran into brushes and low branches I didn't even care, when I got to Liam's house, I was pounding not knocking, Mrs. Jules answered a little sleepily, but also spooked. "Tonia, what's wrong!?" "Where's Katy?" "Sleeping, why?" I pushed past her and walked into Katy's room, the bed was empty. "Oh, my God!" she gasped, I turned back to her, she looked ready to pass out. "Where's Liam?" "He went to the engagement party with Ms. Amelia..." I ran out the door before she could finish, and toward the gold house. Security, tried to stop me, but I ran past them they called it in. I ran up the stairs to Jesse's room, I just ran in, and found the bed empty in here too.The lights turned on and guns were pointing toward me, soon Eric came in closely followed by Dominic, Amelia, and Liam. "What's the meaning of  this?!" asked Eric, but when he saw me, he calmed down for a second. "Someone took the kids, Jesse and Katy are gone."
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